PostgreSQL 源码解读(220)- Locks(LOCK Struct)

本节是PostgreSQL Locks中介绍LOCK结构体部分,翻译自README文件.

一、LOCK Struct

 * The LOCKTAG struct is defined with malice aforethought to fit into 16
 * bytes with no padding.  Note that this would need adjustment if we were
 * to widen Oid, BlockNumber, or TransactionId to more than 32 bits.
 * We include lockmethodid in the locktag so that a single hash table in
 * shared memory can store locks of different lockmethods.
typedef struct LOCKTAG
    uint32      locktag_field1; /* a 32-bit ID field */
    uint32      locktag_field2; /* a 32-bit ID field */
    uint32      locktag_field3; /* a 32-bit ID field */
    uint16      locktag_field4; /* a 16-bit ID field */
    uint8       locktag_type;   /* see enum LockTagType */
    uint8       locktag_lockmethodid;   /* lockmethod indicator */
 * Per-locked-object lock information:
 * tag -- uniquely identifies the object being locked
 * grantMask -- bitmask for all lock types currently granted on this object.
 * waitMask -- bitmask for all lock types currently awaited on this object.
 * procLocks -- list of PROCLOCK objects for this lock.
 * waitProcs -- queue of processes waiting for this lock.
 * requested -- count of each lock type currently requested on the lock
 *      (includes requests already granted!!).
 * nRequested -- total requested locks of all types.
 * granted -- count of each lock type currently granted on the lock.
 * nGranted -- total granted locks of all types.
 * Note: these counts count 1 for each backend.  Internally to a backend,
 * there may be multiple grabs on a particular lock, but this is not reflected
 * into shared memory.
typedef struct LOCK
    /* hash key */
    LOCKTAG     tag;            /* unique identifier of lockable object */
    /* data */
    LOCKMASK    grantMask;      /* bitmask for lock types already granted */
    LOCKMASK    waitMask;       /* bitmask for lock types awaited */
    SHM_QUEUE   procLocks;      /* list of PROCLOCK objects assoc. with lock */
    PROC_QUEUE  waitProcs;      /* list of PGPROC objects waiting on lock */
    int         requested[MAX_LOCKMODES];   /* counts of requested locks */
    int         nRequested;     /* total of requested[] array */
    int         granted[MAX_LOCKMODES]; /* counts of granted locks */
    int         nGranted;       /* total of granted[] array */
#define LOCK_LOCKMETHOD(lock) ((LOCKMETHODID) (lock).tag.locktag_lockmethodid)
The lock manager's LOCK objects contain:
tag -
    The key fields that are used for hashing locks in the shared memory
    lock hash table.  The contents of the tag essentially define an
    individual lockable object.  See include/storage/lock.h for details
    about the supported types of lockable objects.  This is declared as
    a separate struct to ensure that we always zero out the correct number
    of bytes.  It is critical that any alignment-padding bytes the compiler
    might insert in the struct be zeroed out, else the hash computation
    will be random.  (Currently, we are careful to define struct LOCKTAG
    so that there are no padding bytes.)
tag - 
    该键域用于标记共享内存lock哈希表中的hashing locks.标记tag的内容本质上定义了
grantMask -
    This bitmask indicates what types of locks are currently held on the
    given lockable object.  It is used (against the lock table's conflict
    table) to determine if a new lock request will conflict with existing
    lock types held.  Conflicts are determined by bitwise AND operations
    between the grantMask and the conflict table entry for the requested
    lock type.  Bit i of grantMask is 1 if and only if granted[i] > 0.
grantMask -
    冲突通过grantMask和请求锁类型的冲突表条目的bitwise AND操作实现.
    当且仅当granted[i] > 0,grantMask的第i位为1.
waitMask -
    This bitmask shows the types of locks being waited for.  Bit i of waitMask
    is 1 if and only if requested[i] > granted[i].
waitMask -
    该字段标记了正在等待的锁类型.当且仅当requested[i] > granted[i],waitMask中的第1位为1.
procLocks -
    This is a shared memory queue of all the PROCLOCK structs associated with
    the lock object.  Note that both granted and waiting PROCLOCKs are in this
    list (indeed, the same PROCLOCK might have some already-granted locks and
    be waiting for more!).
procLocks -
    与lock object相关的PROCLOCK结构体在共享内存中的队列.
    注意链表中存在granted和waiting PROCLOCKs.
waitProcs -
    This is a shared memory queue of all PGPROC structures corresponding to
    backends that are waiting (sleeping) until another backend releases this
    lock.  The process structure holds the information needed to determine
    if it should be woken up when the lock is released.
waitProcs -
nRequested -
    Keeps a count of how many times this lock has been attempted to be
    acquired.  The count includes attempts by processes which were put
    to sleep due to conflicts.  It also counts the same backend twice
    if, for example, a backend process first acquires a read and then
    acquires a write.  (But multiple acquisitions of the same lock/lock mode
    within a backend are not multiply counted here; they are recorded
    only in the backend's LOCALLOCK structure.)
nRequested -
requested -
    Keeps a count of how many locks of each type have been attempted.  Only
    elements 1 through MAX_LOCKMODES-1 are used as they correspond to the lock
    type defined constants.  Summing the values of requested[] should come out
    equal to nRequested.
requested -
    该字段保存了尝试获取多少种锁类型.只有1 -> MAX_LOCKMODES-1被使用,因为这对应了锁类型常量.
nGranted -
    Keeps count of how many times this lock has been successfully acquired.
    This count does not include attempts that are waiting due to conflicts.
    Otherwise the counting rules are the same as for nRequested.
nGranted -
granted -
    Keeps count of how many locks of each type are currently held.  Once again
    only elements 1 through MAX_LOCKMODES-1 are used (0 is not).  Also, like
    requested[], summing the values of granted[] should total to the value
    of nGranted.
granted -
    保存每种类型有多少锁.1 -> MAX_LOCKMODES-1是有用的.
We should always have 0 <= nGranted <= nRequested, and
0 <= granted[i] <= requested[i] for each i.  When all the request counts
go to zero, the LOCK object is no longer needed and can be freed.



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