Age of Conan Terminology

Playing an MMORPG, especially one like Age of Conan: age of conan goldHyborian Adventures, can be a little hard to understand especially if you're a first-time player. warhammer goldThere's pretty much a completely separate language that MMORPG players use to communicate when playing the game,warhammer gold certain terms, and acronyms of abbreviations that you might not understand. A lot of them are to do with game play actions or conventions.

AFK is a common one - aoc goldthis basically means 'away from keyboard' and that you're not going to be playing your character for a few moments.aoc gold Be sure to not do this too much, or it makes players not like you. If you don't think you'll be able to devote time to playing, don't log in.

Aggro is a term used to talk about an enemy's willingness to attack.age of conan gold Think aggression and that's basically what it is.warhammer gold It's usually the job of the tank character to build up agro so the enemy attacks him/her the most as the other players deal damage. This is the most common strategy in MMORPGs, but in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures you have to do it a bit differently by having your tank well out of the way of other characters,aoc gold because sword blows and other attacks are just as damaging to people who just happen to be in the way as they are to the target of the attack.

AC is Armor Class.aoc gold This is how much damage your armor can withstand the higher the number, the better the armor.aoc gold It's a convention that's reversed in this game - most MMORPGs I've seen have it as better armor having a lower numbered AC.

Bio is a term players use during chat to let other players know they have to attend to personal functions (read as: take a bathroom break).warhammer gold The full phrase is biological functioning, but bio works just as well.

BRB means 'be right back' This is much the same as AFK,warhammer gold except it's theoretically supposed to mean you're only going to be gone for a very short time. aoc goldSome people use the two interchangeably.

Tanking is the act of a character deliberately taking damage for the rest of the group; this job is usually aoc goldthe Guardian class in Conan: Hyborian Adventures.

Looting is a pretty obvious term - this is when you kill a fellow player or an NPC or enemy and proceed to take all items, weapons and armor they were wearing. A subset of this (and not highly liked) is Ninja Looting, buy aoc goldwhich is looting done on a caffeine rush where you take everything practically before the corpse hits the ground.

Spawning/respawning is a term that's carried over from FPS games.age of conan gold When you died in MMORPGs, you're not actually dead;buy aoc gold your character will revive with all his possessions (hopefully) at the nearest respawn point.

Camping is the act of standing in one spot and killing nearby enemies but not putting yourself in any danger. warhammer gold This is usually highly disliked.

PvP is the most common term you're going to hear likely. aoc goldThis means player vs player combat. Instead of fighting the non-player characters,aoc gold  you're fighting other players. Most games warhammer gold have servers specifically for this.

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