第30次上IM课(IMB43:About Dilemma)

Dilemmaa situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to doBecause all the choices seem equally good or equally bad


Face with a dilemma

He is in a dilemma

He is in a dilemma about job

1、 If a friend gave you a picture she had painted and you didn’t like the picturewould you put it on the wall in your house

2、 If you were in a restaurant and someone at the next table was smoking a cigar which make you feel sickwould you ask him to put it out

3、 If you were driving through the countryside alone at night and you ran over a dogwould you stop

4、 If you got to work and realised that you had put on two different shoes when you got dressedwould you go home to change

5、 If a friend offered you a lift home on a coldwet night after a partyand you knew that she had drunk several glasses of winewould you accept

6、 If you saw your ten years old nephew smoking in the streetwould you tell his parents

7、 If you were on a train and an elderly person next to you fell asleep on your shoulderwould you move

8、 If you were at a dinner party and host served something you didn’t likewould you eat it

9、 If you saw your friend’s partner kissing someone elsewould you tell your friend

10、 If the bank made a mistake and put an extra 100 in your bank accountwould you tell them

11、 If you were in a group of friends and someone told a joke in your own language but you didn’t understand itwould you laugh anyway

12、 If you went to a conference with your boss and she fell asleepwould you wake her up

13、 If you found a diary that a friend had left at your housewould you read it

14、 If someone offered you 100 for a necklace which you had bought it 15,would you accept

15、 If you had a new boyfriend who loved opera and you hated it would you go to see an opera with him to make a good impression

16、 If you were on holiday and you met someone you would never see againwould you invent stories to make yourself more interesting

17、 If a friend asked your opinion of a new suit which he had paid a lot of money forwould you tell him the truth if you thought it was horrible

18、 If you found a silver bracelet in the streetwould you keep it

19、 If a friend forgot to give you back 10 he had borrowedwould you ask for it

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