
// Patch 20485724 - Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (Apr2015) 安装过程

使用opatchauto将12. RAC(含ACFS)升级至最新PSU的过程:

su - oracle
cd /opatch/""
unzip p6880880_121010_AIX64-5L.zip -d $ORACLE_HOME

OPatchauto  version:                                          <--- apply psu要求使用12.及以上版本的opatch,否则会报一些莫名奇妙的错误
OPlan       version:
OsysModel build: Wed Jul 01 06:20:29 PDT 2015

opatchauto succeeded.


###创建OCM response file

如果没有创建过的话可以参考 966023.1
su - oracle
cd $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin

-rlt ocm.rsp
-rw-r--r--    1 oracle   oinstall        623 Aug 07 12:34 ocm.rsp

cp ocm.rsp /home/oracle/ocm.rsp

###保存oracle和grid用户的opatch lsinventory输出,确保命令输出最后一行是"OPatch succeeded"

su - oracle
opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $ORACLE_HOME > /home/oracle/opatch_oracle.0707

su - grid

opatch lsinventory -detail -oh $ORACLE_HOME > /home/grid/opatch_grid.0707



su - grid
cd "/opatch/"
unzip p20485724_121020_AIX64-5L.zip

###检测是否存在patch conflict, root用户执行,两个节点都要执行

cd "/opatch/"
opatchauto apply 20485724 -analyze -ocmrf /home/oracle/ocm.rsp

OPatch Automation Tool
Copyright (c)2014, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

OPatchauto Version :
OUI Version        :
Running from       : /oracle/app/grid/product/

opatchauto log file: /oracle/app/grid/product/

NOTE: opatchauto is running in ANALYZE mode. There will be no change to your system.

OCM RSP file has been ignored in analyze mode.

Parameter Validation: Successful

Could not generate patching steps for the following databases as they do not run from the current host.
        Database Name:
        Oracle Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1
        Host:  qc550705 qc550707
To generate the patching steps for the above databases, execute it on host where the databases are running.
Configuration Validation: Successful

Patch Location: 20485724
Grid Infrastructure Patch(es): 19872484 20299018 20299022 20299023
DB Patch(es): 20299022 20299023

Patch Validation: Successful
Grid Infrastructure home:
DB home(s):

Analyzing patch(es) on "/oracle/app/oracle/product/" ...
Patch "20485724/20299022" successfully analyzed on "/oracle/app/oracle/product/" for apply.
Patch "20485724/20299023" successfully analyzed on "/oracle/app/oracle/product/" for apply.

Analyzing patch(es) on "/oracle/app/grid/product/" ...
Patch "20485724/19872484" successfully analyzed on "/oracle/app/grid/product/" for apply.
Patch "20485724/20299018" successfully analyzed on "/oracle/app/grid/product/" for apply.
Patch "20485724/20299022" successfully analyzed on "/oracle/app/grid/product/" for apply.
Patch "20485724/20299023" successfully analyzed on "/oracle/app/grid/product/" for apply.

SQL changes, if any, are analyzed successfully on the following database(s): cdb550

Apply Summary:
Following patch(es) are successfully analyzed:
GI Home: /oracle/app/grid/product/ 19872484,20299018,20299022,20299023
DB Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/ 20299022,20299023

opatchauto succeeded.


root@qc550705:/>crsctl status res -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details
Local Resources
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 Volume device /dev/a
                                                             sm/acfsvol1-48 is on
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 Volume device /dev/a
                                                             sm/acfsvol1-48 is on
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 Volume device /dev/a
                                                             sm/acfsvol3-48 is on
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 Volume device /dev/a
                                                             sm/acfsvol3-48 is on
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 Volume device /dev/a
                                                             sm/acfsvol_std1-48 i
                                                             s online,STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 mounted on /acfs1,ST
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      qc550707                 volume /acfs1 offlin
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 mounted on /acfs3,ST
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      qc550707                 volume /acfs3 offlin
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707       ,STABL
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      2        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      2        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               volume /acfsstd1 off
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
      2        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 Started,STABLE
      3        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      2        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 Open,STABLE
      2        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 Open,STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 Open,STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550705                 STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       qc550707                 STABLE

下列步骤适用于grid home & db home not shared,使用了ACFS的情况下,Patching Oracle RAC Database Homes and the GI Home Together

For each node, perform the following steps:

