


implementation 'com.aliyun.dpa:oss-android-sdk:+'

 * Config
 * @author lao
 * @date 2019/10/8
public class Config {

    // To run the sample correctly, the following variables must have valid values.
    // The endpoint value below is just the example. Please use proper value according to your region

    // 访问的endpoint地址
    public static final String OSS_ENDPOINT = "";
    //callback 测试地址
    public static final String OSS_CALLBACK_URL = "";
    // STS 鉴权服务器地址。
    // 或者根据工程sts_local_server目录中本地鉴权服务脚本代码启动本地STS鉴权服务器。
    public static final String STS_SERVER_URL = "http://*****/sts/getsts";//STS 地址

    public static final String BUCKET_NAME = "talkp";
    public static final String OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "仓库ID";
    public static final String OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = "秘钥";

    public static final int DOWNLOAD_SUC = 1;
    public static final int DOWNLOAD_Fail = 2;
    public static final int UPLOAD_SUC = 3;
    public static final int UPLOAD_Fail = 4;
    public static final int UPLOAD_PROGRESS = 5;
    public static final int LIST_SUC = 6;
    public static final int HEAD_SUC = 7;
    public static final int RESUMABLE_SUC = 8;
    public static final int SIGN_SUC = 9;
    public static final int BUCKET_SUC = 10;
    public static final int GET_STS_SUC = 11;
    public static final int MULTIPART_SUC = 12;
    public static final int STS_TOKEN_SUC = 13;
    public static final int FAIL = 9999;
    public static final int REQUESTCODE_AUTH = 10111;
    public static final int REQUESTCODE_LOCALPHOTOS = 10112;

public class UploadHelper {
    private static final String TAG = UploadHelper.class.getSimpleName();
    // 与你们的存储区域有关系
    public static final String ENDPOINT = "";
    // 上传的仓库名
    private static final String BUCKET_NAME = "talkp";

    private static OSS getClient() {

        ClientConfiguration conf = new ClientConfiguration();
        conf.setConnectionTimeout(15 * 1000); // connction time out default 15s
        conf.setSocketTimeout(15 * 1000); // socket timeout,default 15s
        conf.setMaxConcurrentRequest(5); // synchronous request number,default 5
        conf.setMaxErrorRetry(2); // retry,default 2
        OSSLog.enableLog(); //write local log file ,path is SDCard_path\OSSLog\logs.csv

        OSSCredentialProvider credentialProvider = new OSSStsTokenCredentialProvider(Config.OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, Config.OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET, "<StsToken.SecurityToken>");
        OSSPlainTextAKSKCredentialProvider provider = new OSSPlainTextAKSKCredentialProvider(Config.OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, Config.OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET);

        OSS oss = new OSSClient(, Config.OSS_ENDPOINT, provider, conf);
        // 明文设置secret的方式建议只在测试时使用,更多鉴权模式请参考后面的`访问控制`章节
        return oss;

     * 上传的最终方法,成功返回则一个路径
     * @param objKey 上传上去后,在服务器上的独立的KEY
     * @param path   需要上传的文件的路径
     * @return 存储的地址
    private static String upload(String objKey, String path) {
        // 构造一个上传请求
        PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest(BUCKET_NAME,
                objKey, path);

        try {
            // 初始化上传的Client
            OSS client = getClient();
            // 开始同步上传
            PutObjectResult result = client.putObject(request);
            Log.d(TAG, "upload: result=" + result);
            // 得到一个外网可访问的地址
            String url = client.presignPublicObjectURL(BUCKET_NAME, objKey);
            // 格式打印输出
            Log.d(TAG, String.format("PublicObjectURL:%s", url));
            return url;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // 如果有异常则返回空
            return null;

     * 上传普通图片
     * @param path 本地地址
     * @return 服务器地址
    public static String uploadImage(String path) {
        String key = getImageObjKey(path);
        return upload(key, path);

     * 上传头像
     * @param path 本地地址
     * @return 服务器地址
    public static String uploadPortrait(String path) {
        String key = getPortraitObjKey(path);
        return upload(key, path);

     * 上传音频
     * @param path 本地地址
     * @return 服务器地址
    public static String uploadAudio(String path) {
        String key = getAudioObjKey(path);
        return upload(key, path);

     * 分月存储,避免一个文件夹太多
     * @return yyyyMM
    private static String getDateString() {
        return DateFormat.format("yyyyMM", new Date()).toString();

