如何使用Visual Studio Code

介绍 (Introduction)

Since the beginning, editors are a strange beast. Some people defend their editor choice strenuously. In the Unix world you have those Emacs vs vi “wars”, and I kind of imagine why so much time is spend debating the advantages of one versus another.

从一开始,编辑就是一头奇怪的野兽。 有些人竭力捍卫编辑选择。 在Unix世界中,您有那些Emacs vs vi “战争”,我有点想像为什么要花这么多时间来争论一个人与另一个人的优势。

I used tons of editors and IDEs in the past few years. I can remember TextMate, TextWrangler, Espresso, BBEdit, XCode, Coda, Brackets, Sublime Text, Atom, vim, PHPStorm. The difference between an IDE and an editor is mostly in the feature set, and complexity.

在过去的几年中,我使用了大量的编辑器和IDE。 我可以记得TextMate,TextWrangler,Espresso,BBEdit,XCode,Coda,括号,Sublime Text,Atom,vim,PHPStorm。 IDE和编辑器之间的差异主要在于功能集和复杂性。

I largely prefer an editor over an IDE, as it’s faster and gets less in the way.


In the last 12 months I’ve been using VS Code, the Open Source editor from Microsoft, and it’s quickly become my favorite editor ever.

在过去的12个月中,我一直在使用VS Code(Microsoft的开源编辑器),并且它很快成为我最喜欢的编辑器。

我应该切换到VS Code吗? 又为什么呢 (Should I switch to VS Code? And why?)

If you’re looking for suggestions for whether to use it or not, let me say yes, you should switch to it from whatever other editor you are using now.

如果您正在寻找是否使用它的建议,请允许我说 ,您应该从现在使用的任何其他编辑器切换到它。

This editor builds on top of decades of editor experience from Microsoft.


The code of the editor is completely Open Source, and there’s no payment required to use it.


It uses Electron as its base, which enables it to be cross platform and work on Mac, Windows and Linux. It’s built using Node.js, and you can extend it using JavaScript (which makes it a win for all us JavaScript developers).

它以Electron为基础,使其可以跨平台并在Mac,Windows和Linux上运行。 它是使用Node.js构建的,您可以使用JavaScript对其进行扩展(这对我们所有JavaScript开发人员来说都是一个胜利)。

It’s fast, easily the fastest editor I’ve used after Sublime Text.

它是快速 ,轻松地成为继Sublime Text之后我使用过的最快的编辑器。

It has won the enthusiasm of the community: there are thousands of extensions, some official, and some made by the community, and it’s winning surveys.

它赢得了社区的热情:成千上万的扩展名 ,一些官方的和一些由社区制作的,并且赢得了调查

Microsoft releases an update every month. Frequent updates foster innovation and Microsoft is listening to its users, while keeping the platform as stable as possible (I should say I never had an issue with VS Code in 1 year of using it every day almost all day).

Microsoft每月发布一个更新。 频繁的更新促进了创新,并且Microsoft在倾听用户的意见,同时保持平台尽可能稳定(我应该说,几乎每天都在使用VS Code的一年内,我从未遇到过问题)。

入门 (Getting started)

The home page of Visual Studio Code on the internet is https://code.visualstudio.com/.

Internet上Visual Studio Code的主页为https://code.visualstudio.com/

Go to that site to download the latest stable release of the editor.


VS Code site

The installation process depends on the platform, and you should be used to it.


When you start the editor for the first time you will see the welcome screen:


Welcome screen for VS Code

There is a toolbar on the left with 5 icons. That gives access to:

左侧有一个带有5个图标的工具栏。 这样可以访问:

  • The File Explorer

  • Search

  • Source Control

  • The Debugger

  • The Extensions


探险者 (Explorer)

Let’s start the exploration with the explorer (pun intended).


VS Code Explorer

Press the “Open Folder” button in the sidebar, or the Open folder... link in the Welcome page. Both will trigger the file picker view.

