Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed

Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed



  1. [oracle@db01 18522509]$ /home/oracle/OPatch/opatch apply

    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version

    Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    Oracle Home       : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1

    Central Inventory : /DBSoft/oraInventory

       from           : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/oraInst.loc

    OPatch version    :

    OUI version       :

    Log file location : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_05-06-13AM_1.log

    Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...

    Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

    The details are:

    Following executables are active :



    UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

    Log file location: /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_05-06-13AM_1.log

    OPatch failed with error code 73


  1. [oracle@db01 OPatch]$ cat /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_05-06-13AM_1.log

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:13 AM]     OPatch invoked as follows: 'apply -invPtrLoc /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/oraInst.loc '

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:13 AM]     OUI-67077:

                                 Oracle Home       : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1

                                 Central Inventory : /DBSoft/oraInventory

                                    from           : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/oraInst.loc

                                 OPatch version    :

                                 OUI version       :

                                 OUI location      : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/oui

                                 Log file location : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_05-06-13AM_1.log

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:13 AM]     Patch history file: /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:16 AM]     Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:16 AM]     Ignoring file "/home/oracle/18522509/README.html" in the patch directory.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:16 AM]     Ignoring file "/home/oracle/18522509/README.txt" in the patch directory.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:16 AM]     Ignoring file "/home/oracle/18522509/patchmd.xml" in the patch directory.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:17 AM]     Checking conflict among patches...

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:17 AM]     Patch ID  18522509

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:17 AM]     Patches that conflict: [  ]

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:17 AM]     Checking conflicts for patch : 18522509

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:17 AM]     Checking if Oracle Home has components required by patches...

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:17 AM]     Check if patch "17478514"  is a no-op patch.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Check if patch "18031668"  is a no-op patch.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Check if patch "18522509"  is a no-op patch.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Running prerequisite checks...

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Patch "17478514" is ignored as it is not a "Fusion Applications patch".

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Patch "18031668" is ignored as it is not a "Fusion Applications patch".

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Patch "18522509" is ignored as it is not a "Fusion Applications patch".

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Check if patch "17478514"  is a no-op patch.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Check if patch "18031668"  is a no-op patch.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     Check if patch "18522509"  is a no-op patch.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:18 AM]     None of the selected patches are no-op. patches..

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:19 AM]     Space Needed : 328.875MB

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:19 AM]     Prereq checkPatchApplicableOnCurrentPlatform Passed for patch : 17478514

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:19 AM]     Prereq checkPatchApplicableOnCurrentPlatform Passed for patch : 18031668

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:19 AM]     Prereq checkPatchApplicableOnCurrentPlatform Passed for patch : 18522509

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:19 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/oracle at Thu Oct 09 05:06:19 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/oracle at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/amdu at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/amdu at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/kfed at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/kfed at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/kfod at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/kfod at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/renamedg at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/renamedg at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/orion at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/orion at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/rman at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/rman at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/lib/ at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/lib/ at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/lib/ at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/lib/ at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Following executables are active :



    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

                                 The details are:



                                 Following executables are active :



    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Start fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/proc at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finish fuser command /sbin/fuser /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/proc at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     OUI-67073:UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Finishing UtilSession at Thu Oct 09 05:06:20 CST 2014

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Log file location: /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_05-06-13AM_1.log

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     Stack Description: java.lang.RuntimeException: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: oracle.opatch.OPatchSessionHelper.runApplyPrereqs(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: oracle.opatch.opatchutil.NApply.process(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: oracle.opatch.opatchutil.OUSession.napply(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: oracle.opatch.UtilSession.process(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: oracle.opatch.OPatchSession.main(

    [Oct 9, 2014 5:06:20 AM]     StackTrace: oracle.opatch.OPatch.main(





1、     检查Oracle进程:

