initrd and initramfs


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After kernel booted, it tries to mount a filesystem. Using Linux on DaVinci, there are several options wherethis file system can come from. Options are

The last option, an initial file system in a ram disk is calledinitrd (initialramdisk). Note that using an initrd with recentkernels is still possible and has some advantages, but isn't recommended any more.Using initramfs is the preferred way today.

initrd/initramfs (and NFS) is a file system option notpermanently stored at the target device and thus normally usedwhile development. initrd/initramfs is typically newinstalled/downloaded each time the target board is power cycled(using e.g. boot loader U-Boot). The two other options above (harddisk and flash file system) give the target system permanentlyaccess to its file system without any external debug connection(e.g. network download) and thus are used after developmentin production ready devices.





To create an (initially empty) initrd use the followingsteps:

Note: Change count to your required filesystem size. E.g.with count=8192 you will get a 8MB ramdisk.

host > dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1k count=<count>
host > mke2fs -vm0 /dev/ram0 <count>
host > tune2fs -c 0 /dev/ram0
host > dd if=/dev/ram0 bs=1k count=<count> | gzip -v9 > ramdisk.gz

Now, we have a (empty) gzipped ramdisk image with (extracted)size of <count>.


To fill empty ramdisk created above with all files needed forramdisk, mount the image and fill it. Content would be e.g.BusyBox and/or otherapplications and/or libraries.

host > mkdir mnt
host > gunzip ramdisk.gz
host > mount -o loop ramdisk mnt/
host > ... copy stuff you want to have in ramdisk to mnt...
host > umount mnt
host > gzip -v9 ramdisk

The resulting ramdisk.gz is now ready for usage. Note its sizeis smaller than <count> causeof compression.

Note: Don't forget to create/copy some basic /dev/xxx nodes toramdisk.

Note: If BusyBox or applications in ramdisk are linkeddynamically, don't forget to copy dynamic libraries (*.so) toramdisk (to correct directory) as well.

Kernel options

To make initrd work, you have to configure kernel properly:

# General setup
# UBI - Unsorted block images

Note: The ramdisk size e.g. 8192 above has to be configured foryour individual setup.


Now, you can install the ramdisk via u-boot e.g. in NOR flash.For this copy filled ramdisk created above to your tftpbootdirectory on host (e.g. /tftpboot/ramdisk.gz). Then start targetand copy the data into RAM and flash:

UBOOT # tftp 0x87000000 ramdisk.gz
UBOOT # erase 0x2200000 +0x<filesize>
UBOOT # cp.b 0x87000000 0x2200000 0x<filesize>

Note: Replace filesize above by the value the tftpdownload command gives you as Bytes transferred.

Now, last step is to update kernel boot parameters and savethem

UBOOT # setenv bootargs ... root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=0x87000000,8M
UBOOT # setenv bootcmd cp.b 0x2200000 0x87000000 0x<filesize>; bootm
UBOOT # saveenv

Note: In example above with "8M" we assume that your ramdisk is8MBytes. Adapt this to your needs.

Note: Your ramdisk filled above should have a /dev/ram0 node

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 1, 0 Sep 11 1999 /dev/ram0

to make this work properly.

Now you should be able to start your kernel and it should findand mount the initrd:

Linux version 2.6.23-davinci1 ...
checking if image is isn't (no cpio magic); looks like an initrd
Freeing initrd memory: 8192K
RAMDISK driver initialized: 1 RAM disks of 8192K size 1024 blocksize
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
Freeing init memory: ...


To use initramfs a cpio archive is embedded directly into thekernel. I.e. you don't create an additional (ramdisk) image.Instead, the initial file system is directly incorporated into thekernel. With this, the kernel size increases by the file systemsize. It's like you embed above ramdisk directly into thekernel.


Cause initramfs is directly embedded in the the kernel, itscreation is simpler. No dd & mount& gzip stuff like with ramdisk above. You simplyhave to fill a directory on your host with the target filesystemyou like and then pass the path to this directory to the kernelbuild process.

Create target file system

host > mkdir target_fs
host > ... copy stuff you want to have in initramfs to target_fs...

Note: cpio system used for initramfs can't handle hardlinks. If you e.g. created your BusyBox using hard links, youwill get a quite large initramfs cause each command is taken withits size and not as hard link. In cpio initramfs use symbolic/soft links instead.

Note: To be able to detect initramfs by kernel properly, the toplevel directory has to contain a program called init. Thiscan be done by e.g. using a soft link from top level init to/bin/busybox

/init -> /bin/busybox

if you use BusyBox in your initramfs.

Kernel options

The only difference from creating an initrd is to give thekernel the path to the target file system you like to embed:

# General setup
# UBI - Unsorted block images

Then, if you compile the kernel, e.g. by make uImage, the cpioarchive is generated and embedded into the kernel:

 CHK     include/linux/compile.h
 GEN     usr/initramfs_data.cpio.gz
 AS      usr/initramfs_data.o
 LD      usr/built-in.o


No special installation like above with initrd isnecessary. The initramfs is already in the kernel. If you start thekernel, the initramfs is already there. Therefore, there isno root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=0x87000000,8M bootargsoption necessary. Remove this if you still have it!

initrd vs. initramfs

  • Using initrd, kernel and initial file system are splitted.Making changes to kernel or filesystem doesn't touch the other one.The download size (e.g. while development) of one component issmaller.
  • Creating and modifying an initramfs is easier than with initrd(unzip & mount & unmount& zip)
  • Having one big image (kernel & initramfs) iseasier to handle (e.g. download or flashing) than having twosplitted images.

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initrd、rootfsinitramfs是在Linux系统中用于引导和初始化的概念,它们之间有一些区别和作用。 1. initrdInitial RAM Disk)是一个临时的根文件系统,它是在系统引导过程中由内核加载到内存中的。它通常包含一些必要的驱动程序和工具,用于在真正的根文件系统(rootfs)加载之前进行一些初始化操作。initrd最初是为了解决早期Linux系统在引导过程中无法识别硬件的问题而设计的。它的作用是提供一个临时的根文件系统,以便在引导过程中加载必要的驱动程序和模块,从而能够识别和访问硬件设备。 2. rootfs(Root File System)是Linux系统中的根文件系统,它是系统中所有其他文件系统的基础。rootfs包含了操作系统的核心文件和目录结构,它是系统引导后的第一个文件系统。在引导过程中,initrd会被加载到内存中,然后解压缩到rootfs中。一旦rootfs加载完成,系统将切换到rootfs作为根文件系统,并执行init程序来完成系统的初始化和启动。 3. initramfsInitial RAM File System)是initrd的一种改进版本,它是一个压缩的文件系统映像,也是在系统引导过程中由内核加载到内存中的。与initrd不同,initramfs不需要解压缩到内存中的临时文件系统中,而是直接在内存中解压缩并挂载为根文件系统。initramfs的作用与initrd类似,它提供了一个临时的根文件系统,用于在引导过程中加载必要的驱动程序和模块。 总结: - initrd是早期Linux系统中使用的临时根文件系统,用于在引导过程中加载必要的驱动程序和模块。 - rootfs是Linux系统中的根文件系统,包含了操作系统的核心文件和目录结构。 - initramfsinitrd的改进版本,它是一个压缩的文件系统映像,直接在内存中解压缩并挂载为根文件系统。




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