HP0-M15 Exam


Exam Number/Code :HP0-M15 Exam Name : HP Quality Center 9.2 Software Questions and Answers : 90 Q&As Update Time: 2010-04-19

1. When designing test steps it is important to ensure that all aspects of the application are tested. When writing test
steps, what are two things that should be done to ensure clear and accurate steps? (Select two.)
A. specify all actual results
B. use parameters in the step names
C. specify pass and fail conditions for the step
D. use the numbering system for the step names
E. use consistent terminology throughout the test
Answer: CE

2. How can you create a test plan tree?
A. convert releases to tests
B. define test folders and tests manually
C. save automated tests in Quality Center
D. define test names for each test needed
Answer: B

3. What does a live analysis graph illustrate in a visual overview?
A. all the tests in the Test Plan
B. all the cycles or releases the test is linked to
C. all the requirements linked to the specified test
D. all the tests in a specified folder in the Test Plan
Answer: D

4. Where can you link tests to requirements?
A. from the Test Lab module
B. from the Requirements module
C. on the test details page (Test Plan)
D. on the attachments page (Test Plan)
Answer: B

5. Using the Excel Macro, what type of data can be imported into Quality Center? (Select three.)
A. defects data
B. test set data
C. test plan data
D. releases data
D. releases data
E. test Instance data
F. requirements data
Answer: ACF

6. When a called test has parameters, when can you assign values to the parameters?
A. values are assigned from within the calling test
B. values must be assigned when the test is executed
C. values are assigned during test design or execution
D. values must be assigned when the test is called, during test design
Answer: C

7. While designing the test plan tree, you accidentally delete a folder that contained some tests that you need. Can
you recover the tests?
A. no, once a test is deleted, it is gone
B. yes, the tests can be recovered from the Subject folder
C. yes, the test can be recovered from the Unattached folder
D. no, only Project Managers have permission to recover deleted tests
Answer: C

8. Which term describes the main function of Quality Center?
A. test cases
B. repository
C. load test
D. defects
Answer: B

9. When you generate an Excel report, why is it an advantage to use parameters?
A. enables the report to be saved
B. enables the user to name the report
C. enables the report to be used across projects
D. enables the report to be used for different purposes
Answer: D

10. What are the steps, in the correct order, to convert a requirement to a test?
A. make changes to the automatic conversion, select an automatic method
B. select convert to test, select the destination path, convert to automated test
C. select an automatic method, make changes to the automatic conversion, select the destination subject path
D. select the destination subject path, select an automatic method, make changes to the automatic conversion
Answer: C

11. In order to reuse a test across other tests, must the reused test be a template test?
A. yes, only template tests are reusable
B. no, the test must be a VAPI test to be reusable
C. yes, template tests are reusable automated tests
D. no, tests do not need to be template tests to be reused
Answer: D

12. What test types can be created in Quality Center? Select three
A. batch-test
B. vugen-test
C. lr-scenario
D. system-test
E. interface-test
F. wr-automated test
Answer: CDF

13. What database can be used with Quality Center 9.2? Select two.
A. Access
B. Sybase
C. Microsoft SQL Server
D. Paradox
E. Oracle
Answer: CE

14. How is a test configured as a template test?
A. The test type chosen must be MANUAL-TEMPLATE
B. The first step in the test must be named template test
C. Right-click on the test name and choose Template Test
D. During test planning, mark the checkbox, under details, labeled template Test
Answer: C

15. Can you change the values of a called test's parameters?
A. no, values are assigned at run time
B. yes, if the called test is a template test
C. no, you must delete the called test and call it again
D. yes, right-click and choose Called Test Parameters
Answer: D

16. What web client can be used with Quality Center 9.2?
A. Netscape
B. Safari
C. Firefox
D. Internet Explorer
Answer: D

17. What HP functional testing tools integrate with Quality Center? (Select two.)
A. HP OpenView
B. HP WinRunner
C. HP QuickTest Professional
D. HP LoadRunner
E. HP Change Control Management
Answer: BC

18. Which component provides an executive-level view of the entire quality process?
A. Quality Center Foundation
B. Business Process Insight
C. Service Test Component
D. Quality Center Dashboard
Answer: D

19. Click the Exhibit button.
What does the icon in the exhibit indicate in the Test Plan module, under the Test Script. tab?
A. there is a test script
B. there is not a test script
C. there is a manual test case
D. the test script. has changed
Answer: A

20. When you define tests inside of Quality Center, it is important that the tests are accurate and traceable. What are
two other key pointers when defining tests? Select two.
A. simple
B. consistent
C. repeatable
D. convertible
E. automation
F. appropriate
Answer: BF

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