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Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server         : NativeLinks
Source Server Version : 50622
Source Host           : localhost:3306
Source Database       : fapiao

Target Server Type    : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50622
File Encoding         : 65001


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `t_fp_city`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `t_fp_city` (
  `cityid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `citycode` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
  `cityname` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  `cityisopen` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `issingle` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `officialurl` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL,
  `isprovince` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`cityid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_fp_city
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('32', '11100', '北京国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.bjtax.gov.cn/ptfp/cxsm.html', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('33', '21100', '北京地税', '1', '1', 'http://zwcx.tax861.gov.cn/fpcx.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('34', '11101', '北京(市辖区)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('35', '11102', '北京(下级县)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('36', '21101', '北京(市辖区)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('37', '21102', '北京(下级县)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('38', '11200', '天津国税', '1', '1', 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('39', '11201', '天津(市辖区)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('40', '11202', '天津(下级县)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('41', '21200', '天津地税', '1', '1', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('42', '21201', '天津(市辖区)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('43', '21202', '天津(下级县)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('44', '11300', '河北国税', '1', '1', 'http://dzfp.he-n-tax.gov.cn/dyxt/dzfpFpywQuery.do', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('45', '21300', '河北地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.hebds.gov.cn/fpcx/', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('46', '11301', '石家庄国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('47', '21301', '石家庄地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('48', '11302', '唐山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('49', '21302', '唐山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('50', '21303', '秦皇岛地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('51', '11303', '秦皇岛国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('52', '11304', '邯郸国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('53', '21304', '邯郸地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('54', '21305', '邢台地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('55', '11305', '邢台国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('56', '11306', '保定国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('57', '21306', '保定地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('58', '21307', '张家口地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('59', '11307', '张家口国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('60', '11308', '承德国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('61', '21308', '承德地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('62', '21309', '沧州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('63', '11309', '沧州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('64', '11310', '廊坊国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('65', '21310', '廊坊地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('66', '21311', '衡水地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('67', '11311', '衡水国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('68', '11400', '山西国税', '1', '1', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('69', '21400', '山西地税', '1', '1', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('70', '21401', '太原地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('71', '11401', '太原国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('72', '11402', '大同国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('73', '21402', '大同地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('74', '21403', '阳泉地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('75', '11403', '阳泉国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('76', '11404', '长治国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('77', '21404', '长治地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('78', '21405', '晋城地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('79', '11405', '晋城国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('80', '11406', '朔州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('81', '21406', '朔州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('82', '21407', '晋中地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('83', '11407', '晋中国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('84', '11408', '运城国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('85', '21408', '运城地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('86', '21409', '忻州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('87', '11409', '忻州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('88', '11410', '临汾国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('89', '21410', '临汾地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('90', '21411', '吕梁地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('91', '11411', '吕梁国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('92', '11500', '内蒙古国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.nm-n-tax.gov.cn/nmgsj/bsfw/sscx/fpzwcx/list_1.shtml', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('93', '21500', '内蒙古地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.nmds.gov.cn/portal/bsfw/sscx/fpcx/index.shtml', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('94', '21501', '呼和浩特地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('95', '11501', '呼和浩特国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('96', '11502', '包头国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('97', '21502', '包头地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('98', '21503', '乌海地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('99', '11503', '乌海国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('100', '11504', '赤峰国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('101', '21504', '赤峰地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('102', '21505', '通辽地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('103', '11505', '通辽国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('104', '11506', '鄂尔多斯国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('105', '21506', '鄂尔多斯地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('106', '21507', '呼伦贝尔地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('107', '11507', '呼伦贝尔国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('108', '11522', '兴安国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('109', '21522', '兴安地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('110', '21525', '锡林郭勒地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('111', '11525', '锡林郭勒国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('112', '11526', '乌兰察布国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('113', '21526', '乌兰察布地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('114', '21528', '巴彦淖尔地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('115', '11528', '巴彦淖尔国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('116', '11529', '阿拉善国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('117', '21529', '阿拉善地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('118', '12100', '辽宁国税', '1', '1', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('119', '22100', '辽宁地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.lnsds.gov.cn/col/col2589/index.html', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('120', '22101', '沈阳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('121', '12101', '沈阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('122', '12102', '大连国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.dl-n-tax.gov.cn/n1057/index.html', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('123', '22102', '大连地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.dl-l-tax.gov.cn/', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('124', '22103', '鞍山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('125', '12103', '鞍山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('126', '12104', '抚顺国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('127', '22104', '抚顺地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('128', '22105', '本溪地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('129', '12105', '本溪国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('130', '12106', '丹东国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('131', '22106', '丹东地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('132', '22107', '锦州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('133', '12107', '锦州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('134', '12108', '营口国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('135', '22108', '营口地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('136', '22109', '阜新地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('137', '12109', '阜新国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('138', '12110', '辽阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('139', '22110', '辽阳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('140', '22111', '盘锦地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