---(1) .On the local node, unmount the ACFS file systems.(下述所有命令都用root执行)
crsctl stat res -w "TYPE = ora.acfs.type" -p | grep VOLUME

srvctl stop filesystem -d /dev/asm/acfsvol1-48 -n qc550705
srvctl stop filesystem -d /dev/asm/acfsvol1-48 -n qc550707
srvctl stop filesystem -d /dev/asm/acfsvol3-48 -n qc550705
srvctl stop filesystem -d /dev/asm/acfsvol3-48 -n qc550707
srvctl stop filesystem -d /dev/asm/acfsvol_std1-48 -n qc550707

**If the ACFS file system is not used for Oracle Database software and is registered in the ACFS registry, perform the following steps

/sbin/acfsutil registry
/bin/umount XX

/sbin/acfsutil info fs
acfsutil info fs: ACFS-03036: no mounted ACFS file systems   <--显示这行才OK,继续下面的步骤

---(2).On the local node, apply the patch to the GI home and to the Database home.

As root user, execute the following command:

cd "/opatch/"
opatchauto apply 20485724 -ocmrf /home/oracle/ocm.rsp
OPatch Automation Tool
Copyright (c)2014, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

OPatchauto Version :
OUI Version        :
Running from       : /oracle/app/grid/product/

opatchauto log file: /oracle/app/grid/product/

Parameter Validation: Successful

Could not generate patching steps for the following databases as they do not run from the current host.
        Database Name:
        Oracle Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1
        Host:  qc550705 qc550707
To generate the patching steps for the above databases, execute it on host where the databases are running.
Configuration Validation: Successful

Patch Location: 20485724
Grid Infrastructure Patch(es): 19872484 20299018 20299022 20299023
DB Patch(es): 20299022 20299023

Patch Validation: Successful
Grid Infrastructure home:
DB home(s):

Performing prepatch operations on CRS Home... Failed
Command "/oracle/app/grid/product/ -I/oracle/app/grid/product/ -I/oracle/app/grid/product/ /oracle/app/grid/product/ -prepatch" execution failed:
Died at /oracle/app/grid/product/ line 773.

For more details, please refer to the log file "/oracle/app/grid/product/".

Apply Summary:

Following patch(es) failed to be installed:
GI Home: /oracle/app/grid/product/ 19872484,20299018,20299022,20299023
DB Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/ 20299022,20299023
Command failure exception

opatchauto failed with error code 2.

上述报错在MOS 1943498.1里找到了解决方法:

crsctl stop rollingpatch   <---禁止rolling patch方式

root@qc550705:/>crsctl stop rollingpatch  <-----有报错不用理会
CRS-1169: The cluster is consistent and the cluster active patch level is [0].
CRS-4000: Command Stop failed, or completed with errors.

再次apply patch

cd "/opatch/"
opatchauto apply 20485724 -ocmrf /oracle/app/oracle/product/

OPatch Automation Tool
Copyright (c)2014, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

OPatchauto Version :
OUI Version        :
Running from       : /oracle/app/grid/product/

opatchauto log file: /oracle/app/grid/product/

Parameter Validation: Successful

Could not generate patching steps for the following databases as they do not run from the current host.
        Database Name:
        Oracle Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1
        Host:  qc550705 qc550707
To generate the patching steps for the above databases, execute it on host where the databases are running.
Configuration Validation: Successful

Patch Location: 20485724
Grid Infrastructure Patch(es): 19872484 20299018 20299022 20299023
DB Patch(es): 20299022 20299023

Patch Validation: Successful
Grid Infrastructure home:
DB home(s):

Performing prepatch operations on CRS Home... Successful

Applying patch(es) to "/oracle/app/oracle/product/" ...

Patch "20485724/20299022" applied to "/oracle/app/oracle/product/" with warning.
Patch "20485724/20299023" applied to "/oracle/app/oracle/product/" with warning.

Applying patch(es) to "/oracle/app/grid/product/" ...

Patch "20485724/19872484" applied to "/oracle/app/grid/product/" with warning.
Patch "20485724/20299018" applied to "/oracle/app/grid/product/" with warning.
Patch "20485724/20299022" applied to "/oracle/app/grid/product/" with warning.
Patch "20485724/20299023" applied to "/oracle/app/grid/product/" with warning.



