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原创 在Linux中配置vsftpd

一. 环境OS: Redhat Enterprise Linux 5VMware workstation二. 安装1. 连接光驱Redhat里会自带vsftp的rpm安装包,所以首先需要把Redhat的安装文件挂载到系统中来。首先在VMware设置中将光驱的Device status 中俩勾选框勾选,然系统启动时连接光驱。 2.挂载光驱创建将光驱挂载到的目录[r...

2012-09-23 11:49:40 214

原创 敏捷联盟宣言

敏捷联盟宣言:1. 个体和交互胜过过程和工具2. 可以工作的软件胜过面面俱到的文档3. 客户合作胜过合同谈判4. 响应变化胜过遵循计划

2012-09-05 12:55:56 239

原创 Java的动态代理实现

1. 问题在许多情况下,我们需要使用代理模式来解决问题。如下为代理模式的类图。   如下为使用Java实现代理模式的一个例子: package com.demo.dynamicproxy;public interface IHello { public void sayHello() ;}...

2012-08-30 21:54:36 125

Audit Trail Framwork实现系列-需求

 最近要求实现Audit Trail Framework,简单的说就是记录业务数据的修改,以便以后查询谁,在什么时候,做了什么的修改。比如,Supplier有个属性叫做Name,如果一个用户 A于今天2点将一个Suppliersp1的Name从a改成b,那么就要记下来该用户A在今天2点将Supplier sp1的Name属性从a ...

2012-08-25 21:27:25 253

Spring BeanFactory学习

Spring Ioc容器是Spring的核心,其中BeanFactory定义了IoC容器的基本功能,所有Ioc容器实现该接口。其最重要的是getBean(),它是BeanFactory的主要方法,通过这个方法,可以取得IoC的容器管理的Bean。我们所熟悉的ApplicationContext也是实现了该接口。 下面是BeanFactory接口的源代码:public interface...

2012-08-23 22:32:08 102

原创 自定义的Native SQL Query返回强类型的Bean

问题:在项目中,我们常常会实现Report功能,通常使用Native SQL Query返回查询的数据集,而这些数据集是Raw typed,Query的调用者获得这些原始的数据集后需要显示地将其转化成强类型的Java Bean类,如何减少这些繁琐的转换呢? 解决方案:将原始数据集的每条记录根据一定的规则将其自动映射成Java Bean 对象,比如为Query 返回的列名在Java ...

2012-08-22 15:00:14 382


当运行一个.NET应用程序时,OS会先建立一个进程,检查PE文件,执行PE文件中的.text段中的code, 在托管程序编译时,.text段里面增加了一条JMP_CorExeMain或JMP_CorDllMain指令(根据是exe文件还是dll文件不同)。若是非托管程序,就进入到入口函数了,若是托管程序就会跳入到另一个函数中。这个函数在一个叫做MSCorEE.dll的动态链接库文件中,当安装了.n...

2010-08-14 22:56:07 386


    .NET程序集导入过程分为两个部分,一个是通过Assembly Resolver找到程序集,随后通过Assembly Loader将其导入。Assembly Resolver 首先运用Version Policies来确定最终的程序集版本。Version Policy可以在三个级别指定,分别是应用程序级别,组件级别和machine级别。每一级都可以通过bindingRedirect将版...

2010-08-14 21:59:01 219

Database Change Notification

    Database Change Notification is a feature that enables client applications to register queries with the database and receive notifications in response to DML or DDL changes on the objects associat...

2010-08-06 14:21:19 194

第三步 确定将如何分布层次和组件(完)

    你应该只有在需要的时候才将层和组件分布到不同的物理级上去。分布式部署的通常原因包括安全策略,物理限制,共享的业务逻辑和可测量性。    在Web应用系统中,如果你的表示组件以同步方式访问你的业务组件,考虑将业务层和表示层的组件部署到同一个物理级上去以获得最大的性能和简易的操作管理,除非安全限制两层之间需要有一个可信边界。在胖客户端应用系统中,UI处理在客户端,出于安全和简易的操作...

2010-07-15 22:06:42 126

第二步 决定你需要哪些层次(完)

    有很多不同的方式可将功能相关的组件划分到同一层中。在业务系统中最通常的方式就是将表示,服务,业务和数据访问功能拆分到不同的层中。还有些应用系统同时包含报表,管理或基础架构层。    要小心地增加额外的层,如果这些层不能为相关的一些组件提供一个逻辑组,从而为你的应用系统增加可维护性,可量测性或可适应性,那么就不要增加它们。例如,如果你的应用系统不发布服务,那么一个独立的服务层将不需要,这...