  1. [oracle@db01 18522509]$ ps -ef|grep ora
  2. oracle 2643 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:06 /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
  3. oracle 2673 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_woo
  4. oracle 2675 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_psp0_woo
  5. oracle 2677 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_vktm_woo
  6. oracle 2681 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:32 ora_gen0_woo
  7. oracle 2683 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_diag_woo
  8. oracle 2685 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_dbrm_woo
  9. oracle 2687 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:07 ora_dia0_woo
  10. oracle 2689 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_mman_woo
  11. oracle 2691 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_dbw0_woo
  12. oracle 2693 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:01 ora_lgwr_woo
  13. oracle 2695 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:02 ora_ckpt_woo
  14. oracle 2697 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:01 ora_smon_woo
  15. oracle 2699 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_reco_woo
  16. oracle 2701 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_mmon_woo
  17. oracle 2703 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:03 ora_mmnl_woo
  18. oracle 2705 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_d000_woo
  19. oracle 2707 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_s000_woo
  20. oracle 2714 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:05 ora_rvwr_woo
  21. oracle 2721 1 7 Oct08 ? 01:01:16 ora_arc0_woo
  22. oracle 2723 1 7 Oct08 ? 01:01:11 ora_arc1_woo
  23. oracle 2725 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_arc2_woo
  24. oracle 2727 1 7 Oct08 ? 01:00:57 ora_arc3_woo
  25. oracle 2733 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_qmnc_woo
  26. oracle 2749 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:01 ora_cjq0_woo
  27. oracle 2777 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_q000_woo
  28. oracle 2779 1 0 Oct08 ? 00:00:00 ora_q001_woo

2、     停止数据库再检查进程

  1. [oracle@db01 18522509]$ /home/oracle/
  2. Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
  3. Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. https://db01:5500/em/console/aboutApplication
  5. Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control ...
  6.  ... Stopped.
  8. SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Oct 9 07:50:30 2014
  10. Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.
  13. Connected to:
  14. Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
  15. With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
  18. LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 09-OCT-2014 07:50:30
  20. Copyright (c) 1991, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.
  23. The command completed successfully
  25. Database closed.
  26. Database dismounted.
  27. ORACLE instance shut down.
  28. Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
  29. With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

### 检查进程

  1. [oracle@db01 18522509]$ ps -ef|grep ora
  2. root 16511 11497 0 04:24 pts/2 00:00:00 su - oracle
  3. oracle 16512 16511 0 04:24 pts/2 00:00:00 -bash
  4. root 24869 24844 0 06:00 pts/3 00:00:00 su - oracle
  5. oracle 24870 24869 0 06:00 pts/3 00:00:00 -bash
  6. oracle 28884 24870 0 06:47 pts/3 00:00:00 tail -f alert_woo.log
  7. oracle 32291 16512 0 07:52 pts/2 00:00:00 ps -ef
  8. oracle 32292 16512 0 07:52 pts/2 00:00:00 grep ora

3、     再次执行正常,问题已排除 :

  1. [oracle@db01 18522509]$ /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/OPatch/opatch apply

    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version

    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.


    Oracle Home       : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1

    Central Inventory : /DBSoft/oraInventory

       from           : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/oraInst.loc

    OPatch version    :

    OUI version       :

    Log file location : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_07-53-05AM_1.log


    Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...

    Prerequisite check "CheckMinimumOPatchVersion" failed.

    The details are:



    The OPatch being used has version while the following patch(es) require higher versions:

    Patch 17478514 requires OPatch version

    Patch 18031668 requires OPatch version

    Patch 18522509 requires OPatch version

    Please download latest OPatch from My Oracle Support.


    UtilSession failed: Prerequisite check "CheckMinimumOPatchVersion" failed.

    Log file location: /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_07-53-05AM_1.log


    OPatch failed with error code 73

    [oracle@db01 18522509]$ /home/oracle/OPatch/op apply

    opatch          opatch.bat      opatchdiag      opatchdiag.bat  opatch.ini       opatchprereqs/  oplan/         

    [oracle@db01 18522509]$ /home/oracle/OPatch/opatch apply

    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version

    Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.



    Oracle Home       : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1

    Central Inventory : /DBSoft/oraInventory

       from           : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/oraInst.loc

    OPatch version    :

    OUI version       :

    Log file location : /DBSoft/Product/11.2.4/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-10-09_07-53-39AM_1.log


    Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...

    OPatch continues with these patches:   17478514  18031668  18522509 


    Do you want to proceed? [y|n]

    User Responded with: Y

    All checks passed.

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