('141', '12111', '盘锦国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('142', '12112', '铁岭国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('143', '22112', '铁岭地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('144', '22113', '朝阳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('145', '12113', '朝阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('146', '12114', '葫芦岛国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('147', '22114', '葫芦岛地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('148', '12200', '吉林国税', '1', '1', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('149', '22200', '吉林地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.jlds.gov.cn/about.php?cid=1991', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('150', '22201', '长春地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('151', '12201', '长春国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('152', '12202', '吉林国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('153', '22202', '吉林地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('154', '22203', '四平地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('155', '12203', '四平国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('156', '12204', '辽源国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('157', '22204', '辽源地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('158', '22205', '通化地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('159', '12205', '通化国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('160', '12206', '白山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('161', '22206', '白山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('162', '22207', '松原地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('163', '12207', '松原国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('164', '12208', '白城国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('165', '22208', '白城地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('166', '22224', '延边地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('167', '12224', '延边国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('168', '12300', '黑龙江国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.hl-n-tax.gov.cn/fpcx/fplj.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('169', '22300', '黑龙江地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.hljtax.gov.cn/wwqt/lby/fpxxcx.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('170', '22301', '哈尔滨地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('171', '12301', '哈尔滨国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('172', '12302', '齐齐哈尔国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('173', '22302', '齐齐哈尔地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('174', '22303', '鸡西地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('175', '12303', '鸡西国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('176', '12304', '鹤岗国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('177', '22304', '鹤岗地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('178', '22305', '双鸭山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('179', '12305', '双鸭山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('180', '12306', '大庆国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('181', '22306', '大庆地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('182', '22307', '伊春地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('183', '12307', '伊春国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('184', '12308', '佳木斯国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('185', '22308', '佳木斯地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('186', '22309', '七台河地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('187', '12309', '七台河国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('188', '12310', '牡丹江国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('189', '22310', '牡丹江地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('190', '22311', '黑河地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('191', '12311', '黑河国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('192', '12312', '绥化国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('193', '22312', '绥化地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('194', '22327', '大兴安岭地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('195', '12327', '大兴安岭国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('196', '13100', '上海国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/WSBSptFpCx_loginsNewl.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('197', '23100', '上海地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/WSBSptFpCx_loginsNewl.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('198', '23101', '上海(市辖区)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('199', '23102', '上海(下级县)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('200', '13101', '上海(市辖区)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('201', '13102', '上海(下级县)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('202', '13200', '江苏国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.jsgs.gov.cn/', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('203', '23200', '江苏地税', '1', '1', 'http://wsbs.js-l-tax.gov.cn/kpgl/rzxt/query2.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('204', '23201', '南京地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('205', '13201', '南京国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.jsnj-n-tax.gov.cn/fpyzcxInternet/mainAction.do', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('206', '13202', '无锡国税', '0', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('207', '23202', '无锡地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('208', '23203', '徐州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('209', '13203', '徐州国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.xzgs.gov.cn/fpcx/fpcx.asp', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('210', '13204', '常州国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.jscz-n-tax.gov.cn/czgs_jt/sqhd/demand.do?action=fp&type=fpcx', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('211', '23204', '常州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('212', '23205', '苏州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('213', '13205', '苏州国税', '1', '1', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('214', '13206', '南通国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.ntgs.gov.cn/fpcx_z.asp', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('215', '23206', '南通地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('216', '23207', '连云港地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('217', '13207', '连云港国税', '1', '1', '', '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('223', '23210', '扬州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('225', '13211', '镇江国税', '0', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('226', '13212', '泰州国税', '1', '1', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('227', '23212', '泰州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('233', '23217', '苏州工业园地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('245', '13305', '湖州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('249', '13307', '金华国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('251', '23308', '衢州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('253', '13309', '舟山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('254', '13310', '台州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('255', '23310', '台州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('257', '13311', '丽水国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('258', '13400', '安徽国税', '1', '1', '', '1');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('261', '13401', '合肥国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('262', '13402', '芜湖国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('263', '23402', '芜湖地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('267', '23404', '淮南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('270', '13406', '淮北国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('271', '23406', '淮北地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('273', '13407', '铜陵国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('275', '23408', '安庆地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('277', '13410', '黄山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('278', '13411', '滁州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('279', '23411', '滁州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('280', '23412', '阜阳地税', '0', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('281', '13412', '阜阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('282', '13413', '宿州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('283', '23413', '宿州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('285', '13414', '巢湖国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('287', '23415', '六安地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('289', '13416', '亳州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('290', '13417', '池州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('291', '23417', '池州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('292', '23418', '宣城地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('293', '13418', '宣城国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('294', '13419', '安徽(直)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('295', '23419', '安徽(直)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('299', '13501', '福州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('307', '13505', '泉州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('309', '23506', '漳州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('315', '13509', '宁德国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('363', '13711', '日照国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('367', '13713', '临沂国