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转载 Performance tuning

InnoDB buffer pool instances: Tune innodb_buffer_pool_instances (InnoDB Disk I/O) to increase read/write thr...

2016-05-17 16:08:01 105

转载 optimize table

SELECT table_name, data_free * 100 / data_length , data_free, data_length FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE ...

2016-05-17 15:21:12 125

转载 mysql configurations

Configurations:# Set buffer pool size to 50-80% of your computer's memoryinnodb_buffer_pool_size=256Minn...

2016-05-17 15:19:54 103

转载 mysql view locks

pager grep "lock(s)"show engine innodb status; ...

2015-05-29 16:12:05 90

转载 mysql deadlock

4种事务隔离级别: 读数据一致性及允许的并发副作用 隔离级别 ...

2015-05-29 16:06:45 73

转载 oracle 字符集 (转)

搞懂oracle字符集作为一个ORACLE DBA,在工作中会经常处理由于字符集产生的一些问题。但是当真正想写一些这方面的东西时,却突然又没有了头绪。发了半天呆,还是决定用两个字符集方面的例子作为切入点,倒不失为一个头绪,说不定...

2009-09-02 10:42:25 57

转载 mysql export & import

export: mysqldump database [table] > /tmp/filenameimport: mysql database < /tmp/filenamecan add "max_allowed...

2009-07-13 14:03:00 197

转载 mysql connect speed is slow

When there is no name-resolve, the mysql connection will be slow.Add 'skip-name-resolve' under '[mysqld]' section ...

2009-07-13 11:14:30 82

转载 ORACLE escape string

Oracle escape string only valid to "_", "%" and itself.For example, use "" as escape string,like 'abc%' escape '',...

2009-04-09 16:46:27 98

转载 not in, not like, , not between notice

When using not in, not like, <>, not between in sql, you should pay attention, if the field is permit to nul...

2008-07-09 15:05:43 96

转载 recyclebin in ORACLE 10

The recyclebin is just a virtual storage area, a data dictionary. When drop table, the real space on the tablespac...

2008-04-03 14:56:36 59

转载 truncate

truncate 能释放表空间以及索引空间,但是前一次扩展的索引空间并不一定能记录到数据字典中, 故最好rebuild index.[@more@] ...

2008-03-21 17:03:39 58

转载 ORACLE bug 5361778 5083393

free space 大于db file的大小遇到一个奇怪的问题, db file free space的大小大于file的大小。导致在toad下看到的使用率为负的select sum(bytes) from dba_free_...

2008-03-21 16:56:44 96

转载 About post and get

When you use form in html, you can have two value "post" or "get" for method get: With the HTTP "get" method, the ...

2008-02-03 13:14:50 155

转载 move oracle 10 directory

move oracle from '/opt' to '/disk'>shutdowncp all files;update environment.update pfile,change control files, b...

2008-01-04 15:30:51 67

转载 oracle rownum

1. Use the analytic function is the best way.row_number() over ( partition by col1 order by col2 )for example: ge...

2007-12-25 14:54:28 48

转载 rm can not work when the Argument list is too long

When the argument list is too long, the rm command can not work, it is limit to os.solution 1:rm dir, recreate the...

2007-12-25 14:49:42 65

转载 .pl & .pm file can be read under apache

When you put .html file on the document root, put .pl& .pm file in a cgi-bin directory under the document root...

2007-11-08 16:28:51 98

转载 Some difference between mysql & oracle

1.create table TEST( num1 number(10), num2 number(10), num3 number(10))insert into TEST values(2,4,2).update TESTH...

2007-10-11 09:50:33 105

转载 two method of left out join -- more than two table;

oneselect A.NAME_1,B.NAME_2,C.NAME_3 from A left join B on A.ID=B.ID left join C on B.ID_1= C.ID_1;twoselect P.NA...

2007-09-06 15:20:49 51

转载 /dev/shm 介绍 --转载

默认系统就会加载/dev/shm ,它就是所谓的tmpfs,有人说跟ramdisk(虚拟磁盘),但不一样。象虚拟磁盘一样,tmpfs 可以使用您的 RAM,但它也可以使用您的交换分区来存储。而且传统的虚拟磁盘是个块设备,并需要一...

