11gR2 静默安装RAC 集群和数据库软件

由于某些远程安装的需求,OUI 的 GUI 界面远程交互比较慢,会影响DBA安装RAC时的速度。或者某些企业禁用了X Window,也造成了无法使用OUI来进行标准的RAC安装。
   以下是一个静默安装数据库集群软件(GI HOME)和数据库软件(RDBMS HOME)的测试,希望对遇到以上无法使用OUI的DBA有所帮助。
   测试环境是静默安装11.2.0.3版本的两节点RAC。OS 环境如下:
$ uname -a
Linux nascds10 2.6.9- #1 SMP Fri Jul 25 14:53:18 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

-bash-3.00$ cat enterprise-release
Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (October Update 7)
   存储使用了oracleasmlib 来配置管理: 
[root@nascds10 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
  具体步骤如下: 集群软件(GI) 静默安装

将11.2.0.3 集群安装软件解压缩到/home/grid/路径下。
1. 使用runcluvfy.sh 来执行安装前的预检查,来避免由于环境配置引发的安装失败问题。

su - grid
cd /home/grid/
-bash-3.00$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n nascds10, nascds11 -verbose


-bash-3.00$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n nascds10,nascds11 -verbose

Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup

Checking node reachability...

Check: Node reachability from node "nascds10"
  Destination Node                      Reachable?
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds10                              yes
  nascds11                              yes
Result: Node reachability check passed from node "nascds10"

Checking user equivalence...

Check: User equivalence for user "grid"
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11                              passed
  nascds10                              passed
Result: User equivalence check passed for user "grid"

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11                              passed
  nascds10                              passed

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Interface information for node "nascds11"
 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU
 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------
 eth1    00:14:22:BD:59:DE 1500
 eth1    00:14:22:BD:59:DE 1500
 eth0    00:21:27:04:F7:E3 1500
 eth0    00:21:27:04:F7:E3 1500
 eth0    00:21:27:04:F7:E3 1500
 eth0    00:21:27:04:F7:E3 1500
 eth0    00:21:27:04:F7:E3 1500

Interface information for node "nascds10"
 Name   IP Address      Subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU
 ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------
 eth1    00:14:22:CB:05:5C 1500
 eth0    00:19:E0:3F:50:2B 1500

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) nascds11

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""
  Source                          Destination                     Connected?    
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  nascds10:          nascds11:         passed        
Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
  Source                          Destination                     Connected?    
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  nascds11[]          nascds10[]          yes           
Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) nascds11,nascds10

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""
  Source                          Destination                     Connected?    
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  nascds10:           nascds11:           passed        
Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
  Source                          Destination                     Connected?    
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds10[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds10[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds10[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds11[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds10[]         yes           
  nascds11[]         nascds10[]         yes           
Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) nascds11,nascds10

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""
  Source                          Destination                     Connected?    
  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------
  nascds10:          nascds11:          passed        
  nascds10:          nascds11:          passed        
  nascds10:          nascds11:          passed        
  nascds10:          nascds11:          passed        
Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:
nascds11 eth0: eth0: eth0: eth0: eth0:
nascds10 eth0:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for a private interconnect are:
nascds11 eth1:
nascds10 eth1:
Checking subnet mask consistency...
Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".
Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".
Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".
Subnet mask consistency check passed.

Result: Node connectivity check passed

Checking multicast communication...

Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...
Check of subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group "" passed.

Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...
Check of subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group "" passed.

Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...
Check of subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group "" passed.

Check of multicast communication passed.

Checking ASMLib configuration.
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11                              passed
  nascds10                              passed
Result: Check for ASMLib configuration failed.

Check: Total memory
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      1.9702GB (2065856.0KB)    1.5GB (1572864.0KB)       passed
  nascds10      1.9702GB (2065856.0KB)    1.5GB (1572864.0KB)       passed
Result: Total memory check passed

Check: Available memory
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      1.0107GB (1059752.0KB)    50MB (51200.0KB)          passed
  nascds10      1.5386GB (1613384.0KB)    50MB (51200.0KB)          passed
Result: Available memory check passed

Check: Swap space
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      3.9987GB (4192956.0KB)    2.9552GB (3098784.0KB)    passed
  nascds10      3.9987GB (4192956.0KB)    2.9552GB (3098784.0KB)    passed
Result: Swap space check passed

Check: Free disk space for "nascds11:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid,nascds11:/tmp"
  Path              Node Name     Mount point   Available     Required      Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid  nascds11      /             24.2627GB     7.5GB         passed
  /tmp              nascds11      /             24.2627GB     7.5GB         passed
Result: Free disk space check passed for "nascds11:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid,nascds11:/tmp"