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('373', '23716', '滨州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('413', '24200', '湖北地税', '1', '1', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('414', '24201', '武汉地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('415', '14201', '武汉国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('417', '24202', '黄石地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('419', '14203', '十堰国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('425', '24207', '鄂州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('427', '14208', '荆门国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('431', '14210', '荆州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('435', '14212', '咸宁国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('437', '24213', '随州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('439', '14228', '恩施国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('445', '14301', '长沙国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('446', '14302', '株洲国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('447', '24302', '株洲地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('449', '14303', '湘潭国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('455', '24306', '岳阳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('459', '24308', '张家界地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('461', '14309', '益阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('462', '14310', '郴州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('463', '24310', '郴州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('465', '14311', '永州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('466', '14312', '怀化国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('469', '14313', '娄底国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('471', '24331', '湘西地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('475', '14401', '广州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('495', '14413', '惠州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('497', '24414', '梅州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('499', '14415', '汕尾国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('507', '14419', '东莞国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('539', '14511', '贺州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('543', '14513', '来宾国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('545', '24514', '崇左地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
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INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('611', '25203', '遵义地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('612', '15203', '遵义国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('613', '15204', '安顺国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('614', '25204', '安顺地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('615', '25222', '铜仁地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('616', '15222', '铜仁国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('617', '15223', '黔西南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('618', '25223', '黔西南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('619', '25224', '毕节地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('620', '15224', '毕节国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('621', '15226', '黔东南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('622', '25226', '黔东南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('623', '25227', '黔南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('624', '15227', '黔南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('625', '15300', '云南国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.yngs.gov.cn/web/template/style01/sscx/sscx.jsp?topic_id=9b7cddcd-6b38-4841-ab0d-808ba7c1e02d', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('626', '25300', '云南地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.ltax.yn.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/gzyw/fpcx/fpcx_init.jsp?fplx=02', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('627', '25301', '昆明地税', '1', '1', 'http://service.kmds.gov.cn/taxSearch/index.htm', '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('628', '15301', '昆明国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('629', '15303', '曲靖国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('630', '25303', '曲靖地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('631', '25304', '玉溪地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('632', '15304', '玉溪国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('633', '15305', '保山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('634', '25305', '保山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('635', '25306', '昭通地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('636', '15306', '昭通国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('637', '15307', '丽江国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('638', '25307', '丽江地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('639', '25323', '楚雄地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('640', '15323', '楚雄国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('641', '15325', '红河国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('642', '25325', '红河地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('643', '25326', '文山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('644', '15326', '文山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('645', '15327', '思茅国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('646', '25327', '思茅地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('647', '25328', '西双版纳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('648', '15328', '西双版纳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('649', '15329', '大理国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('650', '25329', '大理地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('651', '25331', '德宏地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('652', '15331', '德宏国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('653', '15333', '怒江国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('654', '25333', '怒江地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('655', '25334', '迪庆地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('656', '15334', '迪庆国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('657', '15335', '临沧国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('658', '25335', '临沧地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('659', '15400', '西藏国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.xztax.gov.cn:8881/', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('660', '25400', '西藏地税', '1', '1', null, '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('661', '25401', '拉萨地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('662', '15401', '拉萨国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('663', '15421', '昌都国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('664', '25421', '昌都地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('665', '25422', '山南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('666', '15422', '山南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('667', '15423', '日喀则国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('668', '25423', '日喀则地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('669', '25424', '那曲地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('670', '15424', '那曲国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('671', '15425', '阿里国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('672', '25425', '阿里地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('673', '25426', '林芝地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('674', '15426', '林芝国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('675', '16100', '陕西国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.sn-n-tax.gov.cn/portal/site/site/portal/sxgs/sscx_Iframe.portal?categoryId=JKUFXCN49BURRBL48TDY4OD5ECXVQIOU', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('676', '26100', '陕西地税', '1', '1', 'http://fpcx.xads.gov.cn/sxlt/inv/invqueryinit.do', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('677', '26101', '西安地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('678', '16101', '西安国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('679', '16102', '铜川国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('680', '26102', '铜川地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('681', '26103', '宝鸡地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('682', '16103', '宝鸡国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('683', '16104', '咸阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('684', '26104', '咸阳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('685', '26105', '渭南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('686', '16105', '渭南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('687', '16106', '延安国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('688', '26106', '延安地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('689', '26107', '汉中地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('690', '16107', '汉中国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('691', '16108', '榆林国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('692', '26108', '榆林地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('693', '26109', '安康地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('694', '16109', '安康国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('695', '16110', '商洛国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('696', '26110', '商洛地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('697', '16200', '甘肃国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/public/query/index.