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转载 Problem to connect as SYSDBA(zt from asktom)

Hi there,I am running Oracle 8.1.7 EE on SUN Solaris. I created two databasesSUGAR and TestDb (I need one to do so...

2005-06-14 16:04:35 116

转载 relation between consistent gets and arraysize(zt from asktom)

Consistenet gets is based upon re-constructing a blockfor consistent read. Hence it is a function of only then...

2005-06-07 09:03:21 146

转载 about tune db cache

i have 8174 db.how can i know that i have the db buffer too small?thanksFollowup: trick question.you have to...

2005-05-19 18:34:05 144


-- Thanks for the question regarding "DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PROCESSES, SESSIONS AND CONNECTIONS", version

2005-04-28 10:06:57 130

转载 Calling Export from Pl/sql using C external proc

http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/ask/f?p=4950:8:::::F4950_P8_DISPLAYID:1993409963502Sudee -- Thanks for the question r...

2005-04-27 23:26:45 101

转载 sql to get data from flat file(zt from asktom)

Nag -- Thanks for the question regarding "sql to get data from flat file-- this is mind blowing", version 8.1.7o...

2005-04-27 08:39:12 156

转载 how tom write pagenation sql

http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/ask/f?p=4950:8:::::F4950_P8_DISPLAYID:25685777038588in general your query won't get t...

2005-04-27 00:58:48 75


The purpose of this document is to provide an easy to use, step by stepguide to resolving ORA-04031 errors.C...

2005-04-26 07:41:32 159

转载 about date manipulation(zt asktom)

How to get the the date of first day of the week for a given week #? For example, the beginning day for week# 34 ...

2005-04-26 05:29:59 88

转载 不要和陌生人喝酒(安全警告)


2005-04-25 11:39:00 251

转载 how to send html email through utl_smtp

You Asked (Jump to Tom's latest followup)Hi TomI hope I'm phrasing this correctly...I'd like to be able to send ...

2005-04-25 11:09:10 229

转载 One way for str2table(zt asktom)

Mohammad -- Thanks for the question regarding "list all user(s) group by group_list", version 8.1.7originally su...

2005-04-22 12:50:11 120

转载 index creattion guidelines.

很多人都会为如何创建索引发愁, 在什么情况下需要创建索引? 对哪些字段创建索引? 创建什么索引?下面就是对应的答案, 来自Oracle perf tunning guide.Choosing Columns and Expres...

2005-04-22 12:00:24 101

转载 use of dbms_random.(zt www.dbazine.com)

Building a Random Character Value Generator Oracle Databa...

2005-04-21 08:37:35 284

转载 procedure who_called_me (zt)

create or replace procedure who_called_me( owner out varchar2, name out varchar...

2005-04-21 02:55:51 281

转载 how to use dbms_application_info

1. 使用dbms_application_info设置longops的相关信息, 这样我们就可以使用v$session_longops视图来监控我们的程序执行的进度了^_^.在第一个session中执行一个执行时间比较长的匿名...

2005-04-20 00:04:29 125

转载 Why dose Oracle have 2 fetches for 1 exectuion on dual?(zt)

上次过去Rudolf问我的问题, 一时不知怎么回答, 其实我很少使用trprof进行诊断, 只是在使用执行计划与相关系统信息都不能找出较优或者无法找到问题的时候, 才会考虑使用tkprof来解决问题. 这位老兄的帖子刚好解决了我...

2005-04-19 20:31:53 87

转载 Preventing Oracle from Using an Index(zt)

Preventing Oracle from Using an IndexCompliments of Oracle FAQIn certain cases, you may want to disable the use ...

2005-04-18 09:19:38 83

转载 something about initial parameter int LMT.

initial and lmt - 8i July 09, 2003 Reviewer: M. Bento from Lisbon, Portugal When moving a table into a uniform ...

2005-04-15 11:15:56 82

转载 moving tables across tablespaces(zt from asktom)

Raghu -- Thanks for the question regarding "moving tables across tablespaces", version originally submitted on 2...

2005-04-15 09:05:51 100

转载 how to transform from rows to columns(zt from asktom)

G -- Thanks for the question regarding "Rows into columns", version 9.0.1originally submitted on 24-Jan-2004 20:20...