按侧边栏中的“打开文件夹”按钮,或按“欢迎”页面中的“ Open folder...链接。 两者都将触发文件选择器视图。

Choose one folder where you have source code, or even just text files, and open it.


VS Code will show that folder content in your view:

VS Code将在您的视图中显示该文件夹内容:

Opened folder

On the right, the empty view shows some commands to perform some quick operations, and their keyboard shortcut.


If you select a file on the left, that file will open on the main panel:


Files list

and if you start editing it, notice a dot will appear next to the file name in the tab, and in the sidebar as well:


Editing file

Pressing CMD+P will show you a quick file picker to easily move in files on large projects:


Quick file picker

You can hide the sidebar that hosts the file using the shortcut CMD+B.


Note: I’m using the Mac keyboard shortcuts. Most of the times, on Windows and Linux you just change CMT to CTRL and it works, but not always. Print your keyboard shortcuts reference.

注意:我使用的是Mac键盘快捷键。 在大多数情况下,在Windows和Linux上,您只需将CMT更改为CTRL即可,但并非总是如此。 打印键盘快捷键参考

The second icon in the toolbar is “Search”. Clicking it shows the search interface:

工具栏中的第二个图标是“搜索”。 单击它会显示搜索界面:


You can click the icons to make the search case sensitive, to match whole words (not substrings), and to use a regular expression for the search string.


To perform the search, press enter.


Clicking the ▷ symbol on the left enables the search and replace tool.


Clicking the 3 dots shows a panel that lets you just include some specific kind of files, and exclude other files:


Search and replace

源代码控制 (Source Control)

The Source Control tab is enabled by clicking the third icon in the toolbar.


Source control

VS Code comes with Git support out of the box. In this case the folder we opened does not have source control initialized.

VS Code开箱即用,具有Git支持。 在这种情况下,我们打开的文件夹没有初始化源代码控制。

Clicking the first icon on top, with the Git logo, allows us to initialize the Git repository:


Git repo is initialized

The U beside each file means that it’s been updated since the last commit (since we never did a commit in the first place, all files are updated).


Create the first commit by writing a text message and pressing Cmd-Enter, or clicking the ✔︎ icon on top.


First commit

I usually set this to automatically stage the changes when I commit them.


The 3 dots icon, when clicked, offers lots of options for interacting with Git:


Git options

调试器 (Debugger)

The fourth icon in the toolbar opens the JavaScript debugger. This deserves an article on its own. In the meantime check out the official docs.

工具栏中的第四个图标将打开JavaScript调试器。 这值得单独发表一篇文章。 同时,查看官方文档

扩展名 (Extensions)

The fifth icon brings us to extensions.



Extensions are one killer feature of VS Code.

扩展是VS Code的杀手级功能。

They can provide so much value that you’ll surely end up using tons of them.


I have lots of extensions installed.


One thing to remember is that every extension you install is going to impact (more or less) the performance of your editor.


You can disable an extension you install, and enable only when you need it.


You can also disable an extension for a specific workspace (we’ll talk about work workspaces later). For example, you don’t want to enable the JavaScript extensions in a Go project.

您还可以禁用特定工作区的扩展名(我们将在以后讨论工作区)。 例如,您不想在Go项目中启用JavaScript扩展。

There is a list of recommended extensions, which include all the most popular tools.


Recommended extensions

Since I edit lots of markdown files for my blog, VS Code suggests me the markdownlint extension, which provides linting and syntax checking for Markdown files.

由于我为自己的博客编辑了许多markdown文件,因此VS Code建议我使用markdownlint扩展名,该扩展名可以为Markdown文件提供衬砌和语法检查。

As an example, let’s install it.


First, I inspect the number of views. It’s 1.2M, so many! And the reviews are positive (4.55). Clicking the extension name opens the details on the right.

