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转载 MySQL专家组

百度MySql DBA --- 吴诗展链接:http://baike.baidu.com/view/2132926.htm ...

2010-04-23 20:53:43 117

转载 搜狐DBA

搜狐DBA --- 叶金荣 mysql专家组(http://mysqlmeg.cn)链接:http://imysql.cn ...

2010-04-23 20:39:10 121

转载 网易DBA

网易DBA --- 翟振兴链接:http://zhaizhenxing.blog.51cto.com ...

2010-04-23 20:37:13 113

转载 阿里巴巴DBA

阿里巴巴首席DBA --- 冯春培链接:http://bitirainy.spaces.live.com/ ...

2010-04-23 20:34:34 103

转载 淘宝DBA

淘宝首席DBA --- 陈吉平链接:http://www.orawh.com ...

2010-04-23 20:29:57 141

转载 支付宝DBA

支付宝(中国) DBA--- 冯大辉 网站架构 性能优化 技术评论链接:http://dbanotes.net/ ...

2010-04-23 20:27:47 87

转载 I Care About Software

I Care About SoftwareI believe that the software I help to create defines me as a professional, and speaks volumes...

2008-05-23 09:06:37 100

转载 Oracle - Tables/Indexes

Oracle - Tables/IndexesHere are some scripts related to Tables/Indexes .Tabs w/ Questionable IndsTABLES WITH QUEST...

2008-05-06 15:35:52 137

转载 Oracle - Hit/Miss Ratios

Oracle - Hit/Miss RatiosHere are some scripts related to Hit/Miss Ratios .Buffer Hit RatioBUFFER HIT RATIO NOTES:C...

2008-05-06 15:03:28 178

转载 Weblogic 只允许能连接5个IP的解决办法

Weblogic 只允许能连接5个IP的解决办法0. Weblogic试用版只允许连接5个不同IP, 尽管可重新启动weblogic server可以重新获取5个IP, 对于开发测试环境来说, 对于开发测试来说很不方便, 也不可...

2008-04-28 15:52:20 388

转载 The value for the useBean class attribute SecurityOrgPages is invalid. in tomcat 5.5

Aproject work fine in tomcat 4.1, but upgrade apache-tomcat-4.1.34/jdk 1.4 to apache-tomcat-5.5.25, jdk 1.5, ecoun...

2008-04-16 17:02:34 68

转载 Coding your second Jakarta Struts Application

Coding your second Jakarta Struts Applicationhttp://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/Struts2/IntroductionDid th...

2008-04-11 23:14:56 68

转载 The Power of Three - Eclipse, Tomcat, and Struts

Java(TM) Boutique - The Power of Three - Eclipse, Tomcat, and StrutsIntroduction As a programmer it's important to...

2008-04-11 23:01:40 83

转载 Test Generation framework

JUnit FactoryAn experimental test-generation service from AgitarLabs, the research division of Agitar Software. JU...

2008-03-25 14:55:41 84

转载 认识p-unit:一款开源的性能测试框架

认识p-unit:一款开源的性能测试框架来源: AppFuse中文社区 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-punit/index.htmlp-unit 是一款开放源码的...

2008-03-22 14:42:05 119

转载 QA and Testing Interview Questions

When interviewing for a QA or Testing position, it's important to be honest. Hiring managers want to know what you...

2008-03-19 09:36:05 116

转载 测试资源收藏

http://www.developertesting.com/Developer Testing, Discussions about Software Qualityhttp://www.junitfactory.com/J...

2008-03-18 09:24:06 75

转载 WinRunner - As a GUI based load testing tool

We use WinRunner as a load testing tool operating at the GUI layer as it allows us to record and playback user act...

2008-03-11 09:35:48 84

转载 Standard WinRunner Functions

This helps me select functions quickly by type of object and then by purpose. Add the function prefix to the suffi...

2008-03-07 14:43:23 69

转载 HP大中华区总裁孙振耀撰文谈退休并畅谈人生

HP大中华区总裁孙振耀撰文谈退休并畅谈人生1. 关于工作与生活2. 根源3. 普通人4. 跳槽与积累5. 入对行跟对人6. 选择职业一、关于工作与生活我有个有趣的观察,外企公司多的是25-35岁的白领,40岁以上的员工很少,二三...

2008-01-28 09:58:37 63

转载 J2EE性能问题的诊断示例

J2EE性能问题的诊断示例http://www.innovatedigital.com/htm_speek/Diagnose_J2EE3.shtml[@more@] ...

2008-01-24 09:21:08 84

转载 Three Reasons To Consider Being a Test Developer

Three Reasons To Consider Being a Test Developer When it comes to careers in the world of software most...

2008-01-22 17:01:12 102

转载 Crap4J力求通过算法判定代码质量http://www.crap4j.org/

Crap4J力求通过算法判定代码质量Crap4J这个新项目的目标非常清晰: 现在没有一种特别简单的,100%准确并且客观的方法来判定一段代码是否糟透了。不过研究和经验都能证明我们的直觉:那些由其他人写的过于复杂和曲折的代码往往就...

2008-01-22 15:55:31 110

转载 Java Puzzlers & Effective Java - Book Sharing

Java Puzzlers 引言:你认为你到底有多了解Java?你是一个代码神探吗?你是否曾经花费过数天时间去追踪一个由Java或其类库的陷阱和缺陷而导致的bug?你喜欢智力测验吗?那么这本书正好适合你! Joshua Blo...

2007-11-30 15:40:37 66

转载 Approaches to Performance Testing

Approaches to Performance Testinghttp://dev2dev.bea.com/pub/a/2005/09/performance_testing.htmlAbstractThere are ma...

2007-11-30 14:57:03 77

转载 开源面向对象数据库 db4o 之旅

开源面向对象数据库 db4o 之旅第 1 部分: 初识 db4ohttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-db4o1/第 2 部分: db4o 查询方式http://www.i...

2007-11-27 09:39:50 193

转载 做人.做事.做自己

做人.做事.做自己做事的永远做事, 不做事的永远不做事; 做事的主动找事做, 不做事的有事也不做; 做事的有做不完的事, 不做事的无事可做; 做事的做了大事也以为是小事, 不做事的做了小事也会吹成是了不起的大事; 做事的整天埋头...

2007-11-27 08:59:24 126

转载 吃心望想 - 热爱厨房,品味美食,享受生活

天下美食-美食天下 http://www.foood.com.cn吃心望想 - 热爱厨房,品味美食,享受生活http://bambooling.yculblog.com/archive.html[@more@] ...

2007-11-21 16:22:23 237

转载 基于用户体验的性能测试

(一)基于用户体验的性能测试-创建下降曲线(二)基于用户体验的性能测试-单用户区域(三)基于用户体验的性能测试-性能屈服期[@more@] ...

2007-11-15 14:01:01 200

转载 下一道彩虹 - AppFuse 开源大杂会

下一道彩虹 - AppFuse使用AppFuse 快速构建J2EE 应用使用AppFuse 的七个理由Raible's Wiki: AppFuseNabble - AppFuse forumThe CRUD framework ...

2007-11-13 09:40:30 84



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