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转载 第12次去英语角(Watched Film)

One if by clam,two if by sea;one if by land,two if by seaCalmCockneyChickFlicksThe rain in spain falls mainly on t...

2007-06-11 11:14:48 125

转载 第80次上IM课(IMO91:About Family)

Economic burden 经济负担Trial period 试用期Industrialization[@more@]CompulsoryOfficiallyMonogamyPolyandryPolygynyPoly...

2007-06-11 11:12:46 111

转载 第79次上IM课(IMB8:About Feelings)

TiredConfused:confused aboutExcited:(at ,about,by)[@more@]ProudRelievedShockedJealousGuilty:(at)EmbarrassedWorried...

2007-06-11 11:10:08 146

转载 第78次上IM课(IMO81:About Children and Parents)

Key:1、 Yes,definitely2、 Yes,perhaps3、 Well,that depends4、 Not,not really5、 No,definitely not[@more@]Sentences...

2007-06-11 11:04:46 120

转载 第76次上IM课(IMB13:Idioms)

1、 keep moving the goal posts:people change rules so make it difficult to achieve the goalmy sales target last mo...

2007-06-08 11:22:09 152

转载 第11次去英语角(About your Favourite)

1、 when was the last time you went to the cinema?2、 What do you do in your spare time?3、 What’s your favourite ent...

2007-06-07 14:14:09 118

转载 第75次上IM课(IMO1:Idioms)

1、 see past the end of his nose:he can’t see past the end of his nose。2、 see reason:he can’t see reason,so he fire...

2007-06-07 14:12:35 156

转载 第74次上IM课(IMB7:About Wedding)

请参看IO第一课Clergyman 教士,牧师Hen night = bridal showerAisle walk down the aisleNewly-wed coupleReception = wedding ...

2007-06-06 16:17:25 114

转载 第73次上IM课(IMO60:About Relationship)

StagesA crush on someoneInfatuationTemporary[@more@]Serious relationshipCasual relationshipDaily,weekly,monthly,on...

2007-06-06 16:16:30 134

转载 第71次上IM课(IMO72:About Friends)

Sentences:Ask your partners the following question about his/her best friend。Make sure to listen carefully to what...

2007-06-06 16:14:36 187

转载 第70次上IM课(IMB36:About )

Qualification 资格,条件Sentences:1、killing someone in self-defense2、refusing to fight when your country is at war3、t...

2007-06-06 16:13:37 182

转载 第69次上IM课(IMO91:About Family)

1、 what is the right age to get married?I think the right age to get married is more than 25-year-old for a woman...

2007-06-06 16:12:07 1223

转载 第68次上IM课(IMB31:About Wedding)

请看IO第一课Propose:ask sb to marry youProposalConfetti 五彩纸屑Marriage license[@more@] ...

2007-06-06 16:11:10 78

转载 第67次上IM课(IMO32:About Market)

WavyCurlyStraight[@more@]AdmittanceDisinfectantPissCaution 小心,警告Haggle 讨价还价Get XX, get XX freeThrifty 节约的 ...

2007-06-06 16:05:01 85

转载 第66次上IM课(IMO12:About Travel)

Temple,castle,palace,cathedral,market,fountain,statue,art gallerySouvenirTour[@more@]Flea-market 跳蚤市场get lostcosm...

2007-05-31 12:14:33 237

转载 第65次上IM课(IMB31:About Job)

Profession 职业,专业,表白,宣布Astronaut: someone who travels or works in a spaceAstronomer:天文学家[@more@]Archaeologist:a pe...

2007-05-31 12:13:57 137

转载 第64次上IM课(IMB11:Idiom)

1、 get your fingers badly burnt:you have suffered a great loss。2、 miss the boat:miss the chance3、 put your foot in...

2007-05-30 12:55:55 96

转载 第63次上IM课(IMO96:Discussion)

Nobody does anything for nothing。I think parents do something for their children for nothing。The love of parents i...

2007-05-30 12:54:30 76

转载 第六次上必修课(Flat Hunting)——外教课(IME6)

Refrigerator 电冰箱,冷藏库1、which is the best quality mobile phone?2、what will mobile phone be like in the future?3、wha...

2007-05-30 11:41:34 143

转载 第62次上IM课(IMO71:How to use Adverb)

Imaginary 假想的,想像的,虚构的Bravely 勇敢地Hurriedly 仓促地[@more@]HappilyQuietlyQuicklyCarefullyNervouslyImpatientlyCalm...

