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原创 Python编程实战:运用设计模式、并发和程序库创建高质量程序 阅读笔记

Python编程实战:运用设计模式、并发和程序库创建高质量程序目录1创建型设计模式2结构型设计模式3行为型设计模式4高级并发5扩充Python6高级网络编程7Tkinter8OpenGL创建型设计模式抽象工厂@classmethod def make_xxx(Class, ...)Builder

2014-09-28 00:24:07 3014

原创 修改Wordpress-4.0的文章编辑区内容(MCE控件)跟随最外面垂直滚动条滚动的问题


2014-09-27 12:33:44 2162

原创 嵌入式软件开发精解 阅读笔记(这本书内容有点太初级了)

嵌入式软件开发精解目录1嵌入式软件2设计和开发3编程4C语言5C++6实时性7RTOS8网络9开源软件、嵌入式Linux和Android10多核嵌入式软件RTOS标准:OSEK、uTRON、POSIXSNMP v3:简单网络的管理协议!存储器架构Flat Single Space:如Freescal

2014-09-26 23:58:52 2835

转载 In-Place Merge Sort(这个描述实在太简单了,我一下子就明白了!不过这算MergeSort吗?算插入排序还差不多)

In-Place Merge Sort *If you want to avoid the space complexity required by having a scratch array, you can use the merge sort algorithm, but then move the data around within the original array.  Thi

2014-09-26 23:23:01 2167 1

原创 大数据挑战与NoSQL数据库技术(阅读笔记)


2014-09-23 23:55:36 1651

原创 难以写对的quicksort

摘要:quicksort是Donald发明的算法,是平均性能最好的内排序算法。本文通过对照quicksort的标准写法和自己的写法,发现了一些隐藏的编程陷阱,故记录下来以供学习交流。 关键字:C/C++算法 程序设计 快速排序1     quicksort的主要思想从待排序的数组元素中选取一个作为中值元素(pivot),将原数组划分(partition)为2部分:小于p

2014-09-22 13:29:45 1457

原创 用更简单的生活打败虚荣无耻的世界


2014-09-21 19:55:27 970

原创 中国的房屋为什么不能按一个平方为单位期权/期货购买呢?


2014-09-21 19:38:43 1154

原创 数字图像处理及应用 阅读笔记

数字图像处理及应用目录 [隐藏] 1 基础知识2 数学变换3 图像增强4 图像复原5 压缩编码6 图像分割7 形态学处理8 图像描述9 图像匹配10 图像融合11 目标检测12 目标跟踪13 图像识别14 工程应用系统案例分析基础知识[编辑]1972年EMI公司Hounsfield发明CT?HVS数学变换[编辑]几

2014-09-21 15:07:34 2104

原创 Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries阅读笔记

Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries目录1Build and Install LLVM2External Projects3Tools and Design4Frontend5LLVM IR6Backend7JIT8交叉编译9Clang静态分析10LibToolingBu

2014-09-21 00:19:54 5034 1

原创 在Windows Qt-4.8.x平台上编译Qt-5.0+ WebKit(即qtwebkit-2.3.x) Debug版注意事项

在Windows Qt-4.8.x平台上编译Qt-5.0+ WebKit(即qtwebkit-2.3.x) Debug版注意事项跳转至: 导航、 搜索目录1C++编译问题1.1从idl生成.h/.cpp失败?1.2VS编译器版本1.3名字导出问题1.4找不到int64_t类型?1.5Windows上需要pt

2014-09-16 10:04:02 2560

原创 Windows平台上编译Qt-4.8.x Debug版注意事项

Windows平台上编译Qt-4.8.x Debug版注意事项跳转至: 导航、 搜索目录1为什么要编译qt-4.8.x的Windows Debug版?21 MSVC版本的选择32 WinRAR的问题43 qmake子项目裁剪54 调试QtWebKit0 为什么要编译qt-4.8.x的Windows

2014-09-16 09:55:46 1677

原创 小米模式。。。


2014-09-15 12:14:52 1100

原创 解决隐私问题的一个绝妙方案:Big Shareable Browser

解决隐私问题的一个绝妙方案:Big Shareable Browserx

2014-09-15 10:34:47 955

原创 解决CSDN博客在Chrome浏览器上无法登陆的问题


2014-09-15 10:28:33 1610

原创 C++ 11:比较诡异的一些语法

C++ 11:比较诡异的一些语法目录     1 右值(&&)与move语义    2 函数返回值的类型推导+类型提示    3 OOP中成员函数的控制    4 编译期计算    5 原始正则表达式常量    6 unique_ptr    7 shared_ptr vs weak_ptr [1]    8 模板别名    9 Lambda