首先,我检查视图数。 是120万,太多了! 和评论是积极的(4.5 / 5)。 单击扩展名,将在右侧打开详细信息。

Extension details

Pressing the green Install button starts the installation process, which is straightforward. It does everything for you, and you just need to click the “Reload” button to activate it, which basically reboots the editor window.

按下绿色的“安装”按钮将启动安装过程,这很简单。 它为您完成了所有工作,您只需要单击“重新加载”按钮将其激活,这实际上会重新启动编辑器窗口。

Done! Let’s test it by creating a markdown file with an error, like a missing alt attribute on an image. It successfully tells us so:

做完了! 让我们通过创建带有错误的markdown文件来测试它,例如图像上缺少alt属性。 它成功地告诉我们:

markdownlint extension

Down below I introduce some popular extensions you don’t want to miss, and the ones I use the most.


终点站 (The Terminal)

VS Code has an integrated terminal.

VS Code具有集成的终端。

You can activate it from the menu View ➤ Integrated Terminal, or using CMD+\` and it will open with your default shell.

您可以从菜单View ➤ Integrated Terminal或使用CMD+\ `激活它,它将以您的默认外壳打开。

The terminal

This is very convenient because in modern web development you almost always have some npm or yarn process running in the background.


You can create more than one terminal tab, and show them one next to the other, and also stack them to the right rather than in the bottom of the window:


Multiple terminals

命令面板 (The Command Palette)

The Command Palette is a very powerful tool. You enable it by clicking View ➤ Command Palette, or using CMD+SHIFT+P

命令面板是一个非常强大的工具。 您可以通过单击“ View ➤ Command Palette ”或使用CMD+SHIFT+P启用它

A modal window will appear at the top, offering you various options, depending on which plugins you have installed, and which commands you used last.


Common operations I perform are:


  • Extensions: Install Extensions


  • Preferences: Color Theme to change the color theme (I sometimes change from night to day)


  • Format Document, which formats code automatically

    格式化文档 ,它会自动格式化代码

  • Run Code, which is provided by Code Runner, and executes the highlighted lines of JavaScript

    运行Code Runner提供的Run Code ,并执行突出显示JavaScript行

you can activate any of those by starting typing, and the autocomplete functionality will show you the one you want.


Remember when you typed CMD+P to see the list of files, before? That’s a shortcut to a specific feature of the Command Palette. There are others:

还记得以前键入CMD+P来查看文件列表时的情况吗? 这是命令面板特定功能的快捷方式。 还有其他:

  • Ctrl-Shift-Tab shows you the active files


  • Ctrl-G opens the command palette to let you enter a line number to go to


  • CMD+SHIFT+O shows the list of symbols found in the current file


What symbols are depends on the file type. In JavaScript, those might be classes or functions. In Markdown, section titles.

什么符号依赖于文件类型。 在JavaScript中,这些可能是类或函数。 在Markdown中,章节标题。

主题 (Themes)

You can switch the color theme used by clicking CMD-k + CMD-t, or by invoking the Preferences: Color Theme command.

您可以通过单击CMD-k + CMD-t或调用“ 首选项:颜色主题”命令来切换使用的颜色主题

This will show you the list of themes installed:



you can click one, or move with the keyboard, and VS Code will show you a preview. Click enter to apply the theme:

您可以单击一个,或使用键盘移动,而VS Code将为您显示预览。 单击输入以应用主题:

Light Theme

Themes are just extensions. You can install new themes by going to the extensions manager.

主题只是扩展。 您可以转到扩展程序管理器来安装新主题。

Probably the best thing for discoverability is to use the marketplace website.


My favorite theme is Ayu, which provides a great style for any time of the day, night, morning/evenings and afternoon.

我最喜欢的主题是Ayu ,它在白天,晚上,早晨/晚上和下午的任何时间都提供了出色的风格。

客制化 (Customization)

Theme is just one customization you can make.


The sidebar icons that are assigned to a file are also a big part of a nice user experience.


