Oracle ERP学习笔记


1. Recovery tax



2.Debit memoCredit memo

前者是自己开给supplier,做红冲的.Credit memo是供应商开给自己做红冲,是供应商的负值发票.


3.Withholding Tax

从国外供应商进口,代扣国外供应商的税款.比如总计10000的销售,10% 的税,那么就只给国外供应商9000. grouppriority的关系.



5.Income statement 损益表


6.Balance sheet 资产负债表


7.Encumbrance accounting 预算的保留款.


8. Payment format

payment document对应起来的支票格式.


9.aging period 帐龄分析表Invoice Aging Report的期间.


10.Rounding 进位的差额



1) Payment Accounting Payable Options: When Payment is Issued & When Payment Clears.


l                         现金

Receiving Transactions: Debit Inventory Receiving and credit AP Accrual.

InspectionDebit Receiving Inspection and credit Inventory Receiving;

Delivery: Debit Inv Valuation and credit Receiving Inspection;

Invoice: Debit AP Accrual (Accounts Payable Clearing) and credit Liability (Accounts Payable).

Payment (Payment Status=Negotiable): Debit Liability and credit Discount & Cash Clearing.

Payment (Payment Status=Cleared) Confirm: Debit Cash Clearing and credit Cash.

l                         远期票据Future Date Payment

Invoice: Debit Charge, Tax, Freight; Credit Liability.

Payment Issued (Payment Status=Issued): Debit Liability; Credit Future Date Payment.

Payment Maturity (Payment Status=Negotiable): Debit Future Date Payment; Credit Cash Clearing.

Payment Clearing (Payment Status=Cleared): Debit Cash Clearing; Credit Cash.


When Payment is Issued

When Payment Clears

Both (When Payment is Issued, and When Payment Clears)





Payment Confirm


Dr. AP应付帐款

  Cr. Cash银存


Future Dated:

Dr. AP应付帐款

  Cr. Future Dated




Dr. AP应付帐款

  Cr. Cash Clearing


Future Dated:

Dr. AP应付帐款

  Cr. Future Dated




Payment Maturity

Future Dated:

Dr. Future Dated


  Cr. Cash银存


Future Dated:

Dr. Future Dated


  Cr. Cash Clearing


Payment reconciliation or clearing


Cash\ Future Dated :

Dr. AP应付帐款

  Cr. Cash银存

Cash\Future Dated:

Dr. Cash Clearing


   Cr. Cash银存

2)When payment is Clearing:当单独选中这个选项,paymentCECleared以后,系统会生成如下会计分录:

Bank ChargeDebit Bank Charge and credit Cash account.

Bank errors: account in Cash account and Bank Errors account. Debits and credits depend whether the bank error was a positive or negative amount.

只有Account MethodAccrual的时候才有这个分录生成。


12. Group by Due Date

Payable(R)-Setup-Payment-Formats-Group by Due Date

payment batch中区分可以付款的invoice的依据.如果打勾,则会按照Due Date的不同把相同SupplierInvoice分开显示;如果不打勾,那么同一个Supplier的可以付款的Invoice会被显示在一个界面中,也就是用同一张Pay Document付款.


13. Payable-Setup-Option-Financial-Payment Accounting-Account for Payment

Carefully consider these settings at implementation time. After you set them and save this record, the only change you can make is to also account for the payment when the payment clears.


14. Accounting Method

1) Cash Basic Accounting: The payment accounting entries typically Debit Expense or Asset account and Credit Cash Clearing or Cash account.

2) Accrual Basic Accounting: The invoice accounting entries generally Debit Expense or Asset account [Accounts Payable Clearing (AP Accrual)] and Credit Liability Account.

            For prepayment applications, Payables creates accounting entries that debit your liability account and credit your prepayment account.

CashAccrual的区别在于,Cash是在付款是产生会计分录,且无Liability会计科目; Accrual是在立帐时就已经产生会计分录,且会计分录的贷方是Liability.


15. Period Rate

use period-average rates to translate income statement (损益表,利润及利润分配表) accounts.

translate balance sheet (资产负债表) accounts using period-end rates


16. Create accounting

如果Invoice没有产生会计分录, Payment是不能生成会计分录的.


