s3c2440 eeprom

    s3c2440的cpu  在与 eeprom 之间进行通信时有两种方式:第一种,直接通过配置cpu的寄存器;还有一种是通过手工写协议的方式来实现通信:


 File  name  :   iic.c
 Author      :   

 version     :   V1.0
 Date     :   2010-8-18
 Description :   IIC init and test 


#include   "2440addr.h"
#include   "iic.h"
#include   "UART.h"
#include "timer4.h"

unsigned char *address = (unsigned char)0x30100000; //data address
unsigned char device_address = 0xa0;   //EEPROM ID_CODE is 1010 , A2A1A0 = 000 , write or read

//**************************************  通过CPU的模块写协议 ************************************

 Function  name   :   IIC_Init
 Description    :   init GPE as IIC
 Input Arguments     :   void                                               
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                              
void IIC_Init(void)
 volatile unsigned int number;
 number = rGPECON;
 number &= ~(((unsigned)3 << 30) | ((unsigned)3 << 28));  // GPECON[31:30]  GPECON[29:28]
 number |= ((unsigned)2 << 30) | ((unsigned)2 << 28);     //     IICSDA         IICSCL
 rGPECON = number;           //       10             10

 rIICCON = (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (0 << 4) | 0;

 Function  name   :   IIC_Write_Byte
 Description    :   writ data to EEPROM with IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr, worde_addr and data                                             
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :   Byte Write                                         
void IIC_Write_Byte(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr, unsigned char data)
 //rIICCON = (0 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (0 << 4) | 0;
 rIICDS = device_addr; //transmit device_address
 rIICSTAT = 0xf0; // Master transmit mode and start transmit
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4))); 
 rIICDS = worde_addr; //transmit worde_address
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4); //clear interupt pending
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4))); //wait interupt
 rIICDS = data;  //transmit data
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4))); //end transmit
 rIICSTAT = 0xd0; //stop transmit
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 Delay_1ms(10); //dealy , Twr <= 10ms

 Function  name   :   IIC_Write_Page
 Description    :   writ data to EEPROM with IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr, worde_addr and *data                                            
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :   Page Write                                        
void IIC_Write_Page(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr, unsigned char *data)
 volatile unsigned int i;
 rIICDS = device_addr; //transmit device_address
 rIICSTAT = 0xf0; // Master transmit mode and start transmit
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4))); 
 rIICDS = worde_addr; //transmit worde_address
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4); //clear interupt pending
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4))); //wait interupt
 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  rIICDS = *data;  //transmit data
  rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
  while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4))); //end transmit
 rIICSTAT = 0xd0; //stop transmit
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 Delay_1ms(10); //dealy , Twr <= 10ms

 Function  name   :   IIC_Read
 Description    :   read data from EEPROM with IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr, worde_addr, *data and size                                             
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :   Random and Sequential Read(随机连续读取)                                         
void IIC_Read(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size_byte)
 volatile unsigned int i;
 unsigned char *pdata = data;
 //rIICCON = (0 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (0 << 4) | 0;
 //rIICSTAT = 0xF0;
 rIICDS = (device_addr & (~(1 << 0)));   // transmit device_address     //clear interupt panding
 rIICSTAT = 0xF0;      //Master transmit mode and start transmit
 //while(rIICSTAT & (1 << 0));   //receive a ACK
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));   //make a interupt
 rIICDS = worde_addr;   //transmit worde_address
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4); 
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));
 //rIICCON = (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (0 << 4) | 0;
 rIICDS = (device_addr | (1 << 0));  //transmit device_address
 rIICSTAT = 0xB0;     //Master recive mode and start transmit
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));  //receive data
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));  //wait data arrive
 for(i = 0; i < size_byte; i++)
  *pdata = rIICDS;     //receive data
  rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
  while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));

 rIICSTAT = 0x90;   //stop transmit
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 Delay_1ms(10);       //dealy Twr ~= 10ms

 Function  name   :   IIC_Read
 Description    :   read data from EEPROM with IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr and *data                                         
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :   Current Address Read(当前地址读)                                       
void IIC_Read_Now(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char *data)

 //rIICCON = (1 << 7) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (0 << 4) | 0;
 rIICDS = (device_addr | (1 << 0));  //transmit device_address
 rIICSTAT = 0xB0;     //Master recive mode and start transmit
 //rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);    //clear interupt pending
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));  //receive data
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));  //wait data arrive
 *data = rIICDS;     //receive data
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 while(!(rIICCON & (1 << 4)));

 rIICSTAT = 0x90;   //stop transmit
 rIICCON &= ~(1 << 4);
 Delay_1ms(10);       //dealy Twr ~= 10ms


void Test_IIC(void)
 unsigned int i;
 unsigned char *paddress = address;
 unsigned char page_addr = 0; 
 unsigned char data[8];
 rIICSTAT = 0x10;

