enq: TM - contention解决之道——外键无索引导致锁争用(下)

上篇文章简要介绍了一下当外键无索引时,更新删除主表的数据会造成子表的锁定,如果此时子表上有事务,那么进行更新删除的session变会等待,等待事件就是enq: TM - contention

外键与 TM enqueue lock 的主要问题是 在早期版本中(9i之前) 当 子表child table上 的外键没有索引时 , 若发生 父表 parent table 上记录被delete 或 update时 , 会在child table上加 share lock, 这会 阻塞 child table 上的DML。
但是从 9i以后的当 子表child table上 的外键没有索引时, 父表parent table上的delete 、update 只在 实际这个DML执行的过程中要求share (TM lmode=4) lock,而不会在整个事务中 都要求保持 child table上的 share lock。


Value   Name(s)                    Table method (TM lock)
    0   No lock                    n/a

    1   Null lock (NL)             Used during some parallel DML operations (e.g. update) by
                                   the pX slaves while the QC is holding an exclusive lock.

    2   Sub-share (SS)             Until "select for update"
        Row-share (RS)             Since used at opposite end of RI during DML
                                   Lock table in row share mode
                                   Lock table in share update mode

    3   Sub-exclusive(SX)          Update (also "select for update" from
        Row-exclusive(RX)          Lock table in row exclusive mode
                                   Since 11.1 used at opposite end of RI during DML

    4   Share (S)                  Lock table in share mode
                                   Can appear during parallel DML with id2 = 1, in the PX slave sessions
                                   Common symptom of "foreign key locking" (missing index) problem

    5   share sub exclusive (SSX)  Lock table in share row exclusive mode
        share row exclusive (SRX)  Less common symptom of "foreign key locking" but likely to be more
                                   frequent if the FK constraint is defined with "on delete cascade."

    6   Exclusive (X)              Lock table in exclusive mode
share lock就是mode为4的S锁

Summary of Locks Obtained by DML Statements

SQL Statement Row Locks Table Lock Mode RS RX S SRX X
SELECT … FROM table... none Y Y Y Y Y
INSERT INTO table … Yes SX Y Y N N N
UPDATE table … Yes SX Y* Y* N N N
MERGE INTO table … Yes SX Y Y N N N
DELETE FROM table … Yes SX Y* Y* N N N
* Yes, if no conflicting row locks are held by another transaction. Otherwise, waits occur.

TM 锁在下列场景中被申请:
  1. 在OPS(早期的RAC)中LGWR会以ID1=0 &  ID2=0去申请该队列锁来检查 DML_LOCKS 在所有实例中是全0还是全非0
  2. 当一个单表或分区 需要做不同的表/分区操作时,ORACLE需要协调这些操作,所以需要申请该队列锁。包括:
  3. 启用参考约束 referential constraints
  5. 重建IOT
  6. 创建视图或者修改ALTER视图时可能需要申请该队列锁
  7. 分析表统计信息或validate structure时
  8. 一些PDML并行DML操作
  9. 所有可能调用kkdllk()函数的操作
  10. 太多太多了。。。

好了,开始动手做个试验吧,试验中我会引用KST trace的内容,关于KST,本文不做介绍,只拿来使用


  1. SQL> conn lp/lp
  2. Connected.
  3. SQL> create table prim(a int,b varchar2(10));

  4. Table created.

  5. SQL> alter table prim add constraint PK_PRIM primary key(a);

  6. Table altered.

  7. SQL> create table child (ca int,cb varchar2(10));

  8. Table created.

  9. SQL> alter table child add constraint FK_CHILD_CA foreign key (ca) references prim(a);

  10. Table altered.

  11. SQL> insert into prim values(1,'asdasd');

  12. 1 row created.

  13. SQL> insert into prim values(2,'asdasd');

  14. 1 row created.

  15. SQL> insert into prim values(3,'asdasd');

  16. 1 row created.