Performing postpatch operations on CRS Home... Failed
Command "/oracle/app/grid/product/ -I/oracle/app/grid/product/ -I/oracle/app/grid/product/ /oracle/app/grid/product/ -postpatch" execution failed:
Died at /oracle/app/grid/product/ line 988.

For more details, please refer to the log file "/oracle/app/grid/product/".

Apply Summary:
Following patch(es) are successfully installed:
DB Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/

opatchauto ran into some warnings during patch installation (Please see log file for details):
GI Home: /oracle/app/grid/product/ 19872484,20299018,20299022,20299023
DB Home: /oracle/app/oracle/product/ 20299022,20299023
Command failure exception

opatchauto failed with error code 2.


mkdir /oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/sqlpatch_9109634_2015_09_01_16_40_56: The file access permissions do not
 allow the specified action. at /oracle/app/grid/product/ line 466
2015/09/01 16:40:56 CLSRSC-488: Patching the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository database failed.

给grid用户赋予在/oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/目录下建目录的权限后,使用opatchauto resume继续刚才的postpatch步骤

opatchauto resume   <---opatchauto的断点续做功能相当的方便

OPatch Automation Tool
Copyright (c)2014, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

OPatchauto Version :
OUI Version        :
Running from       : /oracle/app/grid/product/

OPatchauto will attempt to resume the last run session. This might take several minutes...

opatchauto log file: /oracle/app/grid/product/

Executing command:
/oracle/app/grid/product/ -I/oracle/app/grid/product/ -I/oracle/app/grid/product/ /oracle/app/grid/product/ -postpatch
 as owner "root"
... above command successful.

Executing command:
echo "DECLARE l_count NUMBER(4) :=0; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_count FROM CDB_PDBS; IF l_count >1 then EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter pluggable database ALL DISCARD STATE'; END IF; commit; END;" > /tmp/OraDB12Home2_oracle.sql
 as owner "oracle"
... above command successful.

Executing command:
/bin/bash -c 'ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/ ORACLE_SID=cdb5501 /oracle/app/oracle/product/'
 as owner "oracle"
... above command successful.

OPatchauto was able to resume from the previous patching session and complete successfully.


<<<< DB patchifo >>>>
oracle@qc550705:/home/oracle>opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /oracle/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /oracle/app/oraInventory
   from           : /oracle/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /oracle/app/oracle/product/

Lsinventory Output file location : /oracle/app/oracle/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: qc550705
ARU platform id: 212
ARU platform description:: IBM_AIX

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 12c                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch  20299023     : applied on Tue Sep 01 16:03:23 GMT+08:00 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18697840
Patch description:  "Database Patch Set Update : (20299023)"
   Created on 17 Mar 2015, 07:39:38 hrs PST8PDT
Sub-patch  19769480; "Database Patch Set Update : (19769480)"
   Bugs fixed:
     19524384, 16359751, 19149990, 19054077, 19124589, 19644859, 19385656
     19176326, 18610915, 17274537, 19174942, 19390567, 18618122, 18948177
     20074391, 19309466, 19597583, 19035573, 18674047, 18456643, 19018447
     19536415, 19018206, 18436647, 18354830, 19028800, 19048007, 19174430
     19430401, 19044962, 19189525, 19684504, 18964939, 19670108, 19280225
     20235511, 19512341, 19706965, 19501299, 19723336, 19143550, 19176223
     19303936, 19195895, 19012119, 18967382, 19708632, 19619732, 18849537
     19134173, 19304354, 18202441, 20440930, 19468347, 19873610, 19439759
     19440586, 19001359, 19065677, 19052488, 19065556, 19074147, 19382851
     19676905, 20425790, 19915271, 19978542, 18607546, 19329654, 19577410
     18856999, 19016730, 19197175, 19896336, 19291380, 19487147, 16870214
     19371175, 19841800, 18952989, 19791377, 19155797, 19023822, 19189317
     19185876, 19081128, 17835294, 19649152, 19627012, 19409212, 19518079
     19279273, 18885870, 14643995, 18940497, 18921743, 18990693, 18681056
     18964978, 19532017, 18288842, 19076343, 19075256, 19561643, 19183343
     19658708, 18791688, 19434529, 19024808, 19050649, 20347562, 18909599
     19606174, 20348653, 19238590, 19637186, 19058490, 19865345, 19022470
     19928926, 19068970, 19067244, 19289642, 19248799, 19068610, 19157754
     19335438, 18250893, 19520602, 19174521, 19597439, 19730508, 19769480
     18417036, 19001390, 20284155, 19805359, 18845653, 18306996, 18674024
     18988834, 19687159, 19154375, 19178851, 19358317, 19393542, 19077215
     19180770, 19272708, 19547370, 16619249, 19315691

