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转载 Question

1. sales organization 与Sales Office 的区别及作用?[Rick] Sales Organization: A sales organization is an organizationa...

2008-01-07 23:32:26 122

转载 error when create po

创建po时,提示如下错误信息Account assignment mandatory for material ******** (enter acc. ass. cat.) Message no. ME 062...

2008-01-07 17:16:47 262

转载 exchange rate维护

在100HRS中,创建的公司工厂都是RMB的,如果没有设置汇率的话,下订单时会报错Enter rate RMB/EUR rate type M for 20068-01-05 in the system setting...

2008-01-07 09:51:25 229

转载 条件类型定价的时段性

在6.34和6.35中有维护了物料的销售价格和销项税税率但在6.40创建订单时,它就死活说找不到销售价格和销项税税率,找了半天才发现我的定价有效期是01/01/2008 to 01/31/2008 而我的创建订单的时间还是只...

2008-01-03 00:55:35 83

转载 客户定义--

6.20 客户帐户组定义从定义的客户帐户组订贷方与收贷方的过程来看,基于它们的作用不一样,设置不同的地方也就是不同用途下所需字段的不同,收贷方明显所需的字段并不需要太多。注意:这节只是修改,客户帐户组订贷方与收贷方已在...

2008-01-03 00:07:29 192

转载 SAP的定义及分配


2008-01-02 23:50:22 313

转载 Question: MWST

100 HRs - page 495; 6.27MWST在customer tax overview里面的MWST对应的Tax class里面有两个值,一个是0, 一个是1.0 对应的desciption是Tax e...

2007-12-30 22:15:31 150

转载 Question: how to use the list and exclusion(A00001 and B00001)?

How to understand the pre-defined rules for A00001 & B00001.A00001 = Which goods can be sell;B00001= Which...

2007-12-30 21:24:28 96

转载 User Exits

SAP的用戶出口(User Exits)用戶出口就是SAP中的Customer Exits或者User Exits什麼叫用戶出口呢?打個比方說吧,SAP軟體就象一根晾衣服的繩子,上面有數不清的衣架,多數衣架上已經掛上了衣服,就些...

2007-12-26 11:18:18 139

转载 7 steps of "Define and Assign Pricing Procedures

1. Matain pricing procedures;2. Define customer pricing procedure;3. Define document pricing procedure;4. As...

2007-12-25 20:22:27 77

转载 Question : SAP IMG的分配规律

在SAP IMG里面,其实有一定的规律,要找出里面的规律,当你要找某一个定义或者执行的时候可以快速定位在哪一个level:Todo: 找出其中的规律IMG_Outlook.JPG ...

2007-12-24 22:08:16 62

转载 setup a 100_HRs folder to store the 100 hr notes

Please remember to set your 100 hr notes with the category "100_HRs". ...

2007-12-24 21:37:07 91

转载 Question: 定义项是否具有通用性?


2007-12-24 14:18:53 66

转载 Question: 集团公司底下的销售组织


2007-12-23 22:42:40 74

转载 [SOVLED] Question: Define a distribution Channel

while we are defining a DC, we need to select the code for the DC.But when you press F1 on the DC table, you wil...

2007-12-23 22:25:03 90

转载 Unit3 Sales and Distribution Processes

1. PreSales Activites See Detail:http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_02/helpdata/en/08/ee9e0f994511d194df00a0c930...

2007-12-21 00:43:46 133

转载 Analyse Tool - Correlation Curve

Correlation Curve You can use a correlation curve to identify the interrelationships between two or more key fi...

2007-12-20 17:54:32 85

转载 Analyse Tool - ABC Analyses

ABC AnalysisYou can use an ABC analysis to classify characteristic values in order of importance for particular...

2007-12-20 17:16:40 99

转载 SAP IMG 解释

IMG - Implementation Guide(IMG)是SAP系统的配置工具,它可按你公司的要求配置SAP系统以适合你公司的要求。有三种类型的IMG,分别是:1. SAP Reference IMG,可在这里配置SA...

2007-12-20 14:49:19 412

转载 status_update

SCM600 finished, and is going to do the excise and solve the questions.Planned to be finished by the end of this...

2007-12-20 13:51:20 288

转载 Unit 2 SD Organizational Structures

Sales AreasUseSD is organized according to sales organization, distribution channel and division. A combinati...

2007-12-18 22:50:18 113

转载 Standard Analyses: Sales Information System

Standard Analyses: Sales Information SystemIn the standard system, the following standard analyses are availabl...

2007-12-18 16:32:02 53

转载 unit 1 Navigation

Exercise 1:Nothing special, and there are some tips: 1. all client have two default user for admin purpose, US...

2007-12-18 00:03:45 61

转载 Partial Delivery and Complete Delivery

Partial Delivery and Complete DeliveryA customer may specify that he or she will only accept complete delivery ...

2007-12-17 17:02:16 336

转载 partial delivery and item level

partial delivery control 关键字: SD 关于允许做partial delivery的控制在customer-material info record里。TCODE...

2007-12-17 16:33:00 133

转载 setup 10 categories for our blog

setup 10 categories for our blogremember to add your note with the correct category.++++++++++++++++++...

2007-12-15 21:42:45 58

转载 SCM600_wk51计划

Plan of wk51Focus on SCM600:Dondy: unit1-5, and finished the practise 1-8;Rick: unit6-10, and finished the p...

2007-12-15 20:45:45 104



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