Check: Free disk space for "nascds10:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid,nascds10:/tmp"
  Path              Node Name     Mount point   Available     Required      Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  /u01/app/11.2.0/grid  nascds10      /             19.757GB      7.5GB         passed
  /tmp              nascds10      /             19.757GB      7.5GB         passed
Result: Free disk space check passed for "nascds10:/u01/app/11.2.0/grid,nascds10:/tmp"

Check: User existence for "grid"
  Node Name     Status                    Comment
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11      passed                    exists(501)
  nascds10      passed                    exists(501)

Checking for multiple users with UID value 501
Result: Check for multiple users with UID value 501 passed
Result: User existence check passed for "grid"

Check: Group existence for "oinstall"
  Node Name     Status                    Comment
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11      passed                    exists
  nascds10      passed                    exists
Result: Group existence check passed for "oinstall"

Check: Group existence for "dba"
  Node Name     Status                    Comment
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11      passed                    exists
  nascds10      passed                    exists
Result: Group existence check passed for "dba"

Check: Membership of user "grid" in group "oinstall" [as Primary]
  Node Name         User Exists   Group Exists  User in Group  Primary       Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          yes           yes           yes           yes           passed
  nascds10          yes           yes           yes           yes           passed
Result: Membership check for user "grid" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] passed

Check: Membership of user "grid" in group "dba"
  Node Name         User Exists   Group Exists  User in Group  Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------
  nascds11          yes           yes           yes           passed
  nascds10          yes           yes           yes           passed
Result: Membership check for user "grid" in group "dba" passed

Check: Run level
  Node Name     run level                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      5                         3,5                       passed
  nascds10      5                         3,5                       passed
Result: Run level check passed

Check: Hard limits for "maximum open file descriptors"
  Node Name         Type          Available     Required      Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------
  nascds11          hard          65536         65536         passed
  nascds10          hard          65536         65536         passed
Result: Hard limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"

Check: Soft limits for "maximum open file descriptors"
  Node Name         Type          Available     Required      Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------
  nascds11          soft          1024          1024          passed
  nascds10          soft          1024          1024          passed
Result: Soft limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"

Check: Hard limits for "maximum user processes"
  Node Name         Type          Available     Required      Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------
  nascds11          hard          16384         16384         passed
  nascds10          hard          16384         16384         passed
Result: Hard limits check passed for "maximum user processes"

Check: Soft limits for "maximum user processes"
  Node Name         Type          Available     Required      Status
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------
  nascds11          soft          2047          2047          passed
  nascds10          soft          2047          2047          passed
Result: Soft limits check passed for "maximum user processes"

Check: System architecture
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      i686                      x86                       passed
  nascds10      i686                      x86                       passed
Result: System architecture check passed

Check: Kernel version
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      2.6.9-  2.6.9                     passed
  nascds10      2.6.9-  2.6.9                     passed
Result: Kernel version check passed

Check: Kernel parameter for "semmsl"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          250           250           250           passed
  nascds10          250           250           250           passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "semmsl"

Check: Kernel parameter for "semmns"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          32000         32000         32000         passed
  nascds10          32000         32000         32000         passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "semmns"

Check: Kernel parameter for "semopm"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          100           100           100           passed
  nascds10          100           100           100           passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "semopm"

Check: Kernel parameter for "semmni"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          128           128           128           passed
  nascds10          142           142           128           passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "semmni"

Check: Kernel parameter for "shmmax"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          2115436544    2115436544    1057718272    passed
  nascds10          1058521088    1058521088    1057718272    passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmax"

Check: Kernel parameter for "shmmni"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          4096          4096          4096          passed
  nascds10          4096          4096          4096          passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmni"

Check: Kernel parameter for "shmall"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          3279547       3279547       2097152       passed
  nascds10          3279547       3279547       2097152       passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "shmall"

Check: Kernel parameter for "file-max"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          6815744       6815744       6815744       passed
  nascds10          6815744       6815744       6815744       passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "file-max"

Check: Kernel parameter for "ip_local_port_range"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          between 9000.0 & 65500.0  between 9000.0 & 65500.0  between 9000.0 & 65500.0  passed
  nascds10          between 9000.0 & 65500.0  between 9000.0 & 65500.0  between 9000.0 & 65500.0  passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "ip_local_port_range"

