HP-unix下安装11G RAC出现的问题(二)



$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n bl870_1,bl870_2 -verbose

Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup

Checking node reachability...

Check: Node reachability from node "bl870_1"
  Destination Node                      Reachable?             
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_1                               yes                    
  bl870_2                               yes                    
Result: Node reachability check passed from node "bl870_1".

Checking user equivalence...

Check: User equivalence for user "oracle"
  Node Name                             Comment                
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_2                               passed                 
  bl870_1                               passed                 
Result: User equivalence check passed for user "oracle".

Checking administrative privileges...

Check: Existence of user "oracle"
  Node Name     User Exists               Comment                
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_2       yes                       passed                 
  bl870_1       yes                       passed                 
Result: User existence check passed for "oracle".

Check: Existence of group "oinstall"
  Node Name     Status                    Group ID               
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_2       exists                    106                    
  bl870_1       exists                    106                    
Result: Group existence check passed for "oinstall".

Check: Membership of user "oracle" in group "oinstall" [as Primary]
  Node Name         User Exists   Group Exists  User in Group  Primary       Comment    
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  bl870_2           yes           yes           yes           yes           passed     
  bl870_1           yes           yes           yes           yes           passed     
Result: Membership check for user "oracle" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] passed.

Administrative privileges check passed.

Checking node connectivity...

Network interface information could not be obtained from any of the nodes.

Network interface information could not be obtained from any of the nodes.

Result: Node connectivity check failed.

Checking system requirements for 'crs'...

Check: Total memory
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       15.97GB (16746204KB)      1GB (1048576KB)           passed   
  bl870_1       15.97GB (16746204KB)      1GB (1048576KB)           passed   
Result: Total memory check passed.

Check: Free disk space in "/tmp" dir
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       5.8GB (6082288KB)         400MB (409600KB)          passed   
  bl870_1       823.85MB (843624KB)       400MB (409600KB)          passed   
Result: Free disk space check passed.

Check: Swap space
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       23.19GB (24317212KB)      1.5GB (1572864KB)         passed   
  bl870_1       23.19GB (24317212KB)      1.5GB (1572864KB)         passed   
Result: Swap space check passed.

Check: System architecture
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       ia64                      ia64                      passed   
  bl870_1       ia64                      ia64                      passed   
Result: System architecture check passed.

Check: Kernel version
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       HP-UX B.11.31             HP-UX B.11.31             passed   
  bl870_1       HP-UX B.11.31             HP-UX B.11.31             passed   
Result: Kernel version check passed.

Check: Operating system patch for "PHKL_35900"
  Node Name     Applied                   Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_35900”未在主机“bl870_2:/”上找到。  PHKL_35900                passed   
  bl870_1       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_35900”未在主机“bl870_1:/”上找到。  PHKL_35900                passed   
Result: Operating system patch check passed for "PHKL_35900".

Check: Operating system patch for "PHKL_36248"
  Node Name     Applied                   Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_36248”未在主机“bl870_2:/”上找到。  PHKL_36248                passed   
  bl870_1       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_36248”未在主机“bl870_1:/”上找到。  PHKL_36248                passed   
Result: Operating system patch check passed for "PHKL_36248".

Check: Operating system patch for "PHKL_36249"
  Node Name     Applied                   Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_36249”未在主机“bl870_2:/”上找到。  PHKL_36249                passed   
  bl870_1       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_36249”未在主机“bl870_1:/”上找到。  PHKL_36249                passed   
Result: Operating system patch check passed for "PHKL_36249".

Check: Operating system patch for "PHKL_35936"
  Node Name     Applied                   Required                  Comment  
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  bl870_2       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_35936”未在主机“bl870_2:/”上找到。  PHKL_35936                passed   
  bl870_1       ERROR:   软件“PHKL_35936”未在主机“bl870_1:/”上找到。  PHKL_35936                passed   
Result: Operating system patch check passed for "PHKL_35936".

Check: Package existence for "OS-Core:B.11.31"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                         OS-Core:B.11.31                 passed         
  bl870_1                         OS-Core:B.11.31                 passed         
Result: Package existence check passed for "OS-Core:B.11.31".

Check: Package existence for "ACXX:C.06.12"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "ACXX:C.06.12".

Check: Package existence for "C-ANSI-C:C.06.12"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "C-ANSI-C:C.06.12".

Check: Package existence for "FORTRAN90:B.11.31.01"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "FORTRAN90:B.11.31.01".

Check: Package existence for "make:3.81"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "make:3.81".

Check: Package existence for "Perl5-64:D.5.8.8"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                         Perl5-64:E.5.8.8.C              passed         
  bl870_1                         Perl5-64:E.5.8.8.C              passed         
Result: Package existence check passed for "Perl5-64:D.5.8.8".

Check: Group existence for "dba"
  Node Name     Status                    Comment                
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_2       exists                    passed                 
  bl870_1       exists                    passed                 
Result: Group existence check passed for "dba".

Check: Group existence for "oinstall"
  Node Name     Status                    Comment                
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_2       exists                    passed                 
  bl870_1       exists                    passed                 
Result: Group existence check passed for "oinstall".

Check: User existence for "nobody"
  Node Name     Status                    Comment                
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  bl870_2       exists                    passed                 
  bl870_1       exists                    passed                 
Result: User existence check passed for "nobody".

System requirement failed for 'crs'

Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.


Checking node connectivity...

Network interface information could not be obtained from any of the nodes.

Network interface information could not be obtained from any of the nodes.

Result: Node connectivity check failed.







Check: Package existence for "ACXX:C.06.12"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "ACXX:C.06.12".

Check: Package existence for "C-ANSI-C:C.06.12"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "C-ANSI-C:C.06.12".

Check: Package existence for "FORTRAN90:B.11.31.01"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "FORTRAN90:B.11.31.01".

Check: Package existence for "make:3.81"
  Node Name                       Status                          Comment        
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  bl870_2                                                         failed         
  bl870_1                                                         failed         
Result: Package existence check failed for "make:3.81".


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