    // image/201703/dawewqfas243rfawr234.jpg
    private static String getImageObjKey(String path) {
        String fileMd5 = HashUtil.getMD5String(new File(path));
        String dateString = getDateString();
        return String.format("image/%s/%s.jpg", dateString, fileMd5);

    // portrait/201703/dawewqfas243rfawr234.jpg
    private static String getPortraitObjKey(String path) {
        String fileMd5 = HashUtil.getMD5String(new File(path));
        String dateString = getDateString();
        return String.format("portrait/%s/%s.jpg", dateString, fileMd5);

    // audio/201703/dawewqfas243rfawr234.mp3
    private static String getAudioObjKey(String path) {
        String fileMd5 = HashUtil.getMD5String(new File(path));
        String dateString = getDateString();
        return String.format("audio/%s/%s.mp3", dateString, fileMd5);


public class GetAndUploadFileDemo { private static String TAG = "GetAndUploadFileDemo"; private OSSService ossService; private OSSBucket bucket; public void show() { ossService = OSSServiceProvider.getService(); bucket = ossService.getOssBucket("youcaidao"); // 文件的常规操作如普通上传、下载、拷贝、删除等,与Data类一致,故这里只给出断点下载和断点上传的demo resumableDownloadWithSpecConfig(); // delay(); // resumableUpload(); // delay(); // resumableDownload(); // delay(); } public void delay() { try { Thread.sleep(30 * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // 断点上传 public void resumableUpload() { // OSSData ossData = ossService.getOssData(sampleBucket, "sample-data"); // ossData.setData(data, "raw"); // 指定需要上传的数据和它的类型 // ossData.enableUploadCheckMd5sum(); // 开启上传MD5校验 // ossData.upload(); // 上传失败将会抛出异常 OSSFile bigfFile = ossService.getOssFile(bucket, "de.jpg"); try { bigfFile.setUploadFilePath( "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.qd.videorecorder/video/VMS_1439866564822.jpg", "image/jpg"); bigfFile.ResumableUploadInBackground(new SaveCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(String objectKey) { Log.d(TAG, "[onSuccess] - " + objectKey + " upload success!"); } @Override public void onProgress(String objectKey, int byteCount, int totalSize) { Log.d(TAG, "[onProgress] - current upload " + objectKey + " bytes: " + byteCount + " in total: " + totalSize); } @Override public void onFailure(String objectKey, OSSException ossException) { Log.e(TAG, "[onFailure] - upload " + objectKey + " failed!\n" + ossException.toString()); ossException.printStackTrace(); ossException.getException().printStackTrace(); } }); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // 断点下载 public void resumableDownload() { OSSFile bigFile = ossService.getOssFile(bucket, "bigFile.dat"); bigFile.ResumableDownloadToInBackground( "/storage/sdcard0/src_file/bigFile.dat", new GetFileCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(String objectKey, String filePath) { Log.d(TAG, "[onSuccess] - " + objectKey + " storage path: " + filePath); } @Override public void onProgress(String objectKey, int byteCount, int totalSize) { Log.d(TAG, "[onProgress] - current download: " + objectKey + " bytes:" + byteCount + " in total:" + totalSize); } @Override public void onFailure(String objectKey, OSSException ossException) { Log.e(TAG, "[onFailure] - download " + objectKey + " failed!\n" + ossException.toString()); ossException.printStackTrace(); } }); } // 设置相关参数的断点续传 public void resumableDownloadWithSpecConfig() { OSSFile bigFile = ossService .getOssFile(bucket, "VMS_1439866564822.jpg"); ResumableTaskOption option = new ResumableTaskOption(); option.setAutoRetryTime(2); // 默认为2次,最大3次 option.setThreadNum(2); // 默认并发3个线程,最大5个 bigFile.ResumableDownloadToInBackground( "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.qd.videorecorder/video/VMS_1439866564822.jpg", new GetFileCallback() { // /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/VID_20150803_173350.mp4 @Override public void onSuccess(String objectKey, String filePath) { System.out.println("[onSuccess] - " + objectKey + " storage path: " + filePath); } @Override public void onProgress(String objectKey, int byteCount, int totalSize) { System.out.println("[onProgress] - current download: " + objectKey + " bytes:" + byteCount + " in total:" + totalSize); } @Override public void onFailure(String objectKey, OSSException ossException) { System.out.println("[onFailure] - download " + objectKey + " failed!\n" + ossException.toString()); ossException.printStackTrace(); } }); } }
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