Check: Kernel parameter for "rmem_default"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          262144        262144        262144        passed
  nascds10          262144        262144        262144        passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_default"

Check: Kernel parameter for "rmem_max"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          4194304       4194304       4194304       passed
  nascds10          4194304       4194304       4194304       passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_max"

Check: Kernel parameter for "wmem_default"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          262144        262144        262144        passed
  nascds10          262144        262144        262144        passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_default"

Check: Kernel parameter for "wmem_max"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          1048576       1048576       1048576       passed
  nascds10          1048576       1048576       1048576       passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_max"

Check: Kernel parameter for "aio-max-nr"
  Node Name         Current       Configured    Required      Status        Comment
  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
  nascds11          3145728       3145728       1048576       passed
  nascds10          3145728       3145728       1048576       passed
Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "aio-max-nr"

Check: Package existence for "make"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      make-3.80-7.EL4           make-3.80                 passed
  nascds10      make-3.80-7.EL4           make-3.80                 passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "make"

Check: Package existence for "binutils"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      binutils-   binutils-      passed
  nascds10      binutils-   binutils-      passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "binutils"

Check: Package existence for "gcc"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      gcc-3.4.6-10.0.1          gcc-3.4.6                 passed
  nascds10      gcc-3.4.6-10.0.1          gcc-3.4.6                 passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "gcc"

Check: Package existence for "gcc-c++"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      gcc-c++-3.4.6-10.0.1      gcc-c++-3.4.6             passed
  nascds10      gcc-c++-3.4.6-10.0.1      gcc-c++-3.4.6             passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "gcc-c++"

Check: Package existence for "libaio"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      libaio-0.3.105-2          libaio-0.3.105            passed
  nascds10      libaio-0.3.105-2          libaio-0.3.105            passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "libaio"

Check: Package existence for "glibc"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      glibc-2.3.4-2.41          glibc-2.3.4-2.41          passed
  nascds10      glibc-2.3.4-2.41          glibc-2.3.4-2.41          passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "glibc"

Check: Package existence for "compat-libstdc++-33"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3  compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3  passed
  nascds10      compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3  compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3  passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "compat-libstdc++-33"

Check: Package existence for "elfutils-libelf"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5  elfutils-libelf-0.97      passed
  nascds10      elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5  elfutils-libelf-0.97      passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf"

Check: Package existence for "elfutils-libelf-devel"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97.1-5  elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97  passed
  nascds10      elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97.1-5  elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97  passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf-devel"

Check: Package existence for "glibc-common"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      glibc-common-2.3.4-2.41   glibc-common-2.3.4        passed
  nascds10      glibc-common-2.3.4-2.41   glibc-common-2.3.4        passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "glibc-common"

Check: Package existence for "glibc-devel"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.41    glibc-devel-2.3.4         passed
  nascds10      glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.41    glibc-devel-2.3.4         passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "glibc-devel"

Check: Package existence for "glibc-headers"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.41  glibc-headers-2.3.4       passed
  nascds10      glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.41  glibc-headers-2.3.4       passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "glibc-headers"

Check: Package existence for "libaio-devel"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      libaio-devel-0.3.105-2    libaio-devel-0.3.105      passed
  nascds10      libaio-devel-0.3.105-2    libaio-devel-0.3.105      passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "libaio-devel"

Check: Package existence for "libgcc"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      libgcc-3.4.6-10.0.1       libgcc-3.4.6              passed
  nascds10      libgcc-3.4.6-10.0.1       libgcc-3.4.6              passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "libgcc"

Check: Package existence for "libstdc++"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      libstdc++-3.4.6-10.0.1    libstdc++-3.4.6           passed
  nascds10      libstdc++-3.4.6-10.0.1    libstdc++-3.4.6           passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "libstdc++"

Check: Package existence for "libstdc++-devel"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      libstdc++-devel-3.4.6-10.0.1  libstdc++-devel-3.4.6     passed  
  nascds10      libstdc++-devel-3.4.6-10.0.1  libstdc++-devel-3.4.6     passed  
Result: Package existence check passed for "libstdc++-devel"

Check: Package existence for "sysstat"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      sysstat-5.0.5-19.el4      sysstat-5.0.5             passed
  nascds10      sysstat-5.0.5-19.el4      sysstat-5.0.5             passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "sysstat"

Check: Package existence for "pdksh"
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Status
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      pdksh-5.2.14-30.6         pdksh-5.2.14              passed
  nascds10      pdksh-5.2.14-30.6         pdksh-5.2.14              passed
Result: Package existence check passed for "pdksh"

Checking for multiple users with UID value 0
Result: Check for multiple users with UID value 0 passed

Check: Current group ID
Result: Current group ID check passed

Starting check for consistency of primary group of root user
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11                              passed
  nascds10                              passed

Check for consistency of root user's primary group passed

Starting Clock synchronization checks using Network Time Protocol(NTP)...