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('698', '26200', '甘肃地税', '1', '1', null, '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('699', '26201', '兰州地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('700', '16201', '兰州国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('701', '16202', '嘉峪关国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('702', '26202', '嘉峪关地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('703', '26203', '金昌地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('704', '16203', '金昌国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('705', '16204', '白银国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('706', '26204', '白银地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('707', '26205', '天水地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('708', '16205', '天水国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('709', '16206', '武威国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('710', '26206', '武威地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('711', '26207', '张掖地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('712', '16207', '张掖国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('713', '16208', '平凉国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('714', '26208', '平凉地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('715', '26209', '酒泉地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('716', '16209', '酒泉国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('717', '16210', '庆阳国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('718', '26210', '庆阳地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('719', '26224', '定西地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('720', '16224', '定西国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('721', '16226', '陇南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('722', '26226', '陇南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('723', '26229', '临夏地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('724', '16229', '临夏国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('725', '16230', '甘南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('726', '26230', '甘南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('727', '16300', '青海国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.qh-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/index/index.jsp', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('728', '26300', '青海地税', '1', '1', null, '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('729', '26301', '西宁地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('730', '16301', '西宁国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('731', '16321', '海东国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('732', '26321', '海东地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('733', '26322', '海北地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('734', '16322', '海北国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('735', '16323', '黄南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('736', '26323', '黄南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('737', '26325', '海南地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('738', '16325', '海南国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('739', '16326', '果洛国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('740', '26326', '果洛地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('741', '26327', '玉树地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('742', '16327', '玉树国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('743', '16328', '海西国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('744', '26328', '海西地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('745', '16400', '宁夏国税', '1', '1', null, '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('746', '26400', '宁夏地税', '1', '1', 'http://www.nxds.gov.cn/SiteAcl.srv?id=236', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('747', '26401', '银川地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('748', '16401', '银川国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('749', '16402', '石嘴山国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('750', '26402', '石嘴山地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('751', '26403', '吴忠地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('752', '16403', '吴忠国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('753', '16404', '固原国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('754', '26404', '固原地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('755', '16500', '新疆国税', '1', '1', 'http://www.xj-n-tax.gov.cn/zxbs/sscx/fpzwch/', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('756', '26500', '新疆地税', '1', '1', 'http://xwssb.xjdsj.gov.cn/FpzwcxAction.do?handleCode=init', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('757', '26501', '乌鲁木齐地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('758', '16501', '乌鲁木齐国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('759', '16502', '克拉玛依国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('760', '26502', '克拉玛依地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('761', '26521', '吐鲁番地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('762', '16521', '吐鲁番国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('763', '16522', '哈密国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('764', '26522', '哈密地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('765', '26523', '昌吉地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('766', '16523', '昌吉国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('767', '16527', '博尔塔拉国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('768', '26527', '博尔塔拉地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('769', '26528', '巴音郭楞地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('770', '16528', '巴音郭楞国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('771', '16529', '阿克苏国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('772', '26529', '阿克苏地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('773', '26530', '克孜勒苏地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('774', '16530', '克孜勒苏国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('775', '16531', '喀什国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('776', '26531', '喀什地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('777', '26532', '和田地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('778', '16532', '和田国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('779', '16540', '伊犁国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('780', '26540', '伊犁地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('781', '26542', '塔城地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('782', '16542', '塔城国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('783', '16543', '阿勒泰国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('784', '26543', '阿勒泰地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('785', '26590', '新疆(直)地税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('786', '16590', '新疆(直)国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('791', '15332', '丽江地区国税', '1', '0', null, '0');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_city` VALUES ('792', '25332', '丽江地区地税', '1', '0', null, '0');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `t_fp_invoicetype`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_fp_invoicetype`;
CREATE TABLE `t_fp_invoicetype` (
  `invoicetypeid` varchar(2) NOT NULL,
  `invoicetypename` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `invoicetype` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`invoicetypeid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_fp_invoicetype
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('01', '普通发票', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('02', '通用机打发票', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('03', '通用手工发票', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('04', '通用定额发票', '1');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('05', '增值税发票', '2');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('06', '增值税专用发票', '2');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('07', '增值税普通发票', '2');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('08', '增值税普通(机打)发票', '2');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_invoicetype` VALUES ('09', '增值税普通(手工)发票', '2');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `t_fp_resource`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_fp_resource`;
CREATE TABLE `t_fp_resource` (
  `resourceid` varchar(7) NOT NULL,
  `citycode` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
  `invoicetypeid` varchar(2) NOT NULL,
  `invoicetypename` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `resourceisopen` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `inputfields` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
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  `yzmurl` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cookieurl` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL,
  `targeturl` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
  `yzmrefererurl` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL,
  `targetrefererurl` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`resourceid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_fp_resource
