物料帐中Not included/not allocated and not distributed,来源分析

Not included/not allocated and not distributed in ML[@more@]

You would like to have further details about possible reasons which cause 'Not distributed' and 'Not included' variances.

Other terms

ACTCONS CNACT 'Not distributed' 'Not allocated' 'Not included'

Reason and Prerequisites

The 'Not distributed' differences are variances posted to the material during periodic transactions which are not carried to line 'cumulative inventory' and therefore not considered to calculate Periodic Unit Price.
In transaction CKM3 they are shown in an own line above 'cumulative inventory' line.
The 'Not included' or 'Not allocated' variances are variances rolled from 'cumulative inventory' line to category 'consumption' which are not rolled further to the single-level or multi-level consumption alternatives.
In transaction CKM3 these differences appear in an own line below category 'consumption' line.


**'Not distributed' price differences can be due to four reasons:

A) System applied a 'Price limiter' logic (stock coverage check).
You can analyse this case using the value flow monitor transaction:
- for release 4.7 , transaction CKMVFM
- for release 4.6C, program SAPRCKM_VERIFY_PRICE_DET (note 324754 is required).
- for release < 4.6C: Program ZVERIFY_PRICE_DET (included in the note 324754) Or directly checking the field CKMLPP-PBPOPO manually.
In this case the value CKMLPP-PBPOPO is bigger than cumulative inventory.
If you still want these price differences to be distributed , you can switch off price limiter logic. Then all price differences are posted to stock, and the price difference account is cleared. You should decide for each material if you want to switch off price limiter logic or not. So you can achieve a compromise between realistic prices and clearing the balance of the price different account.
Price limiter logic can be switched off in the following way:
* Resetting the price limiter quantity:
In release 4.7 this is done using transaction CKMVFM.
In release <= 46C using the program ZREMOVE_PRICE_LIMITER (see note 325406).
* Note 855387: Application of this note will create an additional selection parameter for step 'Single Level Price Determination' to switch on/off price limiter logic.
This option is the better way, as it simplifies the process and provides more flexibility (see the note for more information).

B) System applied a fallback strategy during price determination (see note 579216) to avoid a negative periodic unit price (PUP).
Please check the attached note 579216: If the regularly calculated PUP (based on 'Cumulative Inventory' line) would become negative, the system uses a different strategy to calculate the PUP:
The PUP is calculated with these priorities:
1. 'Cumulative Inventory' line (no fallback)
2. Receipts ('ZU') line (Info message C+ 135 in the log)
3. Beginning inventory ('AB') line (Info message C+ 138 in the log)
4. PUP-price of previous period (Info message C+ 136 in the log)
5. S-price (Info message C+ 137 in the log).
The fallback strategy is active by default for Single-Level price determination.
For multilevel price determination it must be activated with parameter 'Negative price: automatic error management'.

As a solution, you might check the postings of these materials if they really need to have such big negative price differences or if there is some kind of error in the posting or the production structure

If you find such errors, you might reverse the corresponding postings and post them in a correct way.
Or, you might use transaction MR22 (debit/credit material) in order to post an appropriate positive amount of differences to the concerned materials so that the resulting actual price would no longer be negative. This allows to perform the period closing regularly. In the next period, you might remove this manual posted value from the materials (again with MR22) in order to correct the overall stock values back to their original amounts.

C) Execution of transaction CKMM.
The above situation may be produced because transaction CKMM was executed during the corresponding period.
When transaction CKMM is processed the system deletes the price differences for the material in the period and these differences are not longer in the period record tables.
See note 384553 for further details.
The fact is that the price differences are still visible in CKM3 (as not distributed). This is due to the missing reset of summarization records (MLCD).
This error is just a problem of CKM3 display, because the differences shown as 'not distributed' do not exist in the periodic records. The PUPof the material is calculated correctly.
The error is solved with note 838989:
(Hotpackage 46C SAPKH46C51
470 SAPKH47025
500 SAPKH50010
600 SAPKH60001).

D) A subsequent price change (LTPC).
In transaction CKM3 when a subsequent price change (LTPC) is carried out, the preliminary valuation and all differences are rescaled at category level. Additionally, the corresponding lines for price change documents are sorted and flagged with the text "Subsequent price change".
If a late price change is run with transaction MR21 and there were not a previous reversal of the consumptions already posted in the period, these documents cannot be rescaled by transaction MR21.
Therefore transaction CKM3 will show a "Not distributed line" although the PRDs are rescaled correctly. This is then a display side-effect in CKM3.

**'Not included' or 'Not allocated' price differences:

A) The material has multilevel consumption alternatives (processes).

Possible causes:

- Multilevel price determination was not carried out yet.

- Not all subsequent materials were processed by multilevel price determination. If multilevel step has not been carried out (or resulted in an error etc.) the price differences remain on the input material in the 'not allocated' line.
You can verify the Actual BOM for all consumption processes to find all output materials. You should check the status for multilevel in all output materials

- the multi level document of one subsequent material is obsolet, because it is older than the single level or multi level document of the input material.
You can check this by comparing the time stamps in the documents' header data.
This situation occurs when the input material was reprocessed by single level and/or multi level price determination, but not all depending subsequent materials were reprocessed.
To avoid such error SAP recommends to run multi level price determination generally with the option: 'materials already processed: process again'.

- For some consumption processes there was no goods receipt of the output material in the period. In this case the price differences can not be rolled up by multi level price determination. They remain as 'not included' ('not allocated') at the input material.

- For some consumption processes, that have different output materials (joint production) for one of the joint products (the materials that receive costs according to the apportionment structure) the goods receipt has not been posted yet. In this case the differences to be allocated to this joint product remain as 'not included' ('not allocated') at the input material

- One output was calculated with reduced BOM. Typically this happens if input and output material are part of a cycle, and this cycle was cut off because it didn't converge. In this case the price differences of the input were not rolled-up along the cycle connections and therefore remain on the input material. To verify if this case applies check the multi level document of the output material. There must be a red light in the item line of the input material to indicate that no price differences have been rolled up. In the header data of the multi level document you can see the cycle number. Furthermore in the log of multi-level price determination there may be a message 'Cycle * cut off after * iterations'.

B) Material has Single level consumption alternatives

- For release 4.7 or higher, the step 'Revaluation of consumption' was not carried out. (This step is only available with Financials Extensions).

- For releases < = 4.6C.
The variances for single level consumption alternatives remain always as 'Not included'. In the standard there is no functionality to revaluate Single level consumption movements. Program ZSAPRCKML_COGS revaluates single level consumption movements but it does not create a Material Ledger document,therefore its postings are invisible in CKM3. So even after execution of program ZSAPRCKML_COGS the price differences posted by it are shown as, 'Not Included' in CKM3. Please see the note 722076 for more information.

C) The material has consumption to folder 'WIP Production' and the step 'WIP Revaluation' has not been carried out yet. (This case applies only if the functionality 'WIP Revaluation' is used.)

Note 908776 - Not included/not allocated and not distributed

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