NTP Configuration file check started...
Network Time Protocol(NTP) configuration file not found on any of the nodes. Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Service(CTSS) can be used instead of NTP for time synchronization on the cluster nodes
No NTP Daemons or Services were found to be running

Result: Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) passed

Checking Core file name pattern consistency...
Core file name pattern consistency check passed.

Checking to make sure user "grid" is not in "root" group
  Node Name     Status                    Comment
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11      passed                    does not exist
  nascds10      passed                    does not exist
Result: User "grid" is not part of "root" group. Check passed

Check default user file creation mask
  Node Name     Available                 Required                  Comment
  ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------
  nascds11      0022                      0022                      passed
  nascds10      0022                      0022                      passed
Result: Default user file creation mask check passed
Checking consistency of file "/etc/resolv.conf" across nodes

Checking the file "/etc/resolv.conf" to make sure only one of domain and search entries is defined
File "/etc/resolv.conf" does not have both domain and search entries defined
Checking if domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across the nodes...
domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes
Checking if search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across the nodes...
search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes
Checking DNS response time for an unreachable node
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  nascds11                              passed
  nascds10                              passed
The DNS response time for an unreachable node is within acceptable limit on all nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

Check: Time zone consistency
Result: Time zone consistency check passed

Pre-check for cluster services setup was successful. 

2. 安装检查通过之后,


## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2011. All rights reserved.           ##
##                                                                           ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize                ##
## your installation.                                                        ##
##                                                                           ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment                   ##
## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate                   ##
## values.                    ##
##                                                                           ##
## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and               ##
## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user             ##
## or db administrator who owns this installation.                           ##
##                                                                           ##

##                                                                           ##
## Instructions to fill this response file                                   ##
## To install and configure 'Grid Infrastructure for Cluster'                ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B,C,D,E,F and G                                    ##
##  - Fill out section G if OCR and voting disk should be placed on ASM      ##
##                                                                           ##
## To install and configure 'Grid Infrastructure for Standalone server'      ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B and G                                            ##
##                                                                           ##
## To install software for 'Grid Infrastructure'                             ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B and C                                            ##
##                                                                           ##
## To upgrade clusterware and/or Automatic storage management of earlier     ##
## releases                                                                  ##
##  - Fill out sections A,B,C,D and H                                        ##
##                                                                           ##

# Do not change the following system generated value.

#                                                                             #
#                          SECTION A - BASIC                                  #
#                                                                             #

# Specify the hostname of the system as set during the install. It can be used
# to force the installation to use an alternative hostname rather than using the
# first hostname found on the system. (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames
# and network interfaces)

# Specify the location which holds the inventory files.
# This is an optional parameter if installing on 
# Windows based Operating System.

# Specify the languages in which the components will be installed.            
# en   : English                  ja   : Japanese                 
# fr   : French                   ko   : Korean                   
# ar   : Arabic                   es   : Latin American Spanish   
# bn   : Bengali                  lv   : Latvian                  
# pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese     lt   : Lithuanian               
# bg   : Bulgarian                ms   : Malay                    
# fr_CA: Canadian French          es_MX: Mexican Spanish          
# ca   : Catalan                  no   : Norwegian                
# hr   : Croatian                 pl   : Polish                   
# cs   : Czech                    pt   : Portuguese               
# da   : Danish                   ro   : Romanian                 
# nl   : Dutch                    ru   : Russian                  
# ar_EG: Egyptian                 zh_CN: Simplified Chinese       
# en_GB: English (Great Britain)  sk   : Slovak                   
# et   : Estonian                 sl   : Slovenian                
# fi   : Finnish                  es_ES: Spanish                  
# de   : German                   sv   : Swedish                  
# el   : Greek                    th   : Thai                     
# iw   : Hebrew                   zh_TW: Traditional Chinese      
# hu   : Hungarian                tr   : Turkish                  
# is   : Icelandic                uk   : Ukrainian                
# in   : Indonesian               vi   : Vietnamese               
# it   : Italian                                                  
# all_langs   : All languages
# Specify value as the following to select any of the languages.
# Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja
# Specify value as the following to select all the languages.
# Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=all_langs 

# Specify the installation option.
#   CRS_CONFIG - To configure Grid Infrastructure for cluster
#   HA_CONFIG  - To configure Grid Infrastructure for stand alone server
#   UPGRADE    - To upgrade clusterware software of earlier release
#   CRS_SWONLY - To install clusterware files only (can be configured for cluster
#                or stand alone server later)

# Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base.