 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  data[i] = 8;
 Uart_Printf("start write data ... /n");
/* for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)     //write a Byte data
 for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)     //write a Page data
  IIC_Write_Page(device_address,(i << 3),data);
 Uart_Printf("start read data ... /n");
 IIC_Read(device_address,(page_addr<<3),paddress,256); //Random and Sequential Read
 //IIC_Read_Now(device_address,paddress); //Current Address Read

 Uart_Printf("the data is ... /n");
 paddress = address;
 for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
  if(((i % 16) == 0) && (i != 0))
  Uart_Printf("  %0x", *paddress);


//*****************************************  手工写协议  ************************************************

 Function  name   :   Set_IIC_DAT_Output
 Description    :   switch mode as output
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void Set_IIC_DAT_Output(void)
 volatile unsigned int number;
 number = rGPECON;
 number &= ~(((unsigned)3 << 30) | ((unsigned)3 << 28));  // GPE15[31:30]  GPE14[29:28]
 number |= ((unsigned)1 << 30) | ((unsigned)1 << 28);     //   IICSDA         IICSCL
 rGPECON = number;           //     01             01

 Function  name   :   Set_IIC_DAT_Input
 Description    :   switch mode as input
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void Set_IIC_DAT_Input(void)
 volatile unsigned int number;
 number = rGPECON;
 number &= ~(((unsigned)3 << 30) | ((unsigned)3 << 28));  // GPE15[31:30]  GPE14[29:28]
 number |= ((unsigned)0 << 30) | ((unsigned)1 << 28);     //   IICSDA         IICSCL
 rGPECON = number;           //     00             01
 Function  name   :   IIC_Start
 Description    :   start IIC
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_Start(void)

 // start definition : SCL = 1, SDA = 1 --> 0  ===> SCL = 0
 Delay_1ms(1); //延时 t > 4.7us
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.0us

 Function  name   :   IIC_Stop
 Description    :   stop IIC
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_Stop(void)
 // stop definition : SCL = 1, SDA = 0 --> 1
 Delay_1ms(1); //延时 t > 4.7us
 Delay_1ms(1); //t > 4.7us

 Function  name   :   IIC_Ack
 Description    :   Output Acknowledge
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_Send_Ack(void)

 Set_IIC_DAT_Output(); //切换为输入模式
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.7/2us
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.0us
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.7/2us

 Function  name   :   IIC_Send_no_Ack
 Description    :   Output Acknowledge
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_Send_no_Ack(void)

 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.7/2us
 Set_IIC_DAT_Output(); //切换为输入模式
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.7/2us
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.0us
 Delay_1ms(1); // t > 4.7/2us

 Function  name   :   IIC_Check_Ack
 Description    :   receive a Acknowledge single
 Input Arguments     :   void                                           
 Returns       :   int                  
 othor         :                                         
int IIC_Check_Ack(void)
 volatile unsigned int temp;
 if(rGPEDAT & (1 << 15)) //read ack signal
  temp = 1;  // 1 : no ack
 else    // 0 : ack
  temp = 0;

 return temp;
 Function  name   :   Write
 Description    :   write a data to EEPROM wtih IIC
 Input Arguments     :   data                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void Write(unsigned char data)
 volatile unsigned int i;
 for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++)  // transmit a 8bits data
  if(data & (1 << (8 - i))) //verdict a bit is 1 or 0

 Function  name   :   Read
 Description    :   read a data from EEPROM wtih IIC
 Input Arguments     :   *data                                           
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void Read(unsigned char *data)
 volatile unsigned int i;
 unsigned char *pdata = data;
 for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++) // receive a 8bits data
  if(rGPEDAT & (1 << 15))   //verdict a bit is 1 or 0
   *pdata = (*pdata) | (1 << (8 - i));
   *pdata = (*pdata) & (~(1 << (8 - i)));

 Function  name   :   IIC_Read_Hand
 Description    :   read a data from EEPROM wtih IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr, *data and worde_addr                                         
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_Read_Hand(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr, unsigned char *data)
 volatile unsigned int k;
 volatile unsigned int temp;
 unsigned char *pdata = data;
 IIC_Start();   //start
 Write(device_addr & (~(1 << 0))); //transmit device address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();     // raad a ack signal
 if(k)     // k = 1  read failed
 {      //     0  read succeed
  Uart_Printf(" write  iic  device  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_read_stop;
 Write(worde_addr); //transmit memory address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack(); // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write memory  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_read_stop;
 IIC_Start(); //start
 Write(device_addr | (1 << 0)); //transmit device address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack(); // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write  iic  device  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_read_stop;
 Read(pdata);  //read data
 IIC_Send_no_Ack();  //send no ack
 temp = 1;