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1110001', '11100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,fpmm,8,int;开票日期,kpri,10,date;验证码,valiNum,4,string', null, 'http://www.bjtax.gov.cn/ptfp/turnyzm.jsp', null, 'http://www.bjtax.gov.cn/ptfp/turna.jsp?sfzh=&ip= ', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1110002', '11100', '02', '通用机打发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,fpmm,8,int;机器编号,jqbh,,int;开票日期,kpri,10,date;开票金额,kjje,,double;税控码,skm,,int;验证码,valiNum,4,string', null, 'http://www.e-inv.cn/api.php?op=checkcode', null, 'http://www.bjtax.gov.cn/ptfp/turna.jsp?sfzh=&ip=ip= ', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1120001', '11200', '01', '机打普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpDm,12,int;发票号码,fpHm,8,int;开票合计金额,kpje,,string;开票方税号,nsrsbh,,string;验证码,vcode,1,string', 'invoiceType=TypeA;dzfpHm ', 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/1396950179604.ht_jpeg', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/jdfp.query', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1120003', '11200', '03', '通用手工发票', '1', '发票代码,fpDm,12,int;发票号码,fpHm,8,int;开票方税号,nsrsbh,,string;验证码,vcode,1,string', 'invoiceType=TypeB', 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/1398161272686.ht_jpeg', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/jdfp.query', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1120004', '11200', '04', '定额发票', '1', '发票代码,fpDm,12,int;发票号码,fpHm,8,int;票面金额,kpje,,double;开票方税号,nsrsbh,,string;验证码,vcode,1,string', 'invoiceType=TypeC', 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/1398161272686.ht_jpeg', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/jdfp.query', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1120005', '11200', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,jym,1,string', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/1396950179604.ht_jpeg', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fpxxbd/jdfp.query', null, 'http://fplxcx.tjsat.gov.cn/fplxcxweb/fplxcx.do');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1130001', '11300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;识别码,sbm,12,string;纳税人识别码,kpfsh,,string;开票金额,fpje,,double;验证码,yzm,4,string', 'taskId=query;fplb=1;s_fplb=1', 'http://dzfp.he-n-tax.gov.cn/dyxt/JPEGServlet', null, 'http://dzfp.he-n-tax.gov.cn/dyxt/dzfpFpywQuery.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1130005', '11300', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别码,kpfsh,,string;开票金额,fpje,,double;验证码,yzm,4,string', 'taskId=query;fplb=3;s_fplb=3', 'http://dzfp.he-n-tax.gov.cn/dyxt/JPEGServlet', null, 'http://dzfp.he-n-tax.gov.cn/dyxt/dzfpFpywQuery.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1140002', '11400', '02', '普通(机打)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xfsbh,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;验证码,code,4,int', null, '', '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1140003', '11400', '03', '普通(手工)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xfsbh,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;验证码,code,4,int', null, '', '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1140004', '11400', '04', '普通(定额)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xfsbh,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;验证码,code,4,int', null, '', '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1140008', '11400', '08', '增值税普通(机打)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xfsbh,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;验证码,code,4,int', null, '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1140009', '11400', '09', '增值税普通(手工)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xfsbh,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;验证码,code,4,int', null, '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1150002', '11500', '02', '普通(机打)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票方识别号,kjfsbh_qp,,int', 'ywlx=FPCX_LXCX;ywlxbf=FPCX_LXCX;anbz=wqr;cxbz=lscx;x=2', null, 'http://www.nm-n-tax.gov.cn:8000/fpcx/nmgsfpcx/wlfpcybd_lscx.jsp', 'http://www.nm-n-tax.gov.cn:8000/fpcx/nmgsfpcx/fpcy_jg_lscx.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1210001', '12100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string;开票单位,nsrmc,,string', null, null, null, 'http://wsbst.tax.ln.cn/fpxgxx.do?service=fpxgxxService&method=getResult ', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1210005', '12100', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://wsbst.tax.ln.cn/fpxgxx.do?service=fpxgxxService&method=getResult ', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1210201', '12102', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,kjfsbh_qp,,string;开票日期,rq_qp,8,date;价税合计金额,je_qp,,double;验证码,kaptchafield,,string', 'ywlx=FPCX_LXCX;ywlxbf=FPCX_LXCX;anbz=wqr;cxbz=lscx', '', '', '', null, '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1210205', '12102', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,kjfsbh_qp,,string;开票日期,rq_qp,8,date;价税合计金额,je_qp,,double;验证码,kaptchafield,,string', 'ywlx=FPCX_LXCX;ywlxbf=FPCX_LXCX;anbz=wqr;cxbz=lscx', '', '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1220001', '12200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_dm,12,int;发票号码,fp_hm,8,int;验证码,input1,4,int', '000=432100', '', '', ' ', null, '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1220005', '12200', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_dm,10,int;发票号码,fp_hm,8,int;验证码,input1,4,int', '000=432100', '', '', ' ', null, '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1230001', '12300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,,int', ' ', '', '', '', null, '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1230005', '12300', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,,int', '', '', '', '', null, '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1310001', '13100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,invoiceNo,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,revenueRegisterId,,string;验证码,yzm,4,string', null, 'http://www.csj.sh.gov.cn/servlet/GetshowimgSmall', 'http://www.csj.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/WSBSptFpCx_loginsNewl.jsp', 'http://www.csj.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/wsbs27/WSBSfpcxCtrl-fpcxYzfpisZx.pfv', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1310005', '13100', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,invoiceNo,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,revenueRegisterId,,string;验证码,yzm,4,string', null, 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/servlet/GetshowimgSmall', 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/WSBSptFpCx_loginsNewl.jsp', 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/wsbs27/WSBSfpcxCtrl-fpcxYzfpisZx.pfv', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320001', '13200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,zgh,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320005', '13200', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,zgh,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320101', '13201', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票日期,kjrq,10,date;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.jsnj-n-tax.gov.cn/fpyzcxInternet/lgxxyzAction.do?__EVENTTARGET=doCX&__EVENTARGUMENT=&txtValidCode=', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320301', '13203', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.xzgs.gov.cn/fpcx/search.asp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320305', '13203', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.xzgs.gov.cn/fpcx/search.asp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320401', '13204', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.jscz-n-tax.gov.cn/czgs_jt/sqhd/demand.do?action=getMsg&type=fpcx', null, 'http://www.jscz-n-tax.gov.cn/czgs_jt/sqhd/demand.do?action=fp&type=fpcx');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320405', '13204', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.jscz-n-tax.gov.cn/czgs_jt/sqhd/demand.do?action=getMsg&type=fpcx', null, 'http://www.jscz-n-tax.gov.cn/czgs_jt/sqhd/demand.do?action=fp&type=fpcx');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320501', '13205', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,zgh,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320505', '13205', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,zgh,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320601', '13206', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,f1,12,int;发票号码,f2,8,int', 'Submit=查询', null, null, 'http://www.ntgs.gov.cn/fpcx_z.asp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320605', '13206', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,f1,10,int;发票号码,f2,8,int', 'Submit=查询', null, null, 'http://www.ntgs.gov.cn/fpcx_z.asp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320701', '13207', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320705', '13207', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320901', '13209', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fpqh,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://wsbspt.yctax.cn/yc_lstd_fpzw.aspx?__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUKLTMzODU2Mzk1OQ9kFgICAw9kFhQCAQ9kFgICAQ9kFgYCAQ8PFgIeBFRleHQFCzIwMTHlubQ25pyIZGQCAw8PFgIfAAUCMjRkZAIFDw8WAh8ABQnmmJ%2FmnJ%2FkupRkZAIDDxYCHgdWaXNpYmxlaGQCBA8PFgQfAAUz5p%2Bl6K%2Bi5L%2Bh5oGv5o%2BQ56S677yI5p%2Bl6K%2Bi57uT5p6c5LuF5L6b5Y%2BC6ICD77yJ77yaHwFoZGQCBg8PFgQfAGUfAWhkZAIIDw8WBB8ABQ3lj5Hnpajku6PnoIE6HwFnZGQCCQ8PFgIfAWdkZAILDw8WBB8ABQ3lj5Hnpajlj7fnoIE6HwFnZGQCDA8PFgIfAWdkZAIODw8WAh8BZ2RkAhAPDxYCHwFoZGRk%2BcIAfpj0wqYART9BwZ7PHaMEjg8%3D&Button1=%B2%E9%D5%D2&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWBALOpZkYArCZqYwNAq%2FK1sAHAoznisYGlW5037VFEDntMTtZSGVt0XHDkOs%3D', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1320905', '13209', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fpqh,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://wsbspt.yctax.cn/yc_lstd_fpzw.aspx?