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原创 rman duplicate target database 时报错 ORA-15001: diskgroup "xx" does not exist or is not mounted

os: centos 7.4db: oracle data guard 从一个 asm 实例到另外一个 asm 做 duplicate target database 时报错如下:$ rman target sys/oracle@tns_orcl0_orclp auxiliary sys/oracle@tns_orcl0_orcls11Recovery Ma...

2019-04-30 18:55:50 1757

原创 ORA-15126: component within ASM file name 'xxoo' exceeds maximum length

os: centos 7.4db: oracle 备份时报错信息如下Starting backup at 2019-04-28 14:41:07current log archivedchannel ch1: starting compressed archived log backup setchannel ch1: specifying archived...

2019-04-28 15:02:22 909

原创 ORA-27301: OS failure message: No buffer space available

os: centos 7.4db: oracle规划如下:testcluster1-scan.peiyongbin.com192.168.56.141192.168.56.142192.168.56.143 node1 node2 vip ...

2019-04-28 09:57:45 3042

原创 搭建满足 oracle rac scn 的 dns 服务器

os: centos 7.4在安装 oracle rac 时,使用 scan 需要使用 dns,所以搭建一个简单测试dns.testcluster1-scan.peiyongbin.com192.168.56.141192.168.56.142192.168.56.143版本# lsb_release -aLSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-...

2019-04-25 11:34:19 622

原创 CentOS 7 中关闭删除 virbr0 虚拟网

# brctl show# ifconfig virbr0 down;# brctl delbr virbr0;# systemctl stop libvirtd.service;systemctl disable libvirtd.service;# yum remove libvirt-daemon# reboot删除virbr0虚拟网卡,删除了libvirtd服务...

2019-04-24 11:49:38 3598

原创 oracle create pluggable database

os: centos 7.4db: oracle a PDB by Using the Seed: ExampleCREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ORCLPDB2 ADMIN USER pdbadmin IDENTIFIED BY pdbadminpdbadmin ROLES = (dba) DEFAULT TABLESPAC...

2019-04-23 15:02:50 1062

原创 pdb 在同版本下 unplug plug 操作

os: centos 7.4db: oracle 12c 开始 ,最具优势之一就是 pdb 的 unplug 和 plug .本文介绍下 同版本的 unplug plug 操作.版本# lsb_release -aLSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:cxx-4.1-amd64:cxx-4.1-noarc...

2019-04-23 11:38:39 1010

原创 gpg 的加密与解密

os: ubuntu 16.04信息# which gpg/usr/bin/gpg# gpg --versiongpg (GnuPG) 1.4.20Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/license...

2019-04-22 17:04:39 2167

原创 supplemental log 之一

os: centos 7.4db: oracle default, Oracle Database does not provide any supplemental logging, which means that by default LogMiner is not usable. Therefore, you must enable at least minima...

2019-04-22 15:39:26 306

原创 dbms_logmnr 之二 LogMiner Dictionary Options

os: centos 7.4db: oracle版本# lsb_release -aLSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:cxx-4.1-amd64:cxx-4.1-noarch:desktop-4.1-amd64:desktop-4.1-noarch:languages-4.1-amd64:languages-4.1-...

2019-04-22 15:18:22 531

原创 dbms_logmnr 之一 cdb 层面操作

os: centos 7.4db: oracle 一般是处理用户用户错删除,更新数据.需要在 CDB$ROOT 运行 DBMS_LOGMNR,需要确保 pdb 状态为 open,可以通过 alter pluggable database orclpdb open;修改版本# lsb_release -aLSB Version: :core-4.1-amd6...

2019-04-22 10:11:07 666

原创 pg_filedump 之二 -S 8192 -i -f

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8上一篇安装了 pg_filedump,这篇文章简单介绍了如何使用.pg_filedump --help# su - postgres$ which pg_filedump/usr/bin/pg_filedump$ pg_filedump --helpError: Missing file name to du...

2019-04-19 15:12:50 930

原创 pg_filedump 之一 setup

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8Overview:pg_filedump is a utility to format PostgreSQL heap/index/control filesinto a human-readable form. You can format/dump the files several ways,as liste...

2019-04-19 11:10:34 976

原创 postgresql 报错 ERROR,0A000,"cached plan must not change result type"

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8postgresql 日志文件出现如下报错信息:"BIND",ERROR,0A000,"cached plan must not change result type",,,,,,"select c0,c1 from ""public"".tmp_t0 WHERE ( c0 = $1 )",,...

2019-04-18 16:11:35 5150

原创 pgwatch2 之二 influxdb post timeout

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8db: influxdb 1.7.5grafana: 6.1.3python3pgwatch2 编译后的 pgwatch2 命令运行一段时间后就出现无法写入 influxdb 的 error timeout 提示.5432 - Postgres configuration (or metrics storage) ...