  17. SQL> commit;

  18. Commit complete.

这里要说一下,在外键是否存在on delete cascade时锁的获取还有区别,所以我们分别来测试,首先是没有索引没有cascade的情况下,各个语句的锁获取情况


  1. SQL> select distinct sid from v$mystat;

  2.        SID
  3. ----------
  4.         17

  5. SQL> select pid,spid from v$process where addr = ( select paddr from v$session where sid=(select distinct sid from v$mystat));

  6.        PID SPID
  7. ---------- ------------
  8.         36   2761 

  9. SQL> alter system set "_trace_events"='10000-10999:255:36';

  10. System altered.
insert 父表:

  1. insert into prim values(5,'asdasd');

  1. select kst.event,kst.sid,kst.pid,kst.function,kst.data from x$trace kst where pid=36 and sid=17;

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 3 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  6. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 3.3.1150
  7. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-00030003-0000047e mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  8. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  9. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 69dd140000000000 0200000000000000
  10. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 0de3140000000000 0810c76a177f0000
  11. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=173 seq_num=180 snap_id=1
  12. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=173 seq_num=180 snap_id=1
  13. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=4, exc=4, tot=4
  14. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=174 seq_num=181 snap_id=1

  1. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');

  1. bb

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TX-00030003-0000047e mode=X
  2. 10813 17 36 ktudnx ktudnx: dec cnt xid:3.3.1150 nax:0 nbx:0
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=SX
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX
  5. 10021 17 36 kcrf_commit_force 2ee3140000000000 2fe3140000000000
  6. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [log file sync] 7416/0x1cf8 1368878/0x14e32e 0/0x0 wait_id=175 seq_num=182 snap_id=1
  7. 10005 17 36 ksliwat KSL FACILITY WAIT fac#=3 time_waited_csecs=1
  8. 10005 17 36 ksliwat KSL POST RCVD poster=11 num=76 loc='ksl2.h LINE:2374 ID:kslpsr' id1=138 id2=0 name=EV type=0 fac#=3 posted=0x3 may_be_posted=1
  9. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [log file sync] 7416/0x1cf8 1368878/0x14e32e 0/0x0 wait_id=175 seq_num=182 snap_id=1
  10. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=11126, exc=11126, tot=11126
  11. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=176 seq_num=183 snap_id=1
  12. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=176 seq_num=183 snap_id=1
  13. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=3, exc=3, tot=3
  14. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=177 seq_num=184 snap_id=1


  1. insert into child values(2,'sadsada');

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 7 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  6. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 7.17.835
  7. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-00070011-00000343 mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  8. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  9. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=186 seq_num=193 snap_id=1
  10. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=186 seq_num=193 snap_id=1
  11. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=3, exc=3, tot=3
  12. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=187 seq_num=194 snap_id=1



  1. update prim set a=1 where a=1;

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S
  6. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: SUCCESS
  7. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 2c01000100000000 0000000000000000 0fe7140000000000 0200000000000000
  8. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 2c01000100000000 0000000000000000 27e9140000000000 b80fb86a177f0000
  9. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 4 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  10. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 4.10.851
  11. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-0004000a-00000353 mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  12. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  13. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=204 seq_num=211 snap_id=1
  14. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=204 seq_num=211 snap_id=1
  15. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=5, exc=5, tot=5
  16. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=205 seq_num=212 snap_id=1


  1. delete from prim where a=4;

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S
  6. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: SUCCESS
  7. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 2 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  8. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 2.0.1117
  9. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-00020000-0000045d mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  10. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  11. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  12. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  13. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S
  14. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: SUCCESS
  15. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 bae9140000000000
  16. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 5d04000000000000
  17. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 9b12c00000000000 4401000000000000 0200000000000000
  18. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  19. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 bae9140000000000
  20. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 5d04000000000000
  21. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 9b12c00000000000 4401000000000000 0200000000000000
  22. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  23. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 bae9140000000000
  24. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 5d04000000000000
  25. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 9b12c00000000000 4401000000000000 0200000000000000
  26. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  27. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 bae9140000000000
  28. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 5d04000000000000
  29. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 9b12c00000000000 4401000000000000 0200000000000000
  30. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  31. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 bae9140000000000
  32. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 5d04000000000000
  33. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 9b12c00000000000 4401000000000000 0200000000000000
  34. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  35. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=227 seq_num=234 snap_id=1
  36. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=227 seq_num=234 snap_id=1
  37. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=3, exc=3, tot=3
  38. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=228 seq_num=235 snap_id=1