17. Currency Exchange Rate Gain/Loss

1) CheckUSD支付InvoiceCNY

Invoice: Debit Charge and Credit Liability;

Payment confirm: Debit Liability, Loss and credit Cash Clearing;

                  Debit Liability and Credit Gain, Cash Clearing.

Payment cleared: Debit Cash Clearing and credit Cash.

2) CheckCNY支付InvoiceCNY(Payment batch: roc42)

Invoice: Debit Charge and Credit Liability;

Payment: Debit Liability, Interest, Loss, Write Off(抵消) and Credit Cash Clearing, Gain, Liability (CNY换算USD进位多出的0.01);

ClearDebit Cash Clearing , Bank Charge, Bank Error, Loss and credit Cash, Gain.

Payment cleared: Debit Cash Clearing, Loss and Credit Cash, Gain.

Gain/Loss Accounting for Accrual Basis Accounting


Account for Gain/Loss: Payment Issue Only

Account for Gain/Loss: Payment Clearing Only

Account for Gain/Loss: Payment Issue and Payment Clearing

Account for Payment: Payment Issue Only

Invoice -> Payment Issue

(not available)

(not available)

Account for Payment: Payment Clearing Only

(not available)

Invoice ->Payment Clearing

(not available)

Account for Payment: Payment Issue and Payment Clearing

(not available)

Invoice -> Payment Clearing
When accounting for the Payment, Payables uses the invoice exchange rate so there's no gain/loss at payment time)

1) Invoice -> Payment Issue
2) Payment -> Payment Clearing
For future dated payments:
1) Invoice -> Payment
2) Payment ->Payment Maturity, and
3) Payment Maturity -> Payment Clearing



18. Withholding Tax

如果一张发票有Tax group关联到Withholding Tax Group,当生效日期符合的时候,会生成一张Withholding Tax的发票,原发票金额变为原金额减去Withholding Tax的金额,且在付款的时候,原发票的状态是Paid,但是Withholding Tax的费用是未付的。


19. Pay Date Basis.

Payable中的默认值会带到Supplier Site中,在payment batch检索可以付款的发票的时候以发票的供应商的设置为准,如果供应商是Due,那么只有到期的发票才会被检索出来,如果是Discount,那么只要是有折扣的(折扣日期在Payment through之前)也会被检索出来的。


20.BANK CHARGES: You cannot use the Discount feature if you enable the Use Bank Charges Payables option.


21. Write Off


You may want to enter a write off account on the distribution if you do not want the accounts on the credit or debit memo to bear the impact of the unrecovered credit.

因为换算进位导致的损益就记录在write off accounting中。比如一笔3445.43CNYInvoice分成两笔付款,分别是689.092,756.34,分别换算成USD84.04 336.14,两者相加就比3445.43CNY直接换算成USD多了0.01。所以这多出来的要作为Credit记录在Liability中,Debit Write Off accounting平掉。


22Recalculate Scheduled Payment.

During recalculation, Payables uses the most recent of the available start date options and the most favorable of the available payment terms options so you can optimize your cash flow.

Is Invoice PO Matched?

Start Date

Payment Terms


Most recent of the following:
1. Invoice Date
2. Terms Date
3. Date Goods Received + Receipt Acceptance Days

Invoice Payment Terms


Most recent of the following:
1. Invoice Date
2. Terms Date
3. Date Goods Received + Receipt Acceptance Days

More favorable of the following:
1. Invoice Payment Terms
2. Purchase Order Payment Terms

但勾了这个选项之后,在Validation的时候,系统会读取Invoice DateTerms DateDate Goods Received Receipt Acceptance Days四个时间中最晚的时间作为Scheduled Payments的起始计算时间。如果和PO match过,就会取两者Rank1最高)更高的一个作为计算的payment


23. Trial balance

试算表(trial balance)定期地加计分类账各账户的借贷方发生及余额的合计数,用以检查借贷方是否平衡暨账户记录有无错误的一种表式。该表通常设有账户名称栏和期初余额本期发生额期末余额三个金额栏。

Accounts Payable Trial Balance

           Reporting Level: Operating Unit

         Reporting Context: Vision Operations

     Set of Books Currency: USD

                As of Date: 12-APR-06

             Supplier Name: Roc Inc.