2007-08-30 14:34:46 221

转载 mysql can't start dues to the disk space is full

use ./mysqld_safe --user=mysql &start mysql.The mysql can not start. There are much mysql restart info show on...

2007-07-04 10:42:43 71

转载 umask side-effect

When we deploy production today, a strange problem comes out.When accessing the url, tell Can't locate loadable ob...

2007-05-11 16:58:38 68

转载 mysql can't connect error about privilege----not root user

mysql -uuser -ppass dbERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql...

2007-04-02 15:19:38 53

转载 mysql drop key

It is easy.alter table TABLE_NAME drop key KEY_NAME;[@more@] ...

2007-03-15 11:37:31 730

转载 the "in" use in mysql

use in in mysql,if the field is indexed,the index is still useful,but when the data quantity is small relative to ...

2007-02-15 12:56:52 63

转载 例子

第1步,用standby ==> active standby, 或者backup & restore ==> apply archive log 第2步,single instance ==> RAC...

2006-11-21 12:01:10 65

转载 block的分配


2006-11-21 09:41:39 104

转载 安装oracle+php+apache出现的新问题

首先安装ora10解压cpio: cpio -idmv < 文件名rpm -Uvh --force rpm包hehe,Note:169706.1 is very good, you can check it by yo...

2006-11-18 16:53:03 345

转载 裸设备

使用逻辑卷作为裸设备添加到tablespace中的方法----举例说明:>0)lvcreate -L2g -n VolGroup00-datafileX VolGroup00>1)AS root>chown o...

2006-10-15 12:50:04 57

转载 v$parameter--网上抄来

v$parameter,v$system_parameter及v$spparameter v$parameter,v$system_parameter及v$spparameter Oracle9i引入spfile后,许多参数可以...

2006-10-15 09:48:54 175

转载 表空间基本操作

create tablespace usersdatafile '/opt/ora9/oradata/big58/users01.dbf' size 26M autoextend onEXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCA...

2006-10-14 16:14:09 60

转载 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kokle_lob2lob13:input mismatch], [1]

erroe解释 Errors in file /opt/ora10/admin/SID/bdump/SID_m000_3570.trc:ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ko...

2006-10-14 15:51:24 318

转载 使用exp8来对ora10做导出compress参数问题

使用exp8来对ora10做导出,如果参数compress设置成N,则导出时报 EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(12, 4134299) compress参数...

2006-10-13 00:07:12 43

转载 在oracle10中使用低版本exp

以ora8的exp为例,拷贝exp8至$ORACLE_HOME的bin,libclntsh.so.8.0和libwtc8.so两个库文件拷贝至lib32,同时整个拷贝oracle8的ocommon。Oracle 10g 关于 N...

2006-09-29 10:22:09 77

转载 oracle9,10修改字符集--简单方法

步骤:查看变量:show parameter nlsselect * from nls_database_parameters where parameter like '%CHARACTERSET%';select * fro...

2006-09-29 00:02:09 77

转载 估计表中行的平均长度

假设行有3列估计表中行的平均长度:数据不多:select AVG(NVL(VSIZE(column1),0))+AVG(NVL(VSIZE(column2),0))+AVG(NVL(VSIZE(column3),0)) Avg_...

2006-07-29 16:13:13 139

转载 用存储过程动态建立表

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE gsmplm_roam (Year_Month in varchar2)astable_name varchar2(20);create_sql varchar2(200)...

2006-06-18 15:33:29 58

转载 话单sql

要求:统计一个月中每个星期都有通话记录的号码Select count(Distinct z.mobile_number) From (Select Distinct substr(a.CALLINGPARTYNUMBER,3,1...

2006-06-17 16:15:24 89

转载 今天刚申请了BLOG

今天刚申请了ITPUB的BLOG,督促以后多写点东西[@more@] ...

2006-06-16 17:47:58 47



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