Web Dynpro For Java的部署是需要通过SDM服务才能完成。此次部署中遇到以下问题:
Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as provided in the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool.
问题原因:SDM密码与Secure Store的相关设置密码不一致。
解决方法:1. 修改SDM密码
1.1. We have to stop the SDM first, to do that
/usr/sap///SDM/program/sh StopServer.sh # to stop SDM
2.1. /usr/sap///SDM/program/sdm.sh jstartup mode=standalone
3.1. /usr/sap///SDM/program/sdm.sh changepassword sdmhome=/usr/sap///SDM/program newpassword=
4.1. /usr/sap///SDM/program/sdm.sh jstartup mode=integrated
5.1. Now start the SDM, to do that
/usr/sap///SDM/program/sh StartServer.sh # to start SDM
2. 设置Secure Store
cd /usr/sap///j2ee/configtool/
run configtool.sh 进入Config tool,点击Secure Store,将参数admin/password/的值改为修改后的SDM值,保存(File-->Apply)
3. 重启SDM服务
cd /usr/sap///SDM/program/
run StopServer.sh 然后Run StartServer.sh
4. SAP中将admin/user/用户的密码也设置为SDM的值。
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/22464099/viewspace-676033/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。