         Liability Account: All

          Summarize Report: No

    Negative Balances Only: No

  Exclude Invoices Prior To



Invoice Number        Date       Curr              Amount    Remaining Amount  Invoice Description

--------------------  ---------  ----  ------------------  ------------------ 

Liability Account:   01-000-2210-0000-000


Supplier Name:       Roc Inc.


023                   23-MAR-06  USD            1,049.50              839.60

040501                06-APR-06  CNY              125.00              125.00

040502                06-APR-06  CNY              250.00              200.00

040505                06-APR-06  CNY              250.04              200.03

040506                01-APR-06  CNY               98.94               79.15

040506A               01-APR-06  CNY               15.07               15.07

0410test              10-APR-06  USD            2,300.00            2,300.00

100002C               01-APR-06  USD           11,078.60            8,862.88

100034                20-MAR-06  USD            1,270.00            1,016.00

123123                23-MAR-06  USD           10,450.00            8,360.00

341124                23-MAR-06  USD        1,050,000.00          840,000.00

R0401                 01-APR-06  USD            1,336.87            1,336.87

ROC0401AA             01-APR-06  CNY               14.67               11.73

ROC0401AB             01-APR-06  CNY              380.50              304.40

X200043               21-MAR-06  USD            1,200.00              960.00

roc001                03-APR-06  USD            1,200.00            1,200.00

roc002                04-APR-06  USD            1,000.00            1,000.00

roc003                04-APR-06  USD           10,000.00            8,000.00

roc004                04-APR-06  USD            1,200.00              960.00

                                       ------------------  ------------------

Total for Supplier :                        1,093,219.19          875,770.73

                                       ------------------  ------------------

Total for Liability Account :               1,093,219.19          875,770.73

                                       ==================  ==================

Total for Report :                          1,093,219.19          875,770.73

                                       ==================  ==================


24Allow Online Validation

这个选项选中以后,在Invoice Batch的界面会出现Validation的按钮,且在Invoice的界面可以做Validation的操作,反之,按钮没有,Invoice界面的Validation的功能是灰掉的。但可以执行Invoice Validationrequest




l         关于盘点结果延后录入的影响







l         关于盘点分周安排




25. Build Prepayment Accounts When Matching

如果选中了这个选项,当Prepayment Invoice match PO的时候,系统会动态生成DistributionLine的会计科目,Payables builds the account on each prepayment Item distribution using:

l         the natural (charge) account segment from the supplier site's prepayment account, and

l         all other account segments from the corresponding purchase order or receipt distribution.

但是如果生成的会计分录是不合法的(违反交叉验证规则),就会用Supplier Site的预付款会计科目作为Invoice 的会计科目。

如果没有选中这个选项,就用Supplier Site的预付款会计科目作为Invoice 的会计科目。


26Payment Discount Method

Set up->Payables->Payment

When Back Charge is enable , It defaults to System Account.

1)      Prorate Expense

l         When Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation is unable

Payables automatically prorates any discounts across all the invoice distributions.

折扣金额会按照InvoiceDistribution Line的明细拆分到相应的会计科目中。Payment accountingDebit Liability and credit Discount, Cash clearing. 如图(Invoice Num= 901)

Invoice Distribution:

Payment Accounting:

l         When Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation is Enable

所有的折扣只拆分到ExpenseDistribution Line中,而tax不计算折扣,这样,折扣的总金额可能会小于gross amount乘以折扣比例(因为tax不计算折扣)。For example(Invoice Num= 902)

Invoice Distribution:

Payment Accounting:

2)      Prorate Tax

这个选项enable以后,Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation Payables option must be unable.

Payables自动把折扣按照Tax的比例分配到Tax Distribution Accounting,而费用所占比例的折扣就被记录在Discount Taken Accountingenter in the Financials Options window)的Credit中,比如下图二的18.14USDDiscountFor example(Invoice Num= 902)

Invoice Distribution:

Payment Accounting:

3System Account

当这个选项是空白或者Bank Charge被选中以后,系统都使用这个作为默认值。

Payables credits all discounts to the system Discount Taken account you define in the Financials Options window. 系统会把InvoiceScheduled Payment中的Discount的金额记录到相应的会计科目中。而不是以付款时候Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation 的值作为计算Discount Amount的参考依据。所以,当Discount MethodSystem Account的时候,是否要把Tax计算到折扣中,必须在enter invoice之前就选择好。