__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUKLTMzODU2Mzk1OQ9kFgICAw9kFhQCAQ9kFgICAQ9kFgYCAQ8PFgIeBFRleHQFCzIwMTHlubQ25pyIZGQCAw8PFgIfAAUCMjRkZAIFDw8WAh8ABQnmmJ%2FmnJ%2FkupRkZAIDDxYCHgdWaXNpYmxlaGQCBA8PFgQfAAUz5p%2Bl6K%2Bi5L%2Bh5oGv5o%2BQ56S677yI5p%2Bl6K%2Bi57uT5p6c5LuF5L6b5Y%2BC6ICD77yJ77yaHwFoZGQCBg8PFgQfAGUfAWhkZAIIDw8WBB8ABQ3lj5Hnpajku6PnoIE6HwFnZGQCCQ8PFgIfAWdkZAILDw8WBB8ABQ3lj5Hnpajlj7fnoIE6HwFnZGQCDA8PFgIfAWdkZAIODw8WAh8BZ2RkAhAPDxYCHwFoZGRk%2BcIAfpj0wqYART9BwZ7PHaMEjg8%3D&Button1=%B2%E9%D5%D2&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWBALOpZkYArCZqYwNAq%2FK1sAHAoznisYGlW5037VFEDntMTtZSGVt0XHDkOs%3D', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1321201', '13212', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,txtFPDM,12,int;发票号码,txtFPHM,8,int', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1321205', '13212', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,txtFPDM,10,int;发票号码,txtFPHM,8,int', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1321301', '13213', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'sbm_fpcx=', null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1321305', '13213', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'sbm_fpcx=', null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1321701', '13217', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,zgh,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1321705', '13217', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,zgh,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1330001', '13300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,kjfsbh_qp,,string;开票日期,rq_qp,8,date;开票金额,je_qp,,double', 'ywlx=FPCX_LXCX;ywlxbf=FPCX_LXCX;anbz=wqr;cxbz=lscx;zjlsh=;rq_wp=;je_wp=', null, 'http://www.zjtax.gov.cn/fpcx/include2/wlfpcybd_lscx.jsp', 'http://www.zjtax.gov.cn/fpcx/include2/fpcy_jg_lscx.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1330003', '13300', '03', '冠名发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,kjfsbh_qp,,string;开票日期,rq_qp,8,date;开票金额,je_qp,,double', 'ywlx=FPCX_JMFP;ywlxbf=FPCX_JMFP;anbz=wqr;cxbz=lscx;zjlsh=;rq_wp=;je_wp=', null, null, 'http://www.zjtax.gov.cn/fpcx/include2/fpcy_jg_lscx.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1330005', '13300', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,kjfsbh_qp,,string;开票日期,rq_qp,8,date;开票金额,je_qp,,double', 'ywlx=FPCX_FWSKFP;ywlxbf=FPCX_FWSKFP;anbz=wqr;cxbz=lscx;zjlsh=;rq_wp=;je_wp=', null, null, 'http://www.zjtax.gov.cn/fpcx/include2/fpcy_jg_lscx.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1330201', '13302', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票日期,kprq,10,date', null, null, null, 'https://web1.nb-n-tax.gov.cn/etax/jsp/wsbs/cx/fpcx/fpcxxz_wz.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1330205', '13302', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票日期,kprq,10,date', null, null, null, 'https://web1.nb-n-tax.gov.cn/etax/jsp/wsbs/cx/fpcx/fpcxxz_wz.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1340001', '13400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'cityNum=other;fpzl=other', null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1340005', '13400', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'cityNum=other;fpzl=other', null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1350001', '13500', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;销方税务登记号,xfswdjh,,string;开票月份(例如2012-02),kpsj,7,string;发票合计金额,hjje,,double', null, null, null, 'http://www.fj-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/common/query/fpcy02.jsp?styleName=blue', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1350005', '13500', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;销方税务登记号,xfswdjh,,string;开票月份(例如2012-02),kpsj,7,string;发票合计金额,hjje,,double', null, null, null, 'http://www.fj-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/common/query/fpcy02.jsp?styleName=blue', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1350201', '13502', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,checkcode_dep,4,int', null, '', '', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1360001', '13600', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,12,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int;金额,kpje1,,double;开票日期,kprq1,10,date', null, null, 'http://www.jx-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/zhcx/zhcx_main10.htm', 'http://www.jx-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/Controller?SID=swdkzzcx.zzcx.request', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1360005', '13600', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,10,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh1,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.jx-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/Controller?SID=ptfpzwcx.zwcx.request', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1370001', '13700', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_dm,12,int;发票号码,fp_hm,8,int;验证码,randomcode,4,int', 'count=1;Submit=查询;modify=modify', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/showradomcode.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1370005', '13700', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_dm,10,int;发票号码,fp_hm,8,int;验证码,randomcode,4,int', 'count=1;Submit=查询;modify=modify', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/showradomcode.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp', 'http://www.sd-n-tax.gov.cn/inquiry/inquiry09/tycx/fplxcx.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1370201', '13702', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;客户单位,spfnsrmc,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;销货方识别号,kjfnsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.qd-n-tax.gov.cn/sst/sgFp.do?kjfnsrmc=', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1370205', '13702', '05', '增值税专用发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://www.qd-n-tax.gov.cn/sst/zzsFp.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1370207', '13702', '07', '增值税普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;销货方识别号,kjfnsrsbh,,string;购货方识别号,spfnsrsbh,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;税额,se,,double;开票日期,kprq,10,date', null, null, null, 'http://www.qd-n-tax.gov.cn/sst/zzsPtFp.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1410001', '14100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,FPDM,12,int;发票号码,FPHM,8,int;纳税人识别号,NSRSBH,,string', 'ACTION=getFpzw', null, null, 'http://bsfwt.12366.ha.cn/bsfwt/sscx/getFpzwcx.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1410005', '14100', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,FPDM,10,int;发票号码,FPHM,8,int;纳税人识别号,NSRSBH,,string', 'ACTION=getFpzw', null, null, 'http://bsfwt.12366.ha.cn/bsfwt/sscx/getFpzwcx.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1420001', '14200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_code,12,int;发票号码,fp_number,8,int;验证码,verify_code,,string', null, 'http://swcx.hb-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/hbgs/VerifyCodeServlet?code=4&var=qq', null, 'http://swcx.hb-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/hbgs/invoice/front/invoice_opr.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1420005', '14200', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_code,10,int;发票号码,fp_number,8,int;验证码,verify_code,,string', null, 'http://swcx.hb-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/hbgs/VerifyCodeServlet?code=4&var=qq', null, 'http://swcx.hb-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/hbgs/invoice/front/invoice_opr.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1430003', '14300', '03', '无密码普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票日期,kjrq,10,date;开票金额,je,,double;验证码,rand,4,int', 'fpmm=;sjhm=;ip=', '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1430004', '14300', '04', '有密码普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,fpmm,14,int;开票日期,kjrq,10,date;开票金额,je,,double;验证码,rand,4,int', 'sjhm=;ip=', '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1440001', '14400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfswdjh,,string;开票单位,xhfmc,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;开票日期,kprq,10,date', 'INVOICE_CHECKING_CHECKCODE=9999;check_code=9999', null, 'http://app.gd-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/common/query/invoice_checking/invoice_checking_input.jsp', 'http://app.gd-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/servlet/invoice_checking', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1440005', '14400', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,xhfswdjh,,string;开票单位,xhfmc,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;开票日期,kprq,10,date', 'INVOICE_CHECKING_CHECKCODE=9999;check_code=9999', null, 'http://app.gd-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/common/query/invoice_checking/invoice_checking_input.jsp', 'http://app.gd-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/servlet/invoice_checking', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1440301', '14403', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,ptfpView.fpdm,12,int;发票号码,ptfpView.fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,ptfpView.xhfsbh,,string;验证码,ptfpView.checkCode,5,string', 'ptfpView.gdChange=0', 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/Captcha.jpg', 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/nsywgl/bsfwt/index.jsp?dp=fpzwcx', 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/ptfp/fpzwcx/FpzwcxOne.do?method=checkFpisComputer', null, 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/nsywgl/gxhfw/fpzwcx/fpzw_one.