OIM Admin and User Console Guide 9.0.3 ---6

6 请求

OIM enables you to create and track requests for resources that you have requested for users and organizations. If you are an administrator, you can create requests to provision resources for the users you manage. If you are an approver, you can view and act on the tasks assigned to you, for example, you can approve or reject the task. If you are both an approval and an administrator, you can to perform. the functions associated with both roles.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

  • Creating and Managing Requests

  • Tracking Requests

For a list of roles and their associated Oracle Identity Manager capabilities, see Understanding User Roles and Capabilities.


OIM enables you to create and manage requests for provisioning resources to yourself, other users, and organizations.

If you are an OIM administrator, you can create requests to provision other users with resources. Some resources may be configured to allow users to request the resource for themselves, as follows:

  • If a resource allows self-service requests, OIM does not require you to be an administrator to request it for yourself.

  • If the resource is configured as allowed for all users, Oracle Identity Manager does not require you to be an administrator to request it for another user.

If a resource is not set as allowable for all users, only the users who are associated with departments or organizations for which the resource is allowed will be able to have the resource requested for them. To determine if a resource may be requested for you, contact your OIM administrator or the administrator for the resource.To enable, disable, and revoke a resource instance, the resource must be configured for these tasks.

You can search for resources based on the following criteria:

  • User ID

  • Request ID

  • Date the request was created

  • Resource name

  • Status of the request

The Resource option lets you choose the following options:

  • Grant Resources: enables resources to be provisioned to a target.

  • Disable Resources: temporarily disables resources.

  • Re-enable Resources: after the resources are disabled, you can re-enable resources.

  • Revoke Resources: deletes resources permanently. You cannot re-enable a resource back after you have revoked it.

This section discusses the following topics:

  • Granting Resources

  • Disabling Resources

  • Re-enabling Resources

  • Revoking Resources

Granting Resources

The following procedure describes how to grant provisioning of a resource. You can provision the same resource multiple times if the resource is configured for this usage.


Since requesting resources for an organization is similar to requesting resources for a user, the following procedure only includes the steps for requesting for resources for a user.

To grant a resource request:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Requests, then click Resources.

     This page defaults to the Grant Resource option. Use this option to grant a resource to a specific user or organization.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. Click the Users option to assign a resource to one or many users.

    Select the Organization option to provision a resource to one or many organization(s).

    Click Continue.

    If you selected the Users option, the Create a Request To Provision Resource(s) – Step 2: Select User(s) page appears.

    The Results table displays the following information:

    User IDThe login identification or user name
    First NameThe first name of the user
    Last NameThe last name of the user

  4. In the Results table, select the Users checkbox then click Add to place the user name or names in the Selected list.

    Use the Remove button to delete any user or users in the Selected list.

    To filter the list of users, select a key in the Filter By menu, enter selection criteria in the box next to this menu, and click Go.

    If the request system form. has any user-defined fields, these fields are displayed on the STEP 2: Provide Additional Information page. These fields are created in the Design Console using the User Defined Field Definition form. for Form. Name=Requests. For more information, see the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide.

    When you are done, click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Provision Resource(s) – Step 3: Provide Resource page appears.

  5. Select the resource name checkbox, then click Add to place the resource name in the Selected list.

    Use the Remove button to delete any user(s) in the Selected list.

    To filter the list of users, select a key in the Filter By menu, enter selection criteria in the box next to this menu, and click Go.

    When you are done, click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Provision Resource(s) – Step 4: Provide Resource Data page appears. This page displays information about the resource and the user for this request.

  6. If the information on this page is correct, click Continue, or click Back to make corrections.

    Any associated forms are displayed on the next page.

  7. Enter the information requested in the Forms field and click Continue, or click Back to make corrections.

    If you click Continue, the Create a Request To Provision Resource(s) – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  8. To add a comment if desired, click the Add a comment link.

    The Add Request Comment page appears.

  9. Enter your comment in the Comment field, and click Click here to add a comment to insert your comment with your resource request.

    Or, click Clear to erase the text in the Comment field or Close to dismiss this page.

    After adding a comment, this page displays the added comment.

  10. After verifying the information, click Submit Now to make the request active.

    The Request Submitted page appears.

    This page shows the following information:

    StatusThe status (state) of the request
    RequesterThe name of the person who made the request
    ActionThe action taken for this request
    DateWhen the request was executed

  11. To activate this request at a later time, then click Schedule for Later to define a date when the request becomes active.

    You can only specify a date that is later than today's date. The Schedule for Later page appears.

    The Schedule for Later option is often used for new employees who are starting on a future date. After you define a date, the request is created, the approval process is initiated, approvers can approve the tasks, and the approval process can be completed. However, the provisioning process is not initiated until the scheduled date.

