今天在实施一个项目 ,安装主机高可用,安装数据库,但在安装好数据库后,启动时报ORA-01102错误,当时以为是自己装错了,后来看了官方的解释:
按照官方意思找到$ORACLE_HOEM/dbs 目录下的lk 文件,用/sbin/fusek -k lk杀掉这个进程后正常启动,问题解决
ORA-01102 error is misleading and may have occurred due to one of the
following reasons:
- there is still an "sgadef.dbf" file in the "ORACLE_HOME/dbs"
- the processes for Oracle (pmon, smon, lgwr and dbwr) still exist
- shared memory segments and semaphores still exist even though the
database has been shutdown
- there is a "ORACLE_HOME/dbs/lk" file
按照官方意思找到$ORACLE_HOEM/dbs 目录下的lk 文件,用/sbin/fusek -k lk杀掉这个进程后正常启动,问题解决
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/18762014/viewspace-1712105/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。