cookie加密方式_了解HTTP Cookie的工作方式


介绍 (Introduction)

By using Cookies we can exchange information between the server and the browser to provide a way to customize a user session, and for servers to recognize the user between requests.


HTTP is stateless, which means all request origins to a server are exactly the same and a server cannot determine if a request comes from a client that already did a request before, or it’s a new one.


Cookies are sent by the browser to the server when an HTTP request starts, and they are sent back from the server, which can edit their content.


Cookies are essentially used to store a session id.


In the past cookies were used to store various types of data, since there was no alternative. But nowadays with the Web Storage API (Local Storage and Session Storage) and IndexedDB, we have much better alternatives.

过去,由于没有其他选择,因此cookie用于存储各种类型的数据。 但是如今,有了Web Storage API (本地存储和会话存储)和IndexedDB ,我们有了更好的选择。

Especially because cookies have a very low limit in the data they can hold, since they are sent back-and-forth for every HTTP request to our server - including requests for assets like images or CSS / JavaScript files.

特别是因为cookie可以保存的数据的限制非常低,因为cookie是针对每个HTTP请求(包括对图像或CSS / JavaScript文件之类的资产的请求)来回发送给我们的服务器的。

Cookies have a long history, they had their first version in 1994, and over time they were standardized in multiple RFC revisions.


RFC stands for Request for Comments, the way standards are defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the entity responsible for setting standards for the Internet


The latest specification for Cookies is defined in the RFC 6265, which is dated 2011.

Cookies的最新规范在2011年的RFC 6265中定义。

Cookies的限制 (Restrictions of cookies)

  • Cookies can only store 4KB of data


  • Cookies are private to the domain. A site can only read the cookies it set, not other domains cookies

    Cookies是该域专用的 。 网站只能读取其设置的Cookie,而不能读取其他域的Cookie

  • You can have up to 20 limits of cookies per domain (but the exact number depends on the specific browser implementation)

  • Cookies are limited in their total number (but the exact number depends on the specific browser implementation). If this number is exceeded, new cookies replace the older ones.

    Cookies的总数受限制(但确切的数目取决于特定的浏览器实现)。 如果超过此数目,则新的cookie会替换旧的cookie。

Cookies can be set or read server side, or client side.


In the client side, cookies are exposed by the document object as document.cookie


设置饼干 (Set cookies)

The simplest example to set a cookie is:


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio'

This will add a new cookie to the existing ones (it does not overwrite existing cookies)


The cookie value should be url encoded with encodeURIComponent(), to make sure it does not contain any whitespace, comma or semicolon which are not valid in cookie values.


If you don’t set anything else, the cookie will expire when the browser is closed. To prevent so, add an expiration date, expressed in the UTC format (Mon, 26 Mar 2018 17:04:05 UTC)

如果您未进行其他设置,则Cookie将在浏览器关闭时失效。 为防止这种情况,请添加以UTC格式表示的到期日期( Mon, 26 Mar 2018 17:04:05 UTC )

document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; expires=Mon, 26 Mar 2018 17:04:05 UTC'

A simple JavaScript snippet to set a cookie that expires in 24 hours is:


const date = new Date()
date.setHours(date.getHours() + 24)
document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; expires=' + date.toUTCString()

Alternatively you can use the max-age parameter to set an expiration expressed in number of seconds:


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; max-age=3600' //expires in 60 minutes
document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; max-age=31536000' //expires in 1 year

The path parameter specifies a document location for the cookie, so it’s assigned to a specific path, and sent to the server only if the path matches the current document location, or a parent:


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; path=/dashboard'

this cookie is sent on /dashboard, /dashboard/today and other sub-urls of /dashboard/, but not on /posts for example.

这个cookie被上发送/dashboard/dashboard/today和其他子网址/dashboard/ ,而不是/posts的例子。

If you don’t set a path, it defaults to the current document location. This means that to apply a global cookie from an inner page, you need to specify path=/.

如果您未设置路径,则默认为当前文档位置。 这意味着要从内部页面应用全局cookie,您需要指定path=/

The domain can be used to specify a subdomain for your cookie.


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio;;'

If not set, it defaults to the host portion even if using a subdomain (if on, by default it’s set to Domain cookies are included in subdomains.

如果未设置,则即使使用子域,它也默认为主机部分(如果在subdomain.mydomain.com上,默认情况下设置为。 域Cookie包含在子域中。

Secure (Secure)

Adding the Secure parameter makes sure the cookie can only be transmitted securely over HTTPS, and it will not be sent over unencrypted HTTP connections:


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; Secure;'

Note that this does not make cookies secure in any way - always avoid adding sensitive information to cookies


HttpOnly (HttpOnly)

One useful parameter is HttpOnly, which makes cookies inaccessible via the document.cookie API, so they are only editable by the server:

一个有用的参数是HttpOnly ,它使cookie无法通过document.cookie API进行访问,因此它们只能由服务器编辑:

document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; Secure; HttpOnly'

SameSite (SameSite)

SameSite, unfortunately still not supported by all browsers (but many do!, lets servers require that a cookie is not sent on cross-site requests, but only on resources that have the cookie domain as the origin, which should be a great help towards reducing the risk of CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks.