  12. Use the calendar icon to define a date to activate your request, and then click Submit.

Disabling Resources

The following procedure describes how to disable a request for the provisioning of a resource or resources.


Since disabling resources for an organization is similar to disabling resources for a user, the following procedure only includes the steps for disabling resources for a user.

To disable a request:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Requests, then click Resources.

    The Make a Request page appears.

  2. Select the Disable Resource radio button, and click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Disable Resourc(es) – Step 1: Select Type page appears.

    This page lets you select one of the following options:

    • Users: You can disable resources from one or many users.

    • Organizations: You can disable resources from one or many organizations.

      In this example, the Users option is selected.

  3. Click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 2: Select User(s) page appears.

  4. Select the user name checkboxes, then click Add to place the user names in the Selected list.

    Use the Remove button to delete any user or users in the Selected list.

    To filter the list, select a key in the Filter By menu, enter selection criteria in the box next to this menu, and click Go.

    When you are done, click Continue

    The Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 3: Provide Resources page appears.

  5. Select the checkbox for any resource or resources that you want to disable from the user, then click Add to place the resources in the Selected list.

    Use the Remove button to delete any resources in the Selected list.

  6. Click Continue.

    If multiple instances of a resource instance are provisioned for the user, the Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 4: Resolution page appears. Otherwise, the Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  7. If the Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 4: Resolution page appears, select the resource instance you want to disable, then click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  8. The Create a Request To Disable Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page displays the information described in the following tables.

    The Users Selected table displays the following information:

    User IDThe login identification or user name
    First NameThe first name of the user
    Last NameThe last name of the user
    Resource NameThe name of the resource you are requesting or provisioning
    DetailsAny additional detailed information about the resource

  9. To add a comment, click the add a comment link.

    The Add Request Comment page appears.

  10. Enter a comment in the Comment field, and click Click here to add a comment to insert the comment with your resource request.

    Click Clear to erase the text in the Comment field. Click Close to dismiss this page.

    The Verify Information page displays the added comment if you added one.

    To modify the information for this resource request, click the Change link. Click the Add link to add another comment.

  11. After verifying the information, click Submit Now to make the request active.

    The Request Submitted page appears.

    This page shows the following information:

    StatusThe status (state) of the request
    RequesterThe name of the person who made the request
    ActionThe action taken for this request
    DateWhen the request was executed

  12. To activate this request at a later time, click Schedule for Later.

    The Schedule for Later page appears. Use the calendar icon to define a date to activate your request, then click Submit.

Re-enabling Resources

You can re-enable a resource after you disable it. You cannot re-enable a revoked resource.


Since re-enabling resources for an organization is similar to re-enabling resources for a user, the following procedure only includes the steps for re-enabling resources for a user.

To create a request to re-enable a resource:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Requests, then click Resources.

    The Make a Request page appears.

    This page defaults to the Grant Resource option.

  2. Select the Re-enable Resource option to provide access to resources that were earlier disabled for this user, and click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Re-enable Resource(s) – Step 1: Select Type page appears.

  3. Click Users to re-enable resources that were disabled for one or many users.

    Otherwise, select Organization to re-enable resources that were disabled for one or many organization(s). In this example, the Users option is selected.

  4. Click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Re-enable Resource(s) – Step 2: Select User(s) page appears.

    The Results table displays the following information:

    User IDThe login identification or user name
    First NameThe first name of the user
    Last NameThe last name of the user

  5. Select the Users checkbox and click Add to place the user name or names in the Selected list, or click the Remove button to delete users in the Selected list.

    When you are done, click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Re-enable Resource(s) – Step 3: Provide Resource page appears.

  6. Select the resource name checkbox, then click Add to place the resource name in the Selected list, or use the Remove button to delete users from the Selected list, and click Continue.

    If multiple instances of a resource instance are provisioned for the user, the Create a Request To Re-enable Resources – Step 4: Resolution page appears. Otherwise, the Create a Request To Re-enable Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  7. If the Create a Request To Re-enable Resources – Step 4: Resolution page appears, select the resource instance you want to disable, and then click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Re-enable Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  8. To add a comment, click the add a comment link.

    The Add Request Comment page appears.

  9. Enter your comment in the Comment field and click Add Comment to insert your comment with your resource request.

    The page displays the added comment.

    Click Clear to erase the text in the Comment field or Close to dismiss this page.

  10. Verify the information on the Create a Request To Re-enable Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page, then click Submit Now to make the request active.

    If you click Submit Now, the Request Submitted page appears.

