物料分类帐不包括 not allocated/未分配 not distributed

一. 库存覆盖范围检查
     CKMLPP-PBPOPO 收据: 期间中后继调整的数量 > 累计库存数量,如果依然想把这部分差异分摊,那么在 CKMVFM里将价格
     Base quantity for stock coverage check, that is cumulated from all operations that result in a value-only posting
without quantity (forexample material debits/credits, subsequent adjustments from invoices or account maintenance). If
no stock coverage is given, the Not Distributed line appears in the material price analysis.
    在CKMLCP的单层价格确定参数里,可以将”不含库存覆盖范围检查的价格确定“勾上。If you set this indicator, then there is
no stock coverage check for single-level price determination.
     fallback strategy:"Automatic Error Correction by the System"
As a solution, you might check the postings of these materials if they really need to have such big negative price
differences or if there is some kind of error in the posting or the production structure. If you find such errors, you might
reverse the corresponding postings and post them in a correct way.
Or, you might use transaction MR22 (debit/credit material) in order to post an appropriate positive amount of differences
to the concerned materials so that the resulting actual price would no longer be negative. This allows to perform. the
period closing regularly. In the next period, you might remove this manual posted value from the materials (again with
MR22) in order to correct the overall stock values back to their original amounts. (如果负差异很大为正常情况,可以考虑
(一) Fallback strategy when price is negative (one-way step)
     It following cases
 a.that the quantity of the "cumulative inventory" is zero,
 b.or that the price determined is negative. For example, because a very large credit is posted into category
"Other receipts/consumption".
     In these cases the system cannot determine a price or it cannot determine an allowed price. The system therefore
must use another calculation line instead of the cumulative inventory. This usage of another calculation line is called
"fallback strategy". In this case you have the following levels:
1. First, the system uses category "Receipts" as the calculation line. In this case the system generates message: C+135.
2. If the price based on the receipt quantity is also negative or if the receipt quantity is zero, the system uses category
"beginning inventory" as the calculation line. In this case the system generates message: C+138.
3. If the price based on the beginning inventory is also negative or if the beginning inventory quantity is zero, the system
uses the periodic unit price of the previous period as the new price. In this case the system generates message: C+136.
4. If the material for the previous period did not yet have any periodic unit price, the system uses the standard price of
the current period as the new periodic unit price. In this case the system generates message: C+137.
(二)Fallback strategy when price is negative (cycle)
The system issues error message C+723 and uses a fallback strategy.
Here the following messages can be generated:
           Cycle &1 will be recosted with the reduced actual BOM
If the price of a material that is in a cycle becomes negative, the fallback strategy described above cannot be carried out.
As an automatic fallback solution, all input materials that are also cycle materials are ignored.
(三)Fallback strategy when value exceeds threshold (for one-way step)
Here the following messages can be generated:
           Step &1: Packet & 2 is first costed with the actual BOM 
           Step &1: Packet & 2 costed again with a reduced BOM 
           Multilevel price determination with a reduced actual BOM
(四)Fallback strategy when value exceeds threshold (for cycle)
Here the following messages can be generated:
           Step &1: Packet & 2 is first costed with the actual BOM 
           Step &1: Packet & 2 costed again with a reduced BOM 
           Multilevel price determination with a reduced actual BOM
(五)Fallback strategy when cycle does not converge
Here the following messages can be generated:
           Cycle &1 broken off after &2 repititions 
           Input material & 1 will be removed for the iteration (process &2)
三. 执行了CKMM.
When transaction CKMM is processed the system deletes the price differences for the material in the period and these
differences are not longer in the period record tables. CKMM会将差异删除,这些差异将不再被记录到物料分类帐记帐表里,
The fact is that the price differences are still visible in CKM3 (as not distributed). This is due to the missing reset of
summarization records (MLCD).
This error is just a problem of CKM3 display, because the differences shown as 'not distributed' do not exist in the periodic
records. The PUPof the material is calculated correctly.
See note 384553 for further details.(46C)
The error is solved with note 838989:
(Hotpackage   46C          SAPKH46C51
              470          SAPKH47025
              500          SAPKH50010
              600          SAPKH60001).
四. 价格修改结果 (LTPC).
In transaction CKM3 when a subsequent price change (LTPC) is carried out, the preliminary valuation and all differences
are rescaled at category level. Additionally, the corresponding lines for price change documents are sorted and flagged
with the text "Subsequent price change".
If  a late price change is run with transaction MR21 and there were not a previous reversal of the consumptions already
posted in the period, these documents cannot be rescaled by transaction MR21.
Therefore transaction CKM3 will show a "Not distributed line" although the PRDs are rescaled correctly. This is then a
display side-effect in CKM3.

Price differences are assigned to consumption through material price determination. If these differences are not entered into a multilevel price determination or multilevel price determination has not yet taken place, these price differences appear in the material price analysis under Consumption/not allocated.
订单未收货 (有输入和输出物料的业务才能将多层差异分配出去)
4.7以后 激活Financials Extensions CKMLCP里就有消耗重估了 (物料转为费用的那部分差异分配出去)
C)WIP 重估没有运行
·        The material ledger is active.
·        Actual Costing is active. This enables you to revaluate WIP materials at actual prices.
·        To be able to revaluate WIP activities at actual prices in ML instead of in OBJ, the following setting must be made:
In Customizing under Controlling ? Product Cost Controlling ? Actual Costing/Material Ledger ? Actual Costing ? Activate
Actual Costing, set the activity update indicator to 2 (Activity Update Relevant to Price Determination).
·        Activating WIP Revaluation

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