2014-09-14 18:13:39 1184

原创 关于死刑,何谓善?有感于电影《凝望深渊》


2014-09-14 18:09:56 1031

原创 突破上下文约束的泛型迁移计算模型


2014-09-04 13:09:38 1186 1

原创 WebKit代码在资源受限的嵌入式环境下的定制问题


2014-09-04 12:33:57 1929

原创 使用Python语言编写简单的HTML5语法解析器

使用Python语言编写简单的HTML5语法解析器摘要:通过使用Python语言编写一个简单的HTML5语法解析器作为例子,探讨了在设计手写的递归下降语法解析器程序时需要注意的一些事项。 关键字:PythonHTML5语法解析器 正则表达式 递归下降 编译器技术 1     问题     如何编写一个语法解析器(Parser)呢?在C/C++语言领域,我们有le

2014-09-04 10:35:23 3510 1

TCP/IP Sockets in Java, 2rd Edition

Contents Preface xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Networks, Packets, and Protocols 1 1.2 About Addresses 4 1.3 About Names 6 1.4 Clients and Servers 6 1.5 What Is a Socket? 7 1.6 Exercises 8 2 Basic Sockets 9 2.1 Socket Addresses 9 2.2 TCP Sockets 15 2.2.1 TCP Client 16 2.2.2 TCP Server 21 2.2.3 Input and Output Streams 25 2.3 UDP Sockets 26 2.3.1 DatagramPacket 27 2.3.2 UDP Client 29 2.3.3 UDP Server 34 2.3.4 Sending and Receiving with UDP Sockets 36 2.4 Exercises 38 3 Sending and Receiving Data 39 3.1 Encoding Information 40 3.1.1 Primitive Integers 40 3.1.2 Strings and Text 45 3.1.3 Bit-Diddling: Encoding Booleans 47 3.2 Composing I/O Streams 48 3.3 Framing and Parsing 49 3.4 Java-Specific Encodings 55 3.5 Constructing and Parsing Protocol Messages 55 3.5.1 Text-Based Representation 58 3.5.2 Binary Representation 61 3.5.3 Sending and Receiving 63 3.6 Wrapping Up 71 3.7 Exercises 71 4 Beyond the Basics 73 4.1 Multitasking 73 4.1.1 Java Threads 74 4.1.2 Server Protocol 76 4.1.3 Thread-per-Client 80 4.1.4 Thread Pool 82 4.1.5 System-Managed Dispatching: The Executor Interface 84 4.2 Blocking and Timeouts 86 4.2.1 accept(), read(), and receive() 87 4.2.2 Connecting and Writing 87 4.2.3 Limiting Per-Client Time 87 4.3 Multiple Recipients 89 4.3.1 Broadcast 90 4.3.2 Multicast 90 4.4 Controlling Default Behaviors 95 4.4.1 Keep-Alive 96 4.4.2 Send and Receive Buffer Size 96 4.4.3 Timeout 97 4.4.4 Address Reuse 97 4.4.5 Eliminating Buffering Delay 98 4.4.6 Urgent Data 98 4.4.7 Lingering after Close 99 4.4.8 Broadcast Permission 99 4.4.9 Traffic Class 100 4.4.10 Performance-Based Protocol Selection 100 4.5 Closing Connections 101 4.6 Applets 107 4.7 Wrapping Up 107 4.8 Exercises 108 5 NIO 109 5.1 Why Do We Need This? 109 5.2 Using Channels with Buffers 112 5.3 Selectors 115 5.4 Buffers in Detail 121 5.4.1 Buffer Indices 121 5.4.2 Buffer Creation 122 5.4.3 Storing and Retrieving Data 124 5.4.4 Preparing Buffers: clear(), flip(), and rewind() 126 5.4.5 Compacting Data in a Buffer 128 5.4.6 Buffer Perspectives: duplicate(), slice(), etc. 129 5.4.7 Character Coding 131 5.5 Stream (TCP) Channels in Detail 132 5.6 Selectors in Detail 135 5.6.1 Registering Interest in Channels 135 5.6.2 Selecting and Identifying Ready Channels 138 5.6.3 Channel Attachments 140 5.6.4 Selectors in a Nutshell 140 5.7 Datagram (UDP) Channels 141 5.8 Exercises 145 6 Under the Hood 147 6.1 Buffering and TCP 150 6.2 Deadlock Danger 152 6.3 Performance Implications 155 6.4 TCP Socket Life Cycle 155 6.4.1 Connecting 156 6.4.2 Closing a TCP Connection 160 6.5 Demultiplexing Demystified 163 6.6 Exercises 165 Bibliography 167 Index 169