    This page shows the following information:

    StatusThe status (state) of the request
    RequesterThe name of the person who made the request
    ActionThe action taken for this request
    DateWhen the request was executed

    If you wish to view the details of this request, click the Request ID link. The Request Details page appears. For more information on this page, see the Track (Resources) section.

  11. To activate this request at a later time, then click Schedule for Later.

    The Schedule for Later page appears.

  12. Use the calendar icon to define a date to activate your request, and then click Submit.

Revoking Resources

Revocation is a permanent operation.

To create a request to revoke access to a resource:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Requests, then click Resources.

    The Make a Request page appears.

  2. Select the Revoke Resource radio button, then click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 1: Select Type page appears.

    This page lets you select one of the following options:

    • Users: You can disable resources from one or many users.

    • Organizations: You can disable resources from one or many organizations.

    In this example, the Users option is selected.

  3. Click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 2: Select User(s) page appears.

  4. Select the user's name(s) checkbox then click Add to place the user names in the Selected list.

    Use the Remove button to delete any users in the Selected list. then click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 3: Provide Resources page appears.

  5. Select the checkbox for each resource where you want to revoke user access, then click Add to place the resources in the Selected list.

    Use the Remove button to delete any resources in the Selected list, then click Continue.

    If multiple instances of a resource instance are provisioned for the user, the Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 4: Resolution page appears. Otherwise, the Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  6. If the Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 4: Resolution page appears, select the resource instance you want to disable, and then click Continue.

    The Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page appears.

  7. The Create a Request To Revoke Resources – Step 5: Verify Information page displays the information described in the following tables.

    The Users Selected table displays the following information:

    User IDThe login identification or user name
    First NameThe first name of the user
    Last NameThe last name of the user

    The Resources Selected table displays the following information:

    Resource NameThe name of the resource you are requesting or provisioning
    DetailsAny additional detailed information about the resource

  8. To add a comment, click the add a comment link.

    The Add Request Comment page appears.

  9. Enter your comment in the Comment field, and click Click here to add a comment to insert your comment with your resource request.

    The Verify Information page displays the added comment.

    Otherwise, click Clear to erase the text in the Comment field or Close to dismiss this page.

    To modify the information for this resource request, click the Change link to change the resource or click the Add link to add another comment. These links jump to the appropriate page.

  10. Verify the information and click Submit Now to make the request active.

    The Request Submitted page appears. This page shows the following information:

    StatusThe status (state) of the request
    RequesterThe name of the person who made the request
    ActionThe action taken for this request
    DateWhen the request was executed

  11. To activate this request at a later time, click Schedule for Later to define a date when the request becomes active.

    The Schedule for Later page appears. Use the calendar icon to define a date to activate your request, and then click Submit.

Tracking Requests

Depending on the privileges that have been assigned to you in Oracle Identity Manager, you may be able to view requests for resources. Additionally, you may be able to edit details or approve tasks within those requests. This is referred to as tracking a request. The requests that you can track fall into one of the following categories:

  • Requests created by other users to provision you with resources

  • Requests you created to provision other users with resources

  • Requests you created to provision yourself with resources

  • Requests you created through self registration

  • Requests you created by modifying your profile

The types of requests you can create, view, and edit are governed by characteristics of your account in Oracle Identity Manager. If you are assigned to approve a task within a request, you can approve any tasks assigned to you when tracking that request. For a list of the various roles and their associated capabilities, see "Understanding User Roles and Capabilities".

The following topics describe how to perform. tasks related to tracking requests:

  • Searching for Requests

  • Viewing Approval Details

  • Viewing Provisioning Details

  • Viewing Request Comments

  • Viewing Request Status History

Searching for Requests

The following procedure describes how to search for a request.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Requests, then click Track.

    The Track Requests page appears. To locate the request you want to track, you can search for existing requests according to the options listed as radio buttons. You can only select one of these options, for example, User ID or Request ID, not both. If you select a Request ID or Resource Name and leave the fields associated with that option blank, Oracle Identity Manager displays all requests.

    If you are unable to locate the desired request using one of the search options, select a different one or widen your search criteria to retrieve more results. The following table lists search criteria.

    User IDEnables you to track requests that were created for yourself or another user. Select Self or Other. If you select Other, you must click Find User ID and specify the user associated with the requests you wish to track. You can use the wildcard character (*) to search for requests associated with user IDs beginning or ending with specific characters or numbers. You can also search by the organization to which the user belongs.
    Request IDEnables you to track requests by the ID of the request. This is usually a numeric value. Select this option, and then enter the ID of the request. You can use the wildcard character (*) search for requests beginning or ending with specific characters or numbers.
    Creation DateEnables you to track requests by date that they were created. Select this option, then enter the start and end dates for the range on which you wish to query. Oracle Identity Manager then displays all requests created between those dates.
    Resource NameEnables you to track requests according to the resources to be provisioned (that is, the resources specified on the request). Select this option, and then enter the name of the resource. You can use a wildcard character (for example, *) to perform. searches for requests containing a resource name that begins or ends with specific characters.
    StatusEnables you to track requests according to the request's status, for example, Request Initialized, Request Received, Approved, Not Approved, Request Cancelled, Request Closed, Object Approval Complete, Request Complete, or Provide Information. Select this option, and then select the desired status from the menu.

