git每个开发人员一个分支_每个开发人员都应该有一个博客。 这就是为什么,以及如何坚持下去...


A blog is useful for many reasons. It can become a source of leads, it can be the place where, in the future, you might sell your products if you want to become an indie developer, or it can simply be the place where you have your audience and express your ideas.

博客之所以有用,有很多原因。 它可以成为潜在客户的来源,可以成为将来您想成为独立开发人员的产品销售场所,也可以只是拥有受众和表达想法的场所。

I’ve been blogging for more than 11 years now, more or less consistently — although sometimes I stopped for too long. I recently revamped the blog and started to write consistently — very consistently — to the point I now write every single day of the week. I’ve already seen a lot of good results.

我已经写博客超过11年了,或多或少始终如一-尽管有时我停了太长时间。 我最近修改了博客,并开始一致地(非常一致地)写作,以至于现在我每周写的每一天。 我已经看到很多不错的结果。

I found my mission in helping developers learn Frontend Development: I release a new tutorial every day on my blog, explaining all I know about a specific topic.


Here are my thoughts on blogging, why I think every developer should blog, and blog consistently.


我想让你忘记的几件事 (A few things I want you to forget)

“我不是专家” (“I am not an expert”)

Anyone has a unique angle, a perspective on something that’s worth sharing. You might think you don’t know as much as person X, but person Y might have much less experience than you and would benefit from reading your thoughts and learnings.

任何人都有一个独特的角度,即值得分享的观点。 您可能认为您对X人的了解不多,但Y人的经验可能比您少,并且会从阅读您的思想和知识中受益。

Also, the best moment to teach something is right after you’ve learned it, because you remember how not knowing about it feels.


In this case, you can blog with the tone of a student that’s just learned something. I learn new things every day. Around 50% of what I end up writing I just learned while researching a topic.

在这种情况下,您可以使用刚刚学到东西的学生的语气来写博客。 我每天都在学习新事物。 在研究某个主题时,我刚学到的内容大约占我写作的50%。

“我不是一个好作家” (“I’m not a good writer”)

I’m not either, but I don’t care.


Just remember: you will never become a good writer unless you practice writing every day for years. You will become a good writer, eventually.

请记住:除非多年练习每天写作,否则您永远不会成为优秀的作家。 最终,您将成为一名好作家。

“我害怕批评” (“I fear criticism”)

It’s true that some places on the internet are not afraid to give harsh opinions on things, notoriously Reddit and Hacker News — but this is a good thing.

的确,互联网上的某些地方并不惧怕对事物发表苛刻的意见,众所周知的是Reddit和Hacker News –但这是一件好事。

Remember, you’re not growing if you’re not challenged. Also, you’re not required to post there if you don’t want to. Do you worry about someone making a mean comment on a post that’s controversial? Remove comments altogether.

请记住,如果没有挑战,您就不会成长。 另外,如果您不想这样做,则无需在此处发布。 您是否担心有人在有争议的帖子上发表粗鄙的评论? 完全删除评论。

为什么写作对开发人员非常有用 (Why writing is great for a developer)

您学得更快 (You learn much faster)

One of ways I learn best is by doing. I literally decide on a topic I think I know something about, and I drill down in a spiral loop through things I didn’t know, or I didn’t even think about.

我学得最好的方法之一就是做事。 我从字面上决定一个我认为我知道的话题,然后以螺旋循环的方式深入了解我不知道或什至没有想到的事情。

They say you never fully understand a topic until you are able to explain it. Blogging is a low barrier to explaining things.

他们说,在您能够解释一个主题之前,您永远不会完全理解一个主题。 博客是解释事物的低障碍。

踢你的职业生涯 (Kick start your career)

I’ve kick started my career in software thanks to a blog.


It was 2007, and I’d started sharing little things I was learning while building a few web applications as part of my university program.


Through this blog, I got a lot of connections and leads for an upcoming freelance and contractor career.


That old blog has since died off — I stopped writing on it a long time ago and the content, now completely outdated, is long gone. But without it, I think I would have never imagined opening my own business right out of school.

从那以后,那个老博客就死了-我很久以前就停止写它了,现在完全过时的内容早已消失了。 但是,如果没有它,我想我永远都不会想到放学后就开自己的公司。

开关装置或技术堆栈 (Switch gears or technology stack)

I did this a few times with my blog writing. If I am into one kind of technology stack, and I find myself interested in something else, I write several posts about it.

我在博客写作中做了几次。 如果我喜欢一种技术堆栈,并且发现自己对其他东西感兴趣,那么我会写一些关于它的文章。

For example, last summer I got deep into Go programming for two months. And I literally had recruiters sending me job offers I’d never applied to, just because they found my posts shared online.

例如,去年夏天,我进入Go编程学习了两个月。 我确实有招聘人员向我发送我从未申请过的工作机会,只是因为他们发现我的帖子是在线共享的。

成功的技术博客的一些关键方面 (Some key aspects of a successful technical blog)

与主题保持一致 (Be consistent with the topic)

I never subscribe to feeds of blogs that are not focused on something. In my case I talk Frontend Development, and I subscribe to other frontend development blogs.

