Domino6 的程序到 domino8上时的报错

Lotus Domino (r) Server, Release 8.0, August 02, 2007
Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1987, 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Restart Analysis (0 MB): 100%
2010-04-21 22:47:32   Recovery Manager: Restart Recovery complete. (0/0 database
s needed full/partial recovery)
2010-04-21 22:47:33   Event Monitor started
2010-04-21 22:47:33   Warning: All Domino Domain Monitoring probes are disabled
resulting in the loss of valuable diagnostic information. Please configure DDM p
robes in events4.nsf. Assess DDM reports in ddm.nsf.
2010-04-21 22:47:37   Server started on physical node YNTEL-A9FF1F76C
2010-04-21 22:47:37   The Console file is e:\mail6\data\IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT\co
2010-04-21 22:47:37   Console Logging is ENABLED
2010-04-21 22:47:38   Database Server started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Index update process started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Database Replicator started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Replicator is set to Ignore Database Quotas
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Calendar Connector started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Schedule Manager started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Agent Manager started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Rooms and Resources Manager started
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Mail Router started for domain YNTOA
2010-04-21 22:47:39   Router: Internet SMTP host mail6 in domain
2010-04-21 22:47:40   SchedMgr: Informational: Schedule Manager is responsible f
or the busytime database on this server.
2010-04-21 22:47:40   SchedMgr: Validating schedule database
2010-04-21 22:47:40   RnRMgr: Informational: Schedule Manager is responsible for
 the busytime database on this server.
2010-04-21 22:47:40   Admin Process: HUB_SERVER/server/YNT is the Administration
 Server of the Domino Directory.
2010-04-21 22:47:40   RnRMgr: Validating schedule database
2010-04-21 22:47:40   Administration Process started
2010-04-21 22:47:40   POP3 Server: Starting...
2010-04-21 22:47:40   LDAP Server: Starting...
2010-04-21 22:47:40   IMAP Server: Starting...
2010-04-21 22:47:40   RnRMgr: Done validating schedule database
2010-04-21 22:47:40   DIIOP Server: Starting...
2010-04-21 22:47:40   AMgr: Executive '2' started. Process id '3120'
2010-04-21 22:47:40   SchedMgr: Done validating schedule database
2010-04-21 22:47:40   SMTP Server: Starting...
2010-04-21 22:47:40   HTTP Server: Using Internet Site Configuration View
2010-04-21 22:47:40   AMgr: Executive '1' started. Process id '2900'
2010-04-21 22:47:41   LDAP Server: Serving directory names.nsf in the
Internet domain
2010-04-21 22:47:41   LDAP Schema: Started loading...
2010-04-21 22:47:41   LDAP Schema: Finished loading
2010-04-21 22:47:41   POP3 Server: Started
2010-04-21 22:47:41   IMAP Server: Started
2010-04-21 22:47:41   DIIOP Server: Started
2010-04-21 22:47:42   SMTP Server: Started
2010-04-21 22:47:42   LDAP Server: Started
2010-04-21 22:47:43   Opened session for ynt_admin/YNT (Release 6.5)
> java.lang.SecurityException: Signers o
f '' do not match signers of other classes in package
: This might be due to a configuration problem. Please make sure that ibmjcaprov
ider.jar does not exist in your Notes/Domino program directories.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
        at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
        at java.lang.Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(
        at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at lotus.domino.axis.utils.SessionUtils.(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
        at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
        ... 3 more
2010-04-21 22:47:44   JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP Server: Java Virtual Machine loaded
2010-04-21 22:47:44   Servlet engine initialization was successful
Exception in thread "main" 2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM: java.lang.NoClassDefF
oundError: lotus.domino.axis.utils.SessionUtils (initialization failure)
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(J9
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at java.lang.Class.forNameImpl(Native Me
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at java.lang.Class.forName(
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at
Unknown Source)
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM: Caused by:
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM: java.lang.NullPointerException
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at lotus.domino.axis.utils.SessionUtils.
(Unknown Source)
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImp
l(Native Method)
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(J9
2010-04-21 22:47:44   HTTP JVM:         ... 3 more
2010-04-21 22:47:47   HTTP Server: Started



2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: ----------Constructor end------------
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: 开始计算文档附件,并显示这些附件...
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: 文档中附件个数 = 1
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: 第0处理附件
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: 找到指定的附件:oracle培训讲义.ppt
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: ======结束处理附件=======
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: Login.....Forward
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: 0000000000000000
2010-04-21 22:41:49   HTTP Server: Agent message: oracle培训讲义.ppt
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM: Exception in thread "AgentThread: JavaAgent"
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM: java.lang.InternalError: java.lang.SecurityException: Signers of '' do not match signers of other classes in package
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.rmi.dgc.VMID.computeAddressHash(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.rmi.dgc.VMID.(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at sun.rmi.transport.DGCClient.(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at sun.rmi.transport.ConnectionInputStream.registerRefs(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.releaseInputStream(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.done(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.done(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.lookup(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at java.rmi.Naming.lookup(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at com.gdcn.domino.pool.ConnectionHandler.getPreRmtObj(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at com.gdcn.domino.pool.ConnectionHandler.getRmtObj(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at com.gdcn.domino.pool.RMIConnectionPool.createPoolItem(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at com.gdcn.domino.pool.RMIConnectionPool.getConnection(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at JavaAgent.NotesMain(
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source)
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM:  at Source)
2010-04-21 22:42:04   HTTP JVM: RMICachePoolConsole: init



Signers of '' do not match signers of other classes in package:
This might be due to a configuration problem.
Please make sure that ibmjcaprovider.jar does not exist in your Notes/Domino program directories.
This error can occur when a Domino 6 file named ibmjcaprovider.jar still exists on the machine,
because, for unknown reasons, it was not properly removed during the upgrade.
In Domino 6, the file ibmjcaprovider.jar was used to provide the class listed in the error message.
Due to the change in JVM version for Domino 7, a new jar file is used, ibmjceprovider.jar.
To correct the problem, delete ibmjcaprovider.jar as it is no longer needed.
         其默认路径: Lotus\Domino\ibm-jre\jre\lib\ext\ibmjcaprovider.jar

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