# Specify the complete path of the Oracle Home.

#                                                                              #
#                              SECTION B - GROUPS                              #
#                                                                              #
#   The following three groups need to be assigned for all GI installations.   #
#   OSDBA and OSOPER can be the same or different.  OSASM must be different    #
#   than the other two.                                                        #
#   The value to be specified for OSDBA, OSOPER and OSASM group is only for    #
#   Unix based Operating System.                                               #
#                                                                              #
# The DBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDBA privileges.

# The OPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSOPER privileges.
# The value to be specified for OSOPER group is optional.

# The OSASM_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSASM privileges. This
# must be different than the previous two.

#                                                                              #
#                           SECTION C - SCAN                                   #
#                                                                              #
# Specify a name for SCAN

# Specify a unused port number for SCAN service

#                                                                              #
#                           SECTION D - CLUSTER & GNS                      #
#                                                                              #
# Specify a name for the Cluster you are creating.
# The maximum length allowed for clustername is 15 characters. The name can be
# any combination of lower and uppercase alphabets (A - Z), (0 - 9), hyphen(-)
# and underscore(_).

# Specify 'true' if you would like to configure Grid Naming Service(GNS), else
# specify 'false'

# Applicable only if you choose to configure GNS
# Specify the GNS subdomain and an unused virtual hostname for GNS service
# Additionally you may also specify if VIPs have to be autoconfigured
# Value for oracle.install.crs.config.autoConfigureClusterNodeVIP should be true
# if GNS is being configured(oracle.install.crs.config.gpnp.configureGNS), false
# otherwise.

# Specify a list of public node names, and virtual hostnames that have to be
# part of the cluster.
# The list should a comma-separated list of nodes.  Each entry in the list
# should be a colon-separated string that contains 2 fields.
# The fields should be ordered as follows:
# 1. The first field is for public node name.
# 2. The second field is for virtual host name
#    (specify as AUTO if you have chosen 'auto configure for VIP'
#     i.e. autoConfigureClusterNodeVIP=true)
# Example: oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes=node1:node1-vip,node2:node2-vip

# The value should be a comma separated strings where each string is as shown below
# InterfaceName:SubnetMask:InterfaceType
# where InterfaceType can be either "1", "2", or "3"
# (1 indicates public, 2 indicates private, and 3 indicates the interface is not used)
# For example: eth0:,eth1:,eth2:

#                                                                              #
#                              SECTION E - STORAGE                             #
#                                                                              #

# Specify the type of storage to use for Oracle Cluster Registry(OCR) and Voting
# Disks files

# Specify a comma separated list of strings where each string is as shown below:
# Disk Number:Partition Number:Drive Letter:Format Option
# The Disk Number and Partition Number should refer to the location which has to
# be formatted. The Drive Letter should refer to the drive letter that has to be
# assigned. "Format Option" can be either of the following -
# 1. SOFTWARE - Format to place software binaries.
# 2. DATA - Format to place the OCR/VDSK files.
# For example: 1:2:P:DATA,1:3:Q:SOFTWARE,1:4:R:DATA,1:5:S:DATA

# These properties are applicable only if FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE is chosen for
# storing OCR and voting disk
# Specify the location(s) and redundancy for OCR and voting disks
# Multiple locations can be specified, separated by commas.
# In case of windows, mention the drive location that is specified to be
# formatted for DATA in the above property.
# Redundancy can be one of these:
#     EXTERNAL - one(1) location should be specified for OCR and voting disk
#     NORMAL - three(3) locations should be specified for OCR and voting disk
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.crs.config.sharedFileSystemStorage.votingDiskLocations=/oradbocfs/storage/vdsk1,/oradbocfs/storage/vdsk2,/oradbocfs/storage/vdsk3
#     oracle.install.crs.config.sharedFileSystemStorage.ocrLocations=/oradbocfs/storage/ocr1,/oradbocfs/storage/ocr2,/oradbocfs/storage/ocr3
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.crs.config.sharedFileSystemStorage.votingDiskLocations=P:\vdsk1,R:\vdsk2,S:\vdsk3
#     oracle.install.crs.config.sharedFileSystemStorage.ocrLocations=P:\ocr1,R:\ocr2,S:\ocr3
#                                                                              #
#                               SECTION F - IPMI                               #
#                                                                              #