我从不订阅不关注某事的博客供稿。 就我而言,我谈论前端开发,我订阅其他前端开发博客。

And even though I talked a lot about Go last summer, it was still interesting to frontend developers as well (learn Go if you have a chance, it’s refreshing). Don’t just rant about everything that comes to mind. Keep it professional.

即使去年夏天我谈论了很多有关Go的知识,前端开发人员也仍然很感兴趣(如果有机会,请学习Go,这会令人耳目一新)。 不要仅仅对想到的所有事情大喊大叫。 保持专业。

始终显示 (Show up consistently)

If you set out to write a blog post every week, do it. Twice a week, much better. I write every day, because I know that if I allow some day to slip by, I will allow myself to skip another day, and so on until I won’t post any more.

如果您打算每周写一篇博客文章,那就去做。 一周两次,好多了。 我每天写书,因为我知道如果我允许有一天溜走,我会允许自己跳过另一天,依此类推,直到我不再发表任何文章为止。

提前写帖子 (Write posts in advance)

Don’t write the blog post the day you want to publish it. Write it one week in advance, or more. You are less likely to miss a blog post day even if you take a few days off, or you’re sick.

不要在您要发布的那天写博客。 提前一周或更长时间写一次。 即使您请假几天或生病了,也不太可能错过博客发布日。

It’s also a good idea to publish them in advance. WordPress makes it very easy, and it’s doable also with static blogs (here’s how I do it with Netlify and Hugo). Schedule a specific time and day to write, consistently.

提前发布它们也是一个好主意。 WordPress非常简单,它也可以用于静态博客( 这是我使用Netlify和Hugo的方式 )。 安排一个特定的时间和日期来一致地写作。

有帖子的想法列表 (Have a list of post ideas)

James Altucher says to write down 10 ideas every day. That’s 3,650 ideas a year. At least a few of those will be good ideas.

詹姆斯·阿图切(James Altucher)说每天要写下10个想法。 一年就是3,650个想法。 至少其中一些是好主意。

The same goes for blog posts titles and topics. Have a list of blog post ideas. When you feel inspired to write, you will have an argument perfect for that day.

博客文章标题和主题也是如此。 列出博客文章的想法。 当您受到启发写作时,您将拥有当天的完美辩论。

看书。 阅读博客文章。 阅读Twitter。 听播客 (Read books. Read blog posts. Read Twitter. Listen to podcasts)

Keep you up to date with the topics that you want to write about. I write about software development, and Twitter is a never-ending source of great ideas for topics. The same goes for books and blogs. Medium is amazing for this.

使您及时了解要撰写的主题。 我撰写有关软件开发的文章,而Twitter是永无止境的主题创意之源。 书籍和博客也是如此。 中号对此很赞。

Podcasts are different because you listen to them, and I always have one on while driving or when I take half a day off to go walk the dogs out in nature.


起得很早 (Wake up early)

Set the alarm clock, actually wake up, and start writing. I used to wake up at 8AM — since I never had any commute to take (I only work remotely), I could take it easy. I now wake up at 6AM, and by 8AM I have a new post scheduled for the next week. When you have accomplished a task such as creating a new blog post by 8AM, you feel super energized to tackle the rest of the day. Wake up even earlier if you can (I can’t, or I’ll spend the rest of the day in zombie-state).

设置闹钟,实际唤醒并开始写入。 我过去常常在早上8点醒来-由于我从来没有任何通勤时间(我只能远程工作),所以我可以轻松一点。 我现在在早上6点醒来,到早上8点,我计划在下周发布新帖子。 当您完成某项任务(例如在8AM之前创建新博客帖子)时,您会感到无比精力去应对一天的其余时间。 如果可以,请更早起床(我不能,否则我将在僵尸州度过余下的一天)。

阻止分心 (Block distractions)

When researching on the web to write a blog post, it’s incredibly easy to jump into distracting places. I block them with SelfControl on my Mac, and I can’t disable the blocker.

在网上进行研究以撰写博客文章时,跳到分散注意力的地方非常容易。 我在Mac上使用SelfControl阻止了它们, 无法禁用该阻止程序。

在自己的平台上书写 (Write on your own platform)

Write on your own platform. Write on your own platform. Write on your own platform. Use other’s platforms to get more reach. Play the long game. Every blog post you write could be worth thousands of visitors in the next 10 years. Maybe not, but maybe the next hit that Google will like the most and put #1 is the next post you will write.

在您自己的平台上编写。 在您自己的平台上编写。 在您自己的平台上编写。 使用其他人的平台获得更多影响。 玩长游戏。 在接下来的十年中,您撰写的每篇博客文章都可能吸引成千上万的访问者。 也许不是,但是谷歌最喜欢的下一则热门文章是您将撰写的下一篇文章。

Don’t just write exclusively on other people’s platforms: you don’t own them, and they could even go out of business (happens all the time) or shut down the service, and you will lose it all.


有观众 (Have an audience)

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. If you’re just starting out, you might get 10 visitors a day if you actively share your posts (unless you hit it big on some sharing platform like Reddit or Hacker News).

