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转载 lookup trans and expression variable use

Ø Lookup override query1. in this query, must use “as” to define the column, otherwise, Informatica will ...

2013-06-19 17:37:20 135

转载 保存文件名为年月日

touch $ARCHIVE_PATH/aa_`date +%m%d%y`.dat ...

2013-03-21 13:46:31 320

转载 flat file content error

error:row[2555] 824th-null in the text fiel,which is donot allowed in the txt fie是说file里的第2555 行第824个字符有问题,su...

2013-03-18 16:11:11 213

转载 SQ or Lookup override query issue

when using SQL override,it get error "invalid query" and ask to contact xxx adminbut can get successful in PL/SQ...

2013-01-10 16:46:52 127

转载 grant and 常用数据字典

除了grant select,update... on to xxx 。可以直接Grant all on scott.emp to test常用数据字典user_sys_privsall_tab_colu...

2012-11-23 20:14:06 114

转载 merge

转载该命令使用一条语句从一个或者多个数据源中完成对表的更新和插入数据. ORACLE 9i 中,使用此命令必须同时指定UPDATE 和INSERT 关键词,ORACLE 10g 做了如下改动。1,insert 和up...

2012-11-15 17:14:40 75

转载 rownum and rowid


2012-11-13 22:15:48 93

转载 row_number,rank,dense_rank


2012-11-13 22:03:59 82

转载 rownum 与order by

oracle的rownum字段是个比较奇怪的字段。拿一张有26条记录的Test表来举例。 select * from Test where rownum >=1第一条sql查出了26条记录.rownum是个虚...

2012-11-13 21:56:55 115

转载 clob use

clob datatype take so much space ,in the source and target use varchar2(xxx) to replace clob to truncate length....

2012-06-01 21:08:56 78

转载 get error in informatica logs


2012-05-17 17:47:28 112

转载 compress ,tar,find ,wc,$?

if directly upload the script. into unix sever and run it,it occurs some strange issues like '`/data/informatica/H...

2012-05-10 22:30:52 122

转载 if 判断语句

#! /usr/bin/bashread num;if [ $num -eq "100" ];thenecho "num=100"echo "xxx"elseecho "num!=100"fi=----'-eq', &g...

2012-05-10 22:21:49 94

转载 9.1 parameter file

item1---使用parameter file 设置path,such as :session log ,source path and so on [Global]$PMMergeSessParamFile=TRUE$P...

2012-05-08 16:29:41 189

转载 flat file date datatype

当SOURCE是 flat file,且有date 数据,而TARGET oracle table 是date datype,要在transformation中用to_date(xxxx,'xx--xx--xxxx'),日期f...

2012-05-08 16:21:28 123

转载 scripts

upload the scripts into informatica server must be in ASCII mode ...

2012-02-15 20:35:07 82

转载 fetch parameter value

当一个session用于几个不同的workflow时,在SQ中用到parameter and value take from file ,这里不同用固定的格式, '[WINMF01.WF:' || var_WORKFLOW ...

2012-01-31 19:53:05 111

转载 sql override

look up transformation or other in sql override -----不需要select from table与transformation可以不一样,而transformation里的por...

2012-01-12 16:44:40 205

转载 last load date

setvariable(xxx,sysdate)---这个只有在有数据通过时,才能生效,否则日期不变 ...

2012-01-12 16:30:24 154

转载 PK and sequence

主键那个列可以每次用sequence来实现赋值,但也可以不用所以max(PK)与sequence.CURRVAL不一定相等是吧定sequence是个独立的存在,与表的列没有必然的联系 ...

2012-01-06 20:50:18 111

转载 sql

select count(*) from user_tab_columns where lower(table_name)='e1opportunity'; ...

2011-07-29 21:46:04 53

转载 applied and affected rows

Applied Rows For sources, shows the number of rows the Integration Service successfully read from the source. For...

2011-07-26 17:45:58 74

转载 look transformation tune

Persistent cache. If you want to save and reuse the cache files, you can configure the transformation to use a per...

2011-07-14 20:42:30 53

转载 performance tune in mapping

Complete the following steps to evaluate expression performance: Time the session with the original expressions....

2011-07-14 19:51:04 81

转载 截取日期

在informatica 中,取日期的一部分,如月,日,年,可以直接用函数GET_DATE_PART,而不像在oracle,用to_char然后,转换什么的 ...

2011-07-11 20:10:53 214

转载 nvarchar ,nclob with driver ODBC wire oracle

当degug成功,但是test,报莫明的错,改datatype nvarchar2--&gtvarchar2 and so on ...

2011-07-01 15:01:22 67

转载 some notes

1. 当检查某一个值是否存在表中的字段值时,可以用这样思路select count(* ) from xxx where xx=xx通过对count(*)值的判断,来实现2. 解发器的使用Create [or...

2011-06-10 16:09:04 165

转载 转换函数

1. to_char(date,str)把指定日期转换为字符,还可以截取到想要的内容,如单独的年,月,日select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')from dual---2011select to_c...

2011-06-10 14:44:30 56

转载 日期函数

1. Sysdate+n n代表的是天数2. Months_between(arg1,arg2)返回两个日期之间相差的月的个数select months_between(to_date('20090228'...

2011-06-10 14:43:11 66

转载 数值函数

1. Round(exp,[number])返回指定位数进行四舍五入的数值-- exp数值表达式,number四舍五入到几位小数,如无number参数,则是返回整数 eg--select round(22.4342,1) ...

2011-06-10 14:42:04 53

转载 字符函数

upper,lower,initcap,concat,||,length,Rpad1. Substr(str,a,b) a(从第几位开始,包括开始位),b(取的位数))eg--- select substr('AAAc...

2011-06-10 14:39:59 55

转载 myplan


2011-06-01 17:55:00 70

转载 lookup transformation

lookup transformation“L” denotes Lookup port“R” denotes port used as a return value (unconnected Lookup only)The...

2011-05-31 14:41:38 88

转载 some transformation notes_2

All the folders should be closed for assigning workflows to Integration Service Recover -- recovers a suspend...

2011-05-30 14:10:59 47

转载 some transformations notices

SQ是同类数据源,joiner可以是同类也可以是异类 如果数据源的表来自于不同的数据库,或者有一方是flat file,那么在joiner中,不可以写SQLThe Joiner does not accept inp...

2011-05-26 17:35:20 67

转载 Object Shortcuts

Object Shortcuts 首先folder---&gtedit,options allow shortcut selected当从那个有手拖着的那个文件夹,copy sth to other fol...

2011-05-17 17:23:17 76

转载 repository service

repository service is a multi-threaded process and can run on mulitiple machcines or nodes in the domail.each proc...

2011-05-17 17:12:08 128

转载 decision task用法

decision用法通过条件选择,决定the way的走向在decision里设置条件,而向下一个session的link中用判定条件xxx.conditon=true/false(是condition而不是s...

2011-05-16 16:29:01 245

转载 变量单双引号的不同

单双引号.jpg ...

2011-05-12 15:29:06 75

转载 session log error的处理

2>/dev/null----Linux中的回收站,就是把不需要的信息直接输入到那儿.帮助命令查找man/info +command当主程序的session log出现错误时,需要归纳总结出来一些错误的信...

2011-05-11 15:14:11 723



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