You can change those by going to Preferences ➤ File Icon Theme. Ayu comes with its own icons theme, which perfectly matches the theme colors:

您可以通过转到Preferences ➤ File Icon Theme来更改这些Preferences ➤ File Icon Theme 。 Ayu带有自己的图标主题,与主题颜色完全匹配:

Ayu Light

All those customizations we made so far, the theme and the icon theme, are saved to the user preferences.


Go to Preferences ➤ Settings (also reachable via CMD-,) to see them:

转到Preferences ➤ Settings (也可以通过CMD-,访问)以查看它们:


The view shows the default settings on the left, for an easy reference, and the overridden settings on the right. You can see the name of the theme and the icon theme we set up, in workbench.colorTheme and workbench.iconTheme.

该视图在左侧显示默认设置(供参考),在右侧显示被覆盖的设置。 您可以在workbench.colorThemeworkbench.iconTheme看到我们设置的主题名称和图标主题。

I zoomed in using CMD-+, and this setting was saved as well to window.zoomLevel, so the next time VS Code starts up, it remembers my choice for zooming.

我使用CMD-+放大,并且此设置也保存到window.zoomLevel ,因此下次VS Code启动时,它会记住我的缩放选择。

You can decide to apply some setting globally, in User Settings, or relative to a workspace, in Workspace settings.

您可以决定在用户设置中全局应用某些设置 ,还是在工作区设置中相对于工作区应用某些设置

Most of the times those settings are automatically added by extensions or by the VS Code itself, but in some cases you’ll directly edit them in this place.

大多数情况下,这些设置是通过扩展名或VS Code本身自动添加的,但是在某些情况下,您将在此位置直接对其进行编辑。

不错的配置选项 (Nice configuration options)

VS Code has a lot of options. Everything is highly configurable, and it’s sometimes hard to make sense of it all.

VS Code有很多选择。 一切都是高度可配置的,有时很难一一理解。

You can open the configuration JSON file using the command palette, and select Open Settings (JSON).

您可以使用命令面板打开配置JSON文件,然后选择Open Settings (JSON)

Some nice configuration options I set in my code:


"editor.minimap.enabled": falseRemove the minimap, which is shown at the right of the editor
"explorer.confirmDelete": falseStop asking me for confirmation when I want to remove a file (I have source control!)
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": falseDisable the confirmation for drag and drop
"editor.formatOnSave": trueFormat the code automatically when I save it
"editor.formatOnPaste": trueFormat the code automatically when I paste it in my code
"javascript.format.enable": trueEnable formatting for JavaScript code
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": trueTrim whitespace in files
"editor.multiCursorModifier": "alt"When clicking the Alt key and clicking with the mouse, I can select multiple lines
"editor.detectIndentation": trueAdapt to the file indentation, useful when editing other people code
"editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 0Show the code suggestion immediately, not after some seconds
选项 描述
"editor.minimap.enabled": false 删除小地图,该小地图显示在编辑器的右侧
"explorer.confirmDelete": false 当我想删除文件时,不再要求我确认(我有源代码控制!)
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false 禁用拖放确认
"editor.formatOnSave": true 保存时自动格式化代码
"editor.formatOnPaste": true 当我将代码粘贴到代码中时会自动设置代码格式
"javascript.format.enable": true 启用JavaScript代码格式
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true 修剪文件中的空格
"editor.multiCursorModifier": "alt" 单击Alt键并用鼠标单击时,我可以选择多行
"editor.detectIndentation": true 适应文件缩进,在编辑其他人的代码时很有用
"editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 0 立即显示代码建议,而不是几秒钟后显示

编码的最佳字体 (The best font for coding)

I like Fira Code. It’s free, and has some very nice programming ligatures, which transform common constructs like !== and => to nicer symbols:

我喜欢Fira Code 。 它是免费的,并且具有一些非常不错的编程连字,可以将!===>类的常见构造转换为更好的符​​号:

Fira code

Enable it by installing the font and adding this to your configuration:


"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
"editor.fontLigatures": true`

工作空间 (Workspaces)

All User settings can be overridden in Workspace settings. They take precedence. They are useful for example when you use a project that has linting rules different from all the other projects you use, and you don’t want to edit your favorite settings just for it.