# Specify 'true' if you would like to configure Intelligent Power Management interface
# (IPMI), else specify 'false'

# Applicable only if you choose to configure IPMI
# i.e. oracle.install.crs.config.useIPMI=true
# Specify the username and password for using IPMI service

#                                                                              #
#                                SECTION G - ASM                               #
#                                                                              #
# Specify a password for SYSASM user of the ASM instance

# The ASM DiskGroup
# Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.name=data

# Redundancy level to be used by ASM.
# It can be one of the following 
# - HIGH
# Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy=NORMAL

# Allocation unit size to be used by ASM.
# It can be one of the following
# - 1
# - 2
# - 4
# - 8
# - 16
# Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.AUSize=4
# size unit is MB

# List of disks to create a ASM DiskGroup
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=/oracle/asm/disk1,/oracle/asm/disk2
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=\\.\ORCLDISKDATA0,\\.\ORCLDISKDATA1

# The disk discovery string to be used to discover the disks used create a ASM DiskGroup
# Example:
#     For Unix based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=/oracle/asm/*
#     For Windows based Operating System:
#     oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=\\.\ORCLDISK*

# oracle.install.asm.monitorPassword=password

#                                                                              #
#                             SECTION H - UPGRADE                              #
#                                                                              #
# Specify nodes for Upgrade.
# For upgrade on Windows, installer overrides the value of this parameter to include
# all the nodes of the cluster. However, the stack is upgraded one node at a time.
# Hence, this parameter may be left blank for Windows.
# Example: oracle.install.crs.upgrade.clusterNodes=node1,node2

# For RAC-ASM only. oracle.install.asm.upgradeASM=true/false
# Value should be 'true' while upgrading Cluster ASM of version 11gR2( and above
# Specify the auto-updates option. It can be one of the following:
# In case MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD option is chosen, specify the location where
# the updates are to be downloaded.
# In case OFFLINE_UPDATES option is chosen, specify the location where the updates
# are present.
# Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username which has the patches download privileges 
# to be used for software updates.

# Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password which has the patches download privileges 
# to be used for software updates.

# Specify the Proxy server name. Length should be greater than zero.
# Example    : PROXY_HOST=proxy.domain.com

# Specify the proxy port number. Should be Numeric and atleast 2 chars.
# Example    : PROXY_PORT=25
# Specify the proxy user name. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD
# blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
# Example    : PROXY_USER=username

# Specify the proxy password. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD 
# blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
# Example    : PROXY_PWD=password
# Specify the proxy realm.
# Example    : PROXY_REALM=metalink

3. 使用以下命令来开始静默安装集群软件:
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /home/grid/grid.rsp  

# You can find the log of this install session at:  
# As a root user, execute the following script(s):  
#         1. /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/root.sh  
# As install user, execute the following script to complete the configuration.  
#         1. /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands 
#         Note:  
#         1. This script should be run in the same environment from where the installer has been run.  
#         2. This script needs a small password properties file for configuration assistants that require passwords (refer to install guide documentation).  
# Successfully Setup Software.  

之后,在两个节点分别使用ROOT用户来执行 root.sh脚本。
在 nascds10 节点,登录root用户,执行
在 nascds11 节点,登录root用户,执行

在所有节点执行root.sh脚本成功之后,回到发起的nascds10节点,使用grid用户继续执行 以上安装日志中提到的configToolAllCommands


$ touch cfgrsp.properties
su - root
# chmod 600 cfgrsp.properties  
# ls -rtl /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs

-rw------- 1 grid oinstall 330 Apr 30 11:50 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/cfgrsp.properties  

su - grid
$cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/
$./configToolAllCommands RESPONSE_FILE=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/cfgrsp.properties


4. 命令完成之后,GI软件安装完成。执行以下命令来确保集群服务的启动情况
# $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t 
# $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t -init  
# $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl check cluster -all

******************** ORACLE RAC 数据库静默安装

1. 同上,请参考db.rsp日志来配置静默安装脚本。

## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2011. All rights reserved.##
##                                                                ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize     ##
## your installation.                                             ##
##                                                                ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment        ##
## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate        ##
## values.                                                        ##
##                                                                ##
## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and    ##
## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user  ##
## or db administrator who owns this installation.                ##
##                                                                ##

# Do not change the following system generated value.

# Specify the installation option.
# It can be one of the following:

# Specify the hostname of the system as set during the install. It can be used
# to force the installation to use an alternative hostname rather than using the
# first hostname found on the system. (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames
# and network interfaces)

# Specify the Unix group to be set for the inventory directory. 

# Specify the location which holds the inventory files.
# This is an optional parameter if installing on
# Windows based Operating System.