经过验证得知,如果在Scheduled Payment生成以后,再修改Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation的值,不会对付款的会计科目和金额造成任何影响。

For example(Invoice Num= 902)

l         When Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation is enable

系统会按照ExpenseGross Amount计算Discount amount,然后记录到Discount Taken accountingCredit。因为没有计算Tax的折扣,所以计算出来的折扣金额会小于总金额乘以折扣比例。

Invoice Distribution:

Payment Accounting:

l         When Exclude Tax from Discount Calculation is unable

Invoice Distribution:

Payment Accounting:


27Supplier Merge




28Pay On Receipt

ü         收货自动生成PO,必须按照以下流程:

ü         在供应商地点的Self-Billing中维护Pay On Receipt

ü         PO进行收货操作,如果PO设定的收货方法是Direct Delivery也可以;

ü         执行“Pay On Receipt AutoInvoice”,系统会自动执行“Payables Open Interface Import”,可以在Output文件中查看哪些发票已经被生成。

ü         系统自动在AP中创建发票,发票的状态是Never Validated


29PO AP Accrual Account的生成規則:

1) 如果PO-Shipment-DistributionsTypeInventoryAccrual的科目就是取Organization上的Inventory AP Accrual的科目。

2) 如果PO-Shipment-DistributionsTypeExpenseAccrual的科目就是取Purchasing Options上的Expense AP Accrual Account的科目。


30recoverable cost可收回成本

可收回成本是可折旧当前成本的一部分,它等于当前成本减残值再减投资退税基本缩减额。如果您指定折旧成本最高限额,并且可收回成本大于该最高限额,则 Oracle 资产管理系统将使用该成本最高限额。


31Life-Based Method

用折旧的起始日期(Prorate Date)来确定全年折旧率(prorate convention rate),在rate table中根据prorate date所处的期间来决定一个比率。用可回收成本(recoverable cost)乘以全年折旧率的比例再除以当年的期数,比如从四月一号开始折旧,那么期数就是9,得到每个月的折旧金额。



Oracle Bills of Material Oracle Engineering 中,您可以将虚拟件的组件分配给物料清单组件的子装配件和子装配件的零件。在使用虚拟子装配件的组件时,可假定已将它们直接连接至父装配件。在在制品管理系统中,您不能将虚拟件供应类型分配给任务和重复生产线/装配件关联。请参阅:虚拟件




Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP Supply Chain Planning 会使用批对批批量方法来计划虚拟子装配件;另外,系统会用计划其它装配件的方式来计划虚拟件。在计划流程运行期间,您必须将虚拟件的提前期设置为零,以避免出现提前期偏置。在计划虚拟子装配件时,Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP Supply Chain Planning 会忽略需求时间栏、计划时间栏和订单修改量。


Oracle Cost Management 中累计装配件成本时,虚拟装配件的物料成本(而非工艺路线成本)将被纳入包含那些虚拟件的高层装配件的成本中。




Oracle Work in Process 可以通过虚拟子装配件展开至组件,就好象组件是直接连接在父装配件上。您可以象定义其它装配件的工艺路线一样来定义虚拟装配件的工艺路线。在您定义任务或重复性计划时,在制品管理系统会忽略虚拟装配件的工艺路线。






Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP 使用逐批批量技术来计划虚拟子装配件。除此之外,系统对虚拟件应用与其它装配件相同的规则。您应将虚拟件提前期设置为零,以避免在计划流程期间执行提前期偏置。




成本累计将虚拟装配件与常规装配件同等对待。虚拟件被看作是一个独立的实体;其成本要素(物料、资源等)将被添加到更高一层装配件的成本要素中。同时,完全成本累计流程会将待定虚拟装配件制造费用设置为 0


33leasehold improvement(租赁资产改良)



34Bonus rule






36MADmean absolute deviation)是平均绝对值



37、修改界面颜色:Java Color Scheme



之所以看不到,是因为Purchasing Option中的审批层级没有维护。


39. 自动取最新的一揽子协议价格

如果启用了PO: Automatic Document Sourcing = Yes,那么PRCreate Release的时候会取最新的一揽子协议的价格,这个最新指的是一揽子协议头的创建日期.


40. Error connecting to database uat: ORA-20

如果设置Standard Manager连接数设得太多,执行报表得时候可能会有这个错误.理论值设为15比较合适.