可以在工作区设置中覆盖所有用户设置。 他们优先。 例如,当您使用的棉绒规则不同于您使用的所有其他项目的项目时,它们非常有用,并且您不想仅为此编辑自己喜欢的设置。

You create a workspace from an existing project by clicking the File ➤ Save Workspace as... menu.

通过单击“ File ➤ Save Workspace as...菜单,可以从现有项目创建工作空间。

The currently opened folder will be enabled as the workspace main folder.


The next time you open VS code, or you switch project, instead of opening a folder, you open a workspace, and that will automatically open the folder containing your code, and it will remember all the settings you set specific to that workspace.


In addition to having workspace-level settings, you can disable extensions for a specific workspace.


You can just work with folders until you have a specific reason for wanting a workspace.


One good reason is the ability to have multiple, separate root folders. You can use the File ➤ Add Folder to Workspace to add a new root folder, which can be located anywhere in the filesystem, but will be shown along with the other existing folder you had.

一个很好的理由是能够具有多个单独的根文件夹。 您可以使用“ File ➤ Add Folder to Workspace来添加新的根文件夹,该根文件夹可以位于文件系统中的任何位置,但将与您已有的其他现有文件夹一起显示。

编辑中 (Editing)

智能感知 (IntelliSense)

When you edit in one of the supported languages (JavaScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, C# and TypeScript) VS Code has IntelliSense, a technology that hints at autocompletion of functions and parameters, as you type them.

当您使用一种受支持的语言(JavaScript,JSON,HTML,CSS,Less,Sass,C#和TypeScript )进行编辑时,VS Code具有IntelliSense,该技术可在您键入功能和参数时自动提示它们自动完成。

代码格式化 (Code Formatting)

Two handy commands (Format Document and Format Selection) are available on the Commands Palette to autoformat the code. VS Code by defaults supports automatic formatting for HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript and JSON.

命令面板上有两个方便的命令(“ Format Document和“ Format Selection )可用于自动格式化代码。 默认情况下,VS Code支持自动格式化HTML,JavaScript,TypeScript和JSON。

错误和警告 (Errors and warnings)

When you open a file you will see on the right a bar with some colors. Those colors indicate some issues in your code. For example here’s what I see right now:

打开文件时,您会在右侧看到带有一些颜色的条形图。 这些颜色指示代码中的某些问题。 例如,这是我现在看到的内容:


Those are al warnings or errors. You can try to find them in the code, where you see pieces underlined in red, or you can also press CMD-Shift-M (or choose View ➤ Problems)

这些都是警告或错误。 您可以尝试在代码中找到它们,在其中看到带红色下划线的部分,或者也可以按CMD-Shift-M (或选择“ View ➤ Problems )。

View problems

键盘快捷键 (Keyboard shortcuts)

I showed you a lot of keyboard shortcuts up to now.


It’s starting to get complicated to remember them all, but they are a nice productivity aid. I suggest to print the official shortcuts cheat sheet, for Mac, Linux and Windows.

记住所有这些变得越来越复杂,但是它们是一个不错的生产力帮助。 我建议打印适用于MacLinuxWindows的官方快捷方式备忘单。

按键图 (Keymaps)

If you’re used to keyboard shortcuts from other editors, maybe because you worked with one editor for a long time, you can use a keymap.


The VS Code team provides keymaps for the most popular editors out of the box: vim, Sublime Text, Atom, IntelliJ, Eclipse and more. They are available as plugins. By opening the Preferences ➤ Keymaps Extensions menu.

VS Code团队为开箱即用的最受欢迎的编辑器提供了键盘映射:vim,Sublime Text,Atom,IntelliJ,Eclipse等。 它们可作为插件使用。 通过打开“ Preferences ➤ Keymaps Extensions菜单。

代码段 (Code snippets)

Snippets are very cool.