# Specify the languages in which the components will be installed.            
# en   : English                  ja   : Japanese                 
# fr   : French                   ko   : Korean                   
# ar   : Arabic                   es   : Latin American Spanish   
# bn   : Bengali                  lv   : Latvian                  
# pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese     lt   : Lithuanian               
# bg   : Bulgarian                ms   : Malay                    
# fr_CA: Canadian French          es_MX: Mexican Spanish          
# ca   : Catalan                  no   : Norwegian                
# hr   : Croatian                 pl   : Polish                   
# cs   : Czech                    pt   : Portuguese               
# da   : Danish                   ro   : Romanian                 
# nl   : Dutch                    ru   : Russian                  
# ar_EG: Egyptian                 zh_CN: Simplified Chinese       
# en_GB: English (Great Britain)  sk   : Slovak                   
# et   : Estonian                 sl   : Slovenian                
# fi   : Finnish                  es_ES: Spanish                  
# de   : German                   sv   : Swedish                  
# el   : Greek                    th   : Thai                     
# iw   : Hebrew                   zh_TW: Traditional Chinese      
# hu   : Hungarian                tr   : Turkish                  
# is   : Icelandic                uk   : Ukrainian                
# in   : Indonesian               vi   : Vietnamese               
# it   : Italian                                                  
# all_langs   : All languages
# Specify value as the following to select any of the languages.
# Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja
# Specify value as the following to select all the languages.
# Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=all_langs 

# Specify the complete path of the Oracle Home.

# Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base.

# Specify the installation edition of the component.                    
# The value should contain only one of these choices.       
# EE     : Enterprise Edition                               
# SE     : Standard Edition                                 
# SEONE  : Standard Edition One
# PE     : Personal Edition (WINDOWS ONLY)

# This variable is used to enable or disable custom install and is considered
# only if InstallEdition is EE.
# true  : Components mentioned as part of 'optionalComponents' property
#         are considered for install.
# false : Value for 'optionalComponents' is not considered.

# This property is considered only if 'EEOptionsSelection' is set to true
# Description: List of Enterprise Edition Options you would like to enable.
#              The following choices are available. You may specify any
#              combination of these choices.  The components you choose should
#              be specified in the form "internal-component-name:version"
#              Below is a list of components you may specify to enable.
#              oracle.oraolap: - Oracle OLAP
#              oracle.rdbms.dm: - Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
#              oracle.rdbms.dv: Oracle Database Vault option
#              oracle.rdbms.lbac: - Oracle Label Security
#              oracle.rdbms.partitioning: - Oracle Partitioning
#              oracle.rdbms.rat: - Oracle Real Application Testing

#                                                                             #
# PRIVILEGED OPERATING SYSTEM GROUPS                                          #
# ------------------------------------------                                  #
# Provide values for the OS groups to which OSDBA and OSOPER privileges       #
# needs to be granted. If the install is being performed as a member of the   #
# group "dba", then that will be used unless specified otherwise below.       #
#                                                                             #
# The value to be specified for OSDBA and OSOPER group is only for UNIX based #
# Operating System.                                                           #
#                                                                             #

# The DBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDBA privileges.

# The OPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSOPER privileges.
# The value to be specified for OSOPER group is optional.

# Specify the cluster node names selected during the installation.                                     
# Example : oracle.install.db.CLUSTER_NODES=node1,node2

# This variable is used to enable or disable RAC One Node install.
# true  : Value of RAC One Node service name is used.
# false : Value of RAC One Node service name is not used.
# If left blank, it will be assumed to be false.

# Specify the name for RAC One Node Service.

# Specify the type of database to create.
# It can be one of the following:
# - DATA_WAREHOUSE                               

# Specify the Starter Database Global Database Name.

# Specify the Starter Database SID.

# Specify the Starter Database character set.
#  One of the following
#  AL32UTF8, WE8ISO8859P15, WE8MSWIN1252, EE8ISO8859P2,
#  EE8MSWIN1250, NE8ISO8859P10, NEE8ISO8859P4, BLT8MSWIN1257,
#  BLT8ISO8859P13, CL8ISO8859P5, CL8MSWIN1251, AR8ISO8859P6,
#  AR8MSWIN1256, EL8ISO8859P7, EL8MSWIN1253, IW8ISO8859P8,

# This variable should be set to true if Automatic Memory Management
# in Database is desired.
# If Automatic Memory Management is not desired, and memory allocation
# is to be done manually, then set it to false.