2010-07-15 21:31:38 109

原创 Types at Runtime

Every object in the CLR begins with a fixed-size object header. The Object header has two fields. The first field of the object header is the sync block index. The second field of the object header is...

2010-06-28 17:11:16 110

原创 Types and Base Types

Non-interface types that do not specify a base type get System.Object as their base type.  Declare a type as sealed prohibits the use of the type as a base type. Declareing a type as abstract, on the ...

2010-06-25 10:38:07 119

原创 Type Fundamentals

There are three fundamental kind of type members: fields, methods and nested types.The field of a type control how memory is allocated. The CLR will allocate memory for static field once: when the t...

2010-06-25 10:37:15 138


选择你的分层策略(完)如果是逻辑分层,相互交互的层将会部署到同一个物理级上并且在同一个进程中运行,这样你就可以充分利用高性能的交互机制,比如通过组件接口直接调用。然而,为了维护逻辑分层的优点和将来的可适应性,你必须小心地维护层间的封装和松耦合。对那些逻辑层被部署到分离的物理级上的情况,相邻层间的通信将经由链接的网络发生,并且你必须确保你选择的设计能支持通信延时,且是松散耦合的。  ...

2010-06-06 16:13:13 136

原创 Types and Base Types

Declareing a type as sealed prohibits the use of the types as base type. Declaring a type as abstract, on the other hand, disallow direct instantiation of the type and make it useful only as a base ty...

2010-06-05 12:17:08 156

Types and Interfaces

Interface is just another type of the CLR. Interfaces can have members, with the restriction that an interface cannot have instance fields nor instance methods with implementation. One can view inte...

2010-06-05 11:01:51 118

Types and Initialization

Types are allowed to provided a distinguished method that is called when the type is first initialized. This type initializer is simply a static method with a well-known name(.cctor). A type can have ...

2010-06-05 10:19:58 212

原创 Architectural Guidance for Composite Smart Clients

Outlining the Development ProcessFirst requirement analysis, overall user caseOverall Shell-designShell implementation and testsInfrastructure services implementation and tests...

2010-06-04 11:26:29 96



2010-05-14 17:09:03 155

Run out of Temporary tablspace

      Once I encounter a problem that the used space of temporary tablespace always increases till out of space on production environment, an “ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment” error rises at l...

2010-05-13 17:38:01 151



2010-05-12 17:01:35 438



2010-05-11 18:08:53 194

Convert Date with Time Zone

On occasion giving a date time with a time zone, we want to get the date time under another time zone, how to do it? Here gives a solution:[code="java"]FUNCTION fun_exchange_timestamp_tz(pv_timestam...

2010-05-11 15:31:41 120

String Split

On occasion we need split and treat a single comma-delimited value as if it were a column in a table. There are two methods to achieve this.1.TABLE SQL function We can take advantage of th...

2010-05-10 16:52:42 79

String Aggregation

In some cases, it is necessary to aggregate data from number of rows into a single row, giving a list of data associated with a specific value. There are some methods to achieve this.LISTAGG Analys...

2010-05-07 19:14:57 158

Migrate DB data using expdp/impdp

If you want to migrate the source db data to a target db while you don’t have privileges of Read/Write Directory on the source db, then how to export the source db data and migrate them to the target ...

2010-05-07 19:08:36 81

原创 How to deallocate unused spaces

In general, the extents of a segment do not return to the tablespace until you drop the schema object whose data is stored in the segment (using a DROP TABLE or DROP CLUSTER statement).A database ad...

2010-05-06 17:55:20 107

the meaning of PCTFREE, PCTUSED

The PCTFREE ParameterThe PCTFREE parameter sets the minimum percentage of a data block to be reservedas free space for possible updates to rows that already exist in that block. The PCTUS...

2010-05-05 16:02:11 86

How to recovery data /table

If you drop a table or delete data mistakenly, then want rollback them, you can take the following methods:  1.  Query the data before delete:Select * from table_name as of timestamp date_before_d...

2010-05-05 10:59:43 149


Hello to my dear readers:This blog is my technical blog, which publishes all the technical knowledges I'm familiar with. My goal is to become a solution architect, and I will do everything in my pow...

2010-05-03 00:13:19 265



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