  1. SQL> delete from prim where a=4 or a=5;

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S
  6. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: SUCCESS
  7. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 6 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  8. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 6.15.1290
  9. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-0006000f-0000050a mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  10. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  11. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  12. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  13. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S
  14. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: SUCCESS
  15. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000
  16. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  17. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2200000000000000
  18. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  19. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000
  20. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  21. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2200000000000000
  22. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  23. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000
  24. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  25. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2200000000000000
  26. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  27. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000
  28. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  29. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2200000000000000
  30. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  31. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000
  32. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  33. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2200000000000000
  34. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  35. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000
  36. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  37. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  38. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000 0100000000000000
  39. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 5eea140000000000 e00fc76a177f0000
  40. 10812 17 36 kturCRBackoutOneChg 0100000000000000 bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2200000000000000
  41. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3301000100000000 0100000000000000 0100000000000000
  42. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  43. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  44. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: release TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=S
  45. 10704 17 36 ksqrcli ksqrcl: SUCCESS
  46. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 5fea140000000000
  47. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  48. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2400000000000000
  49. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  50. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 5fea140000000000
  51. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  52. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2400000000000000
  53. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  54. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 5fea140000000000
  55. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  56. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2400000000000000
  57. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  58. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 5fea140000000000
  59. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  60. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2400000000000000
  61. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  62. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 5fea140000000000
  63. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0600000000000000 0f00000000000000 0a05000000000000
  64. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm bc06c00000000000 0e01000000000000 2400000000000000
  65. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  66. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=236 seq_num=243 snap_id=1
  67. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=236 seq_num=243 snap_id=1
  68. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=4, exc=4, tot=4
  69. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=237 seq_num=244 snap_id=1
可以发现除了语句执行时需要获取一次S锁之外,删多少行就要获取多少次S锁,从之前的锁兼容列表就可发现S锁和SX(RX)锁是不兼容的,而 SX(RX)是insert update delete获取的锁模式,可以想象如果此时子表上有事务,或者S锁获得了尚未释放的时候,子表要进行事务获取mode为3的 SX(RX)锁时,session都会产生等待。


  1. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');

  2.    bb


  1. sid:31
  2. SQL> insert into child values(2,'12312');

  3. 1 row created.

  4. SQL> select distinct sid from v$mystat;

  5.        SID
  6. ----------
  7.         31
  9. sid:1169

  10. SQL> update prim set a=1 where a=1;--hang住了

  11. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');

  12.   bb

  1. SQL> --锁源头查找,带对象和sql以及event
  2. SQL> WITH sessions AS
  3.   2 (SELECT /*+materialize*/
  4.   3 sid,
  5.   4 blocking_session,
  6.   5 blocking_instance,
  7.   6 row_wait_obj#,
  8.   7 sql_id,
  9.   8 inst_id,
  10.   9 event
  11.  10 FROM gv$session)
  12.  11 SELECT LPAD(' ', 4 * (level - 1)) || s.inst_id || '.' || sid sid,
  13.  12 object_name,
  14.  13 substr(sql_text, 1, 40) sql_text,
  15.  14 event
  16.  15 FROM sessions s
  17.  16 LEFT OUTER JOIN dba_objects d
  18.  17 ON (object_id = row_wait_obj#)
  19.  18 LEFT OUTER JOIN gv$sql q
  20.  19 ON (s.sql_id = q.SQL_ID and s.inst_id = q.INST_ID)
  21.  20 WHERE sid IN (SELECT blocking_session FROM sessions)
  22.  21 OR blocking_session IS NOT NULL
  23.  22 CONNECT BY PRIOR sid = blocking_session
  24.  23 START WITH blocking_session IS NULL;

  1.  bb


  1. sid:1167
  2. SQL> insert into prim values(7,'dasd');--hang住了

  3. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');



  1. SQL> alter table child drop constraint FK_CHILD_CA;

  2. Table altered.

  3. SQL> alter table child add constraint FK_CHILD_CA foreign key (ca) references prim(a) on delete cascade;

  4. Table altered.

  1. SQL> delete from prim where a=2 or a=4;

  2. 2 rows deleted.

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=SSX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: convert TM-0001563e-00000000 from=SSX to=SX flags=
  6. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: SUCCESS
  7. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 4 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  8. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 4.20.852
  9. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-00040014-00000354 mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  10. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  11. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: convert TM-0001563e-00000000 from=SX to=SSX flags=
  12. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: SUCCESS
  13. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: convert TM-0001563e-00000000 from=SSX to=SX flags=
  14. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: SUCCESS
  15. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000
  16. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  17. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0a00000000000000
  18. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  19. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000
  20. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  21. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0a00000000000000
  22. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  23. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000
  24. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  25. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0a00000000000000
  26. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  27. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000
  28. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  29. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0a00000000000000
  30. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  31. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000
  32. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  33. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0a00000000000000
  34. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  35. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000
  36. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  37. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  38. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 bef2140000000000 0100000000000000
  39. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 bff2140000000000 e00fc76a177f0000
  40. 10812 17 36 kturCRBackoutOneChg 0100000000000000 ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0a00000000000000
  41. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3301000100000000 0100000000000000 0100000000000000
  42. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: convert TM-0001563e-00000000 from=SX to=SSX flags=
  43. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: SUCCESS
  44. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: convert TM-0001563e-00000000 from=SSX to=SX flags=
  45. 10704 17 36 ksqcnv ksqcnv: SUCCESS
  46. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 c0f2140000000000
  47. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  48. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0e00000000000000
  49. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3b01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  50. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 c0f2140000000000
  51. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  52. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0e00000000000000
  53. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3c01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  54. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 c0f2140000000000
  55. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  56. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0e00000000000000
  57. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3d01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  58. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 c0f2140000000000
  59. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  60. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0e00000000000000
  61. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3e01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  62. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 c0f2140000000000
  63. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 0400000000000000 1400000000000000 5403000000000000
  64. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm ef00c00000000000 2801000000000000 0e00000000000000
  65. 10812 17 36 ktrgcm 3f01000100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
  66. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=425 seq_num=432 snap_id=1
  67. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=425 seq_num=432 snap_id=1
  68. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=4, exc=4, tot=4
  69. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=426 seq_num=433 snap_id=1

