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转载 How to enable the MOAC parameter “Operating Unit” for a Concurrent Program

How to enable the MOAC parameter “Operating Unit” for a Concurrent Program in Oracle EBS R12 ...

2017-06-21 14:44:18 164

转载 EBS Signon Password Policies

I just recently got the requirement that user passwords should follow the password security policy of the c...

2017-05-09 16:43:38 601

转载 Password Policies in Oracle E-Business Suite

One of my customers is challenging the possibility to enforce strong passwords in E-Business Suite (Release 12). U...

2017-05-09 16:42:09 171

转载 R12 Mapping Between Subledger Tables, SLA and GL Tables

Applies to: OraclePurchasing - Version: 12.0.0 to 12.3Oracle Inventory Managem...

2017-03-14 13:38:56 434

转载 General Ledger to Fixed Assests Drilldown

Hi Again :) This time I am here with General Ledger to Fixed Assests Drilldownin R12. We k...

2017-03-07 16:38:24 98

转载 Drilldown from GL to Receiving Transactions Query

This query gives you information from GL, XLAand Receiving Transactions Table. I used this query when I was debug...

2017-02-10 17:33:39 92

转载 EBS R12.2.4 忘记weblogic密码问题 - 1

在Linux 6.2上安装EBS R12.2.4 后,死活记不起来weblogic密码,所有常用密码都试过,就是登录不了(后来想起来是大小写问题,唉,好记性不如烂笔头),启动EBS的时候,是需要这个密码的,必须得找回来或更...

2016-11-30 12:06:57 201

转载 如何永久关闭选项"Close Other Forms"

OracleEBS里Tools>Close Other Forms如果被勾选上的话,那么用户在打开一个Form的时候,就会关闭其他的Form,保证只有一个Form存在。 我们去掉了这个选项...

2016-10-10 12:42:22 133

转载 Query_Find Form开发入门

1. 打开Template.fmb,并另存为一个名字(QUERYFIND.fmb) 2.从Window,Canvas,Data Block中删除BLOCKNAME,从Data B...

2016-10-10 12:40:34 94

转载 bad bind variable 'parameter.G_query_find'

编译Form时报bad bind variable 'parameter.G_query_find'样的错误 PL/SQL ERROR 49 at line 1, column 1bad bind vari...

2016-10-10 12:39:17 197

转载 使用DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME来捕获某段代码的执行时间

DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME常用于计算某段代码间的时间消耗,DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME返回值本身并不是指当前的时间,而是一个the number of100ths of secondstha...

2016-10-10 12:38:12 145

转载 Oracle EBS中打印二维码

Oracle EBS暂时还只支持一维码,所以如需要二维码的打印和扫描,需要自行开发。PL/SQL还没有成熟的二维码生成类库,但Java已有很多二维码生成和解码的第三方类库(比如,QRCode,ZXing...),这里以比较...

2016-10-10 12:11:15 656

转载 Speeding Up Queries with Semi-Joins and Anti-Joins

Introduction Optimizing SQL usually gives the most significant results when DBAs are called upon to “make...

2016-10-10 12:00:34 183

转载 Scripts in $AD_TOP/sql

$AD_TOP/sql 下有许多非常有用的脚本。 Script 11.0.x ...

2016-10-10 11:21:20 78

转载 How to Login Oracle Applications Directly - fndvald.jsp


2016-10-10 11:20:17 105

转载 Oracle EBS诊断方面几种情况的解决方法

OracleEBS诊断方面几种情况的解决方法,如诊断菜单隐藏、个性化功能报错、关于此页的显示等等。 情况1:帮助(Help)菜单下看不到"诊断"(Diagnostics)的菜...

2016-10-10 11:14:33 370

转载 如何处理Jdeveloper 启动时出现的错误-Unable to create an instance

启动Jdeveloper时,会弹出错误信息 Unable to create an instance of the Java Virtual MachineLocated at path:C:/Orac...

2016-08-02 17:34:05 1048

转载 Get error while update the PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL table

As some data error, i am going to update the Project Number filed on PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL Table. But on...

2016-07-04 09:40:51 119


DBMS SCHEDULER DBMS_SCHEDULERis a more sophisticated job scheduler introduced i...