Patch  20299022     : applied on Tue Sep 01 16:02:40 GMT+08:00 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18592321
Patch description:  "OCW Patch Set Update : (20299022)"
   Created on 8 Apr 2015, 08:47:24 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     18589889, 19139608, 19280860, 19061429, 19133945, 19341538, 18946768
     19135521, 19361757, 19187207, 19302350, 19130141, 19530755, 19699720
     19168690, 19266658, 18899171, 19244316, 19653795, 18330979, 19471722
     18634372, 19027351, 18707416, 19184188, 19131709, 20235486, 19925992
     20006646, 18991776, 18439295, 19380733, 18943696, 19550195, 18135723
     19163425, 20014326, 19524857, 18849021, 18890943, 18861196, 19154753
     17940721, 19522313, 18748932, 18835283, 19184765, 19499021, 19046190
     19051385, 19682695, 19050688, 19831611, 19226141, 19053891, 18871287
     18998228, 18922918, 18980002, 19683886, 18956780, 18777835, 19026993
     17338864, 18261648, 19513650, 19702758, 18952577, 17447588, 19414274
     20752167, 19262534, 19147513, 19473088, 19178517, 19529729, 19455563
     19319904, 18703978, 20340620, 18536826, 19703246, 19292605, 19192901
     20660273, 20011635, 19479503, 19029647, 19179158, 18901356, 19140712
     18964974, 18835366, 19184276, 19013789, 19207286, 20510208, 20001507
     18950232, 20079414, 19680763, 19259765, 19148791, 19556820, 19449737
     18962892, 19187515, 19513888, 19230771, 19853036, 19453778, 19551830
     19068333, 18520351, 18843572, 19185148, 18945435, 19232454, 18541110
     18834955, 19319192, 19204743, 19178629, 19304104, 19140891, 19270660
     19457575, 19021575, 19069755, 18715884, 19584688, 18798573, 19812592
     19018001, 19325701, 19292272, 19270956, 19222693, 18700893, 19662663
     18406774, 19010177, 18910576, 18907170, 19700294, 19164099, 19331454
     18955644, 18508710, 18798432, 19146822, 19589221, 19537762, 16286734
     18762843, 19045143, 18945249, 19146980, 19184799, 19205086, 20091753
     18862203, 19537547, 19281106, 19031737, 19079087, 18968981, 19148367
     19150517, 20231741, 19217019, 18730096, 18975620, 19205617, 19513351
     18843054, 19150313, 18708349, 18953639, 19067804, 19371270, 19203996
     20038431, 19054979, 19209951, 19318983, 19154673, 18752378, 19150088
     19013444, 19234177, 18998379, 20157569, 18999857, 19273577, 19075747
     19367276, 19632437, 19612597, 19874047, 19288396, 18990354, 19557558
     19427050, 19127078, 18910443, 20053557, 20033787, 19315567, 19148982
     18290252, 18813323, 19777496, 19500293, 18643483, 19277814, 18523468
     19134098, 19071526, 18965694, 19226858, 18850051, 19602208, 20061168
     18417590, 19370739, 18920408, 19609388, 18636884, 18776786, 18989446
     19148793, 19043795, 19585454, 19955755, 18317489, 18260170, 18919682
     19807548, 18678829, 19124972, 19147509, 18849896, 18910748, 19273758
     18953878, 19076165, 19704993, 18999195, 19498411, 18759724, 19459023
     20276459, 19066844, 17208793, 19234907, 13843841, 19538714, 19383028
     19649640, 19062675, 19513969, 18859710, 19504641, 19341481, 20293730
     19986391, 18304090, 19343245, 19314048, 18834934, 19473851, 19241655
     18242738, 19458082, 19470791, 18894342, 18372060, 19522067, 18953889
     18827679, 19259290, 19140711, 19023430, 19045388, 19241857, 19076778
     19522571, 18875012, 18861564, 19066699, 19273760, 19225265, 18819158
     19068003, 18937186, 19049721, 19368917, 19635215, 18868829, 19141785
     19885321, 19163887, 19820247, 18715868, 18852058, 19538241, 19804032


Rac system comprising of multiple nodes
  Local node = qc550705
  Remote node = qc550707


OPatch succeeded.