这与上一点紧密相关。 如果您只是刚起步,那么如果您积极分享自己的帖子,一天可能会吸引10位访问者(除非您在Reddit或Hacker News这样的共享平台上获得了巨大成功)。

Consistent traffic comes from search engines, but this is a very, very long game to play, and it’s easy to be discouraged if you write with passion but no one reads your posts.


So, look for an audience. Write on your own blog, import your posts to Medium (so it adds a canonical tag and you won’t make Google angry for duplicate content), and try to get it published on a big publication. Publications are eager for content, they have an audience to satisfy, and they are looking for you. Having an early audience will boost your enthusiasm and determination. Link back to your blog.

因此,寻找观众。 在您自己的博客上撰写,将您的帖子导入Medium(这样它会添加一个规范标签,并且不会使Google对重复的内容感到生气),然后尝试将其发布在大型出版物上。 出版物渴望内容,它们能吸引观众,他们正在寻找您。 尽早听众会增强您的热情和决心。 链接回您的博客。

推广您的内容 (Promote your content)

When you hit “publish,” you’ve done 50% of the work: you have your idea, you’ve done your topic research along with the actual writing, you’ve looked for typos, you’ve found a nice picture…and now you need to promote your writing. Post on Twitter if you have a following. Find other ways to “show up.” Some locations might welcome your self-promotion, but it really depends on the place and its rules.

当您点击“发布”时,您已经完成了50%的工作:您有主意,已经完成了主题研究以及实际写作,寻找了错别字,找到了一张不错的图片……现在您需要提高写作水平。 如果有以下内容,请在Twitter上发布。 寻找其他方式“露面”。 有些地点可能会欢迎您的自我宣传,但这实际上取决于地点及其规则。

您的博客是您的媒体平台 (Your blog is your media platform)

I read this quote on Hacker News a few weeks ago:

几周前,我在Hacker News上阅读了这句话:

Don’t think of it as a blog. See it as your own media platform, whose only purpose is to broadcast information that drives sales —

不要将其视为博客。 将其视为自己的媒体平台,其唯一目的是传播可促进销售的信息-

This advice is spot on. I saved it and I plan to read it once a month. Sales is something that might make you feel uncomfortable, but think of it as selling ideas, or selling your own expertise. Selling yourself.

这个建议是现货。 我保存了它,并计划每月阅读一次。 销售会使您感到不舒服,但可以将其视为销售想法或销售自己的专业知识。 推销自己。

立即设置电子邮件列表 (Set up an email list now)

Really. RSS is not dead, but is used only by a small percentage of people. You don’t own your Twitter following or your Medium following, you just own your email list. I recommend TinyLetter, it’s simple, free and amazing.

真。 RSS还没有死,但只有一小部分人使用。 您不拥有Twitter关注者或Medium关注者,而拥有电子邮件列表。 我推荐TinyLetter ,它简单,免费且令人惊叹。

不在乎设计 (Don’t care about the design)

Really. Especially if you’re not keen on design, pick the simplest theme you can find. Simple is nice and beautiful.

真。 特别是如果您不喜欢设计,请选择可以找到的最简单的主题。 简单就是美好。

您的博客与您无关 (Your blog is not about you)

Readers don’t care about you. Readers come to your blog because they hope you are going to solve a problem for them (if they came from a Google search), or because they think they will find useful information that will help them do something. Help them by writing for them.

读者不在乎你。 读者之所以来到您的博客是因为他们希望您能够为他们解决问题(如果他们来自Google搜索),或者因为他们认为自己会找到有用的信息来帮助他们做一些事情。 为他们写信帮助他们

避免弹出窗口和广告 (Avoid popups and ads)

Really. No popups. They don’t work if you target other developers as your readers, they are annoying, and Google might even penalize you for using them.

真。 没有弹出窗口。 如果您将其他开发人员作为读者来使用,它们将无法工作,这很烦人,而Google甚至可能因使用它们而受到惩罚。

Also, don’t put ads on your site. They are simply bad, and unless you have thousands of visitors a day, they are not worth it.

另外,请勿在您的网站上放置广告。 它们简直太糟糕了,除非您每天有成千上万的访客,否则它们是不值得的。

Check your comment solution if you use a 3rd part service. A very popular one shows advertising to users not logged in to their platform, unless you pay.

如果您使用第三部分服务,请检查您的评论解决方案。 一个非常受欢迎的广告向未登录其平台的用户显示广告,除非您付费。

不要让您的博客积尘 (Don’t let your blog collect dust)

If you start out with a new blog, before even publishing one post, prepare a few posts in the pipeline.


Don’t sit on those posts for too long — prepare a queue.


Choose a schedule, stick to that, and never give up.


When you see blogs that have 3 or 4 posts per year, or abandoned blogs, it’s sad to think about the dreams the owner had when starting out. But those dreams never materialized, and the blog was left, all alone, collecting dust and getting less relevant day after day.

当你看到每年有3个或4个职位,或放弃博客的博客,这是令人伤心的梦想开始了当主人了。 但是这些梦想从未实现,博客被独自留下,尘土飞扬,日复一日地变得越来越不相关。

Don’t let your blog be one of those.




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