Advanced Data Structures

里面讲述了许多特殊的索引树结构,推荐! Preface page xi 1 Elementary Structures 1 1.1 Stack 1 1.2 Queue 8 1.3 Double-Ended Queue 16 1.4 Dynamical Allocation of Nodes 16 1.5 Shadow Copies of Array-Based Structures 18 2 Search Trees 23 2.1 Two Models of Search Trees 23 2.2 General Properties and Transformations 26 2.3 Height of a Search Tree 29 2.4 Basic Find, Insert, and Delete 31 2.5 Returning fromLeaf to Root 35 2.6 Dealing with Nonunique Keys 37 2.7 Queries for the Keys in an Interval 38 2.8 Building Optimal Search Trees 40 2.9 Converting Trees into Lists 47 2.10 Removing a Tree 48 3 Balanced Search Trees 50 3.1 Height-Balanced Trees 50 3.2 Weight-Balanced Trees 61 3.3 (a, b)- and B-Trees 72 3.4 Red-Black Trees and Trees of Almost Optimal Height 89 3.5 Top-Down Rebalancing for Red-Black Trees 101 3.6 Trees with Constant Update Time at a Known Location 111 3.7 Finger Trees and Level Linking 114 vii 3.8 Trees with Partial Rebuilding: Amortized Analysis 119 3.9 Splay Trees: Adaptive Data Structures 122 3.10 Skip Lists: Randomized Data Structures 135 3.11 Joining and Splitting Balanced Search Trees 143 4 Tree Structures for Sets of Intervals 148 4.1 Interval Trees 148 4.2 Segment Trees 154 4.3 Trees for the Union of Intervals 162 4.4 Trees for Sums of Weighted Intervals 169 4.5 Trees for Interval-Restricted Maximum Sum Queries 174 4.6 Orthogonal Range Trees 182 4.7 Higher-Dimensional Segment Trees 196 4.8 Other Systems of Building Blocks 199 4.9 Range-Counting and the Semigroup Model 202 4.10 kd-Trees and Related Structures 204 5 Heaps 209 5.1 Balanced Search Trees as Heaps 210 5.2 Array-Based Heaps 214 5.3 Heap-Ordered Trees and Half-Ordered Trees 221 5.4 Leftist Heaps 227 5.5 Skew Heaps 235 5.6 Binomial Heaps 239 5.7 Changing Keys in Heaps 248 5.8 Fibonacci Heaps 250 5.9 Heaps of Optimal Complexity 262 5.10 Double-Ended Heap Structures and Multidimensional Heaps 267 5.11 Heap-Related Structures with Constant-Time Updates 271 6 Union-Find and Related Structures 278 6.1 Union-Find: Merging Classes of a Partition 279 6.2 Union-Find with Copies and Dynamic Segment Trees 293 6.3 List Splitting 303 6.4 Problems on Root-Directed Trees 306 6.5 Maintaining a Linear Order 317 7 Data Structure Transformations 321 7.1 Making Structures Dynamic 321 7.2 Making Structures Persistent 330 8 Data Structures for Strings 335 8.1 Tries and Compressed Tries 336 8.2 Dictionaries Allowing Errors in Queries 356 8.3 Suffix Trees 360 8.4 Suffix Arrays 367 9 Hash Tables 374 9.1 Basic Hash Tables and Collision Resolution 374 9.2 Universal Families of Hash Functions 380 9.3 Perfect Hash Functions 391 9.4 Hash Trees 397 9.5 Extendible Hashing 398 9.6 Membership Testers and Bloom Filters 402 10 Appendix 406 10.1 The Pointer Machine and Alternative Computation Models 406 10.2 External Memory Models and Cache-Oblivious Algorithms 408 10.3 Naming of Data Structures 409 10.4 Solving Linear Recurrences 410 10.5 Very Slowly Growing Functions 412 11 References 415 Author Index 441 Subject Index 455



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