SYSCAT.TABLES catalog view

Each row represents a table, view, alias, or nickname. Each table or view hierarchy has one additional row representing the hierarchy table or hierarchy view that implements the hierarchy. Catalog tables and views are included.

Table 67. SYSCAT.TABLES Catalog View
Column NameData TypeNullableDescription
TABSCHEMAVARCHAR(128)Schema name of the object.
TABNAMEVARCHAR(128)Unqualified name of the object.
OWNERVARCHAR(128)Authorization ID under which the table, view, alias, or nickname was created.
TYPECHAR(1)Type of object.
  • A = Alias
  • G = Global temporary table
  • H = Hierarchy table
  • L = Detached table
  • N = Nickname
  • S = Materialized query table
  • T = Table (untyped)
  • U = Typed table
  • V = View (untyped)
  • W = Typed view
STATUSCHAR(1)Status of the object.
  • C = Set integrity pending
  • N = Normal
  • X = Inoperative
BASE_TABSCHEMAVARCHAR(128)YIf TYPE = 'A', contains the schema name of the table, view, alias, or nickname that is referenced by this alias; null value otherwise.
BASE_TABNAMEVARCHAR(128)YIf TYPE = 'A', contains the unqualified name of the table, view, alias, or nickname that is referenced by this alias; null value otherwise.
ROWTYPESCHEMAVARCHAR(128)YSchema name of the row type for this table, if applicable; null value otherwise.
ROWTYPENAMEVARCHAR(128)YUnqualified name of the row type for this table, if applicable; null value otherwise.
CREATE_TIMETIMESTAMPTime at which the object was created.
INVALIDATE_TIMETIMESTAMPTime at which the object was last invalidated.
STATS_TIMETIMESTAMPYTime at which any change was last made to recorded statistics for this object. Null if statistics are not collected.
COLCOUNTSMALLINTNumber of columns, including inherited columns (if any).
TABLEIDSMALLINTInternal logical object identifier.
TBSPACEIDSMALLINTInternal logical identifier for the primary table space for this object.
CARDBIGINTTotal number of rows; -1 if statistics are not collected.
NPAGESBIGINTTotal number of pages on which the rows of the table exist; -1 for a view or alias, or if statistics are not collected; -2 for a subtable or hierarchy table.
FPAGESBIGINTTotal number of pages; -1 for a view or alias, or if statistics are not collected; -2 for a subtable or hierarchy table.
OVERFLOWBIGINTTotal number of overflow records in the table; -1 for a view or alias, or if statistics are not collected; -2 for a subtable or hierarchy table.
TBSPACEVARCHAR(128)YName of the primary table space for the table. If no other table space is specified, all parts of the table are stored in this table space. Null for aliases, views, and partitioned tables.
INDEX_TBSPACEVARCHAR(128)YName of the table space that holds all indexes created on this table. Null for aliases, views, and partitioned tables, or if the INDEX IN clause was omitted or specified with the same value as the IN clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
LONG_TBSPACEVARCHAR(128)YName of the table space that holds all long data (LONG or LOB column types) for this table. Null for aliases, views, and partitioned tables, or if the LONG IN clause was omitted or specified with the same value as the IN clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
PARENTSSMALLINTYNumber of parent tables for this object; that is, the number of referential constraints in which this object is a dependent.
CHILDRENSMALLINTYNumber of dependent tables for this object; that is, the number of referential constraints in which this object is a parent.
SELFREFSSMALLINTYNumber of self-referencing referential constraints for this object; that is, the number of referential constraints in which this object is both a parent and a dependent.
KEYCOLUMNSSMALLINTYNumber of columns in the primary key.
KEYINDEXIDSMALLINTYIndex identifier for the primary key index; 0 or the null value if there is no primary key.
KEYUNIQUESMALLINTNumber of unique key constraints (other than the primary key constraint) defined on this object.
CHECKCOUNTSMALLINTNumber of check constraints defined on this object.
  • L = Table participates in data replication, including replication of LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC columns
  • N = Table does not participate in data replication
  • Y = Table participates in data replication, excluding replication of LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC columns
  • Byte 1 represents foreign key constraint.
  • Byte 2 represents check constraint.
  • Byte 5 represents materialized query table.
  • Byte 6 represents generated column.
  • Byte 7 represents staging table.
  • Byte 8 represents data partitioning constraint.
  • Other bytes are reserved for future use.
Possible values are:
  • F = In byte 5, the materialized query table cannot be refreshed incrementally. In byte 7, the content of the staging table is incomplete and cannot be used for incremental refresh of the associated materialized query table.
