Albany girls be less than perfect at buzzer

By Ed WeaverSYRACUSE To upset New York State toprated team on saturday, Albany High had to just make some turnovers, Play tough protection in the halfcourt, Battle CiceroNorth Syracuse the particular backboards, Limit the Dwayne Bowe Jersey shot total of Allstate guard Sarah Bowles and fire well early.

guess what, Four out of five ain bad characteristically, well.

The Falcons made one of 15 firstquarter shots, Were 5of31 in the first half and fell into a big hole from which they nearly climbed out before suffering a tearful, 5149 difficulties.

The stats sheet showed CNS was guilty of 24 turnovers Albany forced several of them the Falcons outrebounded the Northstars, 3534

Bowles could get off just seven shots she made five and scored 16 points and the Falcons defense, In the second half, around. the poor shooting early, Though forced them to foul in the late going and effects were devastating.

CiceroNS senior guard Abbey Timpano made Dwayne Bowe Jersey Ebay all 10 of her free throws in the final stanza and Bowles went 4for4 to keep Albany at bay. A miss every now and then, And the Falcons should be playing next weekend.

Missed many shots, Said Albany star protect Emia WillinghamHurst, Who led the Falcons with 14 pts but shot only 7for21.

Just weren going in we had some very nice shots, Cara Waterston, Who leaped 3of14. Fellow in advance Mylah Chandler made two of 10. If she had made just a second of those

Lot of us had a lot of probabilities that we didn cash in on; That part of what makes Dwayne Bowe Black Jersey this such and emotional loss, Waterston discussed. this foul count, We had many things that we could have done to get this game in our favor.

Her style. tailed off.

After sliding behind 122, The Falcons outplayed the 211 Northstars over the last 28 minutes and outscored them 4437 but they couldn overcome the poor shooting, thousands of felt.

even so, Albany coach Decky Lawson said it wasn just the Falcons poor shooting and less than ideal shot spread.

Played terribly, We didn sincerely move the ball in the first half, he was quoted saying. Girls were settling some more. I wasn content with all of it. We usually work the ball far better that. We were a bit of shellshocked early.

Weren making our shots and we weren component in our game and we weren getting any calls, WillinghamHurst had said. We could have got it (the lead), The game can have been ours.

Still felt confident we could come back in the ballgame, Decker considered. Time we have close, We kept them for foul line. It tough Nike Dwayne Bowe Jersey come back on a team that shoots such as large part on the foul line (The Northstars becoming 19 of 27) And keep them on the foul line.

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NTRU加解密算法是一种非对称加密算法,其名称源于发明者的名字:Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher 和 Joseph Silverman所在的大学:University of New York at Albany。NTRU加解密算法的安全性基于格论(lattice theory)的难题,具有与RSA和ECC相当的安全性。NTRU加解密算法的加密速度快,密钥长度短,因此适用于一些对加密速度要求较高的场合。 NTRU加解密算法的加密过程如下: 1. 密钥生成:生成公钥和私钥。选择两个整数p和q(p和q都是素数),使得p和q之积大于需要加密的信息的长度,并且p和q之差也要足够大。选择一个整数N,使得N的大小与p和q的大小相当。选择一个整数d,使得d和p、q互质。选择两个多项式f和g,它们的系数来自于整数模N。计算多项式h=f/g模p,然后计算多项式F=(h^d)模q。公钥为(N,F),私钥为(p,q,f,d)。 2. 加密:将需要加密的信息表示为一个多项式m,多项式m的系数来自于整数模N。选择一个随机多项式r,多项式r的系数来自于整数模N。计算多项式e=(rxF+m)模q,并将多项式e转换为字节数组。 3. 解密:将密文e转换为多项式,并计算多项式c=(e/f)模p。计算多项式M=(c^d)模q,并将多项式M转换为字节数组,即为解密后的信息。 NTRU加解密算法的安全性基于格论中的“最短向量问题”(shortest vector problem,SVP)和“最近平面问题”(closest plane problem,CVP)。在使用NTRU加解密算法时,需要注意选择合适的参数,否则会影响加密算法的安全性和效率。


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