41. 多组织共用一揽子采购协议的累计折扣价格

l         首先说明一点,系统地标准功能无法统计多张采购单或者订单的数量,从而达到折扣的要求。只有BSABPA这两种方式支持多张POSO,因为是通过Release出来的。

l         另外Oracle Advanced Pricing 不支持BPA,所以无法采用高级定价的功能实现折扣的功能

l         CPA(Contract Purchase Agreement)是可以与Advanced Pricing结合,针对不同的Item Quantity Range作折扣,但是无法统计多张采购单的数量,这样就要求请购的数量必须合在一个采购单的明细行,然后通过Shipment来区分具体的需求日期和收货组织。不知道这样是否能满足客户的需求




43. 多个接收行的情况



44. REP-1401: 'afterpform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error


Open the report in report designer, and change the width of User Parameter P_ORG_WHERE from 200 to 2000.

2000 is the width of the variable that is returned by the function.

Save and regenerate the report


45. 使用QA,接收检验结果保存不了,重新查询以后无变化.

之所以保存不成功,是因为PO lookup code中定义的ERT RESULTS ACTION,QA质量收集计划定义的Element不一致,如大小写不一致,或者中英文差异等等.







select * from all_sequences where sequence_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE_S';


48.资源是否勾选Standard Rate的区别

l         如果资源不勾选Standard Rate,则在Move时,计入WIP Account的是实际消耗的资源,差异在工单关闭的时候才会计算。

l         如果资源勾选了Standard Rate,则在Move的时候,计入WIP Account的是标准资源,资源差异在这个时候就会生成。

l         针对不同的员工和机器的资源,因为品质和能力不同,导致计费成本不同,用Standard Rate进行区分。



l         ECO实施以后,如果涉及到成品的版本升级,则该成品对应的Unreleased Job的版本都会升到最新级别,Job需要的零件也是按照最新版本的BOM进行展开,而不管开工日期与版本生效日期的关系。

l         ECO实施以后的新建的Job依然会按照成品的版本升级日期生效,如果开工日期是当前日期且早于新版本的生效日期,那么Job的物料需求依然按当前版本的BOM展开。


50Open ECO对物料版本记录的影响

Open ECO(已创建未实施的ECO

l         对于这样的ECO如果涉及到物料版本的升级,则如下图列出,生效日期已经有了,但实施日期为空。

l         Initiation Date表示的是ECO创建时间,ECO显示对应的ECO编号。



l         When you implement an ECO, the Work In Process (WIP) system automatically re-explodes and updates the Bill Of Materials (BOM) for all "unreleased discrete jobs" and repetitive schedules for the item. 
l         If a job is released, you must re-schedule the job to implement the ECO for the item in the released job.  Only ECO's which have been implemented before the job is released will be seen.  Hence you have to re-schedule the job.
l         If you have updated the component material requirements for an unreleased job or schedule, you lose these updates after you implement the ECO for the item.


l         工单倒冲时是按照当前有效的版本进行倒冲,当前时间是11/26/2008 7:15:44 AM,所以倒冲版本是B


l         如果时间过了B版本的有效期再做工单发料,即使Job是在C版本之前就release的,pull发料时会要求发C料。对于仍在Open ECO中的D版本,系统不会建议发料


l         You can explode item revisions that have associated ECOs with Release, Schedule, and Implement statuses. If you set the WIP:Exclude ECOs profile option to None, you can also explode revisions for ECOs that have an Open status.如果把WIP:Exclude ECOs profile设为None,表示在WIP发料的时候不排除任何ECO,也就是说所有的ECO无论是否实施,都被作为发料的参考。因此,在下图中,虽然D版本的零件还未实施,但系统建议发D版本的物料。――profile不会影响BOM展开的结果。





l         启用批次控制的物料倒冲的规则由WIP ParameterLot Selection Method决定是按照批次失效日期还是按照批次接收时间等进行自动倒冲

l         自动倒冲不会倒冲批次已经失效的原材料,如果仓库既有失效的原材料又有有效的原材料,则只会自动倒冲有效的原材料。如果所有的原材料都已经失效,则系统会弹出倒冲物料窗口,需要手工指定倒冲的批次。


54.工单在线取消,工单关闭后所有的WIP Valuation都会计入WIP Variance








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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


