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转载 Dimension info of InfoCube
BW automatically assigns technical names to each dimension with the format.Fixed dimension is reserved for Data P...
2013-02-05 11:11:36 112
转载 Notes for Creating InfoObjects (Char).
If the option Lowercase letters is selected, no master data tables, text tables, or another level of att...
2013-02-03 20:47:47 73
转载 Star Schema
A data warehouse is a system with its own database. It draws data from diverse sources and is designed to sup...
2013-01-31 14:22:59 153
转载 BW Object Names and Descriptions
We can give any name to an object as long as the name does not exceed the length limit set by BW. This name, which...
2013-01-31 13:48:24 94
转载 Building and Running a Data Warehouse
The structure and running of a data warehouse in general, and an enterprise data warehouse in particular, is highl...
2013-01-30 16:28:23 133
转载 Architecture of a Data Warehouse
There are many different definitions of data warehouse. However, they all favor a layer-based architecture.Data wa...
2013-01-30 16:14:31 95
转载 Using a Data Warehouse
The reporting, analysis, and interpretation of business data is of central importance to a company in guaranteeing...
2013-01-30 16:09:01 103
转载 HANA还是NetWeaver BW?
很多SAP环境的企业都在考虑一个问题:到底是应该部署SAP Business Warehouse(BW)还是SAP HANA?或者两个都部署?关于这个问题,首先明确的一点是HANA不能取代BW;那么哪一种技术在不同应用...
2013-01-29 10:32:19 274
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