  2. Click Search.

    Oracle Identity Manager displays all requests that match the criteria you entered and the number of requests that match the query. If your query has retrieved several pages of requests, use the First, Previous, and Next links to navigate through the result set.

  3. To view the details of a request, click the Request ID link in the Results table.

    The Request Details page appears.

    To cancel an entire request, select the checkbox next to it and click Cancel Request.

Viewing Approval Details

This page displays all approvals for this request including process and pending tasks.

To view approval details:

  1. Search for a resource request, as described in "Searching for Requests".

  2. Select Approval Details option from the Additional Details box.

    The Approved Task(s) page appears. The Approval Details field shows all tasks associated with the approval processes. The Request ID number is an active link to the Request Details page for this request. The Request Approval Task table displays the following fields:

TaskName of the approval task.
StatusCurrent status of the request.
Assign ToThis request is assigned to the user or proxy user. It can also be assigned to a user group or proxy group.
ActionThe Action column has a checkbox for each request. The last row contains Approve, Deny, and Re-assign buttons that you select to determine the action for the request. Select the requests and click Approve or Deny. A confirmation page appears that displays the tasks and Confirm and Cancel buttons.

If you click Re-assign, the console displays a list of all the users that you (or the logged in user) have permission to see to whom you can reassign the task. This page has a radio button that, when selected, lists all the groups that you (or the logged in user) can see to whom the task can be re-assigned.

Viewing Provisioning Details

You can view provisioning tasks by User, Organization, or Resource depending on whether the request was created for a user or organization, or resource.

To view provisioning details:

  1. Search for a resource request, as described in "Searching for Requests".

  2. Select Provisioning Details option from the Additional Details box.

    The Provisioning Task(s) page appears. The Provisioning Details field shows all tasks associated with the provisioning processes.

  3. Select the desired radio button to display the information you want to view.

Viewing by User/Organization

When selecting the User/Organization button, the page will display all the tasks for users or organizations who will be provisioned. If a request has multiple users or organizations, then the page displays a corresponding table for each user.

The information table shows the following:

Resource NameThis is the name of the resource object to be provisioned.
Resource StatusCurrent Status of the resource request.
Process Instance NameThis name is either an Approval process or a Provisioning process.
DataThis text is a link to the Process Form. for this user.
Descriptive DataThis is a number that uniquely identifies the process.

Viewing by Resource

Select the Resource radio button to display all the resources and information related to this resource. If a request has multiple resources, the page displays a corresponding table for each user.

The information table shows the following:

User/OrganizationThis is the name of the user or organization that has been provisioned with this resource object.
Resource StatusCurrent Status of the resource request.
Process Instance NameThis name of the provisioning process.
DataThis text is a link to the Process Form. for this user.
Descriptive DataThis is a number that uniquely identifies the process.

Viewing Request Comments

A request is viewed by any user with view privileges. Comments enable other users to understand the request. Users, as well as the System Administrator, can add comments to the request so that others can see how the request has been processed.

To view request comments:

  1. Search for a resource request, as described in "Searching for Requests".

  2. Select Request Comments option from the Additional Details box.

  3. Click the Request ID number to go back to the Request Details page.

    You can add a comment on this page by clicking the Add a comment link. If there is a comment added to this request, the Request Details >> Request Comments page appears with the comment.

    This page displays a table with the following information:

CommentThis is the actual comment that was added.
DateThe date that the comment was added.
Add ByThis user name that is logged into Oracle Identity Manager.

Viewing Request Status History

Request History is a supplemental view that helps you understand the state of the current workflow. Users can make a request and a workflow is created. Until the request is completed or rejected, there are many steps and actions that needs to be executed, such as a user manual action or a system action.

Whenever an action is executed, the status of the workflow is changed and it transitions to the next state.

To view status history:

  1. Search for a resource request, as described in"Searching for Requests".

  2. Select Request Status History option from the Additional Details box.

    The Request History page is displayed. This page shows a table that depicts the workflow of the request. This page displays the information in the following table:

StatusCurrent status of the resource request.
DateThe date that the request was created.
Create byThe name that created this request

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