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转载 习题2:注释和#号

程序里面的注释是非常重要的。它们可以用自然语言告诉你某段代码的功能是什么,同时,在你想临时删除某段代码时,也可以用注释的方式来将这段代码临时禁用。下面的练习将会让你学会Ruby里面的注释: ...

2014-07-10 10:59:39 157

转载 习题1:良好的开始--第一个程序

你应该在习题 0 中花了不少的时间,学会了如何安装文本编辑器、运行文本编辑器、以及如何运行Terminal,如果你还没有这么做的话,请不要继续往下阅读了,后面会有很多苦头吃的。请不要跳过前一个习题的内容继续前进,这也是本书...

2014-07-04 15:36:01 205

转载 习题0:准备工作

这道习题并没有代码。它的主要目的是让你在电脑上安装好Ruby,你需要尽量按照指示来操作。这份教学假设你将使用Ruby 1.9.2你的系统里面可能已经装好了Ruby。打开console 并尝试运行: $ ru...

2014-07-03 17:15:12 240

转载 笨方法更简单

这本书的目的是让你起步学习编程。虽然书名说是“笨办法”,但其实并非如此。所谓的“笨办法”是指本书教授的方式。在这本书的帮助下,你将通过非常简单的练习学会一门编程语言。练习是每个程序员的必经之路:1. 做每一道习题2....

2014-06-30 17:27:42 143

转载 《笨方法学Ruby》

英文版:http://ruby.learncodethehardway.org/book/繁体版:http://lrthw.github.io/《笨方法学Ruby》(Learn Ruby The Hard Way)...

2014-06-25 16:27:27 202

转载 Ruby中gets和gets.chomp()的区别

gets和gets.chomp()都表示读入用户的输入并用于输出,但两者还是有所不同,其中gets是得到的内容后,在输出时后面接着换行;而gets.chmop()得到的内容输出时后面不带空格和换行。例如: ...

2013-12-02 10:50:26 333

转载 Define v.s. Declare

A variable is defined if, and only if, thelvalue column for that variable in the symbol table has a memory ...

2011-09-27 20:49:48 90

转载 Agile software development: Tips for writing testable user stories

Many testers on Agile projects struggle to keep up with the pace the development team sets in terms of story deliv...

2011-09-14 08:21:57 86

转载 Software QA and Testing Resources

Top ResourcesStickyminds.com - Comprehensive software testing resource site associated with 'Better Software' Ma...

2011-09-05 18:31:06 78

转载 What is Database testing?

Data bas testing basically include the following:1)Data validity testingFor doing data validity testing you ...

2011-08-30 17:56:27 104

转载 让程序员愤怒的10种事


2011-08-30 14:12:07 103

转载 Web Site Testing Checklist

Tables? Does the user constantly have to scroll to the right to see items in a table? ? Do tables print out ...

2011-08-29 09:21:11 70

转载 Web application security testing checklist

Set everyone's expectations The Golden Rule of performing security assessments is to make sure that everyone aff...

2011-08-26 09:05:08 94

转载 Date Entry Checklist

Checklist Date Entry.PNGOther issues:Can invalid dates be passed to this routine? Should they be accepted?...

2011-08-26 09:03:53 333

转载 Numeric Entry Checklist

Checklist Numeric Entry.pngOther issues:Will boundaries and limits change over time?Are they influenc...

2011-08-26 08:55:24 159

转载 Screen Validation Checklist

Aesthetic ConditionsIs the general screen background the correct colour?Are the field prompts the correct ...

2011-08-25 08:52:26 75

转载 Checklist: Graphical User Interface

Checklist Graphical User Interface.png ...

2011-08-24 08:54:45 71

转载 Check List for Software Testing

Web Site Testing Checklist: GeneralAre all tests being run on "clean" machines? Does the system do what it...