  • N = Not checked
  • U = Checked by user
  • W = Was in 'U' state when the table was placed in set integrity pending state
  • Y = Checked by system
PMAP_IDSMALLINTYIdentifier for the distribution map that is currently in use by this table (null for aliases or views).
PARTITION_MODECHAR(1)Indicates how data is distributed among database partitions in a partitioned database system.
  • H = Hashing
  • R = Replicated across database partitions
  • Blank = No database partitioning
  • Always 0. This column is no longer used.
PCTFREESMALLINTPercentage of each page to be reserved for future inserts.
APPEND_MODECHAR(1)Controls how rows are inserted into pages.
  • N = New rows are inserted into existing spaces, if available
  • Y = New rows are appended to the end of the data
Initial value is 'N'.
REFRESHCHAR(1)Refresh mode.
  • D = Deferred
  • I = Immediate
  • O = Once
  • Blank = Not a materialized query table
REFRESH_TIMETIMESTAMPYFor REFRESH = 'D' or 'O', time at which the data was last refreshed (REFRESH TABLE statement); null value otherwise.
LOCKSIZECHAR(1)Indicates the preferred lock granularity for tables that are accessed by data manipulation language (DML) statements. Applies to tables only. Possible values are:
  • I = Block insert
  • R = Row
  • T = Table
  • Blank = Not applicable
Initial value is 'R'.
  • C = Cardinality of the table is volatile
  • Blank = Not applicable
PROPERTYVARCHAR(32)Properties for a table. A single blank indicates that the table has no properties.
STATISTICS_PROFILECLOB(10M)YRUNSTATS command used to register a statistical profile for the object.
  • B = Both value and row compression are activated
  • N = No compression is activated; a row format that does not support compression is used
  • R = Row compression is activated; a row format that supports compression might be used
  • V = Value compression is activated; a row format that supports compression is used
  • Blank = Not applicable
ACCESS_MODECHAR(1)Access restriction state of the object. These states only apply to objects that are in set integrity pending state or to objects that were processed by a SET INTEGRITY statement. Possible values are:
  • D = No data movement
  • F = Full access
  • N = No access
  • R = Read-only access
  • Y = Table is multidimensionally clustered (even if only by one dimension)
  • Null value = Table is not multidimensionally clustered
ACTIVE_BLOCKSBIGINTTotal number of active blocks in the table, or -1. Applies to multidimensional clustering (MDC) tables only.
  • N = No rule
  • R = Restrict rule applies on drop
AVGCOMPRESSEDROWSIZESMALLINTAverage length (in bytes) of compressed rows in this table; -1 if statistics are not collected.
AVGROWCOMPRESSIONRATIOREALFor compressed rows in the table, this is the average compression ratio by row; that is, the average uncompressed row length divided by the average compressed row length; -1 if statistics are not collected.
AVGROWSIZESMALLINTAverage length (in bytes) of both compressed and uncompressed rows in this table; -1 if statistics are not collected.
PCTROWSCOMPRESSEDREALCompressed rows as a percentage of the total number of rows in the table; -1 if statistics are not collected.
LOGINDEXBUILDVARCHAR(3)YLevel of logging that is to be performed during create, recreate, or reorganize index operations on the table.
  • OFF = Index build operations on the table will be logged minimally
  • ON = Index build operations on the table will be logged completely
  • Null value = Value of the logindexbuilddatabase configuration parameter will be used to determine whether or not index build operations are to be completely logged
CODEPAGESMALLINTCode page of the object. This is the default code page used for all character columns, triggers, check constraints, and expression-generated columns.
  • A = CCSID ASCII was specified
  • U = CCSID UNICODE was specified
  • Blank = CCSID clause was not specified
PCTPAGESSAVEDSMALLINTApproximate percentage of pages saved in the table as a result of row compression. This value includes overhead bytes for each user data row in the table, but does not include the space that is consumed by dictionary overhead; -1 if statistics are not collected.
LAST_REGEN_TIMETIMESTAMPTime at which any views or check constraints on the table were last regenerated.
SECPOLICYIDINTEGERIdentifier for the security policy protecting the table; 0 for non-protected tables.
  • B = Both column- and row-level granularity
  • C = Column-level granularity
  • R = Row-level granularity
  • Blank = Non-protected table
DEFINER1VARCHAR(128)Authorization ID under which the table, view, alias, or nickname was created.
REMARKSVARCHAR(254)YUser-provided comments, or null.
  1. The DEFINER column is included for backwards compatibility. See OWNER.

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