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1440305', '14403', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,ptfpView.fpdm,10,int;发票号码,ptfpView.fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,ptfpView.xhfsbh,,string;验证码,ptfpView.checkCode,5,string', 'ptfpView.gdChange=0', 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/Captcha.jpg', 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/nsywgl/bsfwt/index.jsp?dp=fpzwcx', 'http://etax.szgs.gov.cn/ptfp/fpzwcx/FpzwcxOne.do?method=checkFpisComputer', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1450001', '14500', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string;开票金额,fpje,,double;开票日期,kprq,10,date;验证码,yzm,,string', null, 'http://www.gxgs.gov.cn:9600/fpcxweb/randomImage', 'http://www.gxgs.gov.cn:9600/fpcxweb/fpcxPage.action', 'http://www.gxgs.gov.cn:9600/fpcxweb/fpcx.action?queryMothd=0', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1450005', '14500', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string;开票金额,fpje,,double;开票日期,kprq,10,date;验证码,yzm,,string', null, 'http://www.gxgs.gov.cn:9600/fpcxweb/randomImage', 'http://www.gxgs.gov.cn:9600/fpcxweb/fpcxPage.action', 'http://www.gxgs.gov.cn:9600/fpcxweb/fpcx.action?queryMothd=0', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1460001', '14600', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1460005', '14600', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,nsrsbh,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1500001', '15000', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,12,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int;收款方名称,nsrmc1,,string;验证码,sjm1,4,string', null, '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1500005', '15000', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,10,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int;收款方名称,nsrmc1,,string;验证码,sjm1,4,string', null, '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1510001', '15100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://wsbs1.sc-n-tax.gov.cn/sscx/fpxx.action', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1510005', '15100', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://wsbs1.sc-n-tax.gov.cn/sscx/fpxx.action', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1530001', '15300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,ssqx_fpbd_ptfp_form_fpdm,12,int;发票号码,ssqx_fpbd_ptfp_form_fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,ssqx_fpbd_ptfp_form_xhsbh,,string;开票金额,ssqx_fpbd_ptfp_form_hjje,,double;验证码,ssqx_fpbd_ptfp_form_captcha,6,string', null, 'http://www.yngs.gov.cn/ClinicCountManager/kaptcha.jpg', null, 'http://www.yngs.gov.cn/srv/sscx/sscxService.jsp?target=fpbd_ptfp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1540001', '15400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,je,,double;验证码,input,,int', null, 'http://www.xztax.gov.cn:8881/PictureCheckCode.jpeg', null, 'http://www.xztax.gov.cn:8881/fplxcx_cjlr.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1610001', '16100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'pg=1;last=5;first=1;pg=1;last=5;first=1', null, 'http://www.sn-n-tax.gov.cn/portal/site/site/portal/sxgs/sscx_Iframe.portal?categoryId=JKUFXCN49BURRBL48TDY4OD5ECXVQIOU', 'http://www.sn-n-tax.gov.cn/portal/jsp/wssw/zhcx/fpxx/sgdefp02.jsp?sid=wssw_zhcx_sgdefp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1620001', '16200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,captcha,4,string', null, 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/captcha.svl', 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/public/query/index.jsp', 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/public/query/fp/queryfplx.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1620005', '16200', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,captcha,4,string', null, 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/captcha.svl', 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/public/query/index.jsp', 'http://www.gs12366.gov.cn/nettax/public/query/fp/queryfplx.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1630001', '16300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,12,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://www.qh-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/ZhcxController?SID=ptfpzwcx.zwcx.request', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1630005', '16300', '05', '增值税发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,10,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://www.qh-n-tax.gov.cn/wssw/ZhcxController?SID=ptfpzwcx.zwcx.request', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1650002', '16500', '02', '通用机打发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,kpje,,double', null, null, null, 'http://www.xj-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/sspt_web/pages/fpyw/fpywFpywcxAction.action?oper=QUERY&zwcxxh=&fplb=1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1650003', '16500', '03', '通用手工发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,kpje,,double', null, null, null, 'http://www.xj-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/sspt_web/pages/fpyw/fpywFpywcxAction.action?oper=QUERY&zwcxxh=&fplb=2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1650006', '16500', '06', '增值税专用发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,kpje,,double', null, null, null, 'http://www.xj-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/sspt_web/pages/fpyw/fpywFpywcxAction.action?oper=QUERY&zwcxxh=&fplb=3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('1650007', '16500', '07', '增值税普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,10,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,kpje,,double', null, null, null, 'http://www.xj-n-tax.gov.cn:8001/sspt_web/pages/fpyw/fpywFpywcxAction.action?oper=QUERY&zwcxxh=&fplb=4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2110001', '21100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdmnumber,12,int;发票号码,fphmnumber,8,int;发票密码,fppassword,8,int;验证码,rand,,int', null, 'http://zwcx.tax861.gov.cn/image.jsp', 'http://zwcx.tax861.gov.cn/fpcx.jsp', 'http://zwcx.tax861.gov.cn/fpcxjg.jsp', 'http://zwcx.tax861.gov.cn/fpcx.jsp', null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2120001', '21200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,S_INVOICECODE,12,int;发票号码,S_TICKETCODE,8,int', '_SIVO=tjtax.declevy.NetQuery.TicketQuery.vo.C_SellTicketQueryVO;_SessionName=/TJTAX_NET/NetLevy/NetQuery/TicketSell/index.jsp;QYMCINDEX=;QYMCINDEX2=;cxfs=0;S_TICKETCHECKCODE=;CALS_YEARNUMGB=;CBI_TICKETCODE=;CBI_INVOICENAME=;BTO_SUBNAME=;LGFPDWMC=;PRJ_BTOSUBID=;TICKETSTATUS=;CHECKREASON=;TESTQUMC=;TESTQUMC2=;TESTPASSWORD=', null, '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2130001', '21300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票单位,kpdw,,string;验证码,yzm,4,int', null, '', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2140001', '21400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码(区分大小写),yzm,4,string', null, '', '', '', '', null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2150001', '21500', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://www.nmds.gov.cn:9999/q9527.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2210001', '22100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,12,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int;验证码(区分大小),checkNum,,string', null, 'http://fpcx.lnsds.gov.cn/CheckNumImg/chkNum1420187127902.jpg', 'http://fpcx.lnsds.gov.cn/jsp/fpzwcx/FPZWCX.jsp', 'http://fpcx.lnsds.gov.cn/FpzwcxServlet?TABLE_ACTION=display&TABLE_NAME=FP_ZWCX', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2210201', '22102', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,4,int', 'je=0;QUERY= 查询 ;CLEAR= 清空 ', 'http://bsptwj.dl-l-tax.gov.cn:8004/dl-taxBsptWeb/ValidImageServlet.validImage?sessionKey=YZMWA111001', null, 'http://bsptwj.dl-l-tax.gov.cn:8004/dl-taxBsptWeb/WA1110Action.do?method=doSelectFpxx', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2220002', '22200', '02', '无密码机打发票', '1', '发票代码,FP_DCODE,12,int;发票号码,FP_CODE,8,int;开票金额,FP_PASSWORD,,double;付款方名称,FP_PAYER_NAME,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2220003', '22200', '03', '手写、冠名发票', '1', '发票代码,FP_DCODE,12,int;发票号码,FP_CODE,8,int;付款方名称,FP_PAYER_NAME,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2220004', '22200', '04', '有密码发票', '1', '发票代码,FP_DCODE,12,int;发票号码,FP_CODE,8,int;发票密码,FP_PASSWORD,,int;付款方名称,FP_PAYER_NAME,,string', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2230001', '22300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_dm,12,int;发票号码,fp_hm,8,int;验证码,num,4,int', null, 'http://www.hljtax.gov.cn/wwqt/lby/image.jsp', null, 'http://www.hljtax.gov.cn/wwqt/lby/fpxxcx.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2310001', '23100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,invoiceNo,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;纳税人识别号,revenueRegisterId,,string;验证码,yzm,4,string', null, 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/servlet/GetshowimgSmall', 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/WSBSptFpCx_loginsNewl.jsp', 'http://www.tax.sh.gov.cn/wsbs/wsbs27/WSBSfpcxCtrl-fpcxYzfpisZx.pfv', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2320001', '23200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票日期,kprq,10,date;开票金额,jine,,double;验证码,yzm,4,int', 'sfphone=0;cxfs=0;hideshow_tm1=0;phoneno=;INVOICE_CHECKING_CHECKCODE=6002;fptxm=;phonenotm=', 'http://www.jsds.gov.cn/kpgl/yzcodeServlet', 'http://www.jsds.gov.cn/kpgl/rzxt/wss_wwall', 'http://www.jsds.gov.cn/kpgl/rzxt/wss_wwall', 'http://www.jsds.gov.cn/kpgl/rzxt/wss_wwall', 'http://www.jsds.gov.cn/kpgl/rzxt/wss_wwall');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2330001', '23300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,kpje,,double', null, null, 'http://etax.zjds.gov.cn/sword?tid=WsxtXtzyfpcx100BLH_init', 'http://etax.zjds.gov.cn/ajax.sword', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2330201', '23302', '01', '无密码发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fpxh,8,int;验证码,randomStr,4,string', 'yjfpmm=', 'http://taxapp.nbcs.gov.cn/aWeb/invoiceJsp/image.jsp?rand=czJyYg==', 'http://taxapp.nbcs.gov.cn/aWeb/invoiceJsp/invoiceSearch.jsp', 'http://taxapp.nbcs.gov.cn/aWeb/invoiceJsp/invoiceSearch.