SameSite ,可惜还是没有被所有的浏览器(但很多人的支持!只,让服务器需要一个cookie不会在跨站点请求发送,但以Cookie域为源的资源,这对于降低CSRF(跨站点请求伪造)攻击的风险应该有很大的帮助。

To update the value of a cookie, just assign a new value to the cookie name:


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio2'

Similar to updating the value, to update the expiration date, reassign the value with a new expires or max-age property:


document.cookie = 'name=Flavio; max-age=31536000' //expires in 1 year

Just remember to also add any additional parameters you added in the first place, like path or domain.


To delete a cookie, unset its value and pass a date in the past:


document.cookie = 'name=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC;'

(and again, with all the parameters you used to set it)


访问Cookies值 (Access the cookies values)

To access a cookie, lookup document.cookie:


const cookies = document.cookie

This will return a string with all the cookies set for the page, semicolon separated:


'name1=Flavio1; name2=Flavio2; name3=Flavio3'
if (
  document.cookie.split(';').filter(item => {
    return item.indexOf('name=') >= 0
) {
  //name exists

if (
  document.cookie.split(';').filter(item => {
    return item.includes('name=')
) {
  //name exists

抽象库 (Abstractions libraries)

There are a number of different libraries that will provide a friendlier API to manage cookies. One of them is, which supports up to IE7, and has a lot of stars on GitHub (which is always good).

有许多不同的库将提供更友好的API来管理cookie。 其中之一是 ,它最多支持IE7,并且在GitHub上有很多明星(这总是很好)。

Some examples of its usage:


Cookies.set('name', 'value')
Cookies.set('name', 'value', {
  expires: 7,
  path: '',
  domain: '',
  secure: true

Cookies.get('name') // => 'value'

Cookies.set('name', { name: 'Flavio' })
Cookies.getJSON('name') // => { name: 'Flavio' }

Use that or the native Cookies API?

使用该还是本机Cookies API?

It all comes down to adding more kilobytes to download for each user, so it’s your choice.


在服务器端使用Cookies (Use cookies server-side)

Every environment used to build an HTTP server allows you to interact with cookies, because cookies are a pillar of the Modern Web, and not much could be built without them.


PHP has $_COOKIE Go has cookies facilities in the net/http standard library

PHP的$ _COOKIE Go在net/http标准库中具有cookie功能

and so on.


Let’s do an example with Node.js


When using Express.js, you can create cookies using the res.cookie API:

使用Express.js时,可以使用res.cookie API创建cookie:

res.cookie('name1', '1Flavio', {
  domain: '',
  path: '/admin',
  secure: true
res.cookie('name2', 'Flavio2', {
  expires: new Date( + 900000),
  httpOnly: true
res.cookie('name3', 'Flavio3', { maxAge: 900000, httpOnly: true })

//takes care of serializing JSON
res.cookie('name4', { items: [1, 2, 3] }, { maxAge: 900000 })

To parse cookies, a good choice is to use the middleware. Every Request object will have cookies information in the req.cookie property:

要解析cookie,一个不错的选择是使用中间件。 每个Request对象在req.cookie属性中都具有cookie信息: //Flavio
req.cookies.name1 //Flavio1

If you create your cookies using signed: true:

如果您使用signed: true创建cookie signed: true

res.cookie('name5', 'Flavio5', { signed: true })

they will be available in the req.signedCookies object instead. Signed cookies are protected against modifications on the client. The signature used to sign a cookie value makes sure that you can know, server-side, if the client has modified it.

它们将改为在req.signedCookies对象中可用。 已签名的cookie可以防止在客户端上进行修改。 用于对cookie值进行签名的签名可确保您可以在服务器端知道客户端是否已对其进行了修改。 and are two different middleware options to build cookie-based authentication, which one to use depends on your needs.是用于构建基于cookie的身份验证的两种不同的中间件选项,根据您的需要使用哪种。

使用浏览器DevTools检查Cookie (Inspect cookies with the Browser DevTools)

All browsers in their DevTools provide an interface to inspect and edit cookies.


Chrome (Chrome)

Chrome devtools cookies

火狐浏览器 (Firefox)

Firefox devtools cookies

苹果浏览器 (Safari)

Safari devtools cookies

Cookie的替代品 (Alternatives to cookies)

Are cookies the only way to build authentication and sessions on the Web?


No! There is a technology that recently got popular, called JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which is a Token-based Authentication.

没有! 最近有一种流行的技术称为JSON Web令牌 ( JWT ),它是基于令牌的Authentication







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