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转载 zeppelin mysql 空时间字段抛错can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp

使用zeppelin 通过jdbc 连接 mysql时,遇到空时间字段抛错can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp解决办法:解决办法:给jdbc url加...

2017-04-20 13:54:09 273

转载 NC 补丁源码编译

E:\nccode\nc56\modules\gl>d:\sun\sdk\jdk\bin\javac -verbose -classpath E:\nccode\nc56\modules\gl\lib\pubgl.jar;...

2011-11-02 12:42:38 235

转载 测试达梦优化器对子查询unnest的支持

create table test1 as select * from sysindexescreate table test2 as select * from systablescreate index i_te...

2011-01-14 16:14:21 241

转载 达梦对于outer join 的优化 及其不足

达梦数据库对outer join做了优化处理:SQL>explain select * from test_obj1 a left join test_obj2 s2 on a.object_id=S.object...

2011-01-14 15:59:55 464

转载 测试 达梦 complex_view_merging

select object_id from test_obj1 a left join(select sum(DATA_OBJECT_ID) sm,b.object_id from test_obj1 b group by b...

2011-01-14 15:48:12 187

转载 Outer join ,你可能不知道的一些事儿

在我们的规范里有一条:避免使用不必要的外连接,什么是不必要的外连接,为什么要避免呢下面通过一个例子具体说明一下create table test_obj1 as select * from dba_objects;create ...

2010-08-09 21:18:53 91

转载 SQL写法对执行效率的影响,案例一则

原帖http://www.itpub.net/viewthread. ... &extra=page%3D1构建测试环境:create table test_filter_hash as select * from db...

2010-08-05 16:36:04 108

转载 Oracle 11g trace events

oracle的events,是我们在做自己的软件系统时可以借鉴的Oracle 11g trace eventsORA-10001: control file crash event1ORA-10002: control fi...

2010-08-05 09:30:06 284

转载 exists、in、table join 实际案例

SQL> select /*+ optimizer_features_enable('9.2.0') */ 2 pk_bdinfo, 3 bdcode, 4...

2010-08-03 18:59:01 103

转载 用苹果汁排胆结石经验 (收录)

http://bbs.leowood.net/forum_read.asp?id=1346350 用苹果汁排胆结石经验 1. 每天准备中等大小的苹果十个,或苹果汁一千二百公克。将苹果打成汁,一般而言,大约一磅苹果可以打成一杯左右...

2010-07-21 16:53:48 634

转载 SQL SERVER 使用JDBC 严重锁问题

sql server 加锁范围与执行计划相关,因此错误的执行计划将导致加锁范围被扩大,进而导致严重的锁等待问题,甚至出现大量的死锁 SQL SERVER JDBC 默认参数将导致所有prepa...

2010-06-13 09:18:19 173

转载 测试达梦优化器对or 扩展优化的支持情况

create table test1 as select * from sysindexescreate table test2 as select * from systablescreate index i_test1_...

2010-05-21 15:14:03 203

转载 编码人员水平直接决定系统性能

原贴http://www.itpub.net/viewthread.php?tid=900313&extra=&page=1 此SQL如何优化? SELECT MAX(A.YYYYMM)...

2010-03-19 09:47:53 109

转载 一些OS 性能监控关键字含义

单位或关键字含义核心处理器中的活动数据处理单元;一个处理器 (CPU) 可以包含一个或多个核心。通过同一物理单元上的多个核心,可以在同一个 CPU 中进行多处理。CPU中央处理器。执行大多...

2010-03-19 08:53:21 123

转载 11G 新的jdbc driver readme 标记了一些性能相关的bug

标记了一些影响性能的bugOracle JDBC Drivers release - Production README=========================================...

2010-03-08 14:19:58 366

转载 柱状图信息案例一则(2)

create table test as select * from dba_objects;--更新统计信息,不含柱状图SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'test...

2010-03-01 11:46:15 142

转载 柱状图信息案例一则(1)

create table test_his as select * from dba_objects;--假设数据是09年全年的业务数据update test_his set created=to_date('2009-12-3...

2009-11-11 14:08:32 91

转载 连接取值

源于pub一个帖子:http://www.itpub.net/thread-1209587-1-1.htmlSQL> select object_id,2 (select /*+USE_HASH...

2009-08-28 16:47:58 85

转载 一则使用HASH技术进行优化的案例

表结构:create table test_key(pk varchar(32), key1 varchar(20), key2 varchar(20), key3 varchar(...

2009-07-28 08:55:24 94

转载 sql 语句中or条件之种种情况

1、相同字段or条件,转换为inlist 走index range scanSQL> select * from test_or a2where a.object_id=20 or a.objec...

2009-06-30 16:40:13 690

转载 jdbc row-prefetch 导致内存溢出

程序员反映说读取一个大对象时内存溢出故障现象是在rs.execute时就已经溢出了,还没到rs.getblob什么的之前分析jdbc时知道jdbc有fetch size,想到可能还会有prefetch让程序员设置相关j...

2009-06-16 11:21:34 162

转载 特殊的游标泄漏问题

[php] con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);//获取数据库的元数据 dma =con.getMetaData();//将数据库中的表的名称转储出来...

2009-06-11 21:35:48 350

转载 Avoiding fragmentation for ibm jvm

For a large Java? application, such as WebSphere? Application Server, the default kCluster space (for an introduct...

2009-03-31 21:14:17 83

转载 Some basic heap sizing problems of ibm jvm

For the majority of applications, the default settings work well. The heap expands until it reaches a steady st...

2009-03-31 20:40:10 61

转载 minimum heap size for ibm jvm

When you have established the maximum heap size that you need, you might want to set the minimum heap size to the ...

2009-03-31 20:08:25 173

转载 Frequently asked questions about the Garbage Collector

What are default values for the native stack (-Xss) and Java stack (-Xoss)? The Native stack size is machine-dep...

2009-03-31 20:04:14 97

转载 Dynamic Sampling 两种方式的利弊

There are two ways to use dynamic sampling: TheOPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING parameter can be set at the database...

2009-03-03 15:29:41 172

转载 我的SQL调优公式T=S/V


2008-01-23 13:08:20 94



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