This view describes temporary segment usage.
Column | Datatype | Description |
USERNAME | VARCHAR2(30) | User who requested temporary space |
USER | VARCHAR2(30) | This column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility. The value of this column is always equal to the value in USERNAME . |
SESSION_ADDR | RAW(4 | 8) | Address of shared SQL cursor |
SESSION_NUM | NUMBER | Serial number of session |
SQLADDR | RAW(4 | 8) | Address of SQL statement |
SQLHASH | NUMBER | Hash value of SQL statement |
SQL_ID | VARCHAR2(13) | SQL identifier of SQL statement |
TABLESPACE | VARCHAR2(31) | Tablespace in which space is allocated |
CONTENTS | VARCHAR2(9) | Indicates whether tablespace is TEMPORARY or PERMANENT |
SEGTYPE | VARCHAR2(9) | Type of sort segment:
SEGFILE# | NUMBER | File number of initial extent |
SEGBLK# | NUMBER | Block number of the initial extent |
EXTENTS | NUMBER | Extents allocated to the sort |
BLOCKS | NUMBER | Extents in blocks allocated to the sort |
SEGRFNO# | NUMBER | Relative file number of initial extent |
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/161195/viewspace-1051811/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。