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转载 轉分享---震驚所有人的大陸高中生發言稿

轉分享)震驚所有人的大陸高中生發言稿, 怀疑:有多少大陆家長是这样做的?大家好,我是王寧。今天能站在這裡,純屬偶然。為什麼說偶然呢?因為,南雅是個人才濟濟的地方,164班是一個優秀的集體。個人認為,班級前二十...

2013-10-28 10:52:59 231

转载 培养领导才能, 从PARTY做起--转帖

Leader ship四大要素, 个人比较赞同。领导才能培养应该是子女教育的目标之一.美国名校把学生的领导才能直接纳入到大学录取标准,中国的大学录取也已参考学生的沟通与合作能力。虽然中国高校把综合素质评价仅作参考,和考试成绩...

2013-07-26 13:53:29 152

转载 one lesson learn from tom for oracle

We have 2 fact tables in our dataware house. One for transactions of type V, another for transactions of type M...

2013-07-10 10:20:55 164

转载 Oracle11g Patch level list

除了用opatch lsinventory 查看外, 还可以通过select * from sys.registry$history;来查看 ...

2012-11-09 13:59:57 200

转载 (转)一个真实的幼升小故事 女儿的上学辛酸史


2012-10-30 11:19:19 3190

转载 Top Reasons Why Oracle Delivers More Value than VMware

http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/virtualization/app-aware-346610.html ...

2012-08-23 11:31:18 127

转载 Rebuild index test result

记录一下今天的测试结果:System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Fire V890System clock frequency: 150 MHzMemory size...

2012-04-02 15:48:28 94

转载 美国医生教我的育儿经验~~(转帖)

有宝宝的进来看看吧! 我在美国生了两个孩子,生育前后都有培训班,家庭医生每次洗脑让我受益匪浅,我的两个宝宝在婴儿时期乖巧得好像家里没有小婴儿,我甚至疑心她们会不会哭?如今外婆常拿这句傻话笑我。回国后看到朋友或邻居们...

2012-02-20 09:20:42 4546

转载 宝贝不哭,妈妈打它--转贴


2012-02-20 09:09:56 304

转载 Oracle 10g impdp use schema mode

Use impdp schema= , show below error:ORA-23421: job number 43 is not a job in the job queueFailing sql is:BEGIN d...

2011-09-05 10:51:25 130

转载 挠痒要挠到痒处——了解你的孩子

前天真妮又转了一个问题给我,我觉得很有普遍性,所以放上来给家长们看看。下面是一位妈妈的信:我儿子今年 8 岁,一年级,个性开朗,喜欢唱歌跳舞,语言能力较强,爱表现。在幼儿园深得老师宠爱,再加上屡屡参加电视大赛,自我感觉超好。但是...

2011-06-03 08:59:02 259

转载 What cause the big diffrence on the same sql ?

1.DELETE FROM PUB_QUEUEWHEREROWID = :B1call count cpu elapsed disk query current...

2011-05-09 15:47:22 85

转载 Find the space in the special column value

select a.name,a.group_name,a.length1,b.length1 from (select name,group_name,length(group_name) length1 from fds_ma...

2011-04-12 11:29:18 74

转载 Base on SID find the trace file

今日系统要升级,需要对所有的应用程序,进行TRACE 。在应用系统里面有个里面有个程序CONTROL table :proc_control , 记录每个程序的SID,SERIAL#,可以方便的多特定的程序进行TRACE , 这...

2010-11-02 15:52:58 90

转载 http://yunfei-chen.blogspot.com/

http://yunfei-chen.blogspot.com/新开一个博客, 估计得翻墙才行 ...

2010-10-28 14:35:17 159

转载 笑话一则

Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE有一次,在佛山珠江,见有一人不慎落水,路人...

2010-10-28 14:25:34 111

转载 美国儿科医学会报告:玩耍的重要性

玩耍对于儿童健康成长以及建立亲子关系的重要作用摘译自美国儿科医学会报告:原文链接:The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy ...

2010-10-28 13:41:31 182

转载 20种开发幼儿大脑的方法

20种开发幼儿大脑的方法 ...

2010-10-28 13:40:27 366

转载 Oracle10g install on solaris 8

Backgoud : install oracle 10g on solaris 8 server which have already exitst oracle9i on it.When run installer...

2010-09-15 11:42:18 103

转载 国内外各大奶粉品牌分析


2010-08-06 16:18:49 589

转载 dbua report datafile not exists

Because when DBA add datafiles, the datafile name with the end "space" For example: 'a ' !='a',the dbua check ...

2010-08-05 09:55:52 102

转载 ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found

昨日做数据库升级, 升级完毕后, 在alert log 里报如下错误:Node name: suzdrsas-updradeRelease: 5.10Version: Generi...

2010-08-05 09:48:29 1763

转载 ORA-00235: controlfile fixed table inconsistent due to concurrent update

偶遇00235 error , 找了半天,还是这个解释比较接近答案http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=2524868&tstart=0 ...

2010-07-08 10:10:39 247

转载 What database parameters are relevant to ORA-04031 problems?

CURSOR_SHARING Literal replacement is a feature where Oracle replaces literal values in SQL statements t...

2010-06-08 11:39:26 98

转载 What is an ORA-04031 Error?

The memory pool in the SGA are comprised of memory chunks in various sizes. When the database starts is starte...

2010-06-08 10:36:13 63

转载 What are Subpools?

In Oracle 9i and later versions, the Shared Poolcan bedivided into subpools. Each subpool is a "mini" shared ...

2010-06-08 10:04:44 124

转载 How is memory allocated and deallocated in the SGA pools?

The SGA is comprised of fixed areas like the Log Buffers and the Buffer Cache(s)as well asmemory pools (Shared...

2010-06-08 09:58:18 142

转载 Copy files and directories recursively with tar

http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/115/copy-files-and-directories-recursively-with-tar/Copying a directory tree and it...

2010-03-17 10:30:05 128

转载 How to improve the data reorg performance?

Recently storage expansion, need move data to new storage .the sql like below:alter table ATTR move subpartit...

2010-03-01 15:38:37 65

转载 PX Deq Credit: send blkd - wait for what?(ZT)

Detail as belowhttp://www.asktherealtom.ch/?p=8"If a query is run in parallel there is a query coordinator (QC) an...

2010-03-01 15:29:45 82

转载 How to Free Inode Usage(ZT)

Hi, I have a disk drive where the inode usage is 100% (using df -i command).However after deleting files sub...

2010-01-18 16:53:18 89

转载 oracle10g I/O burst increase

A very strange phenomenon on our one Solaris10 + oracle10g + Sun t5520 server oracle I/O per second avg incr...

2010-01-12 10:12:51 101

转载 EMC一块硬盘,导致项目失败

说起来,你或许不相信。这么高端的存储, 坏了一块硬盘,尽然导致数据丢失,数据迁移项目失败。需要重头再来。 ...

2010-01-04 14:39:14 161

转载 关于贿选

昨天,和妈妈在电话中了解到,现在农村贿选的趋势越来越严重。农村的发展路在何方?为什么会发生贿选呢?看来当官可以为所欲为,这是肯定的。法律形同虚设,助长了不良风气。 ...

2009-11-30 10:15:25 65

转载 A strange thing at 10G undo tablespace --续一

以上现象, 在我们的9I的数据库上没有发生过。9i的undo参数:SQL> show parameters undoNAME TYPE------------...

2009-09-08 11:11:03 63

转载 A strange thing at 10G undo tablespace

We have a cronjob at 8:00 and 16:00 to check tablespace free size , use below sql*********************************...

2009-09-03 16:55:53 135

转载 一个比较全面的计算表空间的脚本

select tablespace_name, sum(freesize) "FREE SIZE(M)", sum(extentleft) "EXTENTS LEFT" from(select file_id, a.t...

2009-08-26 08:20:00 86

转载 CEO-关于云计算的思考

最近CEO对google的东西很是着迷,也许是经济形势的不好。IT 方面的成本压力比较大。云计算, GOOGLE mail 或许是最后的稻草。 ...

2009-08-25 16:49:26 58

转载 开始写博客了-虽然有点晚

记录一下自己的学习过程和心得体会。 ...

2009-08-25 16:45:06 57

转载 oracle -- bind peeking

The Problem with Bind VariablesWell, if bind variables are so great, why not use them all the time? Don’t we have ...

2009-08-25 16:39:07 114



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