<<<< GRID patchifo >>>>

grid@qc550705:/home/grid>opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /oracle/app/grid/product/
Central Inventory : /oracle/app/oraInventory
   from           : /oracle/app/grid/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /oracle/app/grid/product/

Lsinventory Output file location : /oracle/app/grid/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: qc550705
ARU platform id: 212
ARU platform description:: IBM_AIX

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c                             
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (4) :

Patch  20299023     : applied on Tue Sep 01 16:26:51 GMT+08:00 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18697840
Patch description:  "Database Patch Set Update : (20299023)"
   Created on 17 Mar 2015, 07:39:38 hrs PST8PDT
Sub-patch  19769480; "Database Patch Set Update : (19769480)"
   Bugs fixed:
     19524384, 16359751, 19149990, 19054077, 19124589, 19644859, 19385656
     19176326, 18610915, 17274537, 19174942, 19390567, 18618122, 18948177
     20074391, 19309466, 19597583, 19035573, 18674047, 18456643, 19018447
     19536415, 19018206, 18436647, 18354830, 19028800, 19048007, 19174430
     19430401, 19044962, 19189525, 19684504, 18964939, 19670108, 19280225
     20235511, 19512341, 19706965, 19501299, 19723336, 19143550, 19176223
     19303936, 19195895, 19012119, 18967382, 19708632, 19619732, 18849537
     19134173, 19304354, 18202441, 20440930, 19468347, 19873610, 19439759
     19440586, 19001359, 19065677, 19052488, 19065556, 19074147, 19382851
     19676905, 20425790, 19915271, 19978542, 18607546, 19329654, 19577410
     18856999, 19016730, 19197175, 19896336, 19291380, 19487147, 16870214
     19371175, 19841800, 18952989, 19791377, 19155797, 19023822, 19189317
     19185876, 19081128, 17835294, 19649152, 19627012, 19409212, 19518079
     19279273, 18885870, 14643995, 18940497, 18921743, 18990693, 18681056
     18964978, 19532017, 18288842, 19076343, 19075256, 19561643, 19183343
     19658708, 18791688, 19434529, 19024808, 19050649, 20347562, 18909599
     19606174, 20348653, 19238590, 19637186, 19058490, 19865345, 19022470
     19928926, 19068970, 19067244, 19289642, 19248799, 19068610, 19157754
     19335438, 18250893, 19520602, 19174521, 19597439, 19730508, 19769480
     18417036, 19001390, 20284155, 19805359, 18845653, 18306996, 18674024
     18988834, 19687159, 19154375, 19178851, 19358317, 19393542, 19077215
     19180770, 19272708, 19547370, 16619249, 19315691

