ss injustice to Mr. Hoffman if we omitted to menti

ss injustice to Mr. Hoffman if we omitted to menti

xpanded views of Law Studies throughout the Union, and in promoting legal education. The first editCheap Beats By Dreion of this work, published more than fifteen years ago, in one volume, has, we are told, done great good, by spreading out as on a map, the devious and toilsome paths through which the student is compelled to struggle, in order to attain a scientific and suitable knowledge of the law. That edition was exhausted within two years after its publication. It strikes us, from a hasty survey of the pages of the Legal Study, that it is replete with rich and instructive matter, and abounds with information that the student, who wishes to become an accomplished and elegant lawyer, should not be devoid of. The mature student and practitioner too, must find in the stores that the laborious and industrious author has thus collected, much that will grace and increase his learning. We find the names of the most eminent lawyers and judges of the country in the catalogue of those who have expressed their sense of the value and importance of the labours of Mr. Hoffman in this department of legal education. The Baltimore American, in noticing the various articles of the January number of the North American Review, says: 'Article fourth is (especially to the legal student) an interesting notice of 'HOFFMAN'S Course of Legal Study,' as enlarged, ana lately presented to the public in a second edition. This paper awards high, but without doubt, deserved praise to the author of the work under consideration, for the marked ability of its execution. As touching its general scope and character, the Reviewer observes, that the members of the profession of the law owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. HOFFMAN, for his endeavours to elevCheap Oakley Sunglassesate it, by the comprehensive cMoncler Outletourse of liberal studies, which he has presented to Burberry Outlet Onlineits students. But yet more honourable is the award, and yet more justly valued should be the testimonial of the Reviewer, in the following remarks,Beats By Dre Cheap which, as they comprise a lesson of high value in themselves, we gladly transcribe: 'We should be guilty of gross injustice to Mr. Hoffman if we omitted to mention, with the highest commendation, the tone of moral feeling, which breathes from every page of his work. He loses no opportunity to impress upon the mind of the youthful student, that it is not enough for him to be a good lawyer, and a good scholar, but that he must also be a good man, and that the highest attainments are imperfect, without that delicate moral sense which feels a stain like a wound, and that resolute moral strength which makes a man submit to be torn in pieces rather than do what he knows to be wrong. His remarks on Professional Deportment are conceived and written with an energy and glow, which remind us of some of the most eloquent passages in the ethical writings of Cicero.' The Princeton Review, and Biblical Repertory, contains a detailed notice of this work, in fifteen pages, and speaks of it in the same tone of strong commendation. LEGAL OUTLINES. This work of the author has met with an equally strong praise. T

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