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Yesterday morning, contained 475 people "SEWOL number" passenger in Korea Jindo -gun, Jeollanam concept Plum Island, about 3 km southwest of accidents at sea water, the ferry will gradually tilt , and finally completely sank.  According to CCTV reported that as Beijing at 9:30 on the 17th , confirmed nine people were killed and 288 people are still missing , CCTV said two of the passengers on board the missing Chinese people , the Department of Korean compatriots from Yanji .
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South Korean Prime Minister Cheng Hung former Beijing at 23:30 on the 16th arrived at the local gym , condolences to the families waiting for news .  Many families of the passengers on the slow rescue angry , Cheng Hung original scene was immediately surrounded him , even being scolded by 2-3 splashed with water.  He knows this from the Chinese and returned from a visit to Pakistan , then night came to meet with relatives of the victims .

Ferry Day 8:58 ( GMT 7:58 ) loud noise in the north of South Jeolla Province Jindo Island waters 20 kilometers screens , for fear of running aground .  Two minutes later , authorities received a distress signal , rescue boats and aircraft to the scene.

South Korea dispatched elite Navy "seal" the dive team into the water to rescue the missing passengers are expected to salvage the wreck of the earliest on the 19th . Professional rescuers analysis wreck still no more people were rescued a few hours , which means converting the survivors of missing persons .
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Continuous several media broadcast photos show "years " in the two hours after flooding , rollover occurs first , and then capsized , then dip the stern , the bow rise, then gradually sinking until the bottom of the bulbous bow  bow completely disappeared, a draft of 6825 tons of ferry sinking completely so far .

" Our crews have been told not to move ."

According to the rescued passengers recalled passenger was issued a loud noise, then the crew requires all passengers to stay seated on the cabin seat.  Shortly after the occurrence of passenger roll , causing panic .  Some rescued say, we determine a loud noise from the rocks or run aground.  " The crew is always telling us not to move, sit on the seat stay ." Rescued a woman in an interview with the Korean YTN television interview said, " and then suddenly to the side of the ferry overturned , everyone slid aside, and then it will be difficult  escaped from his cabin . " one student rescued description similar.  He said that after the ship violently roll , hit the vending machine overturned passengers . "Everyone was screaming , many people bleeding ."

In the morning around 9:00 or so , a passenger surnamed Kim said he was passenger hall eating breakfast, and then he felt the ferry tilted , at first thought it was just a wave .  But then the ship began to become more inclined to start broadcasting to inform people on board dangerous , do not move around .  The passenger said he heard a loud noise emitted inside the boat .  Shortly after , the cabin began to water, the passengers began to panic-stricken .

Another high school student , said he felt the vibration occurs and very strong hull , the ship's body out of balance .  Some students could not stand his cabin was thrown in another direction .  "The students kept falling, hitting an object , and then started bleeding ." This high school students said.  He said that these students were asked to wear a life jacket , jumped into the sea, but according to his description : . " The water is very cold ."

Marine Police believe that after the accident , the hull tilted rapidly in a short time , many trapped in the downstairs shops, restaurants and entertainment venues would be difficult for passengers to escape .  In addition , up to several layers ferry accident , the ship structure is complex, difficult to find a means of escape hurriedly , may also lead to a big reason many people fail to turnaround .
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There rescued passengers said that after the accident off the cabin , can not open a lot of doors .

A passenger surnamed Kim , said he was lucky to rescued, but he saw more than 30 people still trapped inside the ship.  Just after he left the ship shortly after the ship sank .  " Unless you can break the windows , otherwise I think they can not come out from the inside ."

Passenger ferry sank how to save themselves

Maritime search and rescue experts said , in general, when a vessel in distress , if sank quickly, relatively speaking, the possibility of a large number of survivors jumped into the sea .  If not sinking so fast , often leaving passengers on board to reach the end .

Be sure to stay away from the diving boat , jetty correct location should be stern and jump farther as possible , otherwise the boat sank when will people sucked into the vortex underneath the boat .  Diving should be against the wind to jump to avoid being hit after the launching of floating debris .

When diving arms folded over his chest , pressed lifejackets , his hands over his nose and mouth to prevent choking when the water jump .  Eyes looking forward , legs straight and close together , feet first into the water .  Do not look down , otherwise the body will fall into the water rushed forward , it could hurt.  If you jump correctly , and deep -screen breath , life jackets will make people surfaced within a few seconds, if there is a splash hood lifejacket should unravel over the head .

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