2007-05-29 13:52:14 148

转载 第61次上IM课(IMO66:About Appearance)

Toiletry:化妆用具Cosmetic 化妆品Makeup:化妆用品,包括衣服。[@more@]Casual ,semi-casual ,smart-casual ,dress downFormal ,dress upCl...

2007-05-29 13:51:58 276

转载 第60次上IM课(IMO16:About Color)

请看前面第1课内容SymbolizeBlue-collarHarvestElegantBrightness 光亮,明亮Black listedBlack sheep[@more@] ...

2007-05-28 13:50:08 77

转载 第59次上IM课(IMB45:A story)

Sentences:When was peter born?Where did he move to when he was seven?How far if it from London?[@more@]Peter comes...

2007-05-28 13:45:03 237

转载 第58次上IM课(IMO91:About Marriage)

Monogamy 一夫一妻制Polygyny 一夫多妻制Polyandry 多夫一妻制Polygamy 一夫多妻制,多夫一妻制Gynolologist[@more@] ...

2007-05-26 13:43:35 123

转载 第五次上必修课(Flat Hunting)——中教课(IMA5)

Now use the words to make your own sentences:1、call/talk:If someone called,I would talk a message。2、get/be tired:I...

2007-05-26 13:43:26 173

转载 第57次上IM课(IMB15:Idioms)

请参看第六次课内容[@more@] ...

2007-05-25 13:42:56 84

转载 第56次上IM课(IMO71:Success story)

You’re rich and successful,Careers Magazine want to include you in their‘success stories’ section。Single,married,d...

2007-05-25 13:41:11 81

转载 第55次上IM课(IMO51:About Complaint)

请看前面第39课内容Complain v,complain about, complain ofComplaint n,somethingComplainant n,someone ,complaint-deskComplain...

2007-05-24 13:40:44 84

转载 第54次上IM课(IMB39:About Travel)

1、 tour group2、 tour guide3、 tour de force 绝技4、 tour of duty 任期5、 tour operate[@more@]1、 tourism 旅游业; tou...

2007-05-24 13:39:01 129

转载 第53次上IM课(IMO31:About Time)

Time:a long time since the last war; passed the time reading.上次战争后很长一段时间;以读书消磨时光ran the course in a time just unde...

2007-05-23 13:37:17 103

转载 第52次上IM课(IMO21:About Job)

CareerJob1、Is your job interesting?why or why not?2、Is it a career?job satisfaction or the money that you choose y...

2007-05-23 13:36:45 83

转载 第51次上IM课(IMO1:About See)

See:看, 看见, 了解, 领会, 注意, 留心, 经历, 阅历I see your point. 我明白你的意思[@more@]See reasonSee redSee eye to eyeSee past the end...

2007-05-22 13:34:17 115

转载 第九次去英语角(About Culture)

religious culture 宗教文化musical culture 音乐文化oral culture 口头文化the culture of poverty 贫困文化I think a countr...

2007-05-22 13:32:55 107

转载 第50次上IM课(IMB4:About Benefit)

Benefit:something you receive from a jobQualification:something you need to do a job[@more@]PromotionWork experie...

2007-05-21 15:52:48 136

转载 第49次上IM课(IMO80:About Market Research)

Excuse me,can I ask you some questions about television/radio?Thank you very much for answering my questions。[@mor...

2007-05-21 15:50:37 209

转载 第47次上IM课(IMO70:A Game)

A place you’d love to visitA sport you enjoyActivities you find relaxing[@more@]Programmes you like watching on te...

2007-05-19 17:08:31 109

转载 第46次上IM课(IMB16:About Destination)

请看IOB第138课What is your dream destination?My dream destination is Canada。I dream I could run my farm。[@more@] ...

2007-05-18 17:07:22 90

转载 第45次上IM课(IMO40:A Game)

Word ZebraSomething bigger elephant。Something smaller rat。[@more@]A verb that goes with it run。A word that comes e...

2007-05-18 17:06:19 91

转载 第七次去英语角(About Education)

In china,the most of students’ second language is English,because English is international language。Twenty years a...

2007-05-17 17:05:52 67

转载 第44次上IM课(IMO99:About Numbers)

10 年 decade100年 century1000年millennium[@more@]thousandmillionbilliontrillionsterling = poundsabout,around,approxim...

2007-05-16 17:02:09 106

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