Manganese beneficiation process method

1, washing and screening
Washing ore use waterpower to wash or additional mechinery scrub to separate the ore and mud. Common equipments are washing sieve, cylinder ore washing machine and trough washing machine.
Ore washing operations often associated with screening, such as shaker directly flush cleaning or washing machine obtaining the ore (net mine) sent to vibrating sieve. Screening can be used as an independent operation, the separation of different particle size and grade of products supplied to different uses.
2, Manganese ore beneficiation
Currently manganese beneficiation is only used for sorting simple structure, coarse-grained disseminated ore, especially for large denser oxide ore. Common methods are heavy media beneficiation, jigging beneficiation and shaking beneficiation.
At present, China's manganese oxide treatment process is generally broken ore to 6 ~ 0mm or 10 ~ 0mm, then grouped, coarse level jigging and fine level delivery shaking to sort.
3, strong magnetic separation of manganese beneficiation equipment
Manganese was a weak magnetic minerals (than the susceptibility X = 10 × 10-6 ~ 600 × 10-6cm3 / g), the magnetic field strength Ho = 800 ~ 1600kA / m (10000 ~ 20000oe) strong magnetic separator can be to be recovered, the general can improve Mn grade 4% to 10%.
Since magnetic separation is simple operation, easy to control, adaptability, can be used for various sorting manganese ore, manganese ore in recent years has been dominant. New types of coarse, medium and fine magnetic machine has been successfully developed. At present, the domestic manganese most common is medium-grained strong magnetic separator, coarse and fine intensity magnetic separator is gradually applied, micro-fine strong magnetic separator is still in the experimental stage.
4, manganese beneficiation equipment - Magnetic separation
Currently newly renovated and re-built - magnetic separation plant is in Fujian Liancheng, Guangxi leader, Jingxi and lower Lei. Such as heavy Liancheng Manganese - magnetic separation plant, dealing mainly with type manganese oxide ore leaching, using AM-30 Jig processing 30 ~ 3mm of washed ore, manganese available to more than 40% of high-quality manganese ore, and then handling after the election impurity can be used as battery manganese powder raw materials. Jig tailings and less than 3mm diameter washed ore ground to less than 1m, with a strong magnetic separator selection, manganese ore grade to improve from 24% to 25%, reaching 36% to 40%.
5, manganese beneficiation strong magnetic - flotation
Currently just Zunyi manganese ore use strong magnetic - flotation process. The mine is mainly manganese carbonate with low manganese, low carbonate, high iron manganese.

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