golang 命令行_在Go中使用命令行标志

golang 命令行

There are many ways to process CLI flags using Go. The first option is to not use any library at all, and inspect os.Args. The second option is to use the standard library flag package. The third option is to use one of the many 3rd party CLI libs out there, like Cobra.

有很多使用Go处理CLI标志的方法。 第一种选择是根本不使用任何库,并检查os.Args 。 第二种选择是使用标准库flag包。 第三种选择是使用许多第三方CLI库之一,例如Cobra

Let’s talk about the second option: using the standard library flag, as it offers many benefits over raw parsing of os.Args and it’s built-in.

让我们来谈谈第二种选择:使用标准库flag ,因为它比os.Args及其内置的原始解析提供了很多好处。

Add import "flag" to the import section of your package, and it’s ready to use.

import "flag"添加到包的导入部分,即可使用。

To accept an int parameter type:


func Int(name string, value int, usage string) *int

var count = flag.Int("count", 5, "the count of items")
fmt.Println("count value ", *count)

The first parameter is the flag name as used in the CLI command, the second parameter is the default value, and the third is the description.


An alternative syntax is provided by flag.IntVar():


func IntVar(p *int, name string, value int, usage string)

var count int
flag.IntVar(&count, "count", 5, "the count of items")
fmt.Println("count value ", count)

Here the parameters are shifted, and the first parameter is the variable reference.


The main difference is that in the first case, you get a pointer. In the second case, you get a value.

主要区别在于,在第一种情况下,您将获得一个指针。 在第二种情况下,您可以获得价值。

flag provides many functions to parse different flag types, you’ll need to use a different one for each type you want to accept:


func Bool(name string, value bool, usage string) *bool
func BoolVar(p *bool, name string, value bool, usage string)
func Duration(name string, value time.Duration, usage string) *time.Duration
func DurationVar(p *time.Duration, name string, value time.Duration, usage string)
func Float64(name string, value float64, usage string) *float64
func Float64Var(p *float64, name string, value float64, usage string)
func Int(name string, value int, usage string) *int
func Int64(name string, value int64, usage string) *int64
func Int64Var(p *int64, name string, value int64, usage string)
func IntVar(p *int, name string, value int, usage string)
func String(name string, value string, usage string) *string
func StringVar(p *string, name string, value string, usage string)
func Uint(name string, value uint, usage string) *uint
func Uint64(name string, value uint64, usage string) *uint64
func Uint64Var(p *uint64, name string, value uint64, usage string)
func UintVar(p *uint, name string, value uint, usage string)

Passing the wrong type for a flag will raise an error, halt the program, and the required usage will be printed to the user.


As an example, here’s how you parse a string:


var description = flag.String("description", "default value", "the description of the flag")

标志语法 (Flags syntax)

How do you set flag? Simple: attach -flagname to your CLI command, with 4 alternative but equivalent syntaxes:

你如何设置标志? 简单:将-flagname附加到CLI命令,并使用4种替代但等效的语法:

-count x
--count x

You can pass as many flags as you want to a command, but the first time flag does not recognize a flag, it will stop parsing the additional ones. This means that flags must all go at the beginning, if you have non-flag parameters as well.

您可以根据需要向命令传递任意数量的标志,但是第一次flag不能识别标志时,它将停止解析其他标志。 这意味着,如果您还具有非标志参数,则标志必须全部放在开头。

解析标志 (Parse the flags)

After defining all your flags, you need to call



to actually parse them.


布尔标志 (Boolean flags)

Boolean flags can be set just by adding -count, which makes the boolean flag get the true value. To set a false value, use -count=false. Any of those values are valid for boolean flags: 1, 0, t, f, T, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False.

可以仅通过添加-count来设置布尔标志,这会使布尔标志获得true值。 要设置一个false值,请使用-count=false 。 这些值中的任何一个对于布尔标志均有效: 1, 0, t, f, T, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE, True, False

简短的选择 (Short alternative)

Many times in the real world you’ll see CLI apps accepting a flag with a descriptive name, and the same flag with a letter abbreviation. You can do it by providing 2 flag handlers:

在现实世界中,很多时候您会看到CLI应用程序接受带有描述性名称的标志以及带有字母缩写的同一标志。 您可以通过提供2个标志处理程序来做到这一点:

var gopherType string

func init() {
    const (
        defaultGopher = "pocket"
        usage         = "the variety of gopher"
    flag.StringVar(&gopherType, "gopher_type", defaultGopher, usage)
    flag.StringVar(&gopherType, "g", defaultGopher, usage+" (shorthand)")

解析非标志参数 (Parsing non-flag parameters)

The flag package provides methods to also parse non-flag parameters.



returns a slice of strings with the parameters not parsed as flags.


根据需要强制标记 (Forcing a flag as required)

The flag package does not provide a built-in solution for this problem. You need to manage this case yourself:

flag包不提供针对此问题的内置解决方案。 您需要自己处理这种情况:

// [...]

if *count == "" {

更高级的主题 (More advanced topics)

This is an introductory article. You can go into more in-depth topics from here, like implementing subcommands and definining your own flag types. See https://blog.komand.com/build-a-simple-cli-tool-with-golang for more advanced usage of the CLI.

这是一篇介绍性文章。 您可以从这里进入更深入的主题,例如实现子命令和定义自己的标志类型。 有关CLI的更高级用法,请参见https://blog.komand.com/build-a-simple-cli-tool-with-golang

参考 (Reference)

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/go-command-line-flags/

golang 命令行

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