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Draft P802.11ax_D7.0.pdf

802.11ax Draft D7.0


IEEE 802.3av 10GEPON

IEEE802.3av-2009-10GEPON.pdf 英文正式版。


Rapid Software Testing 经典教材

Rapid Software Testing 经典教材



Hazard_Analysis_Techniques_for_System_Safety Hazard_Analysis_Techniques_for_System_Safety Hazard_Analysis_Techniques_for_System_Safety 很不错的可以作为关于软件safety的书籍


Smartbits Application ppt

SmartApplications is based on Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Benchmarking Methodologies Working Group RFCs RFC 1242 “Benchmarking Terminology for Network Interconnection Devices” RFC 2544 “Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices”


Linux 常用命令(xls 文件)非常实用

Linux 常用命令(xls 文件)非常实用 networking (Note ifconfig, route, mii-tool, nslookup commands are obsolete) • ip link show List interfaces ethtool interface List interface status ip link set dev eth0 name wan Rename eth0 to wan ip addr add brd + dev eth0 Add ip and mask( ip link set dev interface up Bring interface up (or down) ip route add default via Set default gateway to • tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1:0 netem delay 20msec Add 20ms latency to loopback device (for testing) • tc qdisc del dev lo root Remove latency added above • host pixelbeat.org Lookup ip address for name or vice versa • hostname -i Lookup local ip address (equivalent to host `hostname`) • netstat -tupl List internet services on a system • netstat -tup List active connections to/from system


Manning - Extending and Embedding Perl.pdf

contents preface xiii acknowledgments xv about this book xvi author online xix about the cover illustration xx 1 C for Perl programmers 1 1.1 Hello, world 1 1.2 The C compiler 2 1.3 Header files 3 1.4 The main function 4 1.5 Variables and functions 6 Function parameters 6 ✦ Automatic variables 7 Global variables 8 ✦ Static variables 9 1.6 Data types 10 C types 11 ✦ Types defined in Perl 15 1.7 Casting 16 1.8 Control constructs 17 Statements and blocks 17 ✦ The break and continue statements 18 ✦ The switch statement 19 1.9 Macros and the C preprocessor 20 1.10 Library functions 23 1.11 Summary 23


Fine Art of Writing a Good Bug Report (Slides).pdf

What Is a Bug Report and Why Do We Write Them? • Bug report is a technical document – Describes failure mode in system under test (SUT) – The only tangible “product” of testing • Not a management problem escalation tool – “Build not delivered on time” is not a bug report summary – “Build 781 fails to install” is a bug report summary • Written to increase product quality – Documents a specific quality problem quality of SUT – Communicates to developers


TCP IP 网络实验程序篇

扫描版。 本书是“TCP/IP系列”之一。书中通过对IP、TCP、UDP、ICMP、IPv6等报头程序的编制、运行和分析,帮助读者达到对TCP/IP工作原理的理解最大化。书中通过大量的实用程序设计介绍各种协议,使之成为学习网络通信协议的实用手册。 本书的内容安排以实用性为主,力图在阐明基本原理的基础上,兼顾理论与实际的联系。 本书适合网络技术人员及研究开发人员阅读,也可供大中专院校相关专业的师生和具有一定基础的网络爱好者阅读和参考


Linux for Embedded and Real Time App

Book Description Applications-oriented reference that shows how to put Linux to work in embedded and real-time applications! Product Description In this applications-oriented reference, Doug Abbott shows how to put Linux to work in embedded and real-time applications. Among the topics Abbott discusses include memory management, device drivers, interrupt handling, kernel instrumentation, boatloaders, embedded networking, inter-task communications, periodic vs. "one shot" timing, POSIX threads, hardware abstraction layers, and program debugging. Abbott uses numerous real-world examples to show how implement a variety of embedded applications using Linux. Abbott discusses the strengths and weaknesses for embedded applications of different implementations of Linux, and he also examines the different real-time extensions for Linux. This book incorporates many programming exercises with solutions. All code listings are provided on the accompanying CD-ROM, as well as an electronic version of the text. *Fully describes the use of Linux operating system for embedded and real-time applications *Covers advanced topics such as device drivers, kernel implementation, POSIX threads *The CD accompanying the book includes an electronic version of the book as well as related software tools and code listings



Access networks implement the inter-connection of the customers/subscribers to wide-area communication networks. They allow a large number of subscribers to use various telecommunications services. However, the costs of realization, installation, and maintenance of access networks are very high, very often representing more than 50% of the investment in the network. Therefore, network providers try to realize the access network at as low a cost as possible to increase their competitiveness in the deregulated telecommunications market. In most cases, access networks are still the property of incumbent network providers (e.g., the former monopolistic telephone companies). Because of that, new network providers try to find solutions to realize their own access networks. A promising possibility for the realization of access networks is offered by the PowerLine Communications (PLC) technology.


Briefcase Books - The Managers Guide to Performance Reviews.pdf

Contents Preface ix 1. A Tale of Two Performance Reviews 1 One Fails, One Succeeds 1 The Key Questions 4 Should You Care? 5 What Distinguishes Effective Reviews from Ineffective Reviews? 7 Jessica, Mike, and You 17 Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 1 18 2. Performance Reviews in the Scheme of Things 20 Reviews as Just One Part of a Larger System 21 Summing Up 33 Other Linkages 33 Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 237 3. Understanding Performance—Good and Bad 38 What Do We Mean by “Performance”? 39 The Stuff of Performance—Good and Poor 42 Implications for Your Performance Reviews 47 Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 3


Ieee 802.1Q-2003 PDF

802.1QTM IEEE Standards for Local and metropolitan area networks Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA 7 May 2003 IEEE Computer Society Sponsored by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee


Minimal Perl for UNIX & Linux people(Manning PDF)

Manning 的PDF书籍(仅供学习参考用) Perl学习不可多得的资料。 PERL,TCL、Python有很多选择,用什么脚本语言呢?



stefan.wallin做的SNMP培训资料。 非常全,完整。 是学习SNMP V1、V2、V3很好的资料


项目管理经典教材 Project Management A Systems Approach 10th Edition PDF

经典的项目管理书籍。 项目管理大师Kerzner的经典。 要考PMP的经典参考数据,全英文。



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