 IIC_Stop();  //stop
  Uart_Printf("  read succeed . /n"); //temp = 1 read false
 else         //       0 read true
  Uart_Printf("  read failed ! /n");

 Function  name   :   IIC_ReadPage_Hand
 Description    :   read a data from EEPROM wtih IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr, *data and worde_addr                                         
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_ReadPage_Hand(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr, unsigned char *data)
 volatile unsigned int i, k;
 volatile unsigned int temp;
 unsigned char *pdata = data;
 IIC_Start();   //start
 Write(device_addr & (~(1 << 0))); //transmit device address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();         // raad a ack signal
 if(k)    // k = 1  read failed 
 {     //     0  read succeed
  Uart_Printf(" write  iic  device  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_read_stop;
 Write(worde_addr << 3); //transmit memory address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack(); // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write memory  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_read_stop;
 IIC_Start(); //start
 Write(device_addr | (1 << 0)); //transmit device address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();  // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write  iic  device  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_read_stop;
 for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
  Read(pdata);  //read data
  if(i != 8)
   IIC_Send_Ack();  //send a ack
 IIC_Send_no_Ack();  //send no ack
 temp = 1;

 IIC_Stop();  //stop
  Uart_Printf("  read succeed . /n"); //temp = 1 read false
 else         //       0 read true
  Uart_Printf("  read failed ! /n");

 Function  name   :   IIC_Write_Hand
 Description    :   write a data to EEPROM wtih IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr , worde_addr and data                                     
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_Write_Hand(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr,unsigned char data)
 volatile unsigned int k, temp;
 IIC_Start(); // start
 Write(device_addr & (~(1 << 0))); //transmit device address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();    // raad a ack signal
 if(k)    // k = 1  read failed 
 {     //     0  read succeed
  Uart_Printf(" write  iic  device  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_stop;
 Write(worde_addr);     //transmit memory address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();   // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write  memory  address  no  ack ! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_stop;
 Write(data);   //transmit data
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();   // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write data no  ack ! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_stop;
  temp = 1;

 IIC_Stop();  //stop
  Uart_Printf("  write succeed . /n"); //temp = 1 read false
 else          //       0 read true
  Uart_Printf("  write failed ! /n");

 Function  name   :   IIC_WritePage_Hand
 Description    :   write some data to EEPROM wtih IIC
 Input Arguments     :   device_addr , worde_addr and *data                                     
 Returns       :   void                  
 othor         :                                         
void IIC_WritePage_Hand(unsigned char device_addr, unsigned char worde_addr,unsigned char *data)
 volatile unsigned int i;
 volatile unsigned int k, temp;
 unsigned char *pdata = data;
 IIC_Start(); // start
 Write(device_addr & (~(1 << 0))); //transmit device address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();    // raad a ack signal
 if(k)    // k = 1  read failed   
 {     //     0  read succeed
  Uart_Printf(" write  iic  device  address  no  ack! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_stop;
 Write(worde_addr << 3);  //transmit memory address
 k = IIC_Check_Ack();     // raad a ack signal
  Uart_Printf(" write  memory  address  no  ack ! /n");
  temp = 0;
  goto iic_stop;
 for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
  Write(*pdata); //transmit data
  k = IIC_Check_Ack();  // raad a ack signal
   Uart_Printf(" write data no  ack ! /n");
   temp = 0;
   goto iic_stop;
   temp = 1;

 IIC_Stop();  //stop
  Uart_Printf("  write succeed . /n"); //temp = 1 read false
 else          //       0 read true
  Uart_Printf("  write failed ! /n");

void test_2(void)
 unsigned int i;
 unsigned char *paddress = address;
 unsigned char num;
 unsigned char data[8];

 for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  data[i] = 7;
 Uart_Printf("/n  start write data ... /n");  //write data
 for(i = 0; i < 32; i ++)
  num = i;
 Uart_Printf("  start read data ... /n");   //read data
 paddress = address;
 for(i = 0; i < 32; i ++)
  paddress = paddress + 8;
 paddress = address;
 for(i = 0; i < 256; i ++)
  if(((i % 16) == 0) & (i != 0))
  Uart_Printf("   %0x", *paddress);







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