  1. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');


  1. sid:1169

  2. SQL> delete from prim where a=1;

  3. 0 rows deleted.

  4. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');

  1. sid:1167
  2. SQL> delete from prim where a=2;--session hang住了

  1. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');





    我看到有资料说, 如果有索引时,对父表的操作,会级联加一个TM RS锁(level 2)到子表上 但我在试验中并未看到,也许是版本差异,我也未去求证,有索引时insert与无索引时在获取锁方面没有区别,这里仅列出update和delete

  1. SQL> alter table child drop constraint FK_CHILD_CA;

  2. Table altered.

  3. SQL> alter table child add constraint FK_CHILD_CA foreign key (ca) references prim(a);

  4. Table altered.

  5. SQL> create index ind_child_ca on child(ca);

  6. Index created.


  1. SQL> update prim set a=6 where a=6;

  2. 1 row updated.

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 2b01000100000000 0000000000000000 fadc140000000000 0200000000000000
  6. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 2b01000100000000 0000000000000000 cdf9140000000000 10dfb76a177f0000
  7. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 3 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  8. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 3.28.1117
  9. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-0003001c-0000045d mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  10. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  11. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=471 seq_num=478 snap_id=1
  12. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=471 seq_num=478 snap_id=1
  13. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=3, exc=3, tot=3
  14. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=472 seq_num=479 snap_id=1


  1. SQL> delete from prim where a=9;

  2. 1 row deleted.

  1. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563c-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  2. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  3. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TM-0001563e-00000000 mode=SX flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  4. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  5. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 2c01000100000000 0000000000000000 66f1140000000000 0200000000000000
  6. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 2c01000100000000 0000000000000000 58fa140000000000 78efb76a177f0000
  7. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Bind usn 4 nax 1 nbx 0 lng 0 par 0
  8. 10813 17 36 ktubnd ktubnd: Txn Bound xid: 4.18.854
  9. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: acquire TX-00040012-00000356 mode=X flags=GLOBAL|XACT why="contention"
  10. 10704 17 36 ksqgtlctx ksqgtl: SUCCESS
  11. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 c0f2140000000000 0200000000000000
  12. 10811 17 36 ktbgcl1 3301000100000000 0000000000000000 58fa140000000000 90eec66a177f0000
  13. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=476 seq_num=483 snap_id=1
  14. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END [SQL*Net message to client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=476 seq_num=483 snap_id=1
  15. 10005 17 36 kslwtectx KSL WAIT END wait times (usecs) - snap=4, exc=4, tot=4
  16. 10005 17 36 kslwtbctx KSL WAIT BEG [SQL*Net message from client] 1650815232/0x62657100 1/0x1 0/0x0 wait_id=477 seq_num=484 snap_id=1

  1. SQL> select * from v$lock where type in('TM','TX');



  1.     外键无索引锁无cascade时,update/delete父表,会在语句级别级联一个mode为4的S锁到子表,其中delete多少行就会级联多少次
  2.     外键无索引有cascade时,update父表仍会在语句级别级联mode为4的S锁到子表,delete时会先获取mode为5的SSX锁,在将其转换成mode为3的SX锁,而且删除多少行就会涉及到多少次转换
  3.     外键有索引无cascade时,update/delete不会在语句级级联锁到子表,最终会持有父表和子表上的mode为3的SX锁(无索引时只有有cascade的delete时最终会持有子表上的SX锁)
  4.     外键有索引有cascade时,与无cascade表现相同





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