行转列之零 group by + case 太简单不细说了
with v_data as
(select '306A' certsn, 'A' type, '10951580' value, 20080504 notbefore, 20170803 notafter from dual union
select '48C6' certsn, 'B' type, 'X,2,10013856' value, 20090629 notbefore, 20180616 notafter from dual union
select '48C6' certsn, 'A' type, '11260221' value, 20090629 notbefore, 20180616 notafter from dual)
select certsn,
case when v_data.type = 'A' then max(value) else ' ' end A,
case when v_data.type = 'B' then max(value) else ' ' end B,
max(notbefore) notbefore,
max(notafter) notafter
from v_data
group by certsn, type;
行转列之一 wm_concat()
wm_concat()行转列并且用逗号分隔, 需要分组!
select wm_concat(ename), --结果为类型clob
dbms_lob.substr(wm_concat(ename), 4000)
from emp
where rownum < 5;
select c, listagg(a,'') within group(order by rownum) from test group by c;
with test as (
select 1 c,'西' a from dual union all
select 1 c,'安' a from dual union all
select 1 c,'的' a from dual union all
select 2 c,'天' a from dual union all
select 2 c,'气' a from dual unio