Patch  20299022     : applied on Tue Sep 01 16:18:07 GMT+08:00 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18592321
Patch description:  "OCW Patch Set Update : (20299022)"
   Created on 8 Apr 2015, 08:47:24 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     18589889, 19139608, 19280860, 19061429, 19133945, 19341538, 18946768
     19135521, 19361757, 19187207, 19302350, 19130141, 19530755, 19699720
     19168690, 19266658, 18899171, 19244316, 19653795, 18330979, 19471722
     18634372, 19027351, 18707416, 19184188, 19131709, 20235486, 19925992
     20006646, 18991776, 18439295, 19380733, 18943696, 19550195, 18135723
     19163425, 20014326, 19524857, 18849021, 18890943, 18861196, 19154753
     17940721, 19522313, 18748932, 18835283, 19184765, 19499021, 19046190
     19051385, 19682695, 19050688, 19831611, 19226141, 19053891, 18871287
     18998228, 18922918, 18980002, 19683886, 18956780, 18777835, 19026993
     17338864, 18261648, 19513650, 19702758, 18952577, 17447588, 19414274
     20752167, 19262534, 19147513, 19473088, 19178517, 19529729, 19455563
     19319904, 18703978, 20340620, 18536826, 19703246, 19292605, 19192901
     20660273, 20011635, 19479503, 19029647, 19179158, 18901356, 19140712
     18964974, 18835366, 19184276, 19013789, 19207286, 20510208, 20001507
     18950232, 20079414, 19680763, 19259765, 19148791, 19556820, 19449737
     18962892, 19187515, 19513888, 19230771, 19853036, 19453778, 19551830
     19068333, 18520351, 18843572, 19185148, 18945435, 19232454, 18541110
     18834955, 19319192, 19204743, 19178629, 19304104, 19140891, 19270660
     19457575, 19021575, 19069755, 18715884, 19584688, 18798573, 19812592
     19018001, 19325701, 19292272, 19270956, 19222693, 18700893, 19662663
     18406774, 19010177, 18910576, 18907170, 19700294, 19164099, 19331454
     18955644, 18508710, 18798432, 19146822, 19589221, 19537762, 16286734
     18762843, 19045143, 18945249, 19146980, 19184799, 19205086, 20091753
     18862203, 19537547, 19281106, 19031737, 19079087, 18968981, 19148367
     19150517, 20231741, 19217019, 18730096, 18975620, 19205617, 19513351
     18843054, 19150313, 18708349, 18953639, 19067804, 19371270, 19203996
     20038431, 19054979, 19209951, 19318983, 19154673, 18752378, 19150088
     19013444, 19234177, 18998379, 20157569, 18999857, 19273577, 19075747
     19367276, 19632437, 19612597, 19874047, 19288396, 18990354, 19557558
     19427050, 19127078, 18910443, 20053557, 20033787, 19315567, 19148982
     18290252, 18813323, 19777496, 19500293, 18643483, 19277814, 18523468
     19134098, 19071526, 18965694, 19226858, 18850051, 19602208, 20061168
     18417590, 19370739, 18920408, 19609388, 18636884, 18776786, 18989446
     19148793, 19043795, 19585454, 19955755, 18317489, 18260170, 18919682
     19807548, 18678829, 19124972, 19147509, 18849896, 18910748, 19273758
     18953878, 19076165, 19704993, 18999195, 19498411, 18759724, 19459023
     20276459, 19066844, 17208793, 19234907, 13843841, 19538714, 19383028
     19649640, 19062675, 19513969, 18859710, 19504641, 19341481, 20293730
     19986391, 18304090, 19343245, 19314048, 18834934, 19473851, 19241655
     18242738, 19458082, 19470791, 18894342, 18372060, 19522067, 18953889
     18827679, 19259290, 19140711, 19023430, 19045388, 19241857, 19076778
     19522571, 18875012, 18861564, 19066699, 19273760, 19225265, 18819158
     19068003, 18937186, 19049721, 19368917, 19635215, 18868829, 19141785
     19885321, 19163887, 19820247, 18715868, 18852058, 19538241, 19804032

Patch  20299018     : applied on Tue Sep 01 16:12:55 GMT+08:00 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18592319
Patch description:  "ACFS Patch Set Update : (20299018)"
   Created on 8 Apr 2015, 18:11:07 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     19452723, 19078259, 19919907, 18900953, 20010980, 19127216, 18934139
     19844362, 19335268, 19526234, 18951113, 18899600, 18851012, 19149476
     19517835, 19526283, 19428756, 19183802, 19013966, 19051391, 19690653
     19195735, 19355146, 19001684, 19509898, 19053182, 19644505, 19593769
     19610001, 19475588, 19353057, 18957085, 19279106, 19270227, 19201087
     20098064, 19184398, 19610022, 19901825, 20140148, 19649858, 19450090
     19502657, 19859183, 18321597, 19469788, 19557156, 18877486, 19528981
     18510745, 18915417, 18955907, 19134464, 19060056

Patch  19872484     : applied on Tue Sep 01 16:12:37 GMT+08:00 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18377292
Patch description:  "WLM Patch Set Update: (19872484)"
   Created on 12 Dec 2014, 08:18:20 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     19016964, 19582630

Patch level status of Cluster nodes :

 Patching Level                  Nodes
 --------------                  -----
 0                               qc550707                 <---qc550707还没打
 2733550117                      qc550705

但是别忘了我们之前使用crsctl stop rollingpatch禁用了滚动更新,还要对另一个节点qc550707进行相同的打补丁操作:

su - root
chmod g+w /oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch
crsctl stop rollingpatch
su - oracle
cd /oracle/app/oracle/product/
cp ocm.rsp /home/oracle/
su - root
cd "/opatch/"
opatchauto apply 20485724 -ocmrf /home/oracle/ocm.rsp



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