2011-07-25 19:33:52 135

转载 Software Testing Methodology

Testing MethodsWhite BoxAlso called "Structural Testing / Glass Box Testing" is used for testing the code keep...

2011-07-22 09:12:34 136

转载 The Test Plan Samples

Are you a Software QA engineer or Software tester? Need to update your software QA/testing knowledge or need to pr...

2011-07-19 17:23:30 160

转载 Testing Without A Map

2005-01-TestingWithoutAMap.pdf(2011-07-18 22:08:22, Size: 655 KB, Downloads: 5) ...

2011-07-18 22:08:22 96

转载 Testing vs. Checking

This posting is an expansion of a lightning talk that I gave at Agile 2009. Many thanks to Arlo Belshee and James ...

2011-07-17 12:43:58 86

转载 Why a career in testing makes sense

By: R SUBRAMANYAMWipro employee Deepika Mamnani chose testing as a career over her earlier role as a software ...

2011-07-16 22:03:46 102

转载 Five Minutes Ahead of the Boot - testing and QA

Fiona Charles was a tester. After six years of testing for her company, she followed a path to which many testers ...

2011-07-16 22:02:11 67

转载 To be a good software tester

Are you a Software QA engineer or Software tester? Need to update your software QA/testing knowledge or need to pr...

2011-07-13 11:39:39 65

转载 Localization Testing

Are you a Software QA engineer or Software tester? Need to update your software QA/testing knowledge or need to pr...

2011-07-12 08:54:04 96

转载 How do you plan test automation?

1. Prepare the automation Test plan2. Identify the scenario3. Record the scenario4. Enhance the scripts by i...

2011-07-08 08:11:23 92

转载 What are the tables in test plans and test cases?

Test plan is a document that contains the scope, approach, test design and test strategies. It includes the follow...

2011-07-08 08:09:49 72

转载 How can new Software QA processes be introduced in an existing organization?

A lot depends on the size of the organization and the risks involved. For large organizations with high-risk (in t...

2011-07-08 08:08:28 67

转载 Why does software have bugs?

1. Miscommunication or no communication - as to specifics of what an application should or shouldn't do (the appli...

2011-07-07 08:31:32 77

转载 Why is it often hard for management to get serious about quality assurance?

Solving problems is a high-visibility process; preventing problems is low-visibility.This is illustrated by an o...

2011-07-07 08:31:19 61

转载 What kinds of testing should be considered?

Black box testing - not based on any knowledge of internal design or code. Tests are based on requirements and fun...

2011-07-07 08:31:06 91

转载 What's the difference between black box and white box testing?

Black-box and white-box are test design methods. Black-box test design treats the system as a "Black-box", so it d...

2011-07-07 08:30:45 407

转载 Will automated testing tools make testing easier?

- Possibly. For small projects, the time needed to learn and implement them may not be worth it. For larger projec...

2011-07-07 08:29:45 62

转载 What is Extreme Programming and what's it got to do with testing?

Extreme Programming (XP) is a software development approach for small teams on risk-prone projects with unstable r...

2011-07-06 22:11:58 88

转载 How can World Wide Web sites be tested?

Web sites are essentially client/server applications - with web servers and 'browser' clients. Consideration shoul...

2011-07-06 22:11:44 102

转载 100 songs

001. heart of glass / blondie002. jimmy / m.i.a.003. deceptacon / le tigre004. im on fire / 5000 volts005. je veux...

2011-07-05 21:44:50 189

转载 How can Software QA processes be implemented without stifling productivity?

By implementing QA processes slowly over time, using consensus to reach agreement on processes, and adjusting and ...

2011-07-05 21:26:07 69

转载 What can be done if requirements are changing continuously?

A common problem and a major headache. - Work with the project's stakeholders early on to understand how require...

2011-07-05 21:25:22 65

转载 What if there isn't enough time for thorough testing?

Use risk analysis to determine where testing should be focused. Since it's rarely possible to test every possibl...

2011-07-05 21:25:06 115



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