2019-04-17 15:41:43 2501

原创 ubuntu 16.04 的 postgresql-contrib-9.6_9.6.8-1.pgdg16.04+1_amd64.deb 的 plpython 相关文件缺失

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8这两天在尝试使用 pgwatch2 对 postgresql 做一些监控,其中有一个步骤就是在被监控的 postgresql 数据库中创建 plpython,结果创建时报错,发现是缺失相关文件导致的.版本# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor...

2019-04-17 11:45:35 417

原创 pgwatch2 之一 setup

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8db: influxdb 1.7.5grafana: 6.1.3python3pgwatch2 是使用 grafana 做展示界面,用来监控 postgresql 的工具.其相关数据存储在 PostgreSQL,InfluxDB .一些端口信息5432 - Postgres configuration (or m...

2019-04-17 09:20:32 1284

原创 登录 pgpool 的 9999 提示 DETAIL: message length (12) in slot 1 does not match with slot 0(8)

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8pgpool-ii: 3.7.2ip规划192.168.56.92 node1192.168.56.90 node2192.168.56.119 nodevip登录 pgpool-ii 的 9999 端口时,出现异常# su - postgres$ psql -h -p 9999 -U...

2019-04-15 15:25:53 3021

原创 登录 pgpool 的 9999 提示 psql: ERROR: MD5 authentication is unsupported in replication and master-slave

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 9.6.8pgpool-ii: 3.7.2登录 pgpool-ii 的本地 9999 端口时,出现异常root@node2:/app/pgpool/etc# psql -h -p 9999 -U postgres -d postgrespsql: ERROR: MD5 authentication is ...

2019-04-11 18:24:17 2335

原创 zabbix_get 调试

zabbix_get 主要用户在 server 端 调试使用.# dpkg -i zabbix-release_3.4-1+xenial_all.deb# apt update# apt install zabbix-getzabbix_get -help例如:# zabbix_get --helpExample(s): zabbix_get -s -...

2019-04-11 11:45:21 852

原创 ntpdate 服务器


2019-04-11 07:50:48 1707

原创 TimescaleDB 时序数据库 之三 create_hypertable

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6版本# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTSRelease: 16.04Codename: xenial## su - postgres$ psql -...

2019-04-09 18:01:49 4643

原创 TimescaleDB 时序数据库 之二 timescaledb-tune

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6A tool for tuning your TimescaleDB for better performance by adjusting settings to match your system’s CPU and memory resources.https://www.timescale.com/timesca...

2019-04-09 15:03:59 2227

原创 TimescaleDB 时序数据库 之一 setup

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6TimescaleDB 是个知名的时序数据库,它是作为 postgresql 的 extension 存在.版本# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTSRel...

2019-04-09 10:19:08 926

原创 pg_squeeze

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6pg_squeeze is an extension that removes unused space from a table andoptionally sorts tuples according to particular index (as if CLUSTER [2]command was executed...

2019-04-09 08:44:10 782

原创 pg_bulkload

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6pg_bulkload – it provides high-speed data loading capability to PostgreSQL users.这个插件就是快版本# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: Ubuntu...

2019-04-04 08:43:13 1017

原创 postgresql 表迁移表空间

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6postgresql 的表空间其实就是操作系统的一个文件夹.有时候需要将热点数据移动到SSD盘.就会在数据库层面创建一个表空间指向SSD的文件夹目录.版本# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: U...

2019-04-03 16:27:47 2459

原创 pg_plan_advsr

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6pg_plan_advsr is a PostgreSQL extension that provides Automated execution plan tuning using feedback loop. This extension might help you if you have an analytic qu...

2019-04-03 12:23:59 885

原创 pg_store_plans

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6版本# lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTSRelease: 16.04Codename: xenial## su - postgres$ psql -...

2019-04-03 11:22:14 785

原创 xlog、wal 分析工具 xlogminer、walminer

os: ubuntu 16.04db: postgresql 10.6该 blog 是 http://postgres.cn/v2/news/viewone/1/417 的实践记录.读者可以看 https://gitee.com/movead/XLogMiner 的说明.翰高公司在postgresql上还有有相当实力的.XlogMiner 是从PostgreSQL的WAL(write ahe...

2019-04-02 16:52:09 1790

原创 zheap 之一 setup

os: ubuntu 16.04zheap: 11.1zheap is a new storage format for PostgreSQL.This new storage format provides a better control over bloat, reduces the tuple size and reduces the write amplification.版本#...

2019-04-01 18:02:34 662

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