Import items 总结

Update item

1.1. Insert a item in Oracle EBS manual .such as : 000-00600-06

2.2.Find the segment’s info

select msi.inventory_item_id , msi.organization_id, msi.* --, msi.transaction_type

from mtl_system_items_b msi

where msi.segment1='000-00600-06'


--result : 175385 , 102 …

If you want to assign it to child inv , you can assign it to .

And then execute the script above again , you will found two records ,add a

--result : 175385 , 117 …

33 Write insert to interface script and execute them ,then commit them,check them whether them in the mtl_system_items_interface :

INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface

(inventory_item_id, segment1, organization_id,process_flag,

transaction_type, item_type, revision_qty_control_code,

must_use_approved_vendor_flag, inventory_planning_code,

planner_code, planning_make_buy_code, fixed_days_supply,

mrp_planning_code, planning_exception_set, shrinkage_rate,

preprocessing_lead_time, fixed_lead_time, attribute2,

attribute4, attribute1, postprocessing_lead_time, buyer_id, attribute15


VALUES (175385,'000-00600-06', 102, 1, 'UPDATE',

'FG', NULL, 'N',

6, 'B-1AN2K',

1, 12, 3,


3, 'F0030', 'F0030',



Again :

INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface

(inventory_item_id, segment1, organization_id,process_flag,

transaction_type, item_type, revision_qty_control_code,

must_use_approved_vendor_flag, inventory_planning_code,

planner_code, planning_make_buy_code, fixed_days_supply,

mrp_planning_code, planning_exception_set, shrinkage_rate,

preprocessing_lead_time, fixed_lead_time, attribute2,

attribute4, attribute1, postprocessing_lead_time, buyer_id, attribute15


VALUES (175385,'000-00600-06', 117, 1, 'UPDATE',

'FG', NULL, 'N',

6, 'B-1AN2K',

1, 12, 3,


3, 'F0030', 'F0030',




check the insert records in mtl_system_items_b :

-- find insert result

select msif.*

from mtl_system_items_interface msif

where msif.segment1='000-00600-06'

--find two records.

4. Import items in Oracle ERP :

Parameters like : (notice the INV !)

All organizations: No

Validate Items: Yes

Process Items: Yes

Delete Processed Rows: Yes

Process set(Null to ALL):

Create or Update Items: 2

Switch the responsibility, and return with the child inv , submit the import items request :

Parameters like : (notice the INV !)

All organizations: No

Validate Items: Yes

Process Items: Yes

Delete Processed Rows: Yes

Process set(Null to ALL):

Create or Update Items: 2

5. Errors or not

-- if the interface table have not the records, import success

select msif.process_flag, msif.item_number, msif.segment1 , msif.*

from mtl_system_items_interface msif

where msif.segment1='000-00600-06'

--check data in mtl_system_items_b is changed

select msi.item_type, msi.*

from mtl_system_items_b msi

where msi.segment1='000-00600-06'

-- find problem in mtl_interface_errors

select *

from mtl_interface_errors mie

where last_update_date >=to_date('2006-08-10', 'yyyy-mm-dd')

ORDER BY last_update_date desc

some resource about process_flag:

The Item Interface uses the PROCESS_FLAG to indicate whether processing of the

row succeeded or failed. When a row is ready to be processed, give the PROCESS_

FLAG a value of 1 (Pending), so that the Item Interface can pick up the row and

process it into the production tables.

Note: If you enter values for SEGMENTn columns, be sure that

the segments you use correspond to the key flexfield segments you

defined for your items. No validation for the correct segments

occurs when you run the Item Interface. Also, the Item Interface

expects that all segments that you use for the system item flexfield

be required segments. Your system items flexfield should not be

defined with any optional segments.

Note: No segment validation is done against value sets.

Table 7–11 Meaning of PROCESS_FLAG Values

Code Meaning

1 Pending

2 Assign complete

3 Assign/validation failed

4 Validation succeeded; import failed

5 Import in process

7 Import succeeded

A full list of values for the PROCESS_FLAG is in Table 1–14, but you are unlikely to

see all of these.

Other columns, although required in the production tables, are not required in the

item interface table, because they have default values or their values can be derived

from other sources. Check the defaults and derived values carefully, as they may

not be the values you desire.

If the Item Interface successfully processes a row in the item interface table or the

revision interface table, the program sets the PROCESS_FLAG to 7 (Import

succeeded) for the row. If the Item Interface cannot insert a row into the production

table, the PROCESS_FLAG column for the failed row is set to 4 (Import failed). If a

row in the interface table fails validation, the PROCESS_FLAG column is set to 3

(validation failed). A row is inserted into the MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS table for

all failed rows. You can review and update any failed rows in each interface table

using custom reports and programs.

Insert item :same as update item but

You must import items into the Item Master organization before you import items into additional organizations

--CREATE ITEM script

INSERT INTO mtl_system_items_interface(organization_id, process_flag , transaction_type, segment1, description)

values(102, 1, 'CREATE', 'TESTINSERT04', 'tewsst') ;



-- find insert result

select msif.*

from mtl_system_items_interface msif

where msif.segment1='TESTINSERT04'

select msi.item_type, msi.*

from mtl_system_items_b msi

where msi.segment1='TESTINSERT04'

Parameters like : (notice the INV !)

All organizations: No

Validate Items: Yes

Process Items: Yes

Delete Processed Rows: Yes

Process set(Null to ALL):

Create or Update Items: 1

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