2016-05-03 17:29:19 63

转载 Difference between Oracle EBS R12.1.3 and Oracle EBS R12.2.4

Hi, It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post, I was busy working with Oracle EBS upgrades,content ...

2016-04-22 10:08:08 223

转载 The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post-processor

In this Document Purpose Troubleshoot...

2016-04-21 17:47:02 139

转载 XML Publisher 并发程序由于"输出提交处理程序提交失败

XML Publisher 并发程序由于"输出提交处理程序提交失败 xmlp 报表运行完成后,状态为warning,其原因大概有以下3类:1."输出提交处理程序"(Output P...

2016-04-21 17:12:00 344

转载 Tables involved with security rules in oracle apps R12 & R11i

TEST INSTANCE: R12.1.3SELECT frt.responsibility_name, frt.responsibility_id, ifs.id_flex_num...

2016-04-20 15:15:42 72

转载 Flexfield security rule assignments to responsibility Query

--the following query will list all the security rules assigned to a responsibilitySELECT fr.responsibility_id...

2016-04-20 15:14:16 110

转载 R12: How To Configure Access To Request Output Of The Same Responsibility

Click to add to Favorites R12: How To Configure Access To Request Output Of The Same Responsibility (Doc ID...

2016-04-19 10:23:18 64

转载 How to Set Excel as Concurrent Report Output Format in FORM FNDCPMCP?

This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and ...

2016-04-13 19:10:39 92

转载 Multi Language Support for Oracle Apps (EBS)

Multi Language Support for Oracle Apps (EBS) Oracle E-Business Suite supp...

2016-04-13 19:05:53 351

转载 EBS XML publisher Chinese garbled problems and solutions

due to the native environment, XMLpublisherstatements run lead to do not to come out, unable to display the X...

2016-04-13 19:05:24 108

转载 EBS中安全性规则限制sql(Oracle官方写法)

SELECT fnd_flex_values_vl.flex_value, fnd_flex_values_vl.flex_value VALUE, fnd_flex_values_vl.desc...

2016-04-06 18:20:48 288

转载 FA模块数据流


2016-03-30 16:13:06 270

转载 Excel Output From BI Publisher or XML Publisher is Trimming Leading Zeros

Excel Output From BI Publisher or XML Publisher is Trimming Leading Zeros SymptomsCreated an XML Publis...

2016-03-24 15:49:30 107

转载 XML Publisher学习总结


2016-03-03 13:17:11 193

转载 XML Publisher学习总结


2016-03-03 13:16:12 192

转载 Oracle EBS客户化程序中格式化金额

在Oracle EBS系统中,随处可见金额的显示格式,通常情况下都具有千分位符,同时有一定位数的精度,让我们先来看看一些现成的例子 上面这些列子中的金额都显示了千分位符,同时具备以2位小数,...

2015-07-30 11:41:48 143

转载 Oracle General Ledger Journal Import Process Overview

AbstractAccounting transactions are originated as a result of normal business activities in Financial and Manu...

2015-03-10 17:45:48 1037

转载 EBS的性能调优

metalink Tuning performance on eBusiness suite (Doc ID 744143.1) 这篇文档描述了如何调查电子商务套件的整体性能下降。特别是,我们强调...

2015-02-27 11:37:02 196

转载 EBS开发技术之trace

trace的目的 trace主要是用于程序调优,优化,程序bug调试,程序运行系统情况跟踪 trace步骤 1.并发定义中,勾上“启用跟踪” 2...

2015-02-27 11:34:18 158

转载 自动行号功能实现不同方法研究

方法一、 只需要将“序号”定义成公式,并将公式设置为:get_block_property('block_name',current_record)就可以实现了,或者把这行语句放到“When-Create...

2015-02-27 11:26:45 107

转载 Troubleshooting Autoinvoice Import

metalink :1089172.1 In this Document Purpose ...

2015-02-27 11:23:22 806

转载 详解EBS接口开发之销售订单导入

步骤 1. 创建一个订单导入来源. -导航到 OM -> 设置 -> 订单 -> 导入来源 -输入一个新的订单导入来源名称和描述 -选...

2015-02-27 11:20:45 365



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