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详细资料请见vmware server 2.0用户文档中的“Configuring Clustering on Windows Hosts”部分,现摘录相关部分如下:

Using SCSI Reservation to Share Virtual SCSI Disks

You can share preallocated virtual SCSI disks among multiple virtual machines

running on the same host. When a virtual disk is shared, all virtual machines using the

disk must use the SCSI reservation protocol so that they can write to the disk


You must install clustering software on each virtual machine that shares a SCSI disk.

Enabling SCSI reservation does not automatically make the virtual machine a

participant in the SCSI reservation protocol.

The following sections describe how to use SCSI reservation to share virtual disks

among multiple virtual machines.

SCSI Reservation Prerequisites and Restrictions(注意事项)

The use of SCSI reservation is restricted as follows:

? You can enable SCSI reservation only for virtual SCSI disks. You cannot enable

SCSI reservation for a disk that is configured as a passthrough (generic) SCSI

device. (虚拟SCSI磁盘)

? VMware Server supports SCSI reservation only with preallocated virtual disks.

When you create a new virtual machine, or add a new virtual disk to an existing

virtual machine, configure a preallocated virtual disk when using SCSI

reservation. Support for SCSI reservation with growable virtual disks is not

supported. (预先分配空间)

? Disks using SCSI reservation can be shared only among virtual machines running

on the same VMware Server host. If you try to share a disk among virtual machines

located on different hosts, data loss or corruption is likely. The shared disk or disks

can be located in any valid datastore. (同一台主机)

? Do not share a disk on the boot disk, typically SCSI bus 0. Instead, use SCSI

reservation on a data disk located on a different bus. If you share the boot disk, you

run the risk of corrupting it, because the boot program is not aware that the disk is

being shared and can write to the disk regardless of whether or not it is being

shared. (不能共享磁盘在BUS 0

? A virtual SCSI disk can be stored on any type of physical hard disk, including IDE,

SCSI, and SATA physical disks.

? If one virtual machine does not have SCSI reservation enabled for its virtual disk,

but another virtual machine does have SCSI reservation enabled for the same

virtual disk, VMware Server still allows the disk to be shared. However, the virtual

machine that is not configured for SCSI reservation can access the shared disk

concurrently, potentially causing data loss or corruption.

? VMware Server virtual machines currently support only the SCSI2 disk

reservation protocol, and not applications using SCSI3 disk reservations.

Enabling SCSI Reservation

SCSI reservation must be enabled in each virtual machine before you can share virtual


VMware recommends that you configure shared virtual disks on the same SCSI bus,

which must be a different bus from the one that the guest operating system uses. For

example, if your guest operating system is on the scsi0 bus, configure the shared disks

on the next available bus, typically the scsi1 bus.(建议所有共享虚拟磁盘使用同一个SCSI总线)

To enable SCSI reservation in a virtual machine(步骤)

1 Make sure that the virtual machine is powered off.

2 Set the scsi.sharedBus parameter (where is the number of the SCSI bus

being shared) to virtual in the virtual machine configuration file, as described in

“Changing Virtual Machine Advanced Settings” on page 127.

For example, to enable SCSI reservation for devices on the scsi1 bus, set

scsi1.sharedBus to virtual. This allows the whole bus to be shared.

If you do not want to share the whole bus, you can selectively allow SCSI

reservation for a specific SCSI disk on the shared bus. For example, if you want to

share a SCSI disk located at scsi1:1, set scsi1:1.shared to true. You must

specify the same SCSI target (in this example, scsi1:1) in the configuration file for

each virtual machine that shares the disk. If SCSI reservation is enabled for the

whole bus (that is, scsi1.sharedBus is set to virtual), this setting is ignored.

3 Set the disk.locking parameter to false in the virtual machine configuration


Because disk locking is disabled, multiple virtual machines can access the shared

disk concurrently.


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