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2330204', '23302', '04', '有密码发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fpxh,8,int;发票密码,yjfpmm,8,int;验证码,randomStr,4,string', null, 'http://taxapp.nbcs.gov.cn/aWeb/invoiceJsp/image.jsp?rand=czJyYg==', null, 'http://taxapp.nbcs.gov.cn/aWeb/invoiceJsp/invoiceSearch.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2340001', '23400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'type=1;info=1', null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2350001', '23500', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fbdm,12,int;发票号码,fbhm,8,int', 'XH=;jym=', null, '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2350002', '23500', '02', '机打、有奖定额发票', '1', '发票代码,fbdm,12,int;发票号码,fbhm,8,int;发票密码,jym,,string', 'XH=', null, '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2350201', '23502', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpyzList[0].string(FP_ID),12,int;发票号码,fpyzList[0].string(FPHM),8,int;验证码,checkCode,,string', 'allowrepeat=Y;selectFpType=2;checkCodeName=fpyzCheckCode;b_submit=提 交', 'https://www.xm-l-tax.gov.cn/common/checkcode2.do?checkCodeName=fpyzCheckCode', 'https://www.xm-l-tax.gov.cn/fp/fpyz/fp_yz.do', 'https://www.xm-l-tax.gov.cn/dwfw/fpyz/fp_yz_01.do', null, '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2360001', '23600', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://www.jxds.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/sscx/sscx_service.jsp?action=queryFplx', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2370001', '23700', '01', '自开(有密码)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,fpmm,8,string;验证码,yzm,4,int', null, 'http://sscx.sdds.gov.cn/sscx/VerifyCodeServlet?code=1&var=zkcx', null, 'http://sscx.sdds.gov.cn/sscx/BillServlet.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2370003', '23700', '03', '自开(无密码)发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,4,int', null, 'http://sscx.sdds.gov.cn/sscx/VerifyCodeServlet?code=1&var=zkcx', null, 'http://sscx.sdds.gov.cn/sscx/BillServlet.do', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2370101', '23701', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,tb_fpdm,12,int;发票号码,tb_fphm,8,int;发票密码,tb_fpmm,8,string;验证码,tb_yzm,4,string', null, 'http://sscx.sdds.gov.cn/sscx/VerifyCodeServlet', null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2370201', '23702', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,4,int', 'org.loushang.web.taglib.util.token=b7411fc5da2348026888b3d48c71d2b0;sysFunctionId=', 'http://etax.qdds.gov.cn/fpzw/image.jsp', null, 'http://etax.qdds.gov.cn/fpzw/fpsk.sk.qdfpzwjb.QdfpzwjbCmd.cmd?method=goFpcx', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2410002', '24100', '02', '有防伪码机打发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,mm,,int;开票金额,jine,,double;验证码,yzm,,string', 'op=op02', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/image.validate', 'tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index_ajax.jsp', 'tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp', 'tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2410003', '24100', '03', '无防伪码发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;开票金额,jine,,double;验证码,yzm,,string', 'op=op02', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/image.validate', 'tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index_ajax.jsp', 'tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp', 'tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2410004', '24100', '04', '有防伪码定额发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,mm,,int;验证码,yzm,,string', 'op=op02', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/image.validate', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index_ajax.jsp', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp', 'http://xfb.ha-l-tax.gov.cn/templates/fpzwcx/index.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2420001', '24200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,FPDM,12,int;发票号码,FPHM,8,int;验证码,JMYZM,4,int', null, '', '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2430001', '24300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,invCode,12,int;发票号码,invNo,8,int;开票金额,invMoney,,double;验证码,rand,4,int', null, 'http://www.hnds.gov.cn/wssb/rand.action', null, 'http://www.hnds.gov.cn/wssb/invoiceVerify.action', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2440001', '24400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm1,12,int;发票号码,fphm1,8,int;验证码,yzm,4,int', null, 'http://www.gdltax.gov.cn', 'http://www.gdltax.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/yzmForCommonQuery.jsp', 'http://www.gdltax.gov.cn/wssw/fpcjController.do?cmd=fpcjcheck&styleName=blue&siteName=gd', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2440002', '24400', '02', '电子发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm0,12,int;发票号码,fphm0,8,int;开票金额,kpje0,,double;验证码,yzm,4,string', null, 'http://www.gdltax.gov.cn', 'http://www.gdltax.gov.cn/fpzx/jsp/fpzx/mhcx/mh_dzfpsjcx_index.jsp', 'http://www.gdltax.gov.cn/fpzx/jsp/fpzx/mhcx/dzfpsjcx/result.do?sid=queryFpxxServiceHandler:queryDzfpxx', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2440301', '24403', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,zwxxSearch.fp_Dm,12,int;发票号码,zwxxSearch.fphm,8,int;验证码,veryCode,5,string', 'fplx=1;zwxxSearch.fplb_Dm=1;zwxxSearch.fpmm=;zwxxSearch.qymc=;zwxxSearch.je=', 'http://dzswj.szds.gov.cn/dzswj/Captcha.jpg', null, 'http://dzswj.szds.gov.cn/dzswj/fpzwxx.do?method=getZwxx', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2450001', '24500', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpcode,12,int;发票号码,fpnumber,8,int;发票密码,fppass,,string;验证码,code,4,string', null, 'http://www.gxds.gov.cn:8080/fpcx/servlet/GetRandCodeServlet', 'http://www.gxds.gov.cn:8080/fpcx/index_sm.jsp', 'http://www.gxds.gov.cn:8080/fpcx/servlet/FapiaoSearchService', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2460001', '24600', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;发票密码,fpmm,8,string', null, null, '', '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2500001', '25000', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;付款方名称,fkfmc,,string;开票金额,kpje,,double;验证码,sjm,4,int', null, 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx//image.jsp', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx//web/jdfp/indexjdfp.jsp', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx/jdfpcxyw.do', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx//web/jdfp/indexjdfp.jsp', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx//web/jdfp/indexjdfp.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2500004', '25000', '04', '定额发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,sjm,4,int', 'cxmm=0', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx//image.jsp', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx/web/defp/indexdefp.jsp', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx/defpcxyw.do', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx/web/defp/indexdefp.jsp', 'http://www.cq-l-tax.gov.cn/fpcx/web/defp/indexdefp.jsp');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2510001', '25100', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fp_id,12,int;发票号码,fp_code,8,int;发票密码,fp_pass,8,int', null, null, null, '', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2520001', '25200', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', null, null, null, 'http://www.gytax.gov.cn/fpcx/fpzwcx.jsp?action=action&sfzhm=&fphm2=&fphm3=&fphm4=&fphm5=&fphm6=&fphm7=&fphm8=&fphm9=&fphm10=', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2530001', '25300', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,4,int', null, 'http://www.ltax.yn.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/gzyw/fpcx/fpcx_code.jsp', 'http://www.ltax.yn.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/gzyw/fpcx/fpcx_init.jsp?fplx=02', 'http://www.ltax.yn.gov.cn/wssw/jsp/gzyw/fpcx/fpcx_result.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2530101', '25301', '01', '普通发票', '1', ' 发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int;验证码,yzm,4,int', null, 'http://service.kmds.gov.cn:8080/web/logon/random.jsp', 'http://service.kmds.gov.cn:8080/web/inv/query/invquery/invquery.jsp', 'http://service.kmds.gov.cn:8080/json', '', '');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2610002', '26100', '02', '网络在线发票', '1', '发票代码,invoiceCode,12,int;发票号码,invoiceNum,8,int;发票查询码,invoiceQueryCode,20,int;验证码,chkcode,6,int', null, 'http://zxfp.xads.gov.cn/xalt/login/checkcode.jsp?codetype=00001', null, 'http://zxfp.xads.gov.cn/xalt/wic/securityquery/securityquery.jsp', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2610004', '26100', '04', '通用定额发票', '1', '发票代码,paramOne,12,int;发票号码,paramTwo,8,int;发票密码,paramThree,,int;验证码,securityCode,4,int', 'queryType=1;time=', 'http://fpcx.xads.gov.cn/sxlt/inv/invquery/checkcode.jsp', null, 'http://fpcx.xads.gov.cn/sxlt/inv/invquerythird.do', null, 'http://fpcx.xads.gov.cn/sxlt/inv/invqueryinit.do');
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2640001', '26400', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,invoiceCode,12,int;发票号码,invoiceNo,8,int;发票密码,invoicePs,,string', null, null, null, 'http://www.nxds.gov.cn/isvalidate.do?code0=&code1=&flowid=10&tablename=td_2ccj&inputfld=106%2C107%2C108%2C&savemode=commit&indate=2016-07-02&code=sum', null, null);
INSERT INTO `t_fp_resource` VALUES ('2650001', '26500', '01', '普通发票', '1', '发票代码,fpdm,12,int;发票号码,fphm,8,int', 'yzm1=37;find1=查询;clear1=清除;bb=真伪鉴别;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fpdm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;fphm0=;yzm2=;find2=查询;clear2=清除;handleDesc=单张票据情况查询;handleCode=QueryData;errorMessage=;sucessMsg=', null, '', 'http://xwssb.xjdsj.gov.cn/FpzwcxAction.do ', null, null);





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