2005-04-14 14:48:07 115

转载 Update statement and Null-values(zt from asktom)

David -- Thanks for the question regarding "Update statement and Null-values -- update a table from another table"...

2005-04-14 00:14:53 81

转载 今天遇到一件狂郁闷的事情.

^_^....[@more@] ...

2005-04-13 20:09:45 83

转载 how to change to archivelog mode(zt from asktom)

今天在asktom上看到这么一个帖子, 觉得比较简洁明了, 这也是tom的一贯风格.Can we use the init.ora created from spfile to recreate spfile in case o...

2005-04-13 11:43:02 87

转载 how to bind in list in Oracle7/8 (zt from asktom)

Mark -- Thanks for the question regarding "In list question with bind variables.", version originally submitted ...

2005-04-13 11:35:58 71

转载 how to user bind var with dbms_job

Subhash -- Thanks for the question regarding "DBMS_JOB -- how to pass parameters to the job", version 8.0.5origina...

2005-04-13 00:21:55 68

转载 Problem about small table

昨天出于无聊, 测试了一下关于Oracle9idual表的相关处理.发现一个问题, 对于很小的表, 使用full table 桑蚕并不是最好的选择..:-)SQL> create table dual_x(dummy va...

2005-04-11 22:22:25 65

转载 一个显示对应日期的日历的sql函数^_^.

出于无聊写了这个函数, 供大家赏玩.:-)上次贴这个数据的时候, 忘记将对应的数据类型贴出来, 这里将他补齐.create type DATABAK.date_obj as object ( month varchar...

2005-04-07 16:37:24 128

转载 怎么在多个session之间共享全局变量

Hi Tom,We have a similar requirement to have global values accesible across multiple sessions.We are currently in ...

2005-04-06 13:50:45 350

转载 undo_retention and undo reuse (zt from asktom)

Reviewer: hk from Finland Original questioner asked also:"How do I know if I actually do need 3.5G undo spaceo...

2005-04-06 11:21:30 111

转载 使用with处理报表处理一例

with sum_obj as( select nvl(county_code,'合计') county_code, sum(case when color_flag = 0 then obje...

2005-04-06 10:35:51 68

转载 about temp files

Thanks for the quick response.Is there a way to force temp files to be created as non-sparse files in UNIX ? Follo...

2005-04-04 11:22:30 79

转载 about temp segments(zt from asktom)

May 07, 2002 Reviewer: A reader Hi Tom,When user is doing sort operation.oracle first do sort in memory(sort_ar...

2005-04-04 05:50:54 188

转载 reduce tns look up time

Reviewer: A reader Hi I just asked about meaning of connect_timeout... I wanted to ask somthing more, in some ser...

2005-04-01 09:41:17 117

转载 logical reads vs physical (zt from asktom)

please correct me if my understanding is wrong.LIO - from/to the buffer cache ( not disk ).PIO - to/from the dis...

2005-03-31 13:17:29 161

转载 how to get an pivat table

1. use dual table and connect by . ( 转载自 hotsos )SQL> @aaa.sqlSQL> with x as ( 2 select trunc(s...

2005-03-29 23:17:44 74

转载 由ora-1652想到的.

最近在itpub上看到这个帖子http://www.itpub.net/338792.html, 引发我下面要说的话.1. :-)楼主在描述问题的时候, 并没有将她/他遇到的问题描述清楚.我在建实体化视图的时...

2005-03-29 10:11:23 78

转载 使用bitand/views来处理有很多flag的表.

我们的系统每天都有一张大表, 主要是用来做报表处理的. 这个表的字段数目相当多, 目前已经达到50多个字段了, 其中有40个是标志字段. 受oracle系统表设计的影响, 我想到一下的方法来出里对应的表.1. Oracle的...

2005-03-28 18:43:22 111

转载 Using Grouping_id() in aggregate.

You Asked (Jump to Tom's latest followup)Hi TomI never really understood the usage of GROUPING_ID function in OT...

2005-03-28 18:41:09 75

转载 something about latch algorithm

Reviewer: A reader from NJ, USA Tom,I reviewed your book (Expert One-on-One Oracle and Oracle Perf. By design, C...

2005-03-28 17:38:42 70



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