# Specify the total memory allocation for the database. Value(in MB) should be
# at least 256 MB, and should not exceed the total physical memory available
# on the system.
# Example: oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryLimit=512

# This variable controls whether to load Example Schemas onto
# the starter database or not.

# This variable includes enabling audit settings, configuring password profiles
# and revoking some grants to public. These settings are provided by default.
# These settings may also be disabled.    

#                                                                             #
# Passwords can be supplied for the following four schemas in the       #
# starter database:                  #
#   SYS                                                                       #
#   SYSTEM                                                                    #
#   SYSMAN (used by Enterprise Manager)                                       #
#   DBSNMP (used by Enterprise Manager)                                       #
#                                                                             #
# Same password can be used for all accounts (not recommended)         #
# or different passwords for each account can be provided (recommended)       #
#                                                                             #

# This variable holds the password that is to be used for all schemas in the
# starter database.

# Specify the SYS password for the starter database.

# Specify the SYSTEM password for the starter database.

# Specify the SYSMAN password for the starter database.

# Specify the DBSNMP password for the starter database.

# Specify the management option to be selected for the starter database.
# It can be one of the following:

# Specify the Management Service to use if Grid Control is selected to manage
# the database.     

#                                                                             #
# SPECIFY BACKUP AND RECOVERY OPTIONS                                        #
# ------------------------------------                                #
# Out-of-box backup and recovery options for the database can be mentioned    #
# using the entries below.            # 
#                                                                             #

# This variable is to be set to false if automated backup is not required. Else
# this can be set to true.

# Regardless of the type of storage that is chosen for backup and recovery, if
# automated backups are enabled, a job will be scheduled to run daily to backup
# the database. This job will run as the operating system user that is
# specified in this variable.

# Regardless of the type of storage that is chosen for backup and recovery, if
# automated backups are enabled, a job will be scheduled to run daily to backup
# the database. This job will run as the operating system user specified by the
# above entry. The following entry stores the password for the above operating
# system user.

# Specify the type of storage to use for the database.
# It can be one of the following:

# Specify the database file location which is a directory for datafiles, control
# files, redo logs.        
# Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE

# Specify the backup and recovery location.
# Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE

# Specify the existing ASM disk groups to be used for storage.
# Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storageType=ASM_STORAGE

# Specify the password for ASMSNMP user of the ASM instance.                
# Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=ASM_STORAGE

# Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username.
#  Example   : MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=abc@oracle.com

# Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password.
# Example    : MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=password

# Specify whether to enable the user to set the password for
# My Oracle Support credentials. The value can be either true or false.
# If left blank it will be assumed to be false.

# Specify whether user doesn't want to configure Security Updates.
# The value for this variable should be true if you don't want to configure
# Security Updates, false otherwise.
# The value can be either true or false. If left blank it will be assumed
# to be false.

# Specify the Proxy server name. Length should be greater than zero.
# Example    : PROXY_HOST=proxy.domain.com

# Specify the proxy port number. Should be Numeric and atleast 2 chars.
# Example    : PROXY_PORT=25

# Specify the proxy user name. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD
# blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
# Example    : PROXY_USER=username

# Specify the proxy password. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD 
# blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
# Example    : PROXY_PWD=password

# Specify the proxy realm.
# Example    : PROXY_REALM=metalink
# Specify the Oracle Support Hub URL.
# Example    : COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL=https://orasupporthub.company.com:8080/

# Specify the auto-updates option. It can be one of the following:
# In case MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD option is chosen, specify the location where
# the updates are to be downloaded.
# In case OFFLINE_UPDATES option is chosen, specify the location where the updates
# are present.
# Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username which has the patches download privileges 
# to be used for software updates.

# Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password which has the patches download privileges 
# to be used for software updates.

2. 安装RAC DB 软件:
su - oracle
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/db.rsp -ignorePrereq -ignoreSysPreReqs -ignoreDiskWarning

在 nascds10 节点,登录ROOT用户,执行 
在 nascds11 节点,登录ROOT用户,执行

后续执行ASMCA 来配置数据库存储 及 使用DBCA来创建RAC数据库。

来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/12798004/viewspace-1311935/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。






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