For every language you might be developing in, there are extensions that provide ready-made snippets for you to use.


For JavaScript/React, one popular one is VS Code ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets

对于JavaScript / React,一种流行的方法是VS Code ES7 React / Redux / React-Native / JS代码段

You just type rfe, press TAB and this appears in your editor:

您只需输入rfe ,按TAB,这将出现在编辑器中:

import React from 'react'

const $1 = props => {
  return <div>$0</div>

export default $1

there are lots of these shortcuts, and they save a lot of time. Not just from typing, but also from looking up the correct syntax.

这些快捷方式很多,它们可以节省大量时间。 不仅来自键入,而且还来自查找正确的语法。

You can also define your own snippets. Click Preferences ➤ User Snippets and follow the instructions to create your own snippets file.

您还可以定义自己的摘录。 单击Preferences ➤ User Snippets然后按照说明创建自己的代码段文件。

扩展展示 (Extensions showcase)

VS Code CLI命令 (The VS Code CLI command)

Open the command palette and search for the install 'code' command in PATH command.

打开命令选项板,然后install 'code' command in PATH命令中搜索install 'code' command in PATH命令。

Press enter and the code command will be available globally in your command line.


This is very useful to start the editor and open a new window with the content of the current folder, with code ..

这对于启动编辑器并使用code .包含当前文件夹的内容打开一个新窗口非常有用code .

code -n will create a new window.

code -n将创建一个新窗口。

A useful thing that’s not always known is that VS Code can quickly show the diff between two files, with code --diff file1.js file2.js.

并非总是有用的一件事是,VS Code可以使用code --diff file1.js file2.js快速显示两个文件之间的差异。

解决高使用率CPU问题 (Solving high usage CPU issues)

I ran into an issue of high CPU usage, and spinning fans, with a project with lots of files under node_modules. I added this configuration and things looked normal again:

我遇到一个CPU使用率高,风扇旋转的问题,该项目的node_modules下有很多文件。 我添加了此配置,一切看起来又正常了:

"files.exclude": {
    "/.git": true,
    "/.DS_Store": true,
    "/node_modules": true,
    "/node_modules/": true
  "search.exclude": {
    "/node_modules": true
  "files.watcherExclude": {
    "/node_modules/": true

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/vscode/

对于在 Mac 上使用 Visual Studio Code,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 下载和安装 Visual Studio Code:您可以从 Visual Studio Code 的官方网站(https://code.visualstudio.com/)上下载适用于 macOS 的安装程序。下载完成后,双击打开安装程序并按照提示进行安装。 2. 打开 Visual Studio Code:安装完成后,您可以在“应用程序”文件夹中找到 Visual Studio Code,并双击打开应用程序。 3. 配置环境:打开 Visual Studio Code 后,您可能需要进行一些初始化配置。比如,您可以通过单击左侧的扩展按钮(四个方块图标)来安装您需要的扩展。 4. 创建或打开项目:您可以通过菜单中的“文件”选项来创建新项目或打开已有项目。选择“文件”>“新建文件夹”以创建新项目文件夹,或选择“文件”>“打开文件夹”以打开已有项目文件夹。 5. 编辑代码:在 Visual Studio Code 中,您可以使用各种功能来编辑代码,例如智能代码补全、语法高亮、自动格式化等。您可以在编辑器中键入代码,并使用相应的快捷键和命令来操作和修改代码。 6. 调试代码:Visual Studio Code 还提供了强大的调试功能。您可以配置调试器,并使用断点、监视变量等功能来调试您的代码。您可以通过单击左侧的调试按钮(虫子图标)来打开调试视图。 这些是在 Mac 上使用 Visual Studio Code 的基本步骤。当然,Visual Studio Code 还有很多其他功能和扩展可供探索和使用。希望对您有所帮助!




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钱包余额 0


