



官方demo: http://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/how-to.html#sxssf


SXSSFWorkbook defaults to using inline strings instead of a shared strings table. This is very efficient, since no document content needs to be kept in memory, but is also known to produce documents that are incompatible with some clients. With shared strings enabled all unique strings in the document has to be kept in memory. Depending on your document content this could use a lot more resources than with shared strings disabled.

Please note that there are still things that still may consume a large amount of memory based on which features you are using, e.g. merged regions, hyperlinks, comments, ... are still only stored in memory and thus may require a lot of memory if used extensively.

Carefully review your memory budget and compatibility needs before deciding whether to enable shared strings or not.

The example below writes a sheet with a window of 100 rows. When the row count reaches 101, the row with rownum=0 is flushed to disk and removed from memory, when rownum reaches 102 then the row with rownum=1 is flushed, etc.
