MongoDB is a highly scalable, document oriented NoSQL datastore from 10gen. For more information have a look at the MongoDB homepage: A short introduction to MongoDB can be found at this blog post.
In MongoDB the size of a single record (i.e. a JSON document) is limited to 16 MB. If you want to store and query bigger binary data than that, you have to use the GridFS API of your MongoDB driver. There is also a mongofiles command line tool in thebin folder of your MongoDB installation. We will use that for our examples. In an empty database, there are no GridFS files:
connected to:
MongoDB is a highly scalable, document oriented NoSQL datastore from 10gen. For more information have a look at the MongoDB homepage: A short introduction to MongoDB can be found at this blog post.
In MongoDB the size of a single record (i.e. a JSON document) is limited to 16 MB. If you want to store and query bigger binary data than that, you have to use the GridFS API of your MongoDB driver. There is also a mongofiles command line tool in thebin folder of your MongoDB installation. We will use that for our examples. In an empty database, there are no GridFS files